package com.aspose.words.examples.programming_documents.HeadersAndFooters; import com.aspose.words.BreakType; import com.aspose.words.Document; import com.aspose.words.DocumentBuilder; import com.aspose.words.HeaderFooter; import com.aspose.words.HeaderFooterType; import com.aspose.words.Orientation; import com.aspose.words.PageSetup; import com.aspose.words.ParagraphAlignment; import com.aspose.words.PreferredWidth; import com.aspose.words.RelativeHorizontalPosition; import com.aspose.words.RelativeVerticalPosition; import com.aspose.words.Row; import com.aspose.words.Section; import com.aspose.words.WrapType; import com.aspose.words.examples.Utils; import com.aspose.words.examples.programming_documents.tables.creation.BuildTableFromDataTable; public class CreateHeadersFootersUsingDocumentBuilder { private static final String dataDir = Utils.getSharedDataDir(CreateHeadersFootersUsingDocumentBuilder.class) + "HeadersAndFooters/"; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Document doc = new Document(); DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc); Section currentSection = builder.getCurrentSection(); PageSetup pageSetup = currentSection.getPageSetup(); // Specify if we want headers/footers of the first page to be different from other pages. // You can also use PageSetup.OddAndEvenPagesHeaderFooter property to specify // different headers/footers for odd and even pages. pageSetup.setDifferentFirstPageHeaderFooter(true); // --- Create header for the first page. --- pageSetup.setHeaderDistance(20); builder.moveToHeaderFooter(HeaderFooterType.HEADER_FIRST); builder.getParagraphFormat().setAlignment(ParagraphAlignment.CENTER); // Set font properties for header text. builder.getFont().setName("Arial"); builder.getFont().setBold(true); builder.getFont().setSize(14); // Specify header title for the first page. builder.write("Aspose.Words Header/Footer Creation Primer - Title Page."); // --- Create header for pages other than first. --- pageSetup.setHeaderDistance(20); builder.moveToHeaderFooter(HeaderFooterType.HEADER_PRIMARY); // Insert absolutely positioned image into the top/left corner of the header. // Distance from the top/left edges of the page is set to 10 points. String imageFileName = dataDir + "Aspose.Words.gif"; builder.insertImage(imageFileName, RelativeHorizontalPosition.PAGE, 10, RelativeVerticalPosition.PAGE, 10, 50, 50, WrapType.THROUGH); builder.getParagraphFormat().setAlignment(ParagraphAlignment.RIGHT); // Specify another header title for other pages. builder.write("Aspose.Words Header/Footer Creation Primer."); // --- Create footer for pages other than first. --- builder.moveToHeaderFooter(HeaderFooterType.FOOTER_PRIMARY); // We use table with two cells to make one part of the text on the line (with page numbering) // to be aligned left, and the other part of the text (with copyright) to be aligned right. builder.startTable(); // Clear table borders builder.getCellFormat().clearFormatting(); builder.insertCell(); // Set first cell to 1/3 of the page width. builder.getCellFormat().setPreferredWidth(PreferredWidth.fromPercent(100 / 3)); // Insert page numbering text here. // It uses PAGE and NUMPAGES fields to auto calculate current page number and total number of pages. builder.write("Page "); builder.insertField("PAGE", ""); builder.write(" of "); builder.insertField("NUMPAGES", ""); // Align this text to the left. builder.getCurrentParagraph().getParagraphFormat().setAlignment(ParagraphAlignment.LEFT); builder.insertCell(); // Set the second cell to 2/3 of the page width. builder.getCellFormat().setPreferredWidth(PreferredWidth.fromPercent(100 * 2 / 3)); builder.write("(C) 2001 Aspose Pty Ltd. All rights reserved."); // Align this text to the right. builder.getCurrentParagraph().getParagraphFormat().setAlignment(ParagraphAlignment.RIGHT); builder.endRow(); builder.endTable(); builder.moveToDocumentEnd(); // Make page break to create a second page on which the primary headers/footers will be seen. builder.insertBreak(BreakType.PAGE_BREAK); // Make section break to create a third page with different page orientation. builder.insertBreak(BreakType.SECTION_BREAK_NEW_PAGE); // Get the new section and its page setup. currentSection = builder.getCurrentSection(); pageSetup = currentSection.getPageSetup(); // Set page orientation of the new section to landscape. pageSetup.setOrientation(Orientation.LANDSCAPE); // This section does not need different first page header/footer. // We need only one title page in the document and the header/footer for this page // has already been defined in the previous section pageSetup.setDifferentFirstPageHeaderFooter(false); // This section displays headers/footers from the previous section by default. // Call currentSection.HeadersFooters.LinkToPrevious(false) to cancel this. // Page width is different for the new section and therefore we need to set // a different cell widths for a footer table. currentSection.getHeadersFooters().linkToPrevious(false); // If we want to use the already existing header/footer set for this section // but with some minor modifications then it may be expedient to copy headers/footers // from the previous section and apply the necessary modifications where we want them. copyHeadersFootersFromPreviousSection(currentSection); // Find the footer that we want to change. HeaderFooter primaryFooter = currentSection.getHeadersFooters().getByHeaderFooterType(HeaderFooterType.FOOTER_PRIMARY); Row row = primaryFooter.getTables().get(0).getFirstRow(); row.getFirstCell().getCellFormat().setPreferredWidth(PreferredWidth.fromPercent(100 / 3)); row.getLastCell().getCellFormat().setPreferredWidth(PreferredWidth.fromPercent(100 * 2 / 3)); // Save the resulting document. + "HeaderFooter.Primer_Out.doc"); } /** * Clones and copies headers/footers form the previous section to the specified section. */ private static void copyHeadersFootersFromPreviousSection(Section section) throws Exception { Section previousSection = (Section)section.getPreviousSibling(); if (previousSection == null) return; section.getHeadersFooters().clear(); for (HeaderFooter headerFooter : previousSection.getHeadersFooters()) section.getHeadersFooters().add(headerFooter.deepClone(true)); } }