package ca.sqlpower.util; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; /** * The AbstractCache class is a generic cache that never disposes of * the items it contains. This class is declared abstract because * without a disposal policy, there is no difference between a cache * and a map. * * <p>This class is may not extend HashMap in the future, but it will * always implement Cache, which will always implement Map. * Therefore, it's not safe to assume an AbstractCache is a HashMap * but it is safe to assume an AbstractCache is a Map (or a Collection). */ public abstract class AbstractCache extends HashMap implements Cache, { public AbstractCache(int initialMaxMembers) { super(); maxMembers = initialMaxMembers; lastFlushDate = new Date(); stats = new CacheStats(); } /** * This field holds the maximum member count normally allowed in * the cache. Subclasses may interpret this as a hard or soft * limit, and should document which interpretation they have * chosen. */ protected int maxMembers; /** * This is initialized to the current date when the cache is first * created, and is updated to the current date whenever the {@link * #flush()} method is called. */ protected Date lastFlushDate; /** * This object gets notified when things happen, so that * statistics can be gathered to help administrators tune the * cache parameters. */ protected CacheStats stats; /** * Whenever an item is inserted (using <code>put</code> or * <code>putAll</code>), this method will be called. At that * time, the subclass's implementation should ensure that the * cache's item count does not exceed maxMembers by removing zero * or more items as necessary. The removal process is permitted * to remove more items than necessary to lower the count, and in * some cases (such as "soft" limit policies) the item count may * remain in excess of maxMembers. The actual policy used to * decide which item to dispose of is left up to each individual * subclass. */ protected abstract void itemsInserted(Object[] keys); /** * Whenever an item is requested (via <code>get</code>), this * method will be called. Many cache eviction policies need to * know when items are requsted to keep their stats accurate. * * @param key The key which was used in the request. * @param wasPresent True if the requested key was present in the * cache (a cache hit), false otherwise (a cache miss). */ protected abstract void itemRequested(Object key, boolean wasPresent); /** * Sets the maximum member count, which influences the behaviour * of <code>itemsInserted</code>. * * @see #maxMembers */ public void setMaxMembers(int argMaxMembers) { maxMembers=argMaxMembers; } /** * Gets the maximum member count, which influences the behaviour * of <code>itemsInserted</code>. * * @see #maxMembers */ public int getMaxMembers() { return maxMembers; } /** * Works like Put() as specified in the java.util.Map interface, * but also is allowed to delete zero or more items from this * collection after inserting the given item. The choice of which * items to delete and when is controlled by the various * <code>itemsInserted</code> implementations of concrete * subclasses. */ public Object put(Object key, Object value) { Object retval=super.put(key, value); Object[] theKey=new Object[1]; theKey[0]=key; internalItemsInserted(theKey); return retval; } /** * Works like PutAll() as specified in the java.util.Map * interface, but also is allowed to delete zero or more items * from this collection after inserting the given items. The * choice of which items to delete and when is controlled by the * various <code>itemsInserted</code> implementations of concrete * subclasses. */ public void putAll(Map t) { super.putAll(t); internalItemsInserted(t.keySet().toArray()); } /** * Works like get() as specified in the java.util.Map interface, * but also notifies the implementing subclass of the request via * the itemRequested hook. */ public Object get(Object key) { Object retval=super.get(key); internalItemRequested(key, retval!=null); return retval; } /** * @see #lastFlushDate */ public Date getLastFlushDate() { return lastFlushDate; } /** * Releases all objects in the cache and updates the last flush * date. */ public void flush() { super.clear(); stats.cacheFlush(); lastFlushDate = new Date(); } /** * Returns the statistics-tracking instance for this cache. */ public CacheStats getStats() { return stats; } /** * Handles statistics gathering and calls the abstract * itemsInserted hook. */ private void internalItemsInserted(Object[] keys) { stats.totalInserted += keys.length; itemsInserted(keys); } /** * Handles statistics gathering and calls the abstract * itemsInserted hook. */ private void internalItemRequested(Object key, boolean wasPresent) { stats.totalRequested++; if (wasPresent) { stats.totalHits++; } else { stats.totalMisses++; } itemRequested(key, wasPresent); } }