package com.tesora.dve.sql.schema; /* * #%L * Tesora Inc. * Database Virtualization Engine * %% * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2014 Tesora Inc. * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * #L% */ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import com.tesora.dve.common.MultiMap; import com.tesora.dve.common.catalog.ConstraintType; import com.tesora.dve.common.catalog.FKMode; import com.tesora.dve.common.catalog.IndexType; import com.tesora.dve.common.catalog.Key; import com.tesora.dve.exceptions.PEException; import com.tesora.dve.sql.ParserException.Pass; import com.tesora.dve.sql.SchemaException; import com.tesora.dve.sql.expression.ScopeStack; import com.tesora.dve.sql.expression.TableKey; import com.tesora.dve.sql.jg.DunPart; import com.tesora.dve.sql.jg.JoinEdge; import com.tesora.dve.sql.node.expression.ColumnInstance; import com.tesora.dve.sql.node.expression.ExpressionNode; import com.tesora.dve.sql.node.expression.FunctionCall; import com.tesora.dve.sql.node.expression.TableInstance; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.cache.SchemaCacheKey; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.cache.SchemaEdge; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.validate.ForeignKeyValidateResult; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.validate.ValidateResult; import com.tesora.dve.sql.statement.dml.DeleteStatement; import com.tesora.dve.sql.statement.dml.UpdateStatement; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.Functional; public class PEForeignKey extends PEKey { private ForeignKeyAction updateAction; private ForeignKeyAction deleteAction; private Name targetTableName; private SchemaEdge<PETable> targetTable; private UnqualifiedName physicalSymbol; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public PEForeignKey(SchemaContext pc, Name n, PETable tab, Name missingTableName, List<PEKeyColumnBase> cols, ForeignKeyAction updateAction, ForeignKeyAction deleteAction) { super(n, IndexType.BTREE, cols, null); setConstraint(ConstraintType.FOREIGN); this.updateAction = updateAction; this.deleteAction = deleteAction; targetTableName = missingTableName; if (tab != null) targetTable = StructuralUtils.buildEdge(pc,tab, false); } public void setSymbol(Name symbol) { super.setSymbol(symbol); if (symbol != null) physicalSymbol = symbol.getUnqualified(); } public void setPhysicalSymbol(UnqualifiedName psym) { physicalSymbol = psym; } public UnqualifiedName getPhysicalSymbol() { return physicalSymbol; } public ForeignKeyAction getUpdateAction() { return updateAction; } public ForeignKeyAction getDeleteAction() { return deleteAction; } public boolean isForward() { return targetTableName != null; } public PETable getTargetTable(SchemaContext sc) { if (targetTable == null) return null; return targetTable.get(sc); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void setTargetTable(SchemaContext sc, PETable pet) { if (pet != null) { targetTable = StructuralUtils.buildEdge(sc,pet, false); targetTableName = null; } } public void revertToForward(SchemaContext sc) { PETable targ = targetTable.get(sc); targetTableName = new QualifiedName(targ.getPEDatabase(sc).getName().getUnqualified(),targ.getName().getUnqualified()); revertToForwardInternal(sc); } // use ONLY in mt fk support, and ONLY in the tschema public void revertToForwardMT(SchemaContext sc, Name forwardTableName) { if (forwardTableName.isQualified()) targetTableName = forwardTableName; else targetTableName = new QualifiedName(targetTable.get(sc).getPEDatabase(sc).getName().getUnqualified(),forwardTableName.getUnqualified()); revertToForwardInternal(sc); } private void revertToForwardInternal(SchemaContext sc) { for(PEKeyColumnBase pekc : getKeyColumns()) { PEForeignKeyColumn pefkc = (PEForeignKeyColumn) pekc; pefkc.revertToForward(sc); } targetTable = null; } public Name getTargetTableName(SchemaContext sc) { return getTargetTableName(sc,false); } public Name getTargetTableName(SchemaContext sc, boolean qualifiedName) { if (targetTable != null) { if (qualifiedName || !targetTable.get(sc).getPEDatabase(sc).getCacheKey().equals(getTable(sc).getPEDatabase(sc).getCacheKey())) { // target table in different database - use fully qualified name return targetTable.get(sc).getName().prefix(targetTable.get(sc).getPEDatabase(sc).getName()); } return targetTable.get(sc).getName().getUnqualified(); } if (targetTableName.isQualified()) { QualifiedName qn = (QualifiedName) targetTableName; UnqualifiedName dbn = qn.getNamespace(); if (!qualifiedName && getTable(sc).getPEDatabase(sc).getName().equals(dbn)) return targetTableName.getUnqualified(); return targetTableName; } return targetTableName.getUnqualified(); } // use ONLY in mt fk support, and ONLY in the tschema public void resetTargetTableName(UnqualifiedName unq) { if (!isForward()) throw new SchemaException(Pass.PLANNER,"Internal error: attempt to set target table name when not forward"); targetTableName = unq; } public List<PEColumn> getTargetColumns(SchemaContext sc) { if (isForward()) return null; List<PEColumn> out = new ArrayList<PEColumn>(); for(PEKeyColumnBase pekc : getKeyColumns()) { PEForeignKeyColumn pefkc = (PEForeignKeyColumn) pekc; out.add(pefkc.getTargetColumn(sc)); } return out; } public PEKey findPrefixKey(SchemaContext sc, PETable inTable) { List<PEKey> candidates = new ArrayList<PEKey>(); for(PEKey pek : inTable.getKeys(sc)) { if (pek.getConstraint() == ConstraintType.FOREIGN) continue; if (getKeyColumns().size() > pek.getColumns(sc).size()) continue; candidates.add(pek); } for(int i = 0; i < getKeyColumns().size(); i++) { PEColumn spc = getKeyColumns().get(i).getColumn(); for(Iterator<PEKey> iter = candidates.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { PEKey pek =; if (!pek.getColumns(sc).get(i).equals(spc)) iter.remove(); } } if (candidates.isEmpty()) return null; return candidates.get(0); } public void addColumn(int index, PEColumn src, UnqualifiedName targ) { PEForeignKeyColumn pefkc = new PEForeignKeyColumn(src, targ, isForward()); columns.add(index, pefkc); pefkc.setKey(this); } public PEKey buildPrefixKey(SchemaContext sc, PETable inTable) { List<PEKeyColumnBase> cols = new ArrayList<PEKeyColumnBase>(); for(PEKeyColumnBase c : getKeyColumns()) { cols.add(new PEKeyColumn(c.getColumn(),null,-1)); } return new PEKey(null,IndexType.BTREE,cols,null,true); } @Override public PEKey resolve(SchemaContext pc, ScopeStack stack) { List<PEKeyColumnBase> resolved = new ArrayList<PEKeyColumnBase>(); boolean any = false; for(PEKeyColumnBase pekcb : getKeyColumns()) { if (pekcb.isUnresolved()) { PEColumn found = stack.lookupInProcessColumn(pekcb.getName()); if (found == null) throw new SchemaException(Pass.SECOND, "Cannot resolve column " + pekcb.getName()); resolved.add(pekcb.resolve(found)); any = true; } else { resolved.add(pekcb); } } if (!any) return this; return new PEForeignKey(pc, getName(), (targetTable == null ? null : targetTable.get(pc)), targetTableName, resolved, updateAction, deleteAction); } public static PEForeignKey load(Key k, SchemaContext sc, PETable enclosingTable) { PEForeignKey p = (PEForeignKey) sc.getLoaded(k,null); if (p == null) { if (k.isForeignKey()) return new PEForeignKey(sc,k, enclosingTable); throw new SchemaException(Pass.SECOND,"Invalid call to PEForeignKey.load - found key of type " + k.getType()); } return p; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected PEForeignKey(SchemaContext sc, Key k, PETable enclosingTable) { super(sc,k, enclosingTable); this.updateAction = ForeignKeyAction.fromPersistent(k.getFKUpdateAction()); this.deleteAction = ForeignKeyAction.fromPersistent(k.getFKDeleteAction()); if (k.getReferencedTable() != null) { this.targetTable = StructuralUtils.buildEdge(sc,PETable.load(k.getReferencedTable(),sc), true); this.targetTableName = null; } else { this.targetTable = null; this.targetTableName = new QualifiedName(new UnqualifiedName(k.getReferencedSchemaName()), new UnqualifiedName(k.getReferencedTableName())); } setPhysicalSymbol(new UnqualifiedName(k.getPhysicalSymbol())); } private void updatePersistent(SchemaContext sc, Key p) throws PEException { p.setFKDeleteAction(deleteAction.getPersistent()); p.setFKUpdateAction(updateAction.getPersistent()); p.setPersisted(persisted); p.setPhysicalSymbol(physicalSymbol.getUnquotedName().get()); if (targetTable != null) { p.setReferencedTable(targetTable.get(sc).persistTree(sc)); } else if (targetTableName != null) { String dbName = null; String tabName = null; if (targetTableName.isQualified()) { QualifiedName qn = (QualifiedName) targetTableName; dbName = qn.getNamespace().getUnquotedName().get(); tabName = qn.getUnqualified().getUnquotedName().get(); } else { tabName = targetTableName.getUnquotedName().get(); } p.setReferencedTable(dbName, tabName); } } @Override protected void populateNew(SchemaContext sc, Key p) throws PEException { super.populateNew(sc,p); updatePersistent(sc,p); } @Override protected void updateExisting(SchemaContext sc, Key p) throws PEException { super.updateExisting(sc, p); updatePersistent(sc,p); } public boolean isColocated(SchemaContext sc) { PETable leftTab = getTable(sc); PETable rightTab = getTargetTable(sc); if (rightTab == null) return false; Map<PEColumn,PEColumn> mapping = new HashMap<PEColumn,PEColumn>(); for(PEKeyColumnBase pekc : getKeyColumns()) { PEForeignKeyColumn pefkc = (PEForeignKeyColumn) pekc; mapping.put(pefkc.getColumn(), pefkc.getTargetColumn(sc)); } TableKey lk = TableKey.make(sc,leftTab,1); TableKey rk = TableKey.make(sc,rightTab,2); DunPart lp = new DunPart(lk,1); DunPart rp = new DunPart(rk,2); return JoinEdge.computeColocated(sc, lp,Collections.singleton(lk), rp, rk, mapping, null,true); } @Override public void checkValid(SchemaContext sc, List<ValidateResult> results) { if (isForward() || !isPersisted()) return; boolean hasUniqueTargetCol = false; for(int i = 0; i < getKeyColumns().size(); i++) { PEForeignKeyColumn pefkc = (PEForeignKeyColumn) getKeyColumns().get(i); for(PEKey pek : pefkc.getTargetColumn(sc).getReferencedBy(sc)) { if (pek.isValidFkTarget(sc)) hasUniqueTargetCol = true; } } if (!hasUniqueTargetCol ) { results.add(new ForeignKeyValidateResult(sc,this,ForeignKeyValidateResult.FKValidateKind.NO_UNIQUE_KEY,true)); return; } if (!isColocated(sc)) { // figure out the fk mode on the db in order to determine whether this is a warning or error FKMode fkm = getTable(sc).getPEDatabase(sc).getFKMode(); results.add(new ForeignKeyValidateResult(sc,this,ForeignKeyValidateResult.FKValidateKind.NOT_COLOCATED,(fkm == FKMode.STRICT))); } } @Override public boolean collectDifferences(SchemaContext sc, List<String> messages, Persistable<PEKey, Key> oth, boolean first, @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Set<Persistable> visited) { PEForeignKey other = (PEForeignKey) oth.get(); if (visited.contains(this) && visited.contains(other)) { return false; } visited.add(this); visited.add(other); if (maybeBuildDiffMessage(sc,messages, "delete action", getDeleteAction(), other.getDeleteAction(), first, visited)) return true; if (maybeBuildDiffMessage(sc,messages, "update action", getUpdateAction(), other.getUpdateAction(), first, visited)) return true; // then make sure that the targetTableName value is the same in both - this indicates whether the key is // forward or not if (maybeBuildDiffMessage(sc, messages, "forward ref", targetTableName, other.targetTableName, first, visited)) return true; if (maybeBuildDiffMessage(sc, messages, "target table", getTargetTable(sc), other.getTargetTable(sc), first, visited)) return true; if (super.collectDifferences(sc, messages, oth, first, visited)) return true; return false; } @Override public PEKey copy(SchemaContext sc, PETable containingTable) { List<PEKeyColumnBase> contained = new ArrayList<PEKeyColumnBase>(); for(PEKeyColumnBase p : getKeyColumns()) { contained.add(p.copy(sc, containingTable)); } PETable targetTab = (targetTable != null ? targetTable.get(sc) : null); PEForeignKey out = new PEForeignKey(sc,getName(),targetTab,targetTableName,contained,updateAction,deleteAction); out.setSymbol(getSymbol()); out.setPhysicalSymbol(getPhysicalSymbol()); return out; } public static void doForeignKeyChecks(SchemaContext sc, DeleteStatement ds) { TableInstance targ = ds.getTargetDeleteEdge().get(); PETable targTab = targ.getAbstractTable().asTable(); processFKChecksOnDelete(sc,targTab,null,new HashSet<PETable>()); } public static void doForeignKeyChecks(SchemaContext sc, UpdateStatement us) { MultiMap<PETable,PEColumn> updated = new MultiMap<PETable,PEColumn>(); for(ExpressionNode en : us.getUpdateExpressions()) { FunctionCall fc = (FunctionCall) en; ColumnInstance ci = (ColumnInstance) fc.getParametersEdge().get(0); PEColumn col = ci.getPEColumn(); updated.put(col.getTable().asTable(),col); } for(PETable pet : updated.keySet()) { Collection<PEColumn> sub = updated.get(pet); if (sub == null || sub.isEmpty()) continue; processFKChecksOnUpdate(sc,pet,Functional.toList(sub),null,new HashSet<PETable>()); } } // fk checks when modifying a parent: // parent op child action result // delete restrict do nothing // delete no action do nothing // delete set null if child is bcast allow, otherwise prohibit // delete cascade do nothing (allow) // update restrict do nothing // update no action do nothing // update set null if child is bcast allow, otherwise prohibit // update cascade if child is bcast allow, otherwise prohibit // // in all cases, when an fk is not persisted, break the chain (since the action would not propogate on the sites) // in mt mode if both tables are tenant id distributedonly allow the delete/update to proceed since it will only // effect one site. private static void processFKChecksOnDelete(SchemaContext sc,PETable modifiedTable,PETable referencingTable,Set<PETable> processed) { if (referencingTable == null) { for(SchemaCacheKey<PEAbstractTable<?>> referring : modifiedTable.getReferencingTables()) { PETable actual = sc.getSource().find(sc, referring).asTable(); processFKChecksOnDelete(sc,modifiedTable,actual,processed); } } else { if (!processed.add(referencingTable)) return; RangeDistribution mr = modifiedTable.getDistributionVector(sc).getDistributedWhollyOnTenantColumn(sc); RangeDistribution rr = referencingTable.getDistributionVector(sc).getDistributedWhollyOnTenantColumn(sc); boolean bothTenantID = (mr != null && rr != null && mr.getCacheKey().equals(rr.getCacheKey())); for(PEKey pek : referencingTable.getKeys(sc)) { if (!pek.isForeign()) continue; PEForeignKey pefk = (PEForeignKey) pek; if (!pefk.isPersisted()) continue; PETable targTab = pefk.getTargetTable(sc); if (targTab == null) continue; if (targTab != modifiedTable) continue; ForeignKeyAction fka = pefk.getDeleteAction(); boolean mustRecurse = false; if (fka == ForeignKeyAction.NO_ACTION || fka == ForeignKeyAction.RESTRICT) { // no cascade, any action will stop on the individual p sites mustRecurse = false; } else if (fka == ForeignKeyAction.CASCADE) { // we need to check referrers mustRecurse = true; } else if (fka == ForeignKeyAction.SET_NULL) { if (!referencingTable.getDistributionVector(sc).isBroadcast() && !bothTenantID) { throw new SchemaException(Pass.PLANNER, "Unable to delete from " + modifiedTable.getName() + " due to set null action on foreign key " + pefk.getName() + " in table " + referencingTable.getName()); } mustRecurse = true; // we've now converted a delete action to an update action, proceed as an update - use a new set processFKChecksOnUpdate(sc,referencingTable,pefk.getColumns(sc),null,new HashSet<PETable>()); } else { throw new SchemaException(Pass.PLANNER, "Unknown foreign key action kind: " + fka); } if (mustRecurse) processFKChecksOnDelete(sc,referencingTable,null,processed); } } } private static void processFKChecksOnUpdate(SchemaContext sc,PETable modifiedTable,List<PEColumn> modifiedColumns, PETable referencingTable,Set<PETable> processed) { if (referencingTable == null) { for(SchemaCacheKey<PEAbstractTable<?>> referring : modifiedTable.getReferencingTables()) { PETable actual = sc.getSource().find(sc, referring).asTable(); processFKChecksOnUpdate(sc,modifiedTable,modifiedColumns,actual,processed); } } else { if (!processed.add(referencingTable)) return; RangeDistribution mr = modifiedTable.getDistributionVector(sc).getDistributedWhollyOnTenantColumn(sc); RangeDistribution rr = referencingTable.getDistributionVector(sc).getDistributedWhollyOnTenantColumn(sc); boolean bothTenantID = (mr != null && rr != null && mr.getCacheKey().equals(rr.getCacheKey())); for(PEKey pek : referencingTable.getKeys(sc)) { if (!pek.isForeign()) continue; PEForeignKey pefk = (PEForeignKey) pek; if (!pefk.isPersisted()) continue; PETable targTab = pefk.getTargetTable(sc); if (targTab == null) continue; if (targTab != modifiedTable) continue; List<PEColumn> targCols = pefk.getTargetColumns(sc); if (!CollectionUtils.isEqualCollection(modifiedColumns, targCols)) continue; ForeignKeyAction updateAction = pefk.getUpdateAction(); boolean mustRecurse = false; if (updateAction == ForeignKeyAction.RESTRICT || updateAction == ForeignKeyAction.NO_ACTION) { mustRecurse = false; } else if (updateAction == ForeignKeyAction.SET_NULL || updateAction == ForeignKeyAction.CASCADE) { if (referencingTable.getDistributionVector(sc).isBroadcast() || bothTenantID) { // must propagate the update mustRecurse = true; } else { throw new SchemaException(Pass.PLANNER, "Unable to update table " + modifiedTable.getName() + " due to cascade/set null action on foreign key " + pefk.getName() + " in table " + referencingTable.getName()); } } if (mustRecurse) processFKChecksOnUpdate(sc,referencingTable,pefk.getColumns(sc),null,processed); } } } }