package com.tesora.dve.sql; /* * #%L * Tesora Inc. * Database Virtualization Engine * %% * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2014 Tesora Inc. * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * #L% */ import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import com.tesora.dve.distribution.BroadcastDistributionModel; import com.tesora.dve.distribution.RandomDistributionModel; import com.tesora.dve.distribution.RangeDistributionModel; import com.tesora.dve.distribution.StaticDistributionModel; import com.tesora.dve.server.bootstrap.BootstrapHost; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.PEDDL; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.ProjectDDL; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.ProxyConnectionResource; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.StorageGroupDDL; import com.tesora.dve.standalone.PETest; public class NullDataTest extends SchemaTest { // need one table of every type where one of the dist keys can be nullable // need this on more than one site // also, expand the range (but don't test static after expanding group) private static final ProjectDDL testDDL = new PEDDL("ndtdb", new StorageGroupDDL("pndt",5,2,"pg"), "database"); @BeforeClass public static void setup() throws Exception { PETest.projectSetup(testDDL); PETest.bootHost = BootstrapHost.startServices(PETest.class); } @Before public void before() throws Throwable { conn = new ProxyConnectionResource(); testDDL.create(conn); } @After public void after() throws Throwable { if(conn != null) conn.disconnect(); } ProxyConnectionResource conn = null; private static final String NULL_VALUE = "NULL"; @Test public void test() throws Throwable { // add two ranges conn.execute("create range unrange (int) persistent group pg"); conn.execute("create range birange (int,int) persistent group pg"); String[] fids = new String[] { "0", "-1", "1", NULL_VALUE, "2000", NULL_VALUE }; String[] sids = new String[] { "-1", "1", NULL_VALUE, "2000", "0", NULL_VALUE }; TestTable[] tabs = new TestTable[] { new TestTable("tstat",2,StaticDistributionModel.MODEL_NAME,null), new TestTable("ostat",1,StaticDistributionModel.MODEL_NAME,null), new TestTable("trand",2,RandomDistributionModel.MODEL_NAME,null), new TestTable("orand",1,RandomDistributionModel.MODEL_NAME,null), new TestTable("tbroad",2,BroadcastDistributionModel.MODEL_NAME,null), new TestTable("obroad",1,BroadcastDistributionModel.MODEL_NAME,null), new TestTable("trange",2,RangeDistributionModel.MODEL_NAME,"birange"), new TestTable("orange",1,RangeDistributionModel.MODEL_NAME,"unrange"), }; for(int i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++) { TestTable tt = tabs[i]; conn.execute(tt.getTableDeclaration()); // insert test ArrayList<String[]> rowValues = new ArrayList<String[]>(); for(int j = 0; j < fids.length; j++) { String[] values = new String[tt.getIDCols()]; values[0] = fids[j]; if (values.length == 2) values[1] = sids[j]; rowValues.add(values); conn.execute(tt.buildInsert(values)); } for(int j = 2; j < rowValues.size(); j++) { String[] values = rowValues.get(j); conn.execute(tt.buildUpdate(values)); } assertEquals(conn.fetch(tt.buildPostUpdateSelect()).getResults().size(), 4); for(int j = 2; j < rowValues.size(); j++) { String[] values = rowValues.get(j); int expectedSize = 1; if (values[0] == NULL_VALUE && values.length == 1) expectedSize = 2; assertEquals(conn.fetch(tt.buildSelect(values)).getResults().size(), expectedSize); } for(int j = 2; j < rowValues.size(); j++) { String[] values = rowValues.get(j); conn.execute(tt.buildDelete(values)); assertTrue(conn.fetch(tt.buildSelect(values)).getResults().size() == 0); } } } private static class TestTable { private String tabname; private int ncols; private String model; private String range; public TestTable(String name, int idcols, String model, String range) { tabname = name; this.model = model; this.range = range; ncols = idcols; } public int getIDCols() { return ncols; } public boolean distributesOnColumns() { return StaticDistributionModel.MODEL_NAME.equals(model) || RangeDistributionModel.MODEL_NAME.equals(model); } public String getTableDeclaration() { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append("create table ").append(tabname).append(" ("); if (ncols == 1) buf.append("`fid` int, `junk` varchar(20)"); else buf.append("`fid` int, `sid` int, `junk` varchar(20)"); buf.append(" ) ").append(model).append(" distribute"); if (distributesOnColumns()) { buf.append(" on ("); if (ncols == 1) buf.append("`fid`"); else buf.append("`fid`,`sid`"); buf.append(") "); if (range != null) buf.append(" using ").append(range); } return buf.toString(); } public String buildInsert(String[] values) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append("insert into ").append(tabname).append(" ("); if (ncols == 1) buf.append("fid,junk"); else buf.append("fid,sid,junk"); buf.append(") values ("); String junkVal = null; if (ncols == 1) { buf.append(values[0]); junkVal = "'" + values[0] + "'"; } else { buf.append(values[0]).append(",").append(values[1]); junkVal = "'" + values[0] + "/" + values[1] + "'"; } buf.append(", ").append(junkVal).append(")"); return buf.toString(); } private String buildWhereClause(String[] values) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append(" where "); if (values[0] == NULL_VALUE) buf.append("fid is null"); else buf.append("fid = ").append(values[0]); if (ncols != 1) { if (values[1] == NULL_VALUE) buf.append(" and sid is null "); else buf.append(" and sid = ").append(values[1]); } return buf.toString(); } // always only against the first value public String buildSelect(String[] values) { return "select * from " + tabname + buildWhereClause(values); } public String buildPostUpdateSelect() { return "select * from " + tabname + " where junk = 'updated'"; } public String buildDelete(String[] values) { return "delete from " + tabname + buildWhereClause(values); } public String buildUpdate(String[] values) { return "update " + tabname + " set junk = 'updated' " + buildWhereClause(values); } } @Test public void testNullLiteralColumn() throws Throwable { conn.execute("create table `A` (`id` int unsigned not null, `col1` varchar(50) not null, `id2` int unsigned, `col2` varchar(10) ) random distribute"); conn.execute("insert into `A` values (1, '1_one', 11, '1_two')"); conn.execute("insert into `A` values (2, '2_one', 22, '2_two')"); conn.execute("insert into `A` values (3, '3_one', 33, '3_two')"); conn.execute("insert into `A` values (4, '4_one', 44, '4_two')"); conn.execute("insert into `A` values (5, '5_one', 55, '5_two')"); conn.execute("insert into `A` values (6, '6_one', 66, '6_two')"); conn.assertResults("select id as firstId, col1 as column1, id2 as secondId, col2 as column2, null as mynullcol from A order by id", br(nr,Long.valueOf(1), "1_one", Long.valueOf(11), "1_two", null, nr,Long.valueOf(2), "2_one", Long.valueOf(22), "2_two", null, nr,Long.valueOf(3), "3_one", Long.valueOf(33), "3_two", null, nr,Long.valueOf(4), "4_one", Long.valueOf(44), "4_two", null, nr,Long.valueOf(5), "5_one", Long.valueOf(55), "5_two", null, nr,Long.valueOf(6), "6_one", Long.valueOf(66), "6_two", null)); conn.assertResults("select id as firstId, col1 as column1, id2 as secondId, null as mynullcol, col2 as column2 from A order by id", br(nr,Long.valueOf(1), "1_one", Long.valueOf(11), null, "1_two", nr,Long.valueOf(2), "2_one", Long.valueOf(22), null, "2_two", nr,Long.valueOf(3), "3_one", Long.valueOf(33), null, "3_two", nr,Long.valueOf(4), "4_one", Long.valueOf(44), null, "4_two", nr,Long.valueOf(5), "5_one", Long.valueOf(55), null, "5_two", nr,Long.valueOf(6), "6_one", Long.valueOf(66), null, "6_two")); conn.assertResults("select id as firstId, col1 as column1, null as mynullcol, id2 as secondId, col2 as column2 from A order by id", br(nr,Long.valueOf(1), "1_one", null, Long.valueOf(11), "1_two", nr,Long.valueOf(2), "2_one", null, Long.valueOf(22), "2_two", nr,Long.valueOf(3), "3_one", null, Long.valueOf(33), "3_two", nr,Long.valueOf(4), "4_one", null, Long.valueOf(44), "4_two", nr,Long.valueOf(5), "5_one", null, Long.valueOf(55), "5_two", nr,Long.valueOf(6), "6_one", null, Long.valueOf(66), "6_two")); conn.assertResults("select id as firstId, null as mynullcol, col1 as column1, id2 as secondId, col2 as column2 from A order by id", br(nr,Long.valueOf(1), null, "1_one", Long.valueOf(11), "1_two", nr,Long.valueOf(2), null, "2_one", Long.valueOf(22), "2_two", nr,Long.valueOf(3), null, "3_one", Long.valueOf(33), "3_two", nr,Long.valueOf(4), null, "4_one", Long.valueOf(44), "4_two", nr,Long.valueOf(5), null, "5_one", Long.valueOf(55), "5_two", nr,Long.valueOf(6), null, "6_one", Long.valueOf(66), "6_two")); } }