package ca.sqlpower.sql; import java.awt.Color; import; import; import; import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import ca.sqlpower.util.Hyperlink; import ca.sqlpower.util.LongMessageFormat; /** * The base class for utilities that format a {@link WebResultSet} * into various human-readable formats. Currently, HTML and CSV * output is available. The Power*Dashboard extends this class to * provide an alternate HTML view as well as an applet-based graph * view. * * @author Jonathan Fuerth and Gillian Mereweather * @version $Id$ */ public abstract class WebResultFormatter { protected String rowidParameterName; protected String checkboxYesValue; protected NumberFormat numberFormatter; protected NumberFormat moneyFormatter; protected NumberFormat percentFormatter; protected DateFormat dateFormatter; protected Color rowHighlightColour; protected Color rowNormalColour; public WebResultFormatter() { rowidParameterName="row_id"; checkboxYesValue="YES"; numberFormatter=new ca.sqlpower.util.NaanSafeNumberFormat("#,##0.##############"); moneyFormatter=new ca.sqlpower.util.NaanSafeNumberFormat("$#,##0.00"); percentFormatter=new ca.sqlpower.util.NaanSafeNumberFormat("0%"); dateFormatter=new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); rowHighlightColour=Color.yellow; rowNormalColour=new Color(0xEE, 0xEE, 0xEE); } /** * Gets the desired parameter name for the row identifier column. * * @return The row identifier parameter name. */ public String getRowidParameterName() { return rowidParameterName; } /** * Gets the desired parameter name for the row identifier column. * * @param newName The new row identifier parameter name. */ public void setRowidParameterName(String newName) { rowidParameterName=newName; } /** * Gets the value that indicates a "checked" (on) indicator in the * database. * * @return the string representing "true" */ public String getCheckboxYesValue() { return checkboxYesValue; } /** * Sets the value that indicates a "checked" (on) indicator in the * database. All other values are considered to mean "false." * * @param v The new value of the string representing "true." */ public void setCheckboxYesValue(String v) { this.checkboxYesValue = v; } public void setNumberFormatter(NumberFormat v) { numberFormatter=v; } public void setMoneyFormatter(NumberFormat v) { moneyFormatter=v; } public void setPercentFormatter(NumberFormat v) { percentFormatter=v; } public void setDateFormatter(DateFormat v) { dateFormatter=v; } /** * Gets the current setting of the row highlighting colour. * * @return the current row highlighting colour */ public Color getRowHighlightColour() {return rowHighlightColour;} /** * Sets the value of the row highlight colour. * * @param v Value to assign to row highlight colour. */ public void setRowHighlightColour(Color v) {this.rowHighlightColour = v;} /** * Gets the current setting of the row normal colour. * * @return the current row normal colour */ public Color getRowNormalColour() {return rowNormalColour;} /** * Sets the value of the row normal colour. * * @param v Value to assign to row normal colour. */ public void setRowNormalColour(Color v) {this.rowNormalColour = v;} protected String beautifyHeading(String heading) { StringBuffer newHeading=new StringBuffer(heading); for(int i=0; i<newHeading.length(); i++) { if(newHeading.charAt(i) == '_') { newHeading.setCharAt(i, ' '); } } return newHeading.toString(); } public static String beautifyColumnName(String colName) { StringBuffer newColName=new StringBuffer(colName); final int CAP_NEXT=1; final int LOWER_NEXT=2; int state=CAP_NEXT; for(int i=0; i<colName.length(); i++) { if(newColName.charAt(i) == '_') { newColName.setCharAt(i, ' '); state=CAP_NEXT; continue; } switch(state) { case CAP_NEXT: newColName.setCharAt(i, Character.toUpperCase(colName.charAt(i))); state=LOWER_NEXT; break; case LOWER_NEXT: newColName.setCharAt(i, Character.toLowerCase(colName.charAt(i))); break; } } return newColName.toString(); } /** * Examines the <code>i</code>th column of with Web Result Set, * and fills the <code>contents</code> and <code>align</code> * buffers with the appropriate string values. The type of * formatting done depends on the web result set's idea of the * <code>i</code>th column's type. * * @param wrs The web result set whose current row's ith column * should be rendered. * @param i The column number to render. * @param contents The textual contents that should be displayed * to the user are appended to this StringBuffer. * @param align The alignment information ("left", "center", * "right") for this column is appended to this StringBuffer. It * is not a coincidence that they are the same as HTML 3.2 align * attributes, but you could/should use them for other output * formats. * @throws SQLException if a database error occurrs while * retrieving the contents of the WebResultSet record. * @throws NoRowidException if the field type needs rowid * information to render, and no column in <code>wrs</code> was * defined as supplying a rowid. <code>contents</code> and * <code>align</code> may have already been modified if this * exception is thrown. * @throws ColumnNotDisplayableException if the type of this field * is such that it can't (or shouldn't) be displayed. If this * exception is thrown, <code>contents</code> and * <code>align</code> are guaranteed to be unmodified. * @throws IllegalStateException if this is a HYPERLINK field and * <code>wrs.getColumnHyperlinks(i)</code> returns null. * @see FieldTypes */ protected void getColumnFormatted(WebResultSet wrs, int i, StringBuffer contents, StringBuffer align) throws SQLException, NoRowidException, ColumnNotDisplayableException, IllegalStateException { int type=wrs.getColumnType(i); switch(type) { case FieldTypes.NUMBER: align.append("right"); contents.append(numberFormatter.format(wrs.getFloat(i))); break; case FieldTypes.NAME: align.append("left"); contents.append(wrs.getString(i)); break; case FieldTypes.TEXT_DEFAULT_NA: align.append("left"); if(wrs.getString(i) == null || wrs.getString(i).equals("")){ contents.append("n/a"); } else { contents.append(wrs.getString(i)); } break; case FieldTypes.TEXT_DEFAULT_UNKNOWN: align.append("left"); if(wrs.getString(i) == null || wrs.getString(i).equals("")){ contents.append("Unknown"); } else { contents.append(wrs.getString(i)); } break; case FieldTypes.TEXT_DEFAULT_NONE: align.append("left"); if(wrs.getString(i) == null || wrs.getString(i).equals("")){ contents.append("None"); } else { contents.append(wrs.getString(i)); } break; case FieldTypes.MONEY: align.append("right"); contents.append(moneyFormatter.format(wrs.getFloat(i))); break; case FieldTypes.BOOLEAN: align.append("center"); String tmp=wrs.getString(i); if(tmp != null && SQL.decodeInd(tmp)) { contents.append("True"); } else { contents.append("False"); } break; case FieldTypes.YESNO_DEFAULT_NO: align.append("center"); if(wrs.getString(i) == null || wrs.getString(i).equals("")){ contents.append("N"); } else { contents.append(wrs.getString(i)); } break; case FieldTypes.YESNO_DEFAULT_YES: align.append("center"); if(wrs.getString(i) == null || wrs.getString(i).equals("")){ contents.append("Y"); } else { contents.append(wrs.getString(i)); } break; case FieldTypes.PERCENT: align.append("right"); try { contents.append(percentFormatter.format(wrs.getFloat(i)/100)); } catch(SQLException e) { // Non-numeric values cause a number-conversion problem contents.append(wrs.getString(i)); } break; case FieldTypes.DATE: align.append("center"); java.sql.Date date=wrs.getDate(i); if(date==null) { // leave empty } else { contents.append( dateFormatter.format(new java.util.Date(date.getTime())) ); } break; case FieldTypes.ALPHANUM_CODE: align.append("center"); contents.append(wrs.getString(i)); break; case FieldTypes.HYPERLINK: case FieldTypes.RANGEHYPERLINK: align.append("center"); if (wrs.getColumnHyperlinks(i) == null) { throw new IllegalStateException ("You must supply hyperlink specs in the WebResultSet."); } contents.append(makeHyperlinks(wrs, i)); break; case FieldTypes.ROWID: case FieldTypes.DUMMY: throw new ColumnNotDisplayableException(); //no break because throw makes it unnecessary case FieldTypes.RADIO: case FieldTypes.CHECKBOX: case FieldTypes.MUTEX_CHECKBOX: //There is no generic way to return a field of this type.. // So it's left up to the concrete subclasses throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); default: ResultSetMetaData md = wrs.getRsmd(); switch (md.getColumnType(i)) { case java.sql.Types.BIGINT: case java.sql.Types.INTEGER: case java.sql.Types.DECIMAL: case java.sql.Types.DOUBLE: case java.sql.Types.FLOAT: case java.sql.Types.NUMERIC: case java.sql.Types.REAL: case java.sql.Types.SMALLINT: case java.sql.Types.TINYINT: align.append("right"); contents.append(numberFormatter.format(wrs.getFloat(i))); break; case java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP: align.append("center"); java.sql.Date tsDate=wrs.getDate(i); if(tsDate==null) { // leave empty } else { contents.append( dateFormatter.format(new java.util.Date(tsDate.getTime()))); } break; default: align.append("left"); contents.append(wrs.getString(i)); break; } } } public abstract void formatToStream(WebResultSet wrs, PrintWriter out) throws SQLException, NoRowidException; public void formatToStream(WebResultSet wrs, Writer out) throws SQLException, NoRowidException { formatToStream(wrs, new PrintWriter(out)); } public String format(WebResultSet wrs) throws SQLException, NoRowidException { StringWriter sout = new StringWriter(); formatToStream(wrs, new PrintWriter(sout)); return sout.toString(); } protected String makeHyperlinks(WebResultSet wrs, int colNo) throws SQLException { List hyperlinks = wrs.getColumnHyperlinks(colNo); String style = wrs.getColumnHyperlinkStyle(colNo); int type = wrs.getColumnType(colNo); StringBuffer contents = new StringBuffer(); Iterator hlIter = hyperlinks.iterator(); while (hlIter.hasNext()) { Hyperlink link = (Hyperlink); LongMessageFormat textFormat = new LongMessageFormat(link.getText()); LongMessageFormat hrefFormat = new LongMessageFormat(link.getHref()); int colCount = wrs.getColumnCount(); String[] rowValues = new String[colCount+1]; for (int col = 1; col <= colCount; col++) { rowValues[col] = wrs.getString(col); } contents.append("<a href=\""); hrefFormat.format(rowValues, contents, null); if (style!=null) { contents.append("\" class=\"").append(style); } contents.append("\">"); StringBuffer nullCheck = new StringBuffer(); String checked; textFormat.format(rowValues, nullCheck, null); if (type == FieldTypes.RANGEHYPERLINK) { if (nullCheck.toString().equals(" 1 - null")) { checked = "-"; } else { checked = nullCheck.toString(); } } else { checked = nullCheck.toString(); } contents.append(checked); contents.append("</a>"); if (hlIter.hasNext()) { contents.append("<br>"); } } return contents.toString(); } }