package com.aspose.words.examples.mail_merge; import com.aspose.words.Document; import com.aspose.words.DocumentBuilder; import com.aspose.words.FieldMergingArgs; import com.aspose.words.IFieldMergingCallback; import com.aspose.words.ImageFieldMergingArgs; import com.aspose.words.TextFormFieldType; import com.aspose.words.examples.Utils; /** * This sample shows how to insert check boxes and text input form fields during * mail merge into a document. */ public class InsertCheckBoxesOrHTMLDuringMailMerge { private static final String dataDir = Utils.getSharedDataDir(InsertCheckBoxesOrHTMLDuringMailMerge.class) + "MailMerge/"; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { execute(); } private static void execute() throws Exception { // Load the template document. Document doc = new Document(dataDir + "Template.doc"); // Setup mail merge event handler to do the custom work. doc.getMailMerge().setFieldMergingCallback(new HandleMergeField()); // This is the data for mail merge. String[] fieldNames = new String[] { "RecipientName", "SenderName", "FaxNumber", "PhoneNumber", "Subject", "Body", "Urgent", "ForReview", "PleaseComment" }; Object[] fieldValues = new Object[] { "Josh", "Jenny", "123456789", "", "Hello", "<b>HTML Body Test message 1</b>", true, false, true }; // Execute the mail merge. doc.getMailMerge().execute(fieldNames, fieldValues); // Save the finished document. + "Template Out.doc"); } } class HandleMergeField implements IFieldMergingCallback { /** * This handler is called for every mail merge field found in the document, * for every record found in the data source. */ public void fieldMerging(FieldMergingArgs e) throws Exception { if (mBuilder == null) mBuilder = new DocumentBuilder(e.getDocument()); // We decided that we want all boolean values to be output as check box form fields. if (e.getFieldValue() instanceof Boolean) { // Move the "cursor" to the current merge field. mBuilder.moveToMergeField(e.getFieldName()); // It is nice to give names to check boxes. Lets generate a name such as MyField21 or so. String checkBoxName = java.text.MessageFormat.format("{0}{1}", e.getFieldName(), e.getRecordIndex()); // Insert a check box. mBuilder.insertCheckBox(checkBoxName, (Boolean) e.getFieldValue(), 0); // Nothing else to do for this field. return; } // We want to insert html during mail merge. if ("Body".equals(e.getFieldName())) { mBuilder.moveToMergeField(e.getFieldName()); mBuilder.insertHtml((String) e.getFieldValue()); } // Another example, we want the Subject field to come out as text input form field. if ("Subject".equals(e.getFieldName())) { mBuilder.moveToMergeField(e.getFieldName()); String textInputName = java.text.MessageFormat.format("{0}{1}", e.getFieldName(), e.getRecordIndex()); mBuilder.insertTextInput(textInputName, TextFormFieldType.REGULAR, "", (String) e.getFieldValue(), 0); } } public void imageFieldMerging(ImageFieldMergingArgs args) throws Exception { // Do nothing. } private DocumentBuilder mBuilder; }