package ca.sqlpower.util; public class CacheStats { protected int totalInserted; protected int totalRequested; protected int totalHits; protected int totalMisses; public CacheStats() { } public void cacheFlush() { totalInserted = 0; totalRequested = 0; totalHits = 0; totalMisses = 0; } public int getTotalInserted() { return totalInserted; } public int getTotalRequested() { return totalRequested; } public int getTotalHits() { return totalHits; } public int getTotalMisses() { return totalMisses; } /** * Returns a number between 0 and 1 indicating the cache hit * ratio. 0 is worst (no hits); 1 is best but unachievable unless * the cache is pre-populated. */ public double getHitRatio() { if (totalHits == 0) return 0.0; else return ((double) totalHits) / ((double) totalRequested); } }