package com.tesora.dve.server.connectionmanager.loaddata; /* * #%L * Tesora Inc. * Database Virtualization Engine * %% * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2014 Tesora Inc. * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * #L% */ import com.tesora.dve.db.mysql.MyLoadDataInfileContext; import com.tesora.dve.db.mysql.common.DBTypeBasedUtils; import com.tesora.dve.server.connectionmanager.messages.ExecutePreparedStatementRequestExecutor; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.tesora.dve.common.PECharsetUtils; import com.tesora.dve.common.PEStringUtils; import com.tesora.dve.db.ValueConverter; import com.tesora.dve.db.mysql.MyFieldType; import com.tesora.dve.db.mysql.libmy.MyPreparedStatement; import com.tesora.dve.exceptions.PEException; import com.tesora.dve.server.connectionmanager.SSConnection; import com.tesora.dve.variables.KnownVariables; import com.tesora.dve.worker.MysqlSyntheticPreparedResultForwarder; public class LoadDataBlockExecutor { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(LoadDataBlockExecutor.class); public static List<List<byte[]>> processDataBlock(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, SSConnection connMgr, byte[] dataBlock) throws Throwable { MyLoadDataInfileContext loadDataInfileContext = ctx.attr(MyLoadDataInfileContext.LOAD_DATA_INFILE_CONTEXT_KEY).get(); if ( loadDataInfileContext == null ) { throw new PEException("Cannot process Load Data Infile data block because load data infile context is missing."); } //TODO: this is the only place we touch the session during the parse. As long as this isn't sensitive to being in the session context, we can move the decode into the netty thread. -sgossard if (loadDataInfileContext.getCharset() == null) { loadDataInfileContext.setCharset( KnownVariables.CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT.getSessionValue(connMgr).getJavaCharset()); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Processing datablock: line prefix[" + loadDataInfileContext.getLineOption().getStarting() + "], line term[" + loadDataInfileContext.getLineOption().getTerminated() + "], col enclosed[" + loadDataInfileContext.getColOption().getEnclosed() + "], col escaped[" + loadDataInfileContext.getColOption().getEscaped() + "], col term[" + loadDataInfileContext.getColOption().getTerminated() + "]" ); // logger.debug("Processing datablock: data[" + query + "]" ); } byte[] newDataBlock = appendPartialBlockData(loadDataInfileContext, dataBlock); LoadDataBlockParser parser = new LoadDataBlockParser(loadDataInfileContext); parser.parse(newDataBlock); // determine partial block if (dataBlock.length > 0) { int lastlineindex = parser.getLastLineEndIndex(); loadDataInfileContext.appendPartialInfileDataBlock(ArrayUtils.subarray(newDataBlock, lastlineindex, newDataBlock.length)); parser.getRows().remove(parser.getRows().size()-1); } return parser.getRows(); } public static void executeInsert(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, SSConnection connMgr, List<List<byte[]>> rows) throws Throwable { MyLoadDataInfileContext loadDataInfileContext = ctx.attr(MyLoadDataInfileContext.LOAD_DATA_INFILE_CONTEXT_KEY).get(); if ( loadDataInfileContext == null ) { throw new PEException("Cannot process Load Data Infile data block because load data infile context is missing."); } if (loadDataInfileContext.getCharset() == null) { loadDataInfileContext.setCharset( KnownVariables.CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT.getSessionValue(connMgr).getJavaCharset()); } List<Object> params = new ArrayList<Object>(); int targetNumTuples = rows.size(); int currentTupleCount = 1; for(List<byte[]> cols : rows) { if (cols.size() == 0) continue; buildInsertStatement(loadDataInfileContext, cols, params); if (optimalTuples(loadDataInfileContext, targetNumTuples, currentTupleCount)) { MyPreparedStatement<String> pStmt = loadDataInfileContext.getPreparedStatement(currentTupleCount); if (pStmt == null) { throw new PEException("A prepared statement with no id found in the connection's context"); } MysqlSyntheticPreparedResultForwarder resultConsumer = new MysqlSyntheticPreparedResultForwarder(ctx); ExecutePreparedStatementRequestExecutor.execute(connMgr, pStmt.getStmtId(), params, resultConsumer); loadDataInfileContext.incrementRowsAffected(resultConsumer.getNumRowsAffected()); loadDataInfileContext.incrementInfileWarnings(resultConsumer.getWarnings()); targetNumTuples -= currentTupleCount; params.clear(); currentTupleCount = 0; } currentTupleCount++; } } static boolean optimalTuples(MyLoadDataInfileContext loadDataInfileContext, int maxTuples, int currentTupleCount) { return (currentTupleCount == loadDataInfileContext.getClosestPreparedStatementTuples(maxTuples)); } static void buildInsertStatement(MyLoadDataInfileContext loadDataInfileContext, List<byte[]> cols, List<Object> params) throws PEException { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Processing datablock: col length = " + cols.size() + ", projection length = " + loadDataInfileContext.getProjection().size()); } if (cols.size() < loadDataInfileContext.getProjection().size()) { // pad out the remaining columns with empty values for (int i = 0; i < loadDataInfileContext.getProjection().size() - cols.size(); i++) { cols.add(Unpooled.buffer(0).array()); } } if (cols.size() > loadDataInfileContext.getProjection().size()) { // mysql lops off the excess columns for (int i = cols.size(); i > loadDataInfileContext.getProjection() .size(); i--) { cols.remove(i - 1); } } if (cols.size() != loadDataInfileContext.getProjection().size()) { // should never happen... List<String> colData = new ArrayList<String>(); for (byte[] data : cols) { colData.add(new String(data)); } throw new PEException("Expected " + loadDataInfileContext.getProjection().size() + " columns but parsed " + cols.size() + " columns for row data '" + StringUtils.join(colData, ",") + "'"); } ValueConverter converter = ValueConverter.INSTANCE; for (int i = 0; i < loadDataInfileContext.getProjection().size(); i++) { Object value = null; if (cols.get(i).length > 0) { value = converter.convert(PECharsetUtils.getString(cols.get(i), loadDataInfileContext.getCharset()), loadDataInfileContext.getProjection().get(i).getType()); String v = DBTypeBasedUtils.getMysqlTypeFunc( MyFieldType.mapFromNativeType(loadDataInfileContext .getProjection().get(i).getType().getMysqlType().getMysqlType())) .getParamReplacement(value,false); if (loadDataInfileContext.getProjection().get(i).getType() .isStringType()) { v = "'" + StringUtils.replace(PEStringUtils.dequote(v), "'", "\\'") + "'"; } params.add(v); } else { if (loadDataInfileContext.getProjection().get(i).getType() .isStringType()) { params.add("''"); } } } } static byte[] appendPartialBlockData(MyLoadDataInfileContext loadDataInfileContext, byte[] dataBlock) { byte[] prevDataBlock = loadDataInfileContext.readPartialInfileDataBlock(); if (prevDataBlock == null) { return dataBlock; } return ArrayUtils.addAll(prevDataBlock, dataBlock); } static public class LoadDataBlockParser { public enum TokenType { LINE_START, LINE_TERMINATE, COLUMN_ENCLOSED, COLUMN_ESCAPE, COLUMN_TERMINATE, REGULAR_DATA } int index = 0; int lastLineEndIndex = 0; int startLineDelimLength = 0; int endLineDelimLength = 0; int endColDelimLength = 0; char charEnclosed; char charEscaped; boolean inColEnclosedState = false; ByteBuf value = Unpooled.buffer(1000000); List<byte[]> values = new ArrayList<byte[]>(); List<List<byte[]>> rows = new ArrayList<List<byte[]>>(); TokenType lastToken = null; MyLoadDataInfileContext loadDataInfileContext = null; public LoadDataBlockParser(MyLoadDataInfileContext loadDataInfileContext) { this.loadDataInfileContext = loadDataInfileContext; charEnclosed = StringUtils.isBlank(loadDataInfileContext.getColOption().getEnclosed()) ? 0 : loadDataInfileContext.getColOption().getEnclosed().charAt(0); charEscaped = StringUtils.isBlank(loadDataInfileContext.getColOption().getEscaped()) ? 0 :loadDataInfileContext.getColOption().getEscaped().charAt(0); startLineDelimLength = loadDataInfileContext.getLineOption().getStarting().length(); endLineDelimLength = loadDataInfileContext.getLineOption().getTerminated().length(); endColDelimLength = loadDataInfileContext.getColOption().getTerminated().length(); } public void parse(byte[] dataBlock) throws PEException { resetIndex(); while( index < dataBlock.length) { TokenType tt = getNextTokenType(dataBlock, index); switch(tt) { case LINE_START: processLineStart(); break; case LINE_TERMINATE: processLineTerminate(); break; case COLUMN_ENCLOSED: processColumnEnclosed(); break; case COLUMN_ESCAPE: processColumnEscape(dataBlock); break; case COLUMN_TERMINATE: processColumnTerminate(); break; case REGULAR_DATA: processRegularData(dataBlock); break; } setLastToken(tt); } // write the last line writeEOBLineValue(); } public TokenType getNextTokenType(byte[] dataBlock, int index) { TokenType tt = TokenType.REGULAR_DATA; if ((lastToken == TokenType.LINE_TERMINATE) && isMatchingSequence(dataBlock, index, loadDataInfileContext.getLineOption().getStarting())) { tt = TokenType.LINE_START; } else if (!inColEnclosedState && isMatchingSequence(dataBlock, index, loadDataInfileContext.getLineOption().getTerminated())) { tt = TokenType.LINE_TERMINATE; } else if (!inColEnclosedState && isMatchingSequence(dataBlock, index, loadDataInfileContext.getColOption().getTerminated())) { tt = TokenType.COLUMN_TERMINATE; } else if (isMatchingChar(dataBlock[index], charEscaped)) { tt = TokenType.COLUMN_ESCAPE; } else if (isMatchingChar(dataBlock[index], charEnclosed)) { tt = TokenType.COLUMN_ENCLOSED; } return tt; } void processLineStart() { if (!StringUtils.isBlank(loadDataInfileContext.getLineOption().getStarting())) { // increment the number of characters to skip index += startLineDelimLength; } } void processLineTerminate() throws PEException { writeLineValue(); // increment the number of characters to skip index += endLineDelimLength; lastLineEndIndex = getIndex(); } void processColumnEnclosed() { if (isInEnclosedState()) { setEndEnclosedState(); } else { setStartEnclosedState(); } index++; } void processColumnEscape(byte[] dataBlock) { if ((charEscaped != '\\') || ((charEscaped == '\\') && isEscapeChar(dataBlock))) { value.writeByte(dataBlock[getIndex()]); } index++; } void processColumnTerminate() { writeColumnValue(); index += endColDelimLength; } void writeColumnValue() { byte[] b = new byte[value.readableBytes()]; value.getBytes(0, b); values.add(b); value.clear(); } void writeEOBLineValue() { writeLineValue(); } void writeLineValue() { if ((lastToken == TokenType.COLUMN_TERMINATE) || (lastToken == TokenType.COLUMN_ENCLOSED) || (lastToken == TokenType.REGULAR_DATA && (value.readableBytes() > 0))) { writeColumnValue(); } rows.add(values); values = new ArrayList<byte[]>(); value.clear(); } void processRegularData(byte[] dataBlock) { value.writeByte(dataBlock[getIndex()]); index++; } boolean isMatchingChar(byte c1, char c2) { return c1 == c2; } boolean isMatchingSequence(byte[] query, int index, String match) { boolean ret = true; for(int idx = 0; idx < match.length(); idx++ ) { if (query[index + idx] != match.charAt(idx)) { ret = false; break; } } return ret; } boolean isEscapeChar(byte[] dataBlock) { boolean ret = false; if ((getIndex() + 1) >= dataBlock.length) { // out of bounds so just return true so that the escape character is written out return true; } // \0 An ASCII NUL (0x00) character. // \' A single quote (“'”) character. // \" A double quote (“"”) character. // \b A backspace character. // \n A newline (linefeed) character. // \r A carriage return character. // \t A tab character. // \Z ASCII 26 (Control+Z). See note following the table. // \\ A backslash (“\”) character. // \% A “%” character. // \_ A “_” character. switch(dataBlock[getIndex() + 1]) { case '0': case '\'': case '"': case 'b': case 'n': case 'r': case 't': case 'z': case '\\': case '%': case '_': ret = true; break; } return ret; } void resetIndex() { index = 0; } int getIndex() { return index; } void setStartEnclosedState() { inColEnclosedState = true; } void setEndEnclosedState() { inColEnclosedState = false; } boolean isInEnclosedState() { return inColEnclosedState; } int getLastLineEndIndex() { return lastLineEndIndex; } void setLastToken(TokenType lastToken) { this.lastToken = lastToken; } public List<List<byte[]>> getRows() { return rows; } } }