package com.tesora.dve.db.mysql.portal.protocol; /* * #%L * Tesora Inc. * Database Virtualization Engine * %% * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2014 Tesora Inc. * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * #L% */ import com.tesora.dve.db.mysql.MysqlMessage; import com.tesora.dve.db.mysql.libmy.*; import com.tesora.dve.mysqlapi.repl.messages.MyComBinLogDumpRequest; import com.tesora.dve.mysqlapi.repl.messages.MyComRegisterSlaveRequest; import com.tesora.dve.mysqlapi.repl.messages.MyReplEvent; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import*; import io.netty.handler.codec.ByteToMessageDecoder; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedDeque; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.tesora.dve.clock.NoopTimingService; import com.tesora.dve.clock.Timer; import com.tesora.dve.clock.TimingService; import com.tesora.dve.db.mysql.MyFieldType; import com.tesora.dve.db.mysql.MysqlNativeConstants; import com.tesora.dve.db.mysql.common.DBTypeBasedUtils; import com.tesora.dve.db.mysql.common.DataTypeValueFunc; import com.tesora.dve.exceptions.PECodingException; import com.tesora.dve.exceptions.PEException; import com.tesora.dve.singleton.Singletons; public class MyBackendDecoder extends ChannelDuplexHandler { protected static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MyBackendDecoder.class); protected static final ParseStrategy UNSOLICITED = new UnsolicitedMessageParser(); CachedAppendBuffer bufferCache = new CachedAppendBuffer(); Packet mspPacket; String socketDesc; public interface CharsetDecodeHelper { long lookupMaxLength(byte mysqlCharsetID); boolean typeSupported(MyFieldType fieldType, short flags, int maxDataLen); } TimingService timingService = Singletons.require(TimingService.class, NoopTimingService.SERVICE); enum TimingDesc {BACKEND_DECODE, BACKEND_ENCODE, BACKEND_WAITING_FOR_MYSQL} CharsetDecodeHelper charsetHelper; ConcurrentLinkedDeque<ParseStrategy> parserStack = new ConcurrentLinkedDeque<>(); public MyBackendDecoder(CharsetDecodeHelper charsetHelper) { this.charsetHelper = charsetHelper; } public MyBackendDecoder(String socketDesc, CharsetDecodeHelper charsetHelper) { this.socketDesc = socketDesc; this.charsetHelper = charsetHelper; } private final ByteToMessageDecoder decoder = new ByteToMessageDecoder() { @Override public void decode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf in, List<Object> out) throws Exception { MyBackendDecoder.this.decode(ctx, in, out); } @Override protected void decodeLast(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf in, List<Object> out) throws Exception { MyBackendDecoder.this.decodeLast(ctx, in, out); } }; @Override public void channelInactive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { try{ super.channelInactive(ctx); } finally { bufferCache.releaseSlab(); if (mspPacket != null){ mspPacket.release(); mspPacket = null; } } } @Override public void channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg) throws Exception { decoder.channelRead(ctx, msg); } @Override public void write(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg, ChannelPromise promise) throws Exception { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("writing message "+msg.getClass().getName()); //TODO: need to convert this to something more efficient, maybe an enum map. //create two timers. One covers the entire request/response, the other covers just encoding the request. Timer parentTimer = timingService.getTimerOnThread(); Timer backendEncoding = parentTimer.newSubTimer(TimingDesc.BACKEND_ENCODE); ParseStrategy responseParseStrategy = null; if (msg instanceof MSPComQueryRequestMessage){ responseParseStrategy = new ExecuteResponseParser(charsetHelper,ExecuteResponseParser.ExecMode.PROTOCOL_TEXT); } else if (msg instanceof BufferedExecute) { responseParseStrategy = new ExecuteResponseParser(charsetHelper,ExecuteResponseParser.ExecMode.PROTOCOL_BINARY); } else if (msg instanceof MSPComStmtExecuteRequestMessage) { responseParseStrategy = new ExecuteResponseParser(charsetHelper,ExecuteResponseParser.ExecMode.PROTOCOL_BINARY); } else if (msg instanceof MSPComStmtCloseRequestMessage){ responseParseStrategy = new NoResponseParser(); } else if (msg instanceof MSPComQuitRequestMessage){ responseParseStrategy = new SimpleOKParser(); } else if (msg instanceof MSPComPrepareStmtRequestMessage){ responseParseStrategy = new PrepareResponseParser(); } else if (msg instanceof MyComRegisterSlaveRequest){ responseParseStrategy = new SimpleOKParser(); } else if (msg instanceof MyComBinLogDumpRequest) { responseParseStrategy = new ReplDumpLogParser(); } else { logger.warn(String.format("Unexpected message transmitted, %s",msg.getClass().getName())); } if (responseParseStrategy != null){ responseParseStrategy.setSocketDesc(socketDesc); responseParseStrategy.setParentTimer(parentTimer); if (responseParseStrategy.isDone()){ //looks like this parser doesn't expect a response, don't bother adding it. responseParseStrategy.endAtomicWaitTimer();//ok to end before we start, will noop. } else { parserStack.add(responseParseStrategy); } } try { if (msg instanceof MysqlMessage){ MysqlMessage mysql = (MysqlMessage)msg; int sequenceStart = 0; //right now all outbound messages on the backend are full requests, and start a new sequence. ByteBuf append = bufferCache.startAppend(ctx); int nextSequence = Packet.encodeFullMessage(sequenceStart, mysql, append); ByteBuf fullyEncodedSlice = bufferCache.sliceWritableData(); if (responseParseStrategy != null) //if a response is expected, save the sequence number the response should start with. responseParseStrategy.setNextSequenceNumber(nextSequence); // ByteBuf heap = Unpooled.buffer(); // ((MysqlMessage) msg).marshallPayload(heap); // String asString = heap.toString(CharsetUtil.UTF_8); // System.out.println("*** writing message, "+msg + " ==> "+asString); super.write(ctx, fullyEncodedSlice,promise); } else super.write(ctx, msg, promise); } catch (Exception e){ logger.warn("Problem during encoding of message." , e); } backendEncoding.end( socketDesc, (msg == null ? "null" : msg.getClass().getName()) ); if (responseParseStrategy != null) responseParseStrategy.startAtomicWaitTimer(); } protected void decode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf in, List<Object> out) throws Exception { this.decode0(ctx,in,out,false); } protected void decodeLast(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf in, List<Object> out) throws Exception { this.decode0(ctx,in,out,true); } protected void decode0(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf in, List<Object> out, boolean lastPacket) throws Exception { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("processing packet, "+in); try { //get a contextual parser that decodes data based on what was previously transmitted, never null. ParseStrategy responseParser = lookupParser(); int expectedSequence = responseParser.nextSequenceNumber(); if (mspPacket == null) mspPacket = new Packet(ctx.alloc(), expectedSequence, Packet.Modifier.HEAPCOPY_ON_READ, "backend"); if (!mspPacket.decodeMore(in)) //deals with framing and extended packets. return; //we got a packet, maybe extended. update the next expected sequence (might be > +1, if extended) responseParser.setNextSequenceNumber( mspPacket.getNextSequenceNumber() ); ByteBuf leHeader = mspPacket.unwrapHeader().order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN).retain(); ByteBuf lePayload = mspPacket.unwrapPayload().order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN).retain();//retain a separate reference to the payload. mspPacket.release(); mspPacket = null; //ok, we aren't waiting for a packet anymore, end the wait timer, start the decode timer. responseParser.endAtomicWaitTimer(); Timer decodeTimer = responseParser.getNewSubTimer(TimingDesc.BACKEND_DECODE); //use the active response parser to decode the buffer into a protocol message. MyMessage message = responseParser.parsePacket(ctx,leHeader,lePayload); decodeTimer.end( socketDesc, (message == null ? "null" : message.getClass().getName()) ); lookupParser();//check if we are done and pop the parser now, to reduce memory usage and get tighter timer measurements. if (message != null) { out.add(message); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn(String.format("Unexpected problem parsing frame, closing %s :", socketDesc), e); ctx.close(); } } /** * Finds the response parser that should process the next buffer received on the socket. * Note: this method is written in a way that assumes it will only be called by one thread at a time, presumably the * response processing thread. Queuing another parser on the tail as part of a pipelined write is safe, but * this method should only be called by a single thread doing packet decoding. * * @return the active parser expecting packets from mysql, or null if no packets are expected. */ protected ParseStrategy lookupParser(){ ParseStrategy parser; for (;;){ parser = parserStack.peekFirst(); if (parser == null){ return UNSOLICITED; } else if (parser.isDone()){ parser.endAtomicWaitTimer();//this parser certainly isn't waiting for mysql anymore. parserStack.removeFirst(); continue; } else break; } return parser; } public static interface ParseStrategy { void setSocketDesc(String desc); MyMessage parsePacket(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf leHeader, ByteBuf lePayload) throws PEException; boolean isDone(); void setParentTimer(Timer parent); Timer getParentTimer(); Timer getNewSubTimer(Enum location); void startAtomicWaitTimer(); void endAtomicWaitTimer(); void setNextSequenceNumber(int seq); int nextSequenceNumber(); } static abstract class BaseParseStrategy implements ParseStrategy { String socketDesc; Timer parent; AtomicReference<Timer> waitTimer = new AtomicReference<>(null); int nextSeq; public void setSocketDesc(String desc){ this.socketDesc = desc; } public Timer getParentTimer() { return parent; } public void setParentTimer(Timer parent) { this.parent = parent; } public Timer getNewSubTimer(Enum location) { return (this.parent != null) ? this.parent.newSubTimer(TimingDesc.BACKEND_DECODE) : null; } @Override public void startAtomicWaitTimer() { if (parent != null){ Timer startedWaiting = parent.newSubTimer(TimingDesc.BACKEND_WAITING_FOR_MYSQL); waitTimer.compareAndSet(null,startedWaiting);//install if no timer already exists. } } @Override public void endAtomicWaitTimer() { Timer existingWait = waitTimer.getAndSet( NoopTimingService.NOOP_TIMER );//install a noop timer to disable future start/stops. if (existingWait != null) existingWait.end( ); } @Override public void setNextSequenceNumber(int seq) { this.nextSeq = seq; } public int nextSequenceNumber(){ return this.nextSeq; } } static class UnsolicitedMessageParser extends BaseParseStrategy { @Override public MyMessage parsePacket(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf leHeader, ByteBuf lePayload) throws PEException { String message = String.format("Unexpected data received on %s, header=%s, payload=%s", socketDesc, leHeader, lePayload); throw new PEException(message); } @Override public boolean isDone() { return true; } } static class SimpleOKParser extends BaseParseStrategy { boolean parsedOne = false; @Override public MyMessage parsePacket(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf leHeader, ByteBuf lePayload) throws PEException { parsedOne = true; ByteBuf payload = lePayload; byte statusByte = payload.getByte(0); //5th byte in the full packet MyMessage message; if (statusByte == 0){ message = new MyOKResponse(); message.unmarshallMessage(payload); } else { message = new MyErrorResponse(); message.unmarshallMessage(payload); } message.setSequenceEnd(true); return message; } @Override public boolean isDone() { return parsedOne; } } static class ReplDumpLogParser extends BaseParseStrategy { boolean errorOrEof = false; @Override public MyMessage parsePacket(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf leHeader, ByteBuf lePayload) throws PEException { ByteBuf payload = lePayload; byte statusByte = payload.getByte(0);//5th byte in the full packet MyMessage message; switch (statusByte){ case MyOKResponse.OKPKT_INDICATOR: //replication events use 0 to indicate a replication event, same as an OK packet. MyReplEvent repl = new MyReplEvent(); lePayload.skipBytes(1);//TODO: MyReplEvent expects first byte of payload to already be consumed. -sgossard repl.unmarshallMessage(lePayload); message = repl; break; case MyErrorResponse.ERRORPKT_FIELD_COUNT: errorOrEof = true; MyErrorResponse errorResponse = new MyErrorResponse(); errorResponse.unmarshallMessage(lePayload); errorResponse.setSequenceEnd(true); message = errorResponse; break; case MyEOFPktResponse.EOFPKK_FIELD_COUNT: errorOrEof = true; MyEOFPktResponse eofResponse = new MyEOFPktResponse(); eofResponse.unmarshallMessage(lePayload); eofResponse.setSequenceEnd(true); message = eofResponse; break; default: throw new PEException("Unexpected response while parsing replication dump log response, type ID was " + statusByte); } return message; } @Override public boolean isDone() { return errorOrEof; } } static class NoResponseParser extends BaseParseStrategy { @Override public MyMessage parsePacket(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf leHeader, ByteBuf lePayload) throws PEException { throw new PECodingException("No response expected, shouldn't be parsing a packet here"); } @Override public boolean isDone() { return true; } } /** * Looks up the appropriate data type function for the given column / parameter. This call is equivilent to * DBTypeBasedUtils.getMysqlTypeFunc(FieldMetadataAdapter.buildMetadata(fieldPacket)), but avoids touching the named * info fields in the field packet that would result in an expensive full unpack of all the variable length strings. * @param columnDefPacket * @return */ public static DecodedMeta buildTypeCodec(CharsetDecodeHelper helper, MyFieldPktResponse columnDefPacket, boolean binary) throws PEException { int maxDataLen = columnDefPacket.getColumn_length(); if (maxDataLen < 0) //TODO: mysql length is 32 bits, unsigned, but we use 32 bits signed. This is a workaround until we deal with lengths greater than Integer.MAX_VALUE. maxDataLen = Integer.MAX_VALUE; byte charSet = columnDefPacket.getCharset(); short flags = columnDefPacket.getFlags(); if (charSet != MysqlNativeConstants.MYSQL_CHARSET_BINARY && (flags & MysqlNativeConstants.FLDPKT_FLAG_BINARY) == 0) { // charSet 63 is Binary - ugly, but I'm not sure what else to do here long maxCharLength = helper.lookupMaxLength(charSet); maxDataLen /= maxCharLength; } MyFieldType fieldType = columnDefPacket.getColumn_type(); boolean supported; supported = helper.typeSupported(fieldType, flags, maxDataLen); if (!supported) throw new PECodingException("Unsupported native type " + fieldType); DataTypeValueFunc mysqlTypeFunc = DBTypeBasedUtils.getMysqlTypeFunc(fieldType, maxDataLen, flags); return new DecodedMeta(fieldType,mysqlTypeFunc,flags); } static class ExecuteResponseParser extends BaseParseStrategy { private CharsetDecodeHelper helper; enum ExecMode {PROTOCOL_BINARY, PROTOCOL_TEXT} enum ResponseState { AWAIT_FIELD_COUNT, AWAIT_FIELD, AWAIT_FIELD_EOF, AWAIT_ROW, DONE } ExecMode mode; ResponseState bufferState = ResponseState.AWAIT_FIELD_COUNT; private int bufferFieldCount; private List<DecodedMeta> typeDecoders = new ArrayList<>(); ExecuteResponseParser(CharsetDecodeHelper help,ExecMode mode) { this.helper = help; this.mode = mode; } @Override public MyMessage parsePacket(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf leHeader, ByteBuf lePayload) throws PEException { MyMessage message; try{ switch (bufferState) { case AWAIT_ROW: message = parseAwaitRow(leHeader,lePayload); break; case AWAIT_FIELD_COUNT: message = parseFieldCount(leHeader,lePayload); break; case AWAIT_FIELD: message = parseAwaitField(leHeader,lePayload); break; case AWAIT_FIELD_EOF: message = parseAwaitFieldEOF(leHeader,lePayload); break; default: throw new PECodingException("Unrecognized buffer state " + bufferState + " occurred while processing packets in " + this.getClass().getName()); } return message; } catch (Exception e){ logger.warn("encountered problem processing packet, ",e); throw e; } } @Override public boolean isDone() { return bufferState == ResponseState.DONE; } public MyMessage parseAwaitFieldEOF(ByteBuf leHeader, ByteBuf lePayload) throws PEException { bufferState = ResponseState.AWAIT_ROW; //TODO: there is zero type inspection/verification on this packet, it just gets blindly discarded or forwarded. MyMessage message = new MyRawMessage(); message.unmarshallMessage(lePayload); return message; } public MyMessage parseAwaitField(ByteBuf leHeader, ByteBuf lePayload) throws PEException { if (--bufferFieldCount == 0) bufferState = ResponseState.AWAIT_FIELD_EOF; MyFieldPktResponse columnDef = new MyFieldPktResponse(); columnDef.unmarshallMessage(lePayload); try { //peek at the column define so we know how to decode,encode the value. DecodedMeta codec = buildTypeCodec(helper,columnDef, mode == ExecMode.PROTOCOL_BINARY); typeDecoders.add(codec); } catch (Exception e) { String errorMessage = "Ignoring problem finding type codec for " + columnDef.getColumn_type() + ", will cause problems for binary rowsets."; logger.debug(errorMessage); } return columnDef; } public MyMessage parseFieldCount(ByteBuf leHeader, ByteBuf lePayload) { MyMessage message; byte pktId = lePayload.getByte(0); switch (pktId){ case MyOKResponse.OKPKT_INDICATOR: bufferState = ResponseState.DONE; MyOKResponse ok = new MyOKResponse(); ok.unmarshallMessage(lePayload); ok.setSequenceEnd(true); message = ok; break; case MyErrorResponse.ERRORPKT_FIELD_COUNT: bufferState = ResponseState.DONE; MyErrorResponse errorResponse = new MyErrorResponse(); errorResponse.unmarshallMessage(lePayload); errorResponse.setSequenceEnd(true); message = errorResponse; break; case MyEOFPktResponse.EOFPKK_FIELD_COUNT: throw new PECodingException("Cannot handle packet id EOFPKK_FIELD_COUNT in " + this.getClass().getName()); default: bufferState = ResponseState.AWAIT_FIELD; MyColumnCount count = new MyColumnCount(); count.unmarshallMessage(lePayload); bufferFieldCount = count.getColumnCount(); message = count; } return message; } public MyMessage parseAwaitRow(ByteBuf leHeader, ByteBuf lePayload) throws PEException { final byte messageType = lePayload.getByte(0); MyMessage message = null; if (messageType == MyEOFPktResponse.EOFPKK_FIELD_COUNT && lePayload.readableBytes() == 5) { //EOF payload is exactly 5 bytes and first byte is 0xfe bufferState = ResponseState.DONE; MyEOFPktResponse eofPkt = new MyEOFPktResponse(); eofPkt.unmarshallMessage(lePayload); eofPkt.setSequenceEnd(true); message = eofPkt; } else if (mode == ExecMode.PROTOCOL_BINARY) { MyBinaryResultRow binRow = new MyBinaryResultRow(typeDecoders); binRow.unmarshallMessage(lePayload); message = binRow; } else if (mode == ExecMode.PROTOCOL_TEXT) { MyTextResultRow textRow = new MyTextResultRow(); textRow.unmarshallMessage(lePayload); message = textRow; } else { throw new PECodingException("Unexpected reponse parsing mode, " + mode); } return message; } } static class PrepareResponseParser extends BaseParseStrategy { enum ResponseState { AWAIT_HEADER, AWAIT_COL_DEF, AWAIT_COL_DEF_EOF, AWAIT_PARAM_DEF, AWAIT_PARAM_DEF_EOF, DONE }; ResponseState bufferState = ResponseState.AWAIT_HEADER; private int bufferNumColumns; private int bufferNumParams; @Override public MyMessage parsePacket(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf leHeader, ByteBuf lePayload) throws PEException { byte pktId = lePayload.getByte(0); MyMessage message; try { switch (bufferState) { case AWAIT_HEADER: if (pktId == MyOKResponse.OKPKT_INDICATOR) { message = parseAwaitHeaderOK(lePayload); } else if (pktId == MyErrorResponse.ERRORPKT_FIELD_COUNT) { message = parseAwaitHeaderErr(lePayload); } else { throw new PEException("Invalid packet from mysql (expected PrepareResponse header, got " + pktId +")"); } break; case AWAIT_PARAM_DEF: message = parseAwaitParam(lePayload); break; case AWAIT_PARAM_DEF_EOF: message = parseAwaitParamEOF(lePayload); break; case AWAIT_COL_DEF: message = parseAwaitCol(lePayload); break; case AWAIT_COL_DEF_EOF: message = parseAwaitColEOF(lePayload); break; case DONE: default: logger.debug("Received a packet after we believe we are DONE, packet had fieldCount/ID type " + pktId); throw new PECodingException("received packet, but already in DONE state."); } return message; } catch (PEException e) { logger.warn(e); throw e; } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn(e); throw new PEException(e); } } @Override public boolean isDone() { return bufferState == ResponseState.DONE; } public MyMessage parseAwaitColEOF(ByteBuf wholePacket) throws PEException { MyMessage message; message = new MyEOFPktResponse(); message.unmarshallMessage(wholePacket); message.setSequenceEnd(true); bufferState = ResponseState.DONE; return message; } public MyMessage parseAwaitCol(ByteBuf wholePacket) throws PEException { MyMessage message;//a column definition if (--bufferNumColumns == 0) bufferState = ResponseState.AWAIT_COL_DEF_EOF; message = new MyFieldPktResponse(); message.unmarshallMessage(wholePacket); return message; } public MyMessage parseAwaitParamEOF(ByteBuf wholePacket) throws PEException { MyMessage message; message = new MyEOFPktResponse(); message.unmarshallMessage(wholePacket); bufferState = (bufferNumColumns == 0) ? ResponseState.DONE : ResponseState.AWAIT_COL_DEF; if (bufferState == ResponseState.DONE) message.setSequenceEnd(true); return message; } public MyMessage parseAwaitParam(ByteBuf wholePacket) throws PEException { MyMessage message; if (--bufferNumParams == 0) bufferState = ResponseState.AWAIT_PARAM_DEF_EOF; message = new MyFieldPktResponse(); message.unmarshallMessage(wholePacket); return message; } public MyMessage parseAwaitHeaderErr(ByteBuf wholePacket) throws PEException { MyMessage message;//an error packet message = new MyErrorResponse(); message.unmarshallMessage(wholePacket); message.setSequenceEnd(true); bufferState = ResponseState.DONE; return message; } public MyMessage parseAwaitHeaderOK(ByteBuf wholePacket) throws PEException { MyMessage message;//this is a prepare ok result header. MyPrepareOKResponse newPrepareOK = new MyPrepareOKResponse(); message = newPrepareOK; message.unmarshallMessage(wholePacket); bufferNumColumns = newPrepareOK.getNumColumns(); bufferNumParams = newPrepareOK.getNumParams(); if (bufferNumParams > 0) bufferState = ResponseState.AWAIT_PARAM_DEF; else if (bufferNumColumns > 0) bufferState = ResponseState.AWAIT_COL_DEF; else { message.setSequenceEnd(true); bufferState = ResponseState.DONE; } return message; } } }