package ca.sqlpower.util; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; /** * The Scheduler class is a cron-like facility for Java. */ public class Scheduler { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Scheduler.class); /** * This List contains zero or more ScheduledTask objects sorted by * nextOccurrence(baseDate) with the first scheduled occurrence * at position 0 in the list. If two or more scheduled tasks are * to occur at the same time, their order relative to each other * is random. */ protected static final List schedule; /** * This is the base date used for sorting the schedule by next * occurrence. It is usually the most recently executed event. * * <p>This value should only be changed by threads that hold a * lock on the schedule object. */ protected static Date baseDate; /** * This thread is created when the Scheduler class is loaded. It * is responsible for running the ScheduledTask events at the * correct time and rescheduling them as necessary. It also gets * notified when a scheduled task is added to or removed from the * schedule list. */ protected static final Thread schedulerThread; /** * No-op constructor. This class is meant to be used statically. */ protected Scheduler() {} static { schedule = new LinkedList(); baseDate = new Date(); schedulerThread = new SchedulerThread(); schedulerThread.start(); } /** * Incorporates the given Runnable into the list of scheduled * tasks, then wakes up the scheduler thread in case it needs to * reconsider its sleeping time. */ public static void scheduleTask(Recurrence recurrence, Runnable task) { synchronized (schedule) { Date firstOccurrence = recurrence.nextOccurrence(baseDate); if (firstOccurrence == null) { logger.debug("Not scheduling new task because it has no more occurrences"); return; } if (firstOccurrence.getTime() < System.currentTimeMillis()) { logger.debug("Newly scheduled task occurs after base date but before now." +" Updating base date."); baseDate = new Date(); } schedule.add(0, new ScheduledTask(recurrence, task)); Collections.sort(schedule); schedulerThread.interrupt(); } } /** * Removes the given Runnable task from the schedule. Uses * straight pointer comparison to find the task to remove, so * you'll have to pass in a reference that you got from {@link * #getScheduledTasks()}. * * @return The removed task, or null if the given task wasn't * found in the list. */ public static ScheduledTask unscheduleTask(ScheduledTask task) { synchronized (schedule) { Iterator it = schedule.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { ScheduledTask st = (ScheduledTask); if (st.task == task) { it.remove(); return task; } } return null; } } public static List getScheduledTasks() { synchronized (schedule) { return Collections.unmodifiableList(schedule); } } public static Date getBaseDate() { return baseDate; } protected static class SchedulerThread extends Thread { public SchedulerThread() { super("SQLPower Cron"); setDaemon(true); } public void run() { Date wakeup = null; ScheduledTask nextTask = null; for (;;) { try { synchronized (schedule) { if (!schedule.isEmpty()) { nextTask = (ScheduledTask) schedule.get(0); wakeup = nextTask.recurrence.nextOccurrence(baseDate); } } // determine how long to sleep (0 means sleep until interrupted) long sleepMillis = 0; if (wakeup != null) { sleepMillis = wakeup.getTime() - System.currentTimeMillis(); } logger.debug("Sleeping "+(wakeup==null?"indefinitely":wakeup.toString())); try { join(sleepMillis); // not using Thread.sleep() because 0 means forever } catch (InterruptedException e) { logger.debug("Received an interrupt while sleeping"); } // remember when we woke up wakeup = new Date(); // now that we're awake, we will perform all tasks that were due // at the actual wakeup time // XXX: schedule remains locked during task execution! synchronized (schedule) { if (!schedule.isEmpty()) { nextTask = (ScheduledTask) schedule.get(0); Date nextTime = nextTask.recurrence.nextOccurrence(); while (nextTime != null && nextTime.getTime() <= System.currentTimeMillis()) { try { logger.debug("Starting to run scheduled task");; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Scheduled task threw an exception", e); } baseDate = nextTime; Collections.sort(schedule); nextTask = (ScheduledTask) schedule.get(0); nextTime = nextTask.recurrence.nextOccurrence(); } } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Unexpected exception in scheduler thread", e); return; // XXX: should remove this in production! } finally { logger.error(" is exiting!"); } } } } /** * A container for the objects that represent a scheduled task. * Comparisons of objects of this type are based on the * recurrence's nextOccurrence() after the Scheduler's current * base date. */ public static class ScheduledTask { public Recurrence recurrence; public Runnable task; public ScheduledTask(Recurrence recurrence, Runnable task) { this.recurrence = recurrence; this.task = task; } /** * Compares this ScheduledTask to the other given task. The * comparison is based on the return value of the recurrence's * nextOccurrence(Scheduler.baseDate). If other is not an instance of * ScheduledTask, you will get a ClassCastException. * * <p>A null nextOccurrence (meaning the task has no more * scheduled occurrences) sorts to the end (infinitely far in * the future). This helps with pruning the schedule because * after sorting all the expired tasks will be grouped at the * end. */ public int compareTo(Object other) { ScheduledTask otherTask = (ScheduledTask) other; Date thisNextOccurrence = this.recurrence.nextOccurrence(baseDate); Date otherNextOccurrence = otherTask.recurrence.nextOccurrence(baseDate); if (thisNextOccurrence == null && otherNextOccurrence == null) { return 0; } else if (thisNextOccurrence == null) { return 1; } else if (otherNextOccurrence == null) { return -1; } else { return (int) (thisNextOccurrence.getTime() - otherNextOccurrence.getTime()); } } /** * Tells if two scheduled tasks will occur next at exactly the * same time. Warning: this method was implemented so equals * could be consistent with compareTo, but it is not all that * useful in reality. Two different scheduled tasks will be * considered equal if their next occurrences coincide. */ @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (other == null) { return false; } ScheduledTask otherTask = (ScheduledTask) other; Date thisNextOccurrence = this.recurrence.nextOccurrence(baseDate); Date otherNextOccurrence = otherTask.recurrence.nextOccurrence(baseDate); if (thisNextOccurrence == null && otherNextOccurrence == null) { return true; } else if (thisNextOccurrence == null) { return false; } else if (otherNextOccurrence == null) { return false; } else { return thisNextOccurrence.getTime() == otherNextOccurrence.getTime(); } } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = 17; result = 31 * result + this.recurrence.nextOccurrence(baseDate).hashCode(); return result; } } }