package com.aspose.words.examples.programming_documents.fields; import com.aspose.words.*; import com.aspose.words.examples.Utils; import java.util.ArrayList; public class ConvertFieldsInParagraph { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // The path to the documents directory. String dataDir = Utils.getDataDir(ConvertFieldsInParagraph.class); Document doc = new Document(dataDir + "TestFile.doc"); // Pass the appropriate parameters to convert all IF fields to static text that are encountered only in the last // paragraph of the document. FieldsHelper.convertFieldsToStaticText(doc.getFirstSection().getBody().getLastParagraph(), FieldType.FIELD_IF); // Save the document with fields transformed to disk. + "output.doc"); System.out.println("Converted fields in the paragraph with text successfully."); } private static class FieldsHelper extends DocumentVisitor { private int mFieldDepth = 0; private ArrayList mNodesToSkip = new ArrayList(); private int mTargetFieldType; private FieldsHelper(int targetFieldType) { mTargetFieldType = targetFieldType; } public static void convertFieldsToStaticText(CompositeNode compositeNode, int targetFieldType) throws Exception { String originalNodeText = compositeNode.toString(SaveFormat.TEXT); //ExSkip FieldsHelper helper = new FieldsHelper(targetFieldType); compositeNode.accept(helper); assert (originalNodeText.equals(compositeNode.toString(SaveFormat.TEXT))) : "Error: Text of the node converted differs from the original"; //ExSkip for (Node node : (Iterable<Node>) compositeNode.getChildNodes(NodeType.ANY, true)) //ExSkip assert (!(node instanceof FieldChar && ((FieldChar) node).getFieldType() == targetFieldType)) : "Error: A field node that should be removed still remains."; //ExSkip } public int visitFieldStart(FieldStart fieldStart) { // We must keep track of the starts and ends of fields incase of any nested fields. if (fieldStart.getFieldType() == mTargetFieldType) { mFieldDepth++; fieldStart.remove(); } else { // This removes the field start if it's inside a field that is being converted. CheckDepthAndRemoveNode(fieldStart); } return VisitorAction.CONTINUE; } public int visitFieldSeparator(FieldSeparator fieldSeparator) { // When visiting a field separator we should decrease the depth level. if (fieldSeparator.getFieldType() == mTargetFieldType) { mFieldDepth--; fieldSeparator.remove(); } else { // This removes the field separator if it's inside a field that is being converted. CheckDepthAndRemoveNode(fieldSeparator); } return VisitorAction.CONTINUE; } public int visitFieldEnd(FieldEnd fieldEnd) { if (fieldEnd.getFieldType() == mTargetFieldType) fieldEnd.remove(); else CheckDepthAndRemoveNode(fieldEnd); // This removes the field end if it's inside a field that is being converted. return VisitorAction.CONTINUE; } public int visitRun(Run run) { // Remove the run if it is between the FieldStart and FieldSeparator of the field being converted. CheckDepthAndRemoveNode(run); return VisitorAction.CONTINUE; } public int visitParagraphEnd(Paragraph paragraph) { if (mFieldDepth > 0) { // The field code that is being converted continues onto another paragraph. We // need to copy the remaining content from this paragraph onto the next paragraph. Node nextParagraph = paragraph.getNextSibling(); // Skip ahead to the next available paragraph. while (nextParagraph != null && nextParagraph.getNodeType() != NodeType.PARAGRAPH) nextParagraph = nextParagraph.getNextSibling(); // Copy all of the nodes over. Keep a list of these nodes so we know not to remove them. while (paragraph.hasChildNodes()) { mNodesToSkip.add(paragraph.getLastChild()); ((Paragraph) nextParagraph).prependChild(paragraph.getLastChild()); } paragraph.remove(); } return VisitorAction.CONTINUE; } public int visitTableStart(Table table) { CheckDepthAndRemoveNode(table); return VisitorAction.CONTINUE; } /** * Checks whether the node is inside a field or should be skipped and then removes it if necessary. */ private void CheckDepthAndRemoveNode(Node node) { if (mFieldDepth > 0 && !mNodesToSkip.contains(node)) node.remove(); } } }