package com.tesora.dve.test.container; /* * #%L * Tesora Inc. * Database Virtualization Engine * %% * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2014 Tesora Inc. * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * #L% */ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import com.tesora.dve.exceptions.PEException; import com.tesora.dve.sql.SchemaMirrorTest; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.ConnectionResource; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.DBHelperConnectionResource; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.MirrorProc; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.MirrorTest; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.NativeDDL; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.PEDDL; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.PortalDBHelperConnectionResource; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.ProjectDDL; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.ResourceResponse; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.StorageGroupDDL; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.TestResource; public class ContainerFunctionalTest extends SchemaMirrorTest { static final String CONTAINER_NAME = "my_container"; static final String RANGE_NAME = "my_range"; static final ProjectDDL testDDL = new PEDDL("checkdb", new StorageGroupDDL("check", 3, "checkg"), "schema"); static final NativeDDL nativeDDL = new NativeDDL("nativedb"); @Override protected ProjectDDL getMultiDDL() { return testDDL; } @Override protected ProjectDDL getNativeDDL() { return nativeDDL; } @Override protected ConnectionResource createConnection(ProjectDDL p) throws Throwable { if (p == getNativeDDL()) return new DBHelperConnectionResource(); else if (p == getMultiDDL()) return new PortalDBHelperConnectionResource(); throw new PEException("Unsupported ProjectDDL type " + p.getClass()); } @BeforeClass public static void setup() throws Throwable { setup(testDDL, null, nativeDDL, getPopulate()); } @AfterClass public static void shutdown1() throws Exception { Thread.sleep(2000); } private static List<MirrorTest> getPopulate() { ArrayList<MirrorTest> out = new ArrayList<MirrorTest>(); out.add(new MirrorProc() { @Override public ResourceResponse execute(TestResource mr) throws Throwable { if (mr == null) return null; ResourceResponse rr = null; boolean isPE = !nativeDDL.equals(mr.getDDL()); if (isPE) { mr.getConnection().execute( "create range " + RANGE_NAME + " (int) PERSISTENT group " + testDDL.getPersistentGroup().getName()); mr.getConnection().execute( "CREATE CONTAINER " + CONTAINER_NAME + " PERSISTENT GROUP " + testDDL.getPersistentGroup().getName() + " RANGE DISTRIBUTE USING " + RANGE_NAME); } String[] table_decls = new String[] { "CREATE TABLE A (id int, col2 varchar(10), primary key (id)) /*#dve DISCRIMINATE ON (id) USING CONTAINER " + CONTAINER_NAME + " */", "CREATE TABLE B (id int, tbla_id int, tble_id int, primary key (id)) /*#dve CONTAINER DISTRIBUTE " + CONTAINER_NAME + " */", "CREATE TABLE C (id int, tblb_id int, primary key (id)) /*#dve CONTAINER DISTRIBUTE " + CONTAINER_NAME + " */", "CREATE TABLE D (dkey varchar(10), type int, primary key (dkey)) /*#dve CONTAINER DISTRIBUTE " + CONTAINER_NAME + " */", "CREATE TABLE E (id int, col2 varchar(10), primary key (id)) /*#dve PERSISTENT GROUP " + testDDL.getPersistentGroup().getName() + " BROADCAST DISTRIBUTE */" }; for (String decl : table_decls) { rr = mr.getConnection().execute(decl); } return rr; } }); return out; } @Test public void basicContainerTest() throws Throwable { List<MirrorTest> out = new ArrayList<MirrorTest>(); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc("insert into E values (100,'Evalue100')")); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc("/*#dve using container " + CONTAINER_NAME + "(global) */")); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc("insert into A values (1,'value1')")); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc("insert into A values (2,'value2')")); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc("insert into A values (3,'value3')")); out.add(new StatementMirrorFun("select * from A order by id")); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc("/*#dve using container " + CONTAINER_NAME + "(1) */")); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc("insert into B values (1000, 1, 100 )")); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc("insert into C values (10000, 1000 )")); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc("insert into C values (10001, 1000 )")); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc("insert into D values ('Dkey1', 50 )")); out.add(new StatementMirrorFun( "select * from A,B,C,E where and and and")); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc("/*#dve using container " + CONTAINER_NAME + "(2) */")); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc("insert into B values (1001, 2, 100 )")); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc("insert into C values (10003, 1001 )")); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc("insert into C values (10004, 1001 )")); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc("insert into D values ('Dkey2', 50 )")); out.add(new StatementMirrorFun( "select * from A,B,C,E where and and and")); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc("/*#dve using container " + CONTAINER_NAME + "(1) */")); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc("delete from C where tblb_id=1000")); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc("delete from B where tbla_id=1")); out.add(new StatementMirrorFun("select * from B,C where B.tbla_id=1 and")); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc("delete from A where id=1")); out.add(new StatementMirrorFun("select * from A,B,C where and and")); runTest(out); } @Test public void notSoBasicContainerTest() throws Throwable { List<MirrorTest> out = new ArrayList<MirrorTest>(); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc( "/*#dve create range uuid_range (binary(36)) persistent group " + testDDL.getPersistentGroup().getName() + " */")); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc("/*#dve create container uuid_container persistent group " + testDDL.getPersistentGroup().getName() + " range distribute using uuid_range */")); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc( "create table aa (id binary(36), col2 varchar(10)) /*#dve discriminate on (id) using container uuid_container */")); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc( "create table bb ( id int, tbla_id binary(36), tble_id int) /*#dve container distribute uuid_container */")); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc( "create table cc ( id int, tblb_id int) /*#dve container distribute uuid_container */")); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc( "create table dd ( dkey varchar(10), type int) /*#dve container distribute uuid_container */")); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc( "create table ee (id int, `desc` varchar(10)) /*#dve persistent group " + testDDL.getPersistentGroup().getName() + " broadcast distribute */")); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc("insert into ee values ( 17, 'seventeen' )")); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc("insert into ee values ( 18, 'eighteen' )")); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc("insert into ee values ( 19, 'nineteen' )")); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc("insert into ee values ( 20, 'twenty' )")); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc("/*#dve using container " + CONTAINER_NAME + "(global) */")); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc("insert into aa values ( '1ecd9f41-abde-11df-aaf6-1231390955c1', 'ten' )")); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc("insert into aa values ( '3bc71ae4-a739-11df-aaf6-1231390955c1', 'eleven' )")); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc("insert into aa values ( '50d4ad54-0240-11e0-b753-123139042631', 'twelve' )")); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc("insert into aa values ( '4fb6e00a-65f4-11e0-b753-123139042631', 'thirteen' )")); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc( "/*#dve using container uuid_container ('1ecd9f41-abde-11df-aaf6-1231390955c1') */")); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc("insert into bb values ( 1, '1ecd9f41-abde-11df-aaf6-1231390955c1', 17)")); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc("insert into cc values ( 1, 1 )")); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc( "/*#dve using container uuid_container('3bc71ae4-a739-11df-aaf6-1231390955c1') */")); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc("insert into bb values ( 2, '3bc71ae4-a739-11df-aaf6-1231390955c1', 18)")); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc("insert into cc values ( 2, 2 )")); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc( "/*#dve using container uuid_container('50d4ad54-0240-11e0-b753-123139042631') */")); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc("insert into bb values ( 3, '50d4ad54-0240-11e0-b753-123139042631', 18)")); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc("insert into cc values ( 3, 3 )")); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc( "/*#dve using container uuid_container('4fb6e00a-65f4-11e0-b753-123139042631') */")); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc("insert into bb values ( 4, '4fb6e00a-65f4-11e0-b753-123139042631', 18)")); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc("insert into cc values ( 4, 4 )")); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc( "/*#dve using container uuid_container('4fb6e00a-65f4-11e0-b753-123139042631') */")); out.add(new StatementMirrorFun( "select, aa.col2, bb.*, cc.*, ee.desc from aa, bb, cc, ee where = bb.tbla_id and = cc.tblb_id and bb.tble_id = and = '4fb6e00a-65f4-11e0-b753-123139042631' order by")); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc( "/*#dve using container uuid_container('50d4ad54-0240-11e0-b753-123139042631') */")); out.add(new StatementMirrorFun( "select, aa.col2, bb.*, cc.*, ee.desc from aa, bb, cc, ee where = bb.tbla_id and = cc.tblb_id and bb.tble_id = and = '50d4ad54-0240-11e0-b753-123139042631' order by")); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc( "/*#dve using container uuid_container('50d4ad54-0240-11e0-b753-123139042631') */")); out.add(new StatementMirrorFun( "select, aa.col2, bb.*, cc.*, ee.desc from aa, bb, cc, ee where = bb.tbla_id and = cc.tblb_id and bb.tble_id = and = '50d4ad54-0240-11e0-b753-123139042631' order by")); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc( "/*#dve using container uuid_container ('4fb6e00a-65f4-11e0-b753-123139042631') */")); out.add(new StatementMirrorFun( "select, aa.col2, bb.*, cc.*, ee.desc from aa, bb, cc, ee where = bb.tbla_id and = cc.tblb_id and bb.tble_id = and = '4fb6e00a-65f4-11e0-b753-123139042631' order by")); out.add(new StatementMirrorProc("/*#dve using container " + CONTAINER_NAME + "(global) */")); out.add(new StatementMirrorFun( "select, aa.col2, bb.*, cc.*, ee.desc from aa, bb, cc, ee where = bb.tbla_id and = cc.tblb_id and bb.tble_id = order by")); runTest(out); } }