package com.tesora.dve.sql.transform.strategy; /* * #%L * Tesora Inc. * Database Virtualization Engine * %% * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2014 Tesora Inc. * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * #L% */ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import com.tesora.dve.exceptions.PEException; import com.tesora.dve.sql.SchemaException; import com.tesora.dve.sql.ParserException.Pass; import com.tesora.dve.sql.expression.ColumnKey; import com.tesora.dve.sql.expression.ExpressionUtils; import com.tesora.dve.sql.expression.RewriteKey; import com.tesora.dve.sql.expression.SetQuantifier; import com.tesora.dve.sql.node.Edge; import com.tesora.dve.sql.node.LanguageNode; import com.tesora.dve.sql.node.MultiEdge; import com.tesora.dve.sql.node.expression.AliasInstance; import com.tesora.dve.sql.node.expression.ExpressionAlias; import com.tesora.dve.sql.node.expression.ExpressionNode; import com.tesora.dve.sql.node.structural.SortingSpecification; import com.tesora.dve.sql.node.test.EngineConstant; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.Column; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.DistributionVector; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.DistributionVector.Model; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.PEColumn; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.PEStorageGroup; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.SchemaContext; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.TempTableCreateOptions; import com.tesora.dve.sql.statement.dml.DMLStatement; import com.tesora.dve.sql.statement.dml.SelectStatement; import com.tesora.dve.sql.transform.CopyVisitor; import com.tesora.dve.sql.transform.behaviors.defaults.DefaultFeaturePlannerFilter; import com.tesora.dve.sql.transform.execution.DMLExplainReason; import com.tesora.dve.sql.transform.execution.DMLExplainRecord; import com.tesora.dve.sql.transform.strategy.featureplan.FeatureStep; import com.tesora.dve.sql.transform.strategy.featureplan.ProjectingFeatureStep; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.ListSet; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.UnaryFunction; /* * Applies when we there is a group by clause or a distinct set quantifier with no agg funs. */ public class GroupByRewriteTransformFactory extends TransformFactory { private static final Set<FeaturePlannerIdentifier> aggTransforms = new HashSet<FeaturePlannerIdentifier>( Arrays.asList(new FeaturePlannerIdentifier[] { FeaturePlannerIdentifier.GENERIC_AGG })); @Override public FeaturePlannerIdentifier getFeaturePlannerID() { return FeaturePlannerIdentifier.GROUP_BY; } public static boolean isSingleSite(PlannerContext pc, ProjectingFeatureStep child) { if (child.getCost().isSingleSite()) return true; final SelectStatement result = (SelectStatement) child.getPlannedStatement(); DistributionVector broadest = EngineConstant.BROADEST_DISTRIBUTION_VECTOR.getValue(result, pc.getContext()); return broadest.isBroadcast(); } public static final UnaryFunction<AliasingEntry<SortingSpecification>, SortingSpecification> buildGroupSortingEntry = new UnaryFunction<AliasingEntry<SortingSpecification>, SortingSpecification>() { @Override public AliasingEntry<SortingSpecification> evaluate(SortingSpecification object) { return new GroupBySortingEntry(object); } }; public static class GroupBySortingEntry extends AliasingEntry<SortingSpecification> { public GroupBySortingEntry(SortingSpecification ss) { super(ss); } @Override public SortingSpecification buildNew(ExpressionNode target) { SortingSpecification ss = new SortingSpecification(target,getOrigNode().isAscending()); ss.setOrdering(Boolean.FALSE); return ss; } @Override public Edge<SortingSpecification, ExpressionNode> getOrigNodeEdge() { return getOrigNode().getTargetEdge(); } } @Override public FeatureStep plan(DMLStatement statement, PlannerContext ipc) throws PEException { // we don't match if any previous transform is an agg transform for(FeaturePlannerIdentifier ti : aggTransforms) { if (ipc.getApplied().contains(ti)) return null; } if (EngineConstant.GROUPBY.has(statement)) { // ok } else if (statement instanceof SelectStatement) { SelectStatement ss = (SelectStatement) statement; if (ss.getSetQuantifier() != SetQuantifier.DISTINCT) return null; } else { return null; } PlannerContext context = ipc.withTransform(getFeaturePlannerID()); SelectStatement in = (SelectStatement) statement; SelectStatement ss = CopyVisitor.copy(in); // if this is a select distinct, add the group by on all of the columns if (in.getSetQuantifier() == SetQuantifier.DISTINCT) { ListSet<RewriteKey> existingGroupBys = new ListSet<RewriteKey>(); for(SortingSpecification gb : ss.getGroupBys()) { ExpressionNode gbe = null; if (gb.getTarget() instanceof AliasInstance) { AliasInstance ai = (AliasInstance) gb.getTarget(); gbe = ai.getTarget(); } else { gbe = gb.getTarget(); } if (gbe instanceof ExpressionAlias) { gbe = ((ExpressionAlias)gbe).getTarget(); } existingGroupBys.add(gbe.getRewriteKey()); } for(ExpressionNode en : ss.getProjection()) { ExpressionAlias ea = (ExpressionAlias) en; ExpressionNode t = ea.getTarget(); if (!existingGroupBys.contains(t.getRewriteKey())) { SortingSpecification ngb = new SortingSpecification(ea.buildAliasInstance(),true); ngb.setOrdering(Boolean.FALSE); ss.getGroupBysEdge().add(ngb); } } } ListSet<AliasingEntry<SortingSpecification>> entries = buildEntries(context.getContext(), ss, ss.getGroupBysEdge(), buildGroupSortingEntry, SortingSpecification.getTarget); SelectStatement nss = CopyVisitor.copy(ss); MultiEdge<?, SortingSpecification> nssVersion = nss.getGroupBysEdge(); nssVersion.clear(); ProjectingFeatureStep child = (ProjectingFeatureStep) buildPlan(nss,context.withTransform(getFeaturePlannerID()), DefaultFeaturePlannerFilter.INSTANCE); if (isModifiable(context, child, entries, AliasingEntry.offsetOperator)) { // modify, but do not create new plan modify(context,in,child,entries,in.getSetQuantifier() == SetQuantifier.DISTINCT); return child; } else { PEStorageGroup targ = context.getTempGroupManager().getGroup(child.getCost().getGroupScore()); FeatureStep myRoot = redist(context,in,child,entries,targ,new ExecutionCost(false,targ.isSingleSiteGroup(),child.getCost()), DMLExplainReason.WRONG_DISTRIBUTION.makeRecord()); return myRoot; } } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public static boolean isModifiable(PlannerContext pc, ProjectingFeatureStep childStep, ListSet<AliasingEntry<SortingSpecification>> entries, UnaryFunction<Integer, AliasingEntry> offsetoperator) { if (isSingleSite(pc, childStep)) return true; final SelectStatement result = (SelectStatement) childStep.getPlannedStatement(); List<ExpressionNode> mappedInstances = new ArrayList<ExpressionNode>(); for(AliasingEntry se : entries) { int offset = offsetoperator.evaluate(se); ExpressionAlias ea = (ExpressionAlias) result.getProjectionEdge().get(offset); mappedInstances.add(ea.getTarget()); } List<Column<?>> mapped = new ArrayList<Column<?>>(); boolean anyFuns = false; for(ExpressionNode e : mappedInstances) { RewriteKey rk = e.getRewriteKey(); if (rk instanceof ColumnKey) { mapped.add(((ColumnKey)rk).getColumn()); } else { anyFuns = true; break; } } if (anyFuns) return false; return isModifiable(pc, childStep, mapped); } public static boolean isModifiable(PlannerContext pc, ProjectingFeatureStep child, List<Column<?>> requestedSorting) { final SelectStatement result = (SelectStatement) child.getPlannedStatement(); ListSet<DistributionVector> distOn = EngineConstant.DISTRIBUTION_VECTORS.getValue(result,pc.getContext()); // we must redist if no dv matches the mapped columns in the same order boolean any = false; for(DistributionVector dv : distOn) { List<PEColumn> dvect = dv.getColumns(pc.getContext()); if (dvect.size() != requestedSorting.size()) continue; Iterator<PEColumn> dviter = dvect.iterator(); Iterator<Column<?>> mviter = requestedSorting.iterator(); boolean matching = true; while(matching && dviter.hasNext() && mviter.hasNext()) { PEColumn dvc =; Column<?> mvc =; if (dvc != mvc) { matching = false; } } if (matching) { any = true; break; } } return any; } private static void modify(PlannerContext context, SelectStatement source, ProjectingFeatureStep child, ListSet<AliasingEntry<SortingSpecification>> entries, boolean distinct) throws PEException { SelectStatement cs = (SelectStatement) child.getPlannedStatement(); applySorts(source,cs,true,entries,distinct); } protected static List<ExpressionNode> applySorts(SelectStatement src, SelectStatement targ, boolean modProjection, ListSet<AliasingEntry<SortingSpecification>> entries, boolean distinct) throws PEException { List<ExpressionNode> removed = buildNewSorts(targ,entries,modProjection); ArrayList<SortingSpecification> sorts = new ArrayList<SortingSpecification>(); for(AliasingEntry<SortingSpecification> se : entries) { if (se.getNew() != null) sorts.add((SortingSpecification)se.getNew()); } pasteNewSorts(sorts,targ, distinct); return removed; } protected static void pasteNewSorts(List<SortingSpecification> ns, SelectStatement ontoStatement, boolean distinct) { ontoStatement.setGroupBy(ns); if (distinct) ontoStatement.setSetQuantifier(SetQuantifier.DISTINCT); } protected ProjectingFeatureStep redist(PlannerContext pc, SelectStatement source, ProjectingFeatureStep childRoot, ListSet<AliasingEntry<SortingSpecification>> entries, PEStorageGroup redistTargetGroup, ExecutionCost ec, DMLExplainRecord splain) throws PEException { List<Integer> distKey = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for(AliasingEntry<SortingSpecification> se : entries) { distKey.add(se.getOffset()); } ProjectingFeatureStep redistributed = childRoot.redist(pc, this, new TempTableCreateOptions(Model.STATIC,redistTargetGroup) .distributeOn(distKey).withRowCount(ec.getRowCount()), null, splain) .buildNewProjectingStep(pc, this, ec, splain); SelectStatement intent = (SelectStatement) redistributed.getPlannedStatement(); intent.normalize(pc.getContext()); applySorts(source, intent, true, entries, (source.getSetQuantifier() == SetQuantifier.DISTINCT)); return redistributed; } public static <T extends LanguageNode, B extends AliasingEntry<T>> ListSet<AliasingEntry<T>> buildEntries(SchemaContext sc, SelectStatement ss, Edge<?, T> sorts, UnaryFunction<B,T> entryBuilder, UnaryFunction<ExpressionNode, T> expressionAccessor) { Map<RewriteKey,ExpressionNode> projEntryByKey = ExpressionUtils.buildRewriteMap(ss.getProjection()); ListSet<AliasingEntry<T>> entries = new ListSet<AliasingEntry<T>>(); for(T ob : sorts.getMulti()) { AliasingEntry<T> obe = entryBuilder.evaluate(ob); entries.add(obe); ExpressionNode targ = expressionAccessor.evaluate(ob); ExpressionNode projTarg = null; if (targ instanceof AliasInstance) { AliasInstance ai = (AliasInstance) targ; projTarg = ai.getTarget(); } else { projTarg = projEntryByKey.get(targ.getRewriteKey()); if (projTarg == null) obe.setOrigExpr(targ); } if (projTarg != null) { int offset = -1; RewriteKey targKey = projTarg.getRewriteKey(); for(int i = 0; i < ss.getProjectionEdge().size(); i++) { ExpressionNode ith = ss.getProjectionEdge().get(i); if (targKey.equals(ith.getRewriteKey())) { offset = i; break; } } if (offset == -1) throw new SchemaException(Pass.PLANNER,"Unable to find order by target amongst projection"); obe.setOffset(offset); } } boolean needsNormalization = false; // now, for any obe for which there is no offset, but there is an orig expr, add the orig expr to the // projection and record the offset for(AliasingEntry<T> obe : entries) { if (obe.getOriginalExpression() != null) { // add it ss.getProjectionEdge().add(obe.getOriginalExpression()); // get the offset obe.setOffset(ss.getProjectionEdge().size() - 1); needsNormalization = true; } } if (needsNormalization) { ss.normalize(sc); // rebuild the map projEntryByKey = ExpressionUtils.buildRewriteMap(ss.getProjection()); } // now, for sorting entries that added synthetic columns, go ahead and build a new alias instance for them for(AliasingEntry<T> se : entries) { ExpressionAlias ea = (ExpressionAlias) ss.getProjectionEdge().get(se.getOffset()); if (se.getOriginalExpression() != null) { // have to rewrite the order by to use an alias now se.getOrigNodeEdge().set(ea.buildAliasInstance()); } } return entries; } public static <T extends LanguageNode> List<ExpressionNode> buildNewSorts(SelectStatement result, ListSet<AliasingEntry<T>> sorts, boolean modProjection) { int projRemove = 0; for(AliasingEntry<T> obe : sorts) { if (obe.getOriginalExpression() != null) projRemove++; ExpressionNode sortTarget = null; ExpressionNode en = result.getProjectionEdge().get(obe.getOffset()); if (obe.getOriginalExpression() != null) { // we're going to remove this projection entry, so we're going to use the target of the expression alias // as the target of the order by sortTarget = ExpressionUtils.getTarget(en); } else { // build an alias instance for the new order by if (en instanceof ExpressionAlias) sortTarget = ((ExpressionAlias)en).buildAliasInstance(); else sortTarget = en; } obe.setNew(obe.buildNew(sortTarget)); } ArrayList<ExpressionNode> removed = null; if (modProjection) { removed = new ArrayList<ExpressionNode>(); for(int i = 0; i < projRemove; i++) { ExpressionNode en = result.getProjectionEdge().get(result.getProjectionEdge().size() - 1); removed.add(en); result.getProjectionEdge().remove(result.getProjectionEdge().size() - 1); } } return removed; } public static abstract class AliasingEntry<T extends LanguageNode> { protected T orig; protected T repl; protected ExpressionNode origTarget; protected int offset; public AliasingEntry(T orig) { this.orig = orig; origTarget = null; offset = -1; } public T getOrigNode() { return orig; } public abstract Edge<?,ExpressionNode> getOrigNodeEdge(); public void setOrigExpr(ExpressionNode en) { origTarget = en; } public void setOffset(int o) { offset = o; } public ExpressionNode getOriginalExpression() { return origTarget; } public int getOffset() { return offset; } public abstract T buildNew(ExpressionNode target); public void setNew(T ss) { repl = ss; } public T getNew() { return repl; } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public static final UnaryFunction<Integer, AliasingEntry> offsetOperator = new UnaryFunction<Integer, AliasingEntry>() { @Override public Integer evaluate(AliasingEntry object) { return object.getOffset(); } }; } }