package com.tesora.dve.sql.transform; /* * #%L * Tesora Inc. * Database Virtualization Engine * %% * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2014 Tesora Inc. * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * #L% */ import org.junit.Test; import com.tesora.dve.distribution.StaticDistributionModel; import com.tesora.dve.sql.transexec.TransientExecutionEngine; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.PEStorageGroup; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.SchemaContext; import com.tesora.dve.sql.transform.execution.ExecutionType; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.TestName; public class PlanCachingTest extends TransformTest { public PlanCachingTest() { super("PlanCachingTest"); } @Test public void testNoLiterals() throws Throwable { SchemaContext db = buildSchema(TestName.MULTI, "create table testa (`id` int auto_increment, `payload` varchar(32), primary key (`id`)) static distribute on (`id`)" ); String sql = "select * from testa"; ExpectedSequence es = bes( new ProjectingExpectedStep( "SELECT `testa`.`id` AS t1i0_4,`testa`.`payload` AS t1p1_5 FROM `testa`", null) ); cachePlanTest(db,sql,false,es); cachePlanTest(db,sql,true,es); } @Test public void testOneLiteral() throws Throwable { SchemaContext db = buildSchema(TestName.MULTI, "create table testa (`id` int auto_increment, `payload` varchar(32), primary key (`id`)) static distribute on (`id`)" ); cachePlanTest(db,"select * from testa where id = 15",false, bes( new ProjectingExpectedStep( "SELECT `testa`.`id` AS t1i0_4,`testa`.`payload` AS t1p1_5 FROM `testa` WHERE `testa`.`id` = 15", null) )); cachePlanTest(db,"select * from testa where id = 2000", true, bes( new ProjectingExpectedStep( "SELECT `testa`.`id` AS t1i0_4,`testa`.`payload` AS t1p1_5 FROM `testa` WHERE `testa`.`id` = 2000", null))); } @Test public void testMultiLiteralA() throws Throwable { SchemaContext db = buildSchema(TestName.MULTI, "create table testa (`id` int auto_increment, `payload` varchar(32), primary key (`id`)) static distribute on (`id`)" ); cachePlanTest(db,"select * from testa where id in (15,16)",false, bes( new ProjectingExpectedStep( "SELECT `testa`.`id` AS t1i0_4,`testa`.`payload` AS t1p1_5 FROM `testa` WHERE (`testa`.`id` = 15 OR `testa`.`id` = 16)", null) )); cachePlanTest(db,"select * from testa where id in (1,2)",false, bes( new ProjectingExpectedStep( "SELECT `testa`.`id` AS t1i0_4,`testa`.`payload` AS t1p1_5 FROM `testa` WHERE (`testa`.`id` = 1 OR `testa`.`id` = 2)", null) )); } @Test public void testMultiLiteralB() throws Throwable { SchemaContext db = buildSchema(TestName.MULTI, "create table testa (`id` int auto_increment, `payload` varchar(32), primary key (`id`)) static distribute on (`id`)" ); cachePlanTest(db,"select * from testa where payload in ('a','b')",false, bes( new ProjectingExpectedStep( "SELECT `testa`.`id` AS t1i0_4,`testa`.`payload` AS t1p1_5 FROM `testa` WHERE `testa`.`payload` in ( 'a','b' )", null) )); cachePlanTest(db,"select * from testa where payload in ('c','d')",true, bes( new ProjectingExpectedStep( "SELECT `testa`.`id` AS t1i0_4,`testa`.`payload` AS t1p1_5 FROM `testa` WHERE `testa`.`payload` in ( 'c','d' )", null) )); } @Test public void testMultiLiteralC() throws Throwable { SchemaContext db = buildSchema(TestName.MULTI, "create table testa (`id` int auto_increment, `payload` varchar(32), primary key (`id`)) static distribute on (`id`)" ); cachePlanTest(db,"select * from testa where payload in ('a','b')",false, bes( new ProjectingExpectedStep( "SELECT `testa`.`id` AS t1i0_4,`testa`.`payload` AS t1p1_5 FROM `testa` WHERE `testa`.`payload` in ( 'a','b' )", null) )); cachePlanTest(db,"select * from testa where payload in ('c','d','e')",false, bes( new ProjectingExpectedStep( "SELECT `testa`.`id` AS t1i0_4,`testa`.`payload` AS t1p1_5 FROM `testa` WHERE `testa`.`payload` in ( 'c','d','e' )", null) )); } @Test public void testNonMatchingA() throws Throwable { SchemaContext db = buildSchema(TestName.MULTI, "create table testa (`id` int auto_increment, `payload` varchar(32), primary key (`id`)) static distribute on (`id`)" ); cachePlanTest(db,"select * from testa where payload in ('a','b')",false, bes( new ProjectingExpectedStep( "SELECT `testa`.`id` AS t1i0_4,`testa`.`payload` AS t1p1_5 FROM `testa` WHERE `testa`.`payload` in ( 'a','b' )", null) )); cachePlanTest(db,"select id from testa where payload in ('a','b')",false, bes( new ProjectingExpectedStep( "SELECT `testa`.`id` AS t1i0_3 FROM `testa` WHERE `testa`.`payload` in ( 'a','b' )", null) )); } @Test public void testNonMatchingB() throws Throwable { SchemaContext db = buildSchema(TestName.MULTI, "create table testa (`id` int auto_increment, `payload` varchar(32), primary key (`id`)) static distribute on (`id`)" ); cachePlanTest(db,"select * from testa where payload in ('a','b')",false, bes( new ProjectingExpectedStep( "SELECT `testa`.`id` AS t1i0_4,`testa`.`payload` AS t1p1_5 FROM `testa` WHERE `testa`.`payload` in ( 'a','b' )", null) )); cachePlanTest(db,"select * from testa where payload in (1,2)",false, bes( new ProjectingExpectedStep( "SELECT `testa`.`id` AS t1i0_4,`testa`.`payload` AS t1p1_5 FROM `testa` WHERE `testa`.`payload` in ( 1,2 )", null))); } @Test public void testUpdateA() throws Throwable { SchemaContext db = buildSchema(TestName.MULTI, "create table testb (`id` int auto_increment, `k` int, primary key (`id`)) static distribute on (`id`)" ); cachePlanTest(db,"update testb set k=k+1 where id = 1",false,null); cachePlanTest(db,"update testb set k=k+2 where id = 2",true,null); } @Test public void testRedistA() throws Throwable { SchemaContext db = buildSchema(TestName.MULTI, "create table testb (`id` int auto_increment, `k` int, primary key (`id`)) static distribute on (`id`)" ); PEStorageGroup group = db.getCurrentPEDatabase().getDefaultStorage(db); cachePlanTest(db, "select count(*) from testb", false, bes( new ProjectingExpectedStep(ExecutionType.SELECT, group,"temp1",TransientExecutionEngine.AGGREGATION,StaticDistributionModel.MODEL_NAME,new String[] { }, new String[][] { }, "SELECT COUNT( * ) AS func_4", "FROM `testb`" ), new ProjectingExpectedStep(ExecutionType.SELECT, null, "SELECT CONVERT( SUM( temp1.func_4 ) ,SIGNED ) AS func", "FROM temp1" ) ) ); cachePlanTest(db, "select count(*) from testb", true, bes( new ProjectingExpectedStep(ExecutionType.SELECT, group,"temp2",TransientExecutionEngine.AGGREGATION,StaticDistributionModel.MODEL_NAME,new String[] { }, new String[][] { }, "SELECT COUNT( * ) AS func_4", "FROM `testb`" ), new ProjectingExpectedStep(ExecutionType.SELECT, null, "SELECT CONVERT( SUM( temp2.func_4 ) ,SIGNED ) AS func", "FROM temp2" ) ) ); } @Test public void testHexLiteralsA() throws Throwable { SchemaContext db = buildSchema(TestName.MULTI, "create table testhl (`id` int auto_increment, `hl` binary(24), primary key (`id`)) random distribute"); //PEStorageGroup group = db.getCurrentPEDatabase().getDefaultStorage(db); cachePlanTest(db, "select id from testhl where hl = x'123456' or hl = x'789ABC'", false, bes( new ProjectingExpectedStep( "SELECT `testhl`.`id` AS t1i0_3 FROM `testhl` WHERE `testhl`.`hl` = x'123456' or `testhl`.`hl` = x'789ABC'", null) )); cachePlanTest(db, "select id from testhl where hl = x'CBA987' or hl = x'654321'", true, bes( new ProjectingExpectedStep( "SELECT `testhl`.`id` AS t1i0_3 FROM `testhl` WHERE `testhl`.`hl` = x'CBA987' or `testhl`.`hl` = x'654321'", null) )); } @Test public void testPE1078() throws Throwable { SchemaContext db = buildSchema(TestName.MULTI, "create table foo (id int, fid int, sid int, primary key (id)) random distribute"); PEStorageGroup group = db.getCurrentPEDatabase().getDefaultStorage(db); cachePlanTest(db, "select fid from foo where id = 15 limit 25 offset 10", false, bes( new ProjectingExpectedStep(ExecutionType.SELECT, group,"temp1",TransientExecutionEngine.AGGREGATION,StaticDistributionModel.MODEL_NAME,new String[] { }, new String[][] { }, "SELECT `foo`.`fid` AS f1f1_3", "FROM `foo`", "WHERE `foo`.`id` = 15", "LIMIT 35" ), new ProjectingExpectedStep(ExecutionType.SELECT, null, "SELECT temp1.f1f1_3 AS t2f0", "FROM temp1", "LIMIT 10, 25" ) ) ); cachePlanTest(db, "select fid from foo where id = 15 limit 100 offset 50", true, bes( new ProjectingExpectedStep(ExecutionType.SELECT, group,"temp2",TransientExecutionEngine.AGGREGATION,StaticDistributionModel.MODEL_NAME,new String[] { }, new String[][] { }, "SELECT `foo`.`fid` AS f1f1_3", "FROM `foo`", "WHERE `foo`.`id` = 15", "LIMIT 150" ), new ProjectingExpectedStep(ExecutionType.SELECT, null, "SELECT temp2.f1f1_3 AS t2f0", "FROM temp2", "LIMIT 50, 100" ) ) ); } @Test public void testPE1174A() throws Throwable { SchemaContext db = buildSchema(TestName.MULTI); cachePlanTest(db,"set @foo = 1",false, bes(new SessionVariableExpectedStep("USER","foo","1"))); cachePlanTest(db,"set @foo = 15",true, bes(new SessionVariableExpectedStep("USER","foo","15"))); cachePlanTest(db,"set time_zone = '00:00'",false, bes(new SessionVariableExpectedStep("SESSION","time_zone","00:00"))); cachePlanTest(db,"set time_zone = '12:00'",true, bes(new SessionVariableExpectedStep("SESSION","time_zone","12:00"))); } @Test public void testPE1147B() throws Throwable { SchemaContext db = buildSchema(TestName.MULTI); PEStorageGroup group = db.getCurrentPEDatabase().getDefaultStorage(db); cachePlanTest(db,"begin",false, bes(new TransactionExpectedStep(group,"START TRANSACTION"))); cachePlanTest(db,"commit",false, bes(new TransactionExpectedStep(group,"COMMIT"))); cachePlanTest(db,"begin",true, bes(new TransactionExpectedStep(group,"START TRANSACTION"))); cachePlanTest(db,"commit",true, bes(new TransactionExpectedStep(group,"COMMIT"))); } @Test public void testPE1147C() throws Throwable { SchemaContext db = buildSchema(TestName.MULTI); PEStorageGroup group = db.getCurrentPEDatabase().getDefaultStorage(db); cachePlanTest(db,"begin work",false, bes(new TransactionExpectedStep(group,"START TRANSACTION"))); cachePlanTest(db,"commit work",false, bes(new TransactionExpectedStep(group,"COMMIT"))); cachePlanTest(db,"begin work",true, bes(new TransactionExpectedStep(group,"START TRANSACTION"))); cachePlanTest(db,"commit work",true, bes(new TransactionExpectedStep(group,"COMMIT"))); } @Test public void testPE1147D() throws Throwable { SchemaContext db = buildSchema(TestName.MULTI); cachePlanTest(db,"set sql_mode=ifnull(@old_sql_mode,'')",false, bes(new FilterExpectedStep("SetVariableOperationFilter(@@session.sql_mode)",new ProjectingExpectedStep(ExecutionType.SELECT, "SELECT ifnull( null,'' )",null)))); cachePlanTest(db,"set foreign_key_checks=if(@old_foreign_key_checks=0,0,1)",false, bes(new FilterExpectedStep("SetVariableOperationFilter(@@session.foreign_key_checks)",new ProjectingExpectedStep(ExecutionType.SELECT, "SELECT if( null = 0,0,1 )",null)))); cachePlanTest(db,"set @old_sql_mode='foobar'",false, bes(new SessionVariableExpectedStep("USER","old_sql_mode","foobar"))); // note this is not correct - but transient mode doesn't dispatch cachePlanTest(db,"set sql_mode=ifnull(@old_sql_mode,'')",true, bes(new FilterExpectedStep("SetVariableOperationFilter(@@session.sql_mode)",new ProjectingExpectedStep(ExecutionType.SELECT, "SELECT ifnull( null,'' )",null)))); } @Test public void testPE1147E() throws Throwable { SchemaContext db = buildSchema(TestName.MULTI); cachePlanTest(db,"set @myvar=if(@sql_mode=0,1,2)",false, bes(new FilterExpectedStep("SetVariableOperationFilter(@myvar)",new ProjectingExpectedStep(ExecutionType.SELECT, "SELECT if( null = 0,1,2 )",null)))); cachePlanTest(db,"set @myvar=if(@sql_mode=0,2,4)",true, bes(new FilterExpectedStep("SetVariableOperationFilter(@myvar)",new ProjectingExpectedStep(ExecutionType.SELECT, "SELECT if( null = 0,2,4 )",null)))); } }