package com.tesora.dve.sql.schema; /* * #%L * Tesora Inc. * Database Virtualization Engine * %% * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2014 Tesora Inc. * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * #L% */ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import com.tesora.dve.common.catalog.ConstraintType; import com.tesora.dve.common.catalog.DistributionModel; import com.tesora.dve.common.catalog.IndexType; import com.tesora.dve.common.catalog.UserColumn; import com.tesora.dve.common.catalog.UserDatabase; import com.tesora.dve.common.catalog.UserTable; import com.tesora.dve.db.DBNative; import com.tesora.dve.exceptions.PEException; import com.tesora.dve.queryplan.TempTableDeclHints; import; import com.tesora.dve.singleton.Singletons; import com.tesora.dve.sql.ParserException.Pass; import com.tesora.dve.sql.SchemaException; import com.tesora.dve.sql.expression.ColumnKey; import com.tesora.dve.sql.expression.ExpressionKey; import com.tesora.dve.sql.expression.TableKey; import com.tesora.dve.sql.node.expression.ActualLiteralExpression; import com.tesora.dve.sql.node.expression.ColumnInstance; import com.tesora.dve.sql.node.expression.ExpressionAlias; import com.tesora.dve.sql.node.expression.ExpressionNode; import com.tesora.dve.sql.node.expression.TableInstance; import com.tesora.dve.sql.node.expression.TempTableInstance; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.DistributionVector.Model; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.modifiers.TypeModifier; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.modifiers.TypeModifierKind; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.types.BasicType; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.types.TempColumnType; import com.tesora.dve.sql.statement.dml.AliasInformation; import com.tesora.dve.sql.statement.dml.DMLStatement; import com.tesora.dve.sql.statement.dml.ProjectingStatement; import com.tesora.dve.sql.statement.dml.SelectStatement; import com.tesora.dve.sql.transform.CopyContext; import com.tesora.dve.sql.transform.SchemaMapper; import com.tesora.dve.sql.transform.TableInstanceCollector; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.ListSet; public final class TempTable extends PETable { static final TempColumnType NULL_COLUMN_TYPE = new TempColumnType( BasicType.buildType("SMALLINT", 0, Collections.singletonList(new TypeModifier(TypeModifierKind.UNSIGNED)), Singletons.require(DBNative.class).getTypeCatalog()).normalize() ); // the select this was based on protected ProjectingStatement sourceStatement; // forwarding information. we have a few types of forwarding: // column to column // table to table // expression to column private Map<ColumnKey, PEColumn> forwardColumns; private Map<TableKey, TableKey> forwardTables; private Map<ExpressionKey, PEColumn> forwardExpressions; // indexed by input projection - value is output column private PEColumn[] columnForOffset; // we use an index into the connection values for the name private int index; private long rowCount; // total number of keys added, used to generate unique key names private int totalAddedKeys; private TempTableDeclHints declHint = new TempTableDeclHints(); private boolean explicitlyDeclared = false; private TempTable(SchemaContext pc, int nameIndex, List<PEColumn> cols, ProjectingStatement source, DistributionVector distVect, PEStorageGroup storageGroup, PEDatabase ofDatabase, Map<ColumnKey,PEColumn> columnForwarding, PEColumn[] colForOff, Set<TableInstance> sourceTables, // all forward to this table Map<ExpressionKey, PEColumn> forwardExprs, List<PEColumn> nullColumns, long rowCount) throws PEException { super(pc, null, cols, distVect, storageGroup, ofDatabase); index = nameIndex; sourceStatement = source; forwardColumns = columnForwarding; forwardExpressions = forwardExprs; columnForOffset = colForOff; totalAddedKeys = 0; this.rowCount = rowCount; TableKey tk = TableKey.make(pc, this, 0); forwardTables = new HashMap<TableKey, TableKey>(); for(TableInstance ti : sourceTables) forwardTables.put(ti.getTableKey(), tk); // record any hints for(PEColumn c : cols) { String cn = c.getName().getUnquotedName().get(); if (c.getType().isZeroFill()) declHint.addZeroFilled(cn); if (c.getType().getCollation() != null) declHint.addCollation(cn, c.getType().getCollation().getUnquotedName().get()); if (c.getType().getCharset() != null) declHint.addCharset(cn, c.getType().getCharset().getUnquotedName().get()); } if (nullColumns == null) nullColumns = new ListSet<PEColumn>(); //add better than nothing hint for any null columns this.forceDefinitions(pc, nullColumns ); // also, if the table is distributed on explicit columns - add index hints on those columns if (distVect.usesColumns(pc)) { addKey(pc,distVect.getColumns(pc)); } if (distVect.isRandom() && storageGroup.isTempGroup()) { throw new SchemaException(Pass.PLANNER, "Invalid target group random temp table: dynamic group"); } } private void addKey(SchemaContext sc, List<PEColumn> onCols) { List<PEKeyColumnBase> kc = new ArrayList<PEKeyColumnBase>(); for(PEColumn pec : onCols) { if (pec.getType().getBaseType() == null || pec.getType().isStringType() || pec.getType().isBinaryType()) continue; if (kc.size() >= Singletons.require(DBNative.class).getMaxNumColsInIndex()) { break; } kc.add(new PEKeyColumn(pec,null,-1L)); } // we can do on-the-fly filtering here. we seek to preserve the following: // [1] there are no duplicate keys // [2] if we have prefix keys we toss them in favor of longer keys if (!kc.isEmpty()) { PEKey pek = new PEKey(new UnqualifiedName("tk" + (++totalAddedKeys)),IndexType.BTREE,kc,null); // search existing keys for a prefix List<PEKey> toRemove = new ArrayList<PEKey>(); for(PEKey e : getKeys(sc)) { // e is longer than pek - so pek is redundant. if (PEKey.samePrefix(pek, e)) return; if (PEKey.samePrefix(e, pek)) { // pek makes e redundant. toRemove.add(e); } } addKey(sc,pek,false); for(PEKey rkey : toRemove) { getKeys(sc).remove(rkey); } } } public void addConstraint(SchemaContext sc, ConstraintType type, List<PEColumn> onCols) { final List<PEKeyColumnBase> kc = new ArrayList<PEKeyColumnBase>(); for (final PEColumn pec : onCols) { kc.add(new PEKeyColumn(pec, null, -1L)); } final PEKey pek = new PEKey(new UnqualifiedName("tk" + (++totalAddedKeys)), IndexType.BTREE, kc, null); pek.setConstraint(type); addKey(sc, pek, false); } public PEColumn getNewColumn(ColumnInstance oldColumn) { PEColumn out = forwardColumns.get(oldColumn.getColumnKey()); if (out == null) throw new SchemaException(Pass.REWRITER, "Unable to find new column in temp table " + getName().get() + " for old column " + oldColumn); return out; } @Override public boolean isTempTable() { return true; } @Override public long getTableSizeEstimate(SchemaContext sc) { return rowCount; } @Override public boolean hasCardinalityInfo(SchemaContext sc) { return rowCount > -1; } @Override public boolean isExplicitlyDeclared() { return explicitlyDeclared; } @Override public boolean mustBeCreated() { return true; } @Override public Name getName(SchemaContext sc, ConnectionValues cv) { return cv.getTempTableName(index); } @Override public String toString() { final SchemaContext sc = SchemaContext.threadContext.get(); final Name n = getName(sc, sc.getValues()); return (n != null) ? n.get() : String.valueOf(n); } public int getValuesIndex() { return index; } public void noteJoinedColumns(SchemaContext sc, List<PEColumn> pec) { ListSet<PEColumn> uniqued = new ListSet<PEColumn>(pec); addKey(sc,uniqued); } public TempTableDeclHints getRawHints() { return declHint; } public TempTableDeclHints finalizeHints(SchemaContext sc) { // if we have keys we have to add them to the hints final List<PEKey> keys = getKeys(sc); if (!keys.isEmpty()) { int acc = 0; // the unique constraints must be declared for correctness. // the other keys are for performance, not correctness. HashSet<PEKey> handled = new HashSet<PEKey>(); List<PEKey> uniques = getUniqueKeys(sc); for(PEKey pek : uniques) { if (declHint.addUniqueKey(pek.buildHint())) { acc += pek.getIndexSize(); handled.add(pek); } } for(PEKey pek : keys) { if (handled.add(pek)) { int peksize = pek.getIndexSize(); if (((acc + peksize) <= 1000) && declHint.addIndex(pek.buildHint())) { acc += peksize; } } } } return declHint; } protected void forceDefinitions(SchemaContext sc, Collection<PEColumn> columns) { if (columns.size() > 0){ SchemaContext mutable = SchemaContext.makeMutableIndependentContext(sc); mutable.setValues(sc.getValues()); for(PEColumn p : columns) { UserColumn uc = p.getPersistent(mutable); declHint.addOverrideDecl(p.getName().getUnquotedName().get(), uc); } } } //forces all defined column definitions public void forceDefinitions(SchemaContext sc) { forceDefinitions( sc, getColumns(sc) ); } @Override public void setFrozen() { sourceStatement = null; forwardColumns = null; forwardExpressions = null; forwardTables = null; } @Override public Name getName() { throw new SchemaException(Pass.PLANNER, "Temp table requires context"); } // used in show table status support @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" }) public static TempTable buildAdHoc(SchemaContext sc, PEDatabase db, List<PEColumn> newColumns, Model model, List<PEColumn> distCols, PEStorageGroup group, boolean explicit) throws PEException { DistributionVector dv = new DistributionVector(sc, distCols, model, true); TempTable tt = new TempTable(sc, sc.getValueManager().allocateTempTableName(sc), newColumns, null, dv, group, db, Collections.EMPTY_MAP, null, Collections.EMPTY_SET, Collections.EMPTY_MAP, Collections.EMPTY_LIST, -1); tt.explicitlyDeclared = explicit; return tt; } // we always need the src stmt, dv col offsets, the model, the storage group and the row estimate // but the invisible cols, vector range - not so much. public static TempTable build(SchemaContext sc, ProjectingStatement in, TempTableCreateOptions options) throws PEException { return buildFromSelect(sc,in,options.getDistVectColumns(),options.getInvisibleColumns(), options.getModel(),options.getRange(), options.getGroup(), options.getRowcount()); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static TempTable buildFromSelect(SchemaContext sc, ProjectingStatement in, List<Integer> dvcolOffsets, List<Integer> invisibleCols, Model model, VectorRange rangeDist, PEStorageGroup storageGroup, long rowEstimate) throws PEException { List<PEColumn> cols = new ArrayList<PEColumn>(); List<PEColumn> nulledColumns = new ArrayList<PEColumn>(); ListSet<TableInstance> sourceTables = TableInstanceCollector.getInstances(in); final HashMap<ColumnKey, PEColumn> forwardCols = new HashMap<ColumnKey, PEColumn>(); HashMap<ExpressionKey, PEColumn> forwardExprs = new HashMap<ExpressionKey, PEColumn>(); List<PEColumn> mappingOffsets = new ArrayList<PEColumn>(); HashSet<Integer> invisible = new HashSet<Integer>((invisibleCols == null ? Collections.EMPTY_LIST : invisibleCols)); ListSet<Integer> offsets = new ListSet<Integer>(dvcolOffsets == null ? Collections.EMPTY_LIST : dvcolOffsets); Map<Integer, PEColumn> dvcols = new HashMap<Integer, PEColumn>(); List<ExpressionNode> projection = in.getProjections().get(0); if (sc.getOptions().isTriggerPlanning()) // have a flag on this as it is expensive PETableTriggerPlanningEventInfo.forceConstantTypes(in); for(int i = 0; i < projection.size(); i++) { ExpressionNode e = projection.get(i); ExpressionAlias ea = (ExpressionAlias)e; ExpressionNode targ = ea.getTarget(); ColumnInstance ci = null; boolean invisibleColumn = invisible.contains(i); if (targ instanceof ColumnInstance) { ci = (ColumnInstance) targ; } PEColumn nc = null; if (ci != null && !invisibleColumn) nc = forwardCols.get(ci.getColumnKey()); if (nc == null) { if ((targ instanceof ActualLiteralExpression) && ((ActualLiteralExpression)targ).isNullLiteral()){ //Fix for PE-881. //The NullLiteralColumnTransformFactory usually relocates null expressions, since we don't know what column type is expected by the next step. //Hopefully we have a UNION, which aggressively casts the output, rather than complain about mismatched column types. nc = ea.buildTempColumn(sc,NULL_COLUMN_TYPE ); nulledColumns.add(nc); } else { nc = ea.buildTempColumn(sc); } cols.add(nc); } mappingOffsets.add(nc); ExpressionKey eak = new ExpressionKey(targ); forwardExprs.put(eak, nc); if (ci != null && !invisibleColumn) { forwardCols.put(ci.getColumnKey(), nc); } if (offsets.contains(i)) { dvcols.put(i,nc); } } Model dvModel = null; if (rangeDist != null) dvModel = Model.RANGE; else dvModel = model; List<PEColumn> mappedDVCols = new ArrayList<PEColumn>(); for(Integer i : offsets) mappedDVCols.add(dvcols.get(i)); DistributionVector dv = null; if (rangeDist != null) dv = new RangeDistributionVector(sc, mappedDVCols, true, rangeDist); else dv = new DistributionVector(sc, mappedDVCols, dvModel, true); TempTable tt = new TempTable(sc, sc.getValueManager().allocateTempTableName(sc), cols, in, dv, storageGroup, (PEDatabase)in.getDatabase(sc), forwardCols, (PEColumn[])mappingOffsets.toArray(new PEColumn[0]), sourceTables, forwardExprs, nulledColumns, rowEstimate); return tt; } // the source select is the source; the new select is treated as a copy. public SelectStatement buildSelect(SchemaContext pc) throws PEException { CopyContext cc = new CopyContext("TempTable.buildSelect"); TableInstance ti = new TempTableInstance(pc, this); // set up the copy context with the column and table mappings for(TableKey tk : forwardTables.keySet()) { cc.put(tk, ti.getTableKey()); } for(Map.Entry<ColumnKey, PEColumn> me : forwardColumns.entrySet()) { cc.put(me.getKey(), new ColumnKey(ti.getTableKey(), me.getValue())); } for(Map.Entry<ExpressionKey, PEColumn> me : forwardExpressions.entrySet()) { cc.put(me.getKey(), new ColumnKey(ti.getTableKey(), me.getValue())); } ArrayList<ExpressionNode> proj = new ArrayList<ExpressionNode>(); HashSet<String> aliases = new HashSet<String>(); // we're reconstructing the original projection - use the offsets instead if (columnForOffset == null) { for(PEColumn c : getColumns(pc)) { ExpressionNode repl = buildProjection(c,ti,null, aliases); proj.add(repl); } } else { List<ExpressionNode> origProj = sourceStatement.getProjections().get(0); for(int i = 0; i < columnForOffset.length; i++) { PEColumn c = columnForOffset[i]; ExpressionNode orig = origProj.get(i); ExpressionNode repl = buildProjection(c,ti,orig,aliases); proj.add(repl); } } AliasInformation ai = new AliasInformation(); ai.addAliases(aliases); SelectStatement out = new SelectStatement(ai) .setTables(ti).setProjection(proj); out.getDerivedInfo().addLocalTable(ti.getTableKey()); if (sourceStatement != null) { SchemaMapper mapper = new SchemaMapper(Collections.singleton((DMLStatement)sourceStatement), out, cc); out.setMapper(mapper); } return out; } private ExpressionNode buildProjection(PEColumn c, TableInstance ti, ExpressionNode original, Set<String> aliases) { ExpressionNode proj = c.buildProjection(ti); if (original instanceof ExpressionAlias) { ExpressionAlias ea = (ExpressionAlias) original; aliases.add(ea.getAlias().get()); if (!ea.isSynthetic()) { return new ExpressionAlias(proj, ea.getAlias(), false); } } return proj; } // for updates we need to build out the catalog entities, but temp tables don't exist in the catalog @Override protected UserTable lookup(SchemaContext pc) throws PEException { return null; } @Override protected UserTable createEmptyNew(SchemaContext pc) throws PEException { String persistName = Singletons.require(DBNative.class).getEmitter().getPersistentName(pc, pc.getValues(), this); UserDatabase pdb = (getPEDatabase(pc) != null ? getPEDatabase(pc).persistTree(pc) : null); DistributionModel dm = getDistributionVector(pc).persistTree(pc); UserTable ut = pc.getCatalog().createTempTable(pdb, persistName, dm); pc.getSaveContext().add(this,ut); return ut; } @Override protected boolean isTemporary() { return true; } }