package com.aspose.words.examples.programming_documents.sections; import com.aspose.words.Document; import com.aspose.words.Section; import com.aspose.words.examples.Utils; public class AppendSectionContent { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // The path to the documents directory. String dataDir = Utils.getDataDir(SectionsAccessByIndex.class); Document doc = new Document(dataDir + "Section.AppendContent.doc"); // This is the section that we will append and prepend to. Section section = doc.getSections().get(2); // This copies content of the 1st section and inserts it at the beginning of the specified section. Section sectionToPrepend = doc.getSections().get(0); section.prependContent(sectionToPrepend); // This copies content of the 2nd section and inserts it at the end of the specified section. Section sectionToAppend = doc.getSections().get(1); section.appendContent(sectionToAppend); System.out.println("Section content appended successfully."); } }