package com.aspose.words.examples.programming_documents.tables.ColumnsAndRows; import com.aspose.words.AutoFitBehavior; import com.aspose.words.Document; import com.aspose.words.NodeType; import com.aspose.words.Table; import com.aspose.words.examples.Utils; public class ApplyAutoFitSettingsToATable { private static final String dataDir = Utils.getSharedDataDir(ApplyAutoFitSettingsToATable.class) + "Tables/"; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // Auto fits a table to fit the page width autoFittingATableToWindow(); // Auto fits a table in the document to its contents autoFittingATableToContents(); // Disabling AutoFitting on a Table and Use Fixed Column Widths disablingAutoFittingOnATableAndUseFixedColumnWidths(); } public static void autoFittingATableToWindow() throws Exception { // Open the document Document doc = new Document(dataDir + "TestFile.doc"); Table table = (Table) doc.getChild(NodeType.TABLE, 0, true); // Auto fit the first table to the page width. table.autoFit(AutoFitBehavior.AUTO_FIT_TO_WINDOW); // Save the document to disk. + "TestFile.AutoFitToWindow Out.doc"); } public static void autoFittingATableToContents() throws Exception { // Open the document Document doc = new Document(dataDir + "TestFile.doc"); Table table = (Table)doc.getChild(NodeType.TABLE, 0, true); // Auto fit the table to the cell contents table.autoFit(AutoFitBehavior.AUTO_FIT_TO_CONTENTS); // Save the document to disk. + "TestFile.AutoFitToContents Out.doc"); } public static void disablingAutoFittingOnATableAndUseFixedColumnWidths() throws Exception { // Open the document Document doc = new Document(dataDir + "TestFile.doc"); Table table = (Table)doc.getChild(NodeType.TABLE, 0, true); // Disable autofitting on this table. table.autoFit(AutoFitBehavior.FIXED_COLUMN_WIDTHS); // Save the document to disk. + "TestFile.FixedWidth Out.doc"); } }