package com.aspose.words.examples.programming_documents.tableofcontents; import com.aspose.words.Document; import com.aspose.words.NodeType; import com.aspose.words.Paragraph; import com.aspose.words.StyleIdentifier; import com.aspose.words.TabStop; import com.aspose.words.examples.Utils; public class ModifyATableOfContents { private static final String dataDir = Utils.getSharedDataDir(ModifyATableOfContents.class) + "TableOfContents/"; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { changeAFormattingPropertyUsedInFirstLevelTOCStyle(); modifyPositionOfRightTabStopInTOC(); } public static void changeAFormattingPropertyUsedInFirstLevelTOCStyle() throws Exception { Document doc = new Document(); // Retrieve the style used for the first level of the TOC and change the formatting of the style. doc.getStyles().getByStyleIdentifier(StyleIdentifier.TOC_1).getFont().setBold(true); } public static void modifyPositionOfRightTabStopInTOC() throws Exception { Document doc = new Document(dataDir + "Field.TableOfContents.doc"); // Iterate through all paragraphs in the document for (Paragraph para : (Iterable<Paragraph>) doc.getChildNodes(NodeType.PARAGRAPH, true)) { // Check if this paragraph is formatted using the TOC result based styles. This is any style between TOC and TOC9. if (para.getParagraphFormat().getStyle().getStyleIdentifier() >= StyleIdentifier.TOC_1 && para.getParagraphFormat().getStyle().getStyleIdentifier() <= StyleIdentifier.TOC_9) { // Get the first tab used in this paragraph, this should be the tab used to align the page numbers. TabStop tab = para.getParagraphFormat().getTabStops().get(0); // Remove the old tab from the collection. para.getParagraphFormat().getTabStops().removeByPosition(tab.getPosition()); // Insert a new tab using the same properties but at a modified position. // We could also change the separators used (dots) by passing a different Leader type para.getParagraphFormat().getTabStops().add(tab.getPosition() - 50, tab.getAlignment(), tab.getLeader()); } } + "Field.TableOfContentsTabStops_Out.doc"); } }