package com.aspose.words.examples.loading_saving; import com.aspose.words.*; import com.aspose.words.examples.Utils; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import javax.imageio.ImageReader; import; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; public class LargeSizeImageToPdf { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // The path to the documents directory. String dataDir = Utils.getDataDir(ImageToPdf.class); convertImageToPdf(dataDir + "Test.jpg", dataDir + "TestJpg_out_.pdf"); convertImageToPdf(dataDir + "Test.png", dataDir + "TestPng_out_.pdf"); convertImageToPdf(dataDir + "Test.bmp", dataDir + "TestBmp_out_.pdf"); convertImageToPdf(dataDir + "Test.gif", dataDir + "TestGif_out_.pdf"); System.out.println("Large size images converted to PDF successfully."); } /** * Converts an image to PDF using Aspose.Words for Java. * * @param inputFileName File name of input image file. * @param outputFileName Output PDF file name. */ public static void convertImageToPdf(String inputFileName, String outputFileName) throws Exception { // Create Aspose.Words.Document and DocumentBuilder. // The builder makes it simple to add content to the document. Document doc = new Document(); DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc); // Load images from the disk using the approriate reader. // The file formats that can be loaded depends on the image readers available on the machine. ImageInputStream iis = ImageIO.createImageInputStream(new File(inputFileName)); ImageReader reader = ImageIO.getImageReaders(iis).next(); reader.setInput(iis, false); try { // Get the number of frames in the image. int framesCount = reader.getNumImages(true); // Loop through all frames. for (int frameIdx = 0; frameIdx < framesCount; frameIdx++) { // Insert a section break before each new page, in case of a multi-frame image. if (frameIdx != 0) builder.insertBreak(BreakType.SECTION_BREAK_NEW_PAGE); // Select active frame. BufferedImage image =; // Max page size double maxPageHeight = 1584; double maxPageWidth = 1584; double currentImageHeight = ConvertUtil.pixelToPoint(image.getHeight()); double currentImageWidth = ConvertUtil.pixelToPoint(image.getWidth()); if (currentImageWidth >= maxPageWidth || currentImageHeight >= maxPageHeight) { // Get max image size. double[] size = CalculateImageSize(image, maxPageHeight, maxPageWidth, currentImageHeight, currentImageWidth); currentImageWidth = size[0]; currentImageHeight = size[1]; } // We want the size of the page to be the same as the size of the image. // Convert pixels to points to size the page to the actual image size. PageSetup ps = builder.getPageSetup(); ps.setPageWidth(currentImageWidth); ps.setPageHeight(currentImageHeight); // Insert the image into the document and position it at the top left corner of the page. Shape shape = builder.insertImage( image, RelativeHorizontalPosition.PAGE, 0, RelativeVerticalPosition.PAGE, 0, ps.getPageWidth(), ps.getPageHeight(), WrapType.NONE); resizeLargeImage(shape); } } finally { if (iis != null) { iis.close(); reader.dispose(); } } // Save the document to PDF.; } public static double[] CalculateImageSize(BufferedImage img, double containerHeight, double containerWidth, double targetHeight, double targetWidth) throws Exception { targetHeight = containerHeight; targetWidth = containerWidth; //Get size of an image double imgHeight = ConvertUtil.pixelToPoint(img.getHeight()); double imgWidth = ConvertUtil.pixelToPoint(img.getWidth()); if (imgHeight < targetHeight && imgWidth < targetWidth) { targetHeight = imgHeight; targetWidth = imgWidth; } else { //Calculate size of an image in the document double ratioWidth = imgWidth / targetWidth; double ratioHeight = imgHeight / targetHeight; if (ratioWidth > ratioHeight) targetHeight = (targetHeight * (ratioHeight / ratioWidth)); else targetWidth = (targetWidth * (ratioWidth / ratioHeight)); } double[] size = new double[2]; size[0] = targetWidth; //width size[1] = targetHeight; //height return(size); } public static void resizeLargeImage(Shape image) throws Exception { // Return if this shape is not an image. if (!image.hasImage()) return; // Calculate the free space based on an inline or floating image. If inline we must take the page margins into account. PageSetup ps = image.getParentParagraph().getParentSection().getPageSetup(); double freePageWidth = image.isInline() ? ps.getPageWidth() - ps.getLeftMargin() - ps.getRightMargin() : ps.getPageWidth(); double freePageHeight = image.isInline() ? ps.getPageHeight() - ps.getTopMargin() - ps.getBottomMargin() : ps.getPageHeight(); // Is one of the sides of this image too big for the page? ImageSize size = image.getImageData().getImageSize(); boolean exceedsMaxPageSize = size.getWidthPoints() > freePageWidth || size.getHeightPoints() > freePageHeight; if (exceedsMaxPageSize) { // Calculate the ratio to fit the page size based on which side is longer. boolean widthLonger = (size.getWidthPoints() > size.getHeightPoints()); double ratio = widthLonger ? freePageWidth / size.getWidthPoints() : freePageHeight / size.getHeightPoints(); // Set the new size. image.setWidth(size.getWidthPoints() * ratio); image.setHeight(size.getHeightPoints() * ratio); } } }