package com.tesora.dve.sql; /* * #%L * Tesora Inc. * Database Virtualization Engine * %% * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2014 Tesora Inc. * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * #L% */ import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import com.tesora.dve.common.MultiMap; import com.tesora.dve.common.catalog.MultitenantMode; import com.tesora.dve.resultset.ResultRow; import com.tesora.dve.sql.StrictForeignKeyTest.TestConnections; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.ConnectionResource; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.PEDDL; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.ProjectDDL; public class MultitenantForeignKeyTest extends MultitenantTest { @Test public void testSimpleNonForwardDeclTID() throws Throwable { setContext("testSimpleNonForwardDeclTID"); rootConnection.execute(testDDL.withMTMode(MultitenantMode.ADAPTIVE).getCreateDatabaseStatement()); createTenant(0); tenantConnection.execute("use " + tenantNames[0]); tenantConnection.execute("create table fktarg (`id` int, `value` varchar(32), primary key (id))"); tenantConnection.execute("create table fkref (`id` int, `tid` int, `ref` varchar(32), primary key (`id`), foreign key (`tid`) references `fktarg` (`id`))"); assertValidBackingStructure(); } @Test public void test2TableForwardDeclTID() throws Throwable { setContext("test2TableForwardDeclTID"); rootConnection.execute(testDDL.withMTMode(MultitenantMode.ADAPTIVE).getCreateDatabaseStatement()); createTenant(0); tenantConnection.execute("use " + tenantNames[0]); tenantConnection.execute("set foreign_key_checks=0"); tenantConnection.execute("create table fkref (`id` int, `tid` int, `ref` varchar(32), primary key (`id`), foreign key (`tid`) references `fktarg` (`id`))"); tenantConnection.execute("create table fktarg (`id` int, `value` varchar(32), primary key (id))"); assertValidBackingStructure(); } @Test public void test3TableForwardDeclTID() throws Throwable { setContext("test3TableForwardDeclTID"); rootConnection.execute(testDDL.withMTMode(MultitenantMode.ADAPTIVE).getCreateDatabaseStatement()); createTenant(0); tenantConnection.execute("use " + tenantNames[0]); tenantConnection.execute("set foreign_key_checks=0"); tenantConnection.execute("create table grandparent (`id` int, `tid` int, primary key (`id`), foreign key (`tid`) references `parent` (`id`))"); tenantConnection.execute("create table parent (`id` int, `tid` int, primary key (`id`), foreign key (`tid`) references `child` (`id`))"); tenantConnection.execute("create table child (`id` int, `tid` int, primary key (`id`))"); assertValidBackingStructure(); } @Test public void test3TableDanglingForwardDeclTID() throws Throwable { setContext("test3TableDanglingForwardDeclTID"); rootConnection.execute(testDDL.withMTMode(MultitenantMode.ADAPTIVE).getCreateDatabaseStatement()); createTenant(0); tenantConnection.execute("use " + tenantNames[0]); tenantConnection.execute("set foreign_key_checks=0"); tenantConnection.execute("create table grandparent (`id` int, `tid` int, `fid` int, primary key (`id`), constraint `doofus` foreign key (`tid`) references `parent` (`id`), constraint `missing` foreign key (`fid`) references `ancestor` (`id`))"); tenantConnection.execute("create table parent (`id` int, `tid` int, primary key (`id`), constraint `dingbat` foreign key (`tid`) references `child` (`id`))"); tenantConnection.execute("create table child (`id` int, `tid` int, primary key (`id`))"); assertValidBackingStructure("grandparent","ancestor"); } @Test public void test2TableDropTID() throws Throwable { setContext("test2TableDropTID"); rootConnection.execute(testDDL.withMTMode(MultitenantMode.ADAPTIVE).getCreateDatabaseStatement()); createTenant(0); tenantConnection.execute("use " + tenantNames[0]); tenantConnection.execute("set foreign_key_checks=0"); tenantConnection.execute("create table fkref (`id` int, `tid` int, `ref` varchar(32), primary key (`id`), foreign key (`tid`) references `fktarg` (`id`))"); tenantConnection.execute("create table fktarg (`id` int, `value` varchar(32), primary key (id))"); assertValidBackingStructure(); tenantConnection.execute("drop table fktarg"); assertValidBackingStructure("fkref","fktarg"); } @Test public void test2TableDanglingDropTID() throws Throwable { setContext("test2TableDanglingDropTID"); rootConnection.execute(testDDL.withMTMode(MultitenantMode.ADAPTIVE).getCreateDatabaseStatement()); createTenant(0); tenantConnection.execute("use " + tenantNames[0]); tenantConnection.execute("set foreign_key_checks=0"); tenantConnection.execute("create table fkref (`id` int, `tid` int, `fid` int, `ref` varchar(32), primary key (`id`), foreign key (`tid`) references `fktarg` (`id`), constraint `idiot` foreign key (`fid`) references `missing` (`id`))"); tenantConnection.execute("create table fktarg (`id` int, `value` varchar(32), primary key (id))"); assertValidBackingStructure("fkref","missing"); tenantConnection.execute("drop table fktarg"); assertValidBackingStructure("fkref","fktarg","fkref","missing"); } @Test public void test2TableAlterTID() throws Throwable { setContext("test2TableAlterTID"); rootConnection.execute(testDDL.withMTMode(MultitenantMode.ADAPTIVE).getCreateDatabaseStatement()); createTenant(0); tenantConnection.execute("use " + tenantNames[0]); tenantConnection.execute("create table fktarg (`id` int, `value` varchar(32), primary key (id))"); tenantConnection.execute("create table fkref (`id` int, `tid` int, `ref` varchar(32), primary key (`id`), foreign key (`tid`) references `fktarg` (`id`))"); tenantConnection.execute("alter table fktarg add `fid` int"); assertValidBackingStructure(); } @Test public void test3TableAlterTID() throws Throwable { setContext("test3TableAlterTID"); rootConnection.execute(testDDL.withMTMode(MultitenantMode.ADAPTIVE).getCreateDatabaseStatement()); createTenant(0); tenantConnection.execute("use " + tenantNames[0]); tenantConnection.execute("create table fktarg (`id` int, `value` varchar(32), primary key (id))"); tenantConnection.execute("create table fkref (`id` int, `tid` int, `ref` varchar(32), primary key (`id`), foreign key (`tid`) references `fktarg` (`id`))"); tenantConnection.execute("create table ancestor (`id` int, `tid` int, primary key (`id`), foreign key (`tid`) references `fkref` (`id`))"); tenantConnection.execute("alter table fktarg add `fid` int"); assertValidBackingStructure(); } @Test public void test2TableAlterDanglingTID() throws Throwable { setContext("test2TableAlterDanglingTID"); rootConnection.execute(testDDL.withMTMode(MultitenantMode.ADAPTIVE).getCreateDatabaseStatement()); createTenant(0); tenantConnection.execute("use " + tenantNames[0]); tenantConnection.execute("set foreign_key_checks=0"); tenantConnection.execute("create table fkref (`id` int, `tid` int, `fid` int, `ref` varchar(32), primary key (`id`), foreign key (`tid`) references `fktarg` (`id`), constraint `idiot` foreign key (`fid`) references `missing` (`id`))"); tenantConnection.execute("create table fktarg (`id` int, `value` varchar(32), primary key (id))"); assertValidBackingStructure("fkref","missing"); tenantConnection.execute("alter table fktarg add `fid` int"); assertValidBackingStructure("fkref","missing"); } @Test public void testCreateSetNullTID() throws Throwable { setContext("testSetNullTID"); rootConnection.execute(testDDL.withMTMode(MultitenantMode.ADAPTIVE).getCreateDatabaseStatement()); createTenant(0); tenantConnection.execute("use " + tenantNames[0]); tenantConnection.execute("create table fktarg (`id` int, `value` varchar(32), primary key (id))"); tenantConnection.execute("create table fkref (`id` int, `tid` int, `ref` varchar(32), primary key (`id`), foreign key (`tid`) references `fktarg` (`id`) on delete set null)"); assertValidBackingStructure(); } @Test public void testAlterSetNullTID() throws Throwable { setContext("testSetNullTID"); rootConnection.execute(testDDL.withMTMode(MultitenantMode.ADAPTIVE).getCreateDatabaseStatement()); createTenant(0); tenantConnection.execute("use " + tenantNames[0]); tenantConnection.execute("create table fktarg (`id` int, `value` varchar(32), primary key (id))"); tenantConnection.execute("create table fkref (`id` int, `tid` int, `ref` varchar(32), primary key (`id`))"); tenantConnection.execute("alter table fkref add foreign key (`tid`) references `fktarg` (`id`) on delete set null"); assertValidBackingStructure(); } @Test public void testForwardSetNullTID() throws Throwable { setContext("testSetNullTID"); rootConnection.execute(testDDL.withMTMode(MultitenantMode.ADAPTIVE).getCreateDatabaseStatement()); createTenant(0); tenantConnection.execute("use " + tenantNames[0]); tenantConnection.execute("set foreign_key_checks=0"); tenantConnection.execute("create table fkref (`id` int, `tid` int, `ref` varchar(32), primary key (`id`), foreign key (`tid`) references `fktarg` (`id`) on delete set null)"); // tenantConnection.execute("set foreign_key_checks=1"); // System.out.println(tenantConnection.printResults("show create table fkref")); tenantConnection.execute("create table fktarg (`id` int, `value` varchar(32), primary key (id))"); // System.out.println(tenantConnection.printResults("show create table fktarg")); assertValidBackingStructure(); } // valid backing structure is: // if the backing table is shared, then all the fk targets must be mangled // if the backing table is fixed, then they don't have to be mangled. // in cases where the table is fixed, we pass in an array of names; // the first of each pair is the enclosing table name, the second is the allowable unmangled target name. private void assertValidBackingStructure(String...allowedForwards) throws Throwable { // System.out.println(tenantConnection.printResults("select * from information_schema.key_column_usage")); becomeL(); rootConnection.execute("set foreign_key_checks=0"); MultiMap<String,String> allowed = new MultiMap<String,String>(); for(int i = 0; i < allowedForwards.length; i++) { allowed.put(allowedForwards[i], allowedForwards[++i]); } List<ResultRow> rows = rootConnection.fetch("select table_name, scope_name, table_state from information_schema.scopes where scope_name is not null").getResults(); HashMap<String,String> names = new HashMap<String,String>(); LinkedHashSet<String> shared = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); LinkedHashSet<String> fixed = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); for(ResultRow rr : rows) { String tn = (String) rr.getResultColumn(1).getColumnValue(); String sn = (String) rr.getResultColumn(2).getColumnValue(); String ts = (String) rr.getResultColumn(3).getColumnValue(); if ("SHARED".equals(ts)) { shared.add(tn); } else { fixed.add(tn); } names.put(tn,sn); } String refSQL = "select distinct referenced_table_name from information_schema.key_column_usage where table_name = '%s' and referenced_table_name is not null"; for(String s : shared) { rows = rootConnection.fetch(String.format(refSQL,s)).getResults(); for(ResultRow rr : rows) { String n = (String) rr.getResultColumn(1).getColumnValue(); // shared tables never have forward refs String ln = names.get(n); assertNotNull("shared table " + s + " must not have undecorated names",ln); } } for(String s : fixed) { rows = rootConnection.fetch(String.format(refSQL,s)).getResults(); for(ResultRow rr : rows) { String n = (String) rr.getResultColumn(1).getColumnValue(); String ln = names.get(n); if (ln == null) { String ven = names.get(s); Collection<String> possibilities = allowed.get(ven); if (possibilities != null && possibilities.contains(n)) { // ok } else { fail("Found forward ref '" + n + "' but shouldn't be forward"); } } } } } // multitenant mode only does strict tables - so we just need to test the same thing the strict test does // well, not really - tenants can't create ranges and such. @Test public void testStrictColocatedND() throws Throwable { setContext("testStrictColocatedND"); StrictForeignKeyTest.testColocated(buildStrictConnections()); } @Test public void testStrictNonColocatedND() throws Throwable { setContext("testStrictNonCoocatedND"); StrictForeignKeyTest.testNonColocated(buildStrictConnections()); } // some of the nd tests are ignored right now pending info schema query rewrite changes @Ignore @Test public void testStrictDropND() throws Throwable { setContext("testStrictNonCoocatedND"); StrictForeignKeyTest.testDropTargetTable(buildStrictConnections()); } @Ignore @Test public void testStrictAlterND() throws Throwable { setContext("testStrictNonCoocatedND"); StrictForeignKeyTest.testAlterFKs(buildStrictConnections()); } // it's not clear under what circumstances set null can work - looks like only tenant id dist really supports // set null (because the appropriate rows are all on the same site). @Ignore @Test public void testStrictFKActionsND() throws Throwable { setContext("testStrictNonCoocatedND"); StrictForeignKeyTest.testFKActions(buildStrictConnections()); } private MultitenantTestConnections buildStrictConnections() throws Throwable { PEDDL myDDL = new PEDDL(testDDL); myDDL.withTemplate(null, false); rootConnection.execute(myDDL.getCreateDatabaseStatement()); createTenant(0); tenantConnection.execute("use " + tenantNames[0]); return new MultitenantTestConnections(myDDL,rootConnection,tenantConnection, tenantNames[0]); } private static class MultitenantTestConnections implements TestConnections { private ConnectionResource rootConnection; private ConnectionResource tenantConnection; private PEDDL ddl; private String tenantName; public MultitenantTestConnections(PEDDL theDDL, ConnectionResource rootConn, ConnectionResource tenantConn, String tenName) { this.ddl = theDDL; this.rootConnection = rootConn; this.tenantConnection = tenantConn; this.tenantName = tenName; } @Override public ConnectionResource getRootConnection() { return rootConnection; } @Override public ConnectionResource getTestConnection() { return tenantConnection; } @Override public ProjectDDL getDDL() { return ddl; } @Override public Class<?> getExceptionClass() { return SQLException.class; } @Override public void assertSchemaException(Throwable t, String message) throws Throwable { String tm = t.getMessage(); if (tm.indexOf(message) > -1) return; throw t; } @Override public String getDBName() { return tenantName; } } }