package com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.cache; /* * #%L * Tesora Inc. * Database Virtualization Engine * %% * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2014 Tesora Inc. * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * #L% */ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import; import; import; import; import com.tesora.dve.exceptions.PEException; import com.tesora.dve.lockmanager.LockType; import com.tesora.dve.sql.expression.MTTableKey; import com.tesora.dve.sql.expression.TableKey; import com.tesora.dve.sql.parser.ExtractedLiteral; import com.tesora.dve.sql.parser.ExtractedLiteral.Type; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.LockInfo; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.Name; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.PETable; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.SchemaContext; import; import; import; import; import com.tesora.dve.sql.statement.CacheableStatement; import com.tesora.dve.sql.transform.execution.ConnectionValuesMap; import com.tesora.dve.sql.transform.execution.RootExecutionPlan; import com.tesora.dve.sql.transform.execution.RebuiltPlan; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.Functional; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.UnaryFunction; public class MTCachedPlan implements RegularCachedPlan { private final PlanCacheKey pck; private final List<ExtractedLiteral.Type> extractedTypes; private final List<CachedTSPlan> plans; private final Cache<SchemaCacheKey<PETenant>,MatchResult> tenants; private final LockType lockType; public MTCachedPlan(PlanCacheKey pck, List<ExtractedLiteral> extractedLiterals, int cacheDepth, LockType lt) { this.pck = pck; extractedTypes = new ArrayList<ExtractedLiteral.Type>(); for(ExtractedLiteral el : extractedLiterals) extractedTypes.add(el.getType()); plans = new ArrayList<CachedTSPlan>(); lockType = lt; tenants = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().maximumSize(cacheDepth) .removalListener(new OnRemoval(this)) .build(); } @Override public boolean invalidate(SchemaCacheKey<?> unloaded) { if (unloaded.getCacheSegment() == CacheSegment.TENANT) { tenants.invalidate(unloaded); return tenants.size() == 0; } else if (unloaded.getCacheSegment() == CacheSegment.TABLE) { HashSet<CachedTSPlan> lost = new HashSet<CachedTSPlan>(); for(CachedTSPlan ctsp : plans) { if (ctsp.invalidate(unloaded)) lost.add(ctsp); } if (lost.isEmpty()) return false; HashSet<SchemaCacheKey<PETenant>> keys = new HashSet<SchemaCacheKey<PETenant>>(tenants.asMap().keySet()); for(Iterator<SchemaCacheKey<PETenant>> iter = keys.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { MatchResult thePlan = tenants.getIfPresent(; if (thePlan == null || !lost.contains(thePlan.getPlan())) iter.remove(); } tenants.invalidateAll(keys); synchronized(plans) { plans.removeAll(lost); } return tenants.size() == 0 || plans.size() == 0; } else if (unloaded.getCacheSegment() == CacheSegment.SCOPE) { ScopeCacheKey sck = (ScopeCacheKey) unloaded; SchemaCacheKey<PETenant> tenantKey = sck.getTenantCacheKey(); MatchResult results = tenants.getIfPresent(tenantKey); if (results != null) { if (results.matches(sck)) { tenants.invalidate(tenantKey); } } } return false; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void take(SchemaContext sc, CacheableStatement originalStatement, RootExecutionPlan thePlan) { // first build the CachedTSPlan and then try to merge it in. // we seek to minimize the time within the lock. List<VisibilityRecord> visible = new ArrayList<VisibilityRecord>(); ArrayList<SchemaCacheKey<TableScope>> scopes = new ArrayList<SchemaCacheKey<TableScope>>(); for(TableKey tk : originalStatement.getAllTableKeys()) { if (tk instanceof MTTableKey) { MTTableKey mtk = (MTTableKey) tk; VisibilityRecord vr = new VisibilityRecord(sc,mtk.getScope().getName(),mtk.getScope().getTable(sc)); visible.add(vr); scopes.add((SchemaCacheKey<TableScope>) mtk.getScope().getCacheKey()); } } scopes.trimToSize(); SchemaEdge<IPETenant> ick = sc.getCurrentTenant(); PETenant ten = (PETenant)ick.get(sc); SchemaCacheKey<PETenant> ck = (SchemaCacheKey<PETenant>) ten.getCacheKey(); CachedTSPlan np = new CachedTSPlan(this,thePlan,visible); int max = plans.size(); MatchResult mr = null; for(int i = 0; i < max; i++) { CachedTSPlan existing = plans.get(i); if (existing.matches(sc,np)) { existing.increment(); mr = new MatchResult(existing,scopes); tenants.put(ck, mr); return; } } synchronized(plans) { plans.add(np); } if (mr == null) mr = new MatchResult(np,scopes); tenants.put(ck,mr); } protected void onRemoval(MatchResult ctsp) { if (ctsp.getPlan().decrement()) { synchronized(plans) { plans.remove(ctsp); } } } @Override public PlanCacheKey getKey() { return pck; } @Override public List<ExtractedLiteral.Type> getLiteralTypes() { return null; } @Override public RebuiltPlan showPlan(SchemaContext sc, List<ExtractedLiteral> literals) throws PEException { return null; } @Override public RebuiltPlan rebuildPlan(SchemaContext sc, List<ExtractedLiteral> literals) throws PEException { if (!isValidLiterals(literals)) return new RebuiltPlan(null, null, true,null,lockType); IPETenant currentTenant = sc.getCurrentTenant().get(sc); if (currentTenant == null) return new RebuiltPlan(null, null, true,null,lockType); MatchResult candidate = findMatching(sc, (PETenant)currentTenant); if (candidate == null) return new RebuiltPlan(null, null, true,null,lockType); return candidate.getPlan().rebuildPlan(sc, literals, Functional.apply(candidate.getScopes(), new UnaryFunction<SchemaCacheKey<?>,SchemaCacheKey<TableScope>>() { @Override public SchemaCacheKey<?> evaluate( SchemaCacheKey<TableScope> object) { return object; } })); } @Override public boolean isValid(SchemaContext sc, List<ExtractedLiteral> literals) throws PEException { if (!isValidLiterals(literals)) return false; return findMatching(sc, (PETenant)sc.getCurrentTenant().get(sc)) != null; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private MatchResult findMatching(SchemaContext sc, PETenant tenant) throws PEException { SchemaCacheKey<PETenant> ck = (SchemaCacheKey<PETenant>) tenant.getCacheKey(); MatchResult candidate = tenants.getIfPresent(ck); if (candidate != null) return candidate; int max = plans.size(); for(int i = 0; i < max; i++) { CachedTSPlan ctsp = plans.get(i); List<SchemaCacheKey<TableScope>> matching = ctsp.slowMatch(sc, tenant, lockType); if (matching != null) { ctsp.increment(); MatchResult mr = new MatchResult(ctsp,matching); tenants.put(ck, mr); return mr; } } return null; } private boolean isValidLiterals(List<ExtractedLiteral> literals) { if (extractedTypes.size() != literals.size()) return false; for(int i = 0; i < extractedTypes.size(); i++) { if (extractedTypes.get(i) != literals.get(i).getType()) return false; } return true; } // in mt mode, a cached plan consists of cached table specific (TS) plans // each TS plan contains a list of mappings from visible names to backing PETables // as well as a set of SchemaCacheKeys that point to tenants // each TS is for a different set of backing PETables public static class CachedTSPlan implements RegularCachedPlan { private final RootExecutionPlan thePlan; private final List<VisibilityRecord> mapping; private final MTCachedPlan parent; private final AtomicInteger refCount; public CachedTSPlan(MTCachedPlan mtcp, RootExecutionPlan thePlan, List<VisibilityRecord> theMapping) { parent = mtcp; this.thePlan = thePlan; this.thePlan.setOwningCache(this); this.mapping = theMapping; this.refCount = new AtomicInteger(1); } public void increment() { refCount.incrementAndGet(); } public boolean decrement() { int was = refCount.decrementAndGet(); return (was <= 0); } @Override public PlanCacheKey getKey() { return parent.getKey(); } @Override public RebuiltPlan rebuildPlan(SchemaContext sc, List<ExtractedLiteral> literals) throws PEException { ConnectionValuesMap cv = thePlan.resetForNewPlan(sc, literals); return new RebuiltPlan(thePlan, cv, false,null,parent.lockType); } public RebuiltPlan rebuildPlan(SchemaContext sc, List<ExtractedLiteral> literals, List<SchemaCacheKey<?>> scopes) throws PEException { ConnectionValuesMap cv = thePlan.resetForNewPlan(sc, literals); return new RebuiltPlan(thePlan, cv, false,scopes.toArray(new SchemaCacheKey<?>[0]),parent.lockType); } @Override public boolean isValid(SchemaContext sc, List<ExtractedLiteral> literals) throws PEException { return parent.isValid(sc, literals); } public List<SchemaCacheKey<TableScope>> slowMatch(SchemaContext sc, PETenant pet, LockType lt) { ArrayList<SchemaCacheKey<TableScope>> matching = new ArrayList<SchemaCacheKey<TableScope>>(); for(VisibilityRecord vr : mapping) { SchemaCacheKey<TableScope> m = vr.matches(sc, pet, lt); if (m == null) return null; matching.add(m); } matching.trimToSize(); return matching; } public boolean matches(SchemaContext sc, CachedTSPlan other) { Set<String> mine = visibilityShortHand(sc); Set<String> yours = other.visibilityShortHand(sc); return mine.equals(yours); } protected Set<String> visibilityShortHand(SchemaContext sc) { HashSet<String> out = new HashSet<String>(); for(VisibilityRecord vr : mapping) out.add(vr.buildKey(sc)); return out; } @Override public boolean invalidate(SchemaCacheKey<?> unloaded) { if (unloaded.getCacheSegment() != CacheSegment.TABLE) return false; for(VisibilityRecord vr : mapping) { if (vr.getCacheKey().equals(unloaded)) return true; } return false; } @Override public RebuiltPlan showPlan(SchemaContext sc, List<ExtractedLiteral> literals) throws PEException { return null; } @Override public List<Type> getLiteralTypes() { return null; } } private static class VisibilityRecord { private final Name localName; private final SchemaCacheKey<PETable> backingTable; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public VisibilityRecord(SchemaContext sc, Name visibleName, PETable backing) { this.localName = visibleName; this.backingTable = (SchemaCacheKey<PETable>) backing.getCacheKey(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public SchemaCacheKey<TableScope> matches(SchemaContext sc, PETenant pet, LockType lt) { TableScope ts = pet.lookupScope(sc, localName, new LockInfo(lt,"lookup scope for mt cached plan")); if (ts == null) return null; if (!backingTable.equals(ts.getTableKey())) return null; return (SchemaCacheKey<TableScope>) ts.getCacheKey(); } public String buildKey(SchemaContext sc) { return localName.get() + "/" + backingTable; } public SchemaCacheKey<PETable> getCacheKey() { return backingTable; } } private static class OnRemoval implements RemovalListener<SchemaCacheKey<PETenant>,MatchResult> { private final MTCachedPlan parent; public OnRemoval(MTCachedPlan ctcp) { parent = ctcp; } @Override public void onRemoval( RemovalNotification<SchemaCacheKey<PETenant>, MatchResult> arg0) { parent.onRemoval(arg0.getValue()); } } private static class MatchResult { private List<SchemaCacheKey<TableScope>> scopes; private CachedTSPlan plan; public MatchResult(CachedTSPlan thePlan, List<SchemaCacheKey<TableScope>> matching) { scopes = matching; plan = thePlan; } public CachedTSPlan getPlan() { return plan; } public boolean matches(SchemaCacheKey<TableScope> in) { return scopes.contains(in); } public List<SchemaCacheKey<TableScope>> getScopes() { return scopes; } } }