package ca.sqlpower.sql; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.List; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; /** * The WebResultSet is the top level of a rather deep hierarchy of classes * that represent (by containment, not by inheritance) a java.sql.ResulSet * (or, in some subclasses, multiple ResultSet objects concatenated). * These classes provide some of the functionality of the javax.sql.RowSet * (which they pre-date!), but also additional flexibility and also * some corrections for defects in various Drivers (mostly M$). * <p> * This class provides a no-argument constructor; if you use this, you * must call applyResultSet() and initMembers() yourself before calling * any get/set methods (even toString()!); it is a fatal error to disobey this rule. * <p> * Some of these classes' functionality is intimately related to the * WebResultHTMLFormatter class. * * @version $Id$ */ public class WebResultSet { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(WebResultSet.class); protected ResultSet rs; protected String sqlQuery; protected ColumnFilter[] columnFilter; protected List[] columnChoices; protected List[] columnMutexList; protected String[] columnLabel; protected String[] columnChoicesName; protected String[] columnDefaultChoice; protected String[] columnDefaultValue; protected boolean[] columnHasAny; protected boolean[] columnHasAll; protected int[] columnType; protected List[] columnHyperlinks; protected String[] columnHyperlinkStyle; protected int rowidColNo; public String tableTitle; public String emptyMessage; // the message to show when the result set is empty protected Integer independentColumn; /** * Keeps track of the same thing as JDBC2.0 ResultSet.isAfterLast * because Microsoft's SQLServer2000 driver doesn't support this * method. */ protected boolean isAfterLast; public WebResultSet(ResultSet results, String query) throws SQLException { sqlQuery=query; applyResultSet(results); initMembers(rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount()); } /** * A do-nothing constructor. */ protected WebResultSet() { super(); } /** * Applies the given resultset to the current WebResultSet. The * {@link #WebResultSet(ResultSet,String)} constructor calls this * method with its ResultSet argument, but the DelayedWebResultSet * class doesn't call this method until its execute() method is * called. If there was a previously-applied ResultSet, its * close() method is called. * * @param results An open JDBC ResultSet to wrap in this * WebResultSet. * @throws SQLException if a database error occurs. */ protected void applyResultSet(ResultSet results) throws SQLException { applyResultSet(results, true); } /** * Applies the given resultset to the current WebResultSet. The * {@link #WebResultSet(ResultSet,String)} constructor calls this * method with its ResultSet argument, but the DelayedWebResultSet * class doesn't call this method until its execute() method is * called. * * @param results An open JDBC ResultSet to wrap in this * WebResultSet. * @param closeOldRS If there was a previously-applied ResultSet * and the <code>closeOldRS</code> argument is <code>true</code>, * the old ResultSet will be closed before applying the new one. * @throws SQLException if a database error occurs. */ protected void applyResultSet(ResultSet results, boolean closeOldRS) throws SQLException { if (closeOldRS && rs != null) { rs.close(); } rs = results; } protected void initMembers(int cols) { columnFilter=new ColumnFilter[cols]; columnChoices=new List[cols]; columnMutexList=new List[cols]; columnLabel=new String[cols]; columnChoicesName=new String[cols]; columnDefaultChoice=new String[cols]; columnDefaultValue=new String[cols]; columnHasAny=new boolean[cols]; columnHasAll=new boolean[cols]; columnType=new int[cols]; columnHyperlinks=new List[cols]; columnHyperlinkStyle=new String[cols]; rowidColNo=0; tableTitle=""; emptyMessage=""; independentColumn = null; isAfterLast=false; } /** * sets the column colNo to have both special "any" and "all" * choices in its dropdown list of choices. * * @param colNo the column whose state should be modified * @param has the new value for this attribute * @deprecated use the separate setColumnHasAny and * setColumnHasAll methods instead of this composite one. */ public void setColumnHasAnyAll(int colNo, boolean has) { columnHasAny[colNo-1]=has; columnHasAll[colNo-1]=has; } /** * gets the logical AND of this column's "any" and "all" * attributes. * * @return true iff columnHasAny(colNo) and columnHasAll(colNo) * both return true. * @deprecated use the separate getColumnHasAny and * getColumnHasAll methods instead of this composite one. */ public boolean getColumnHasAnyAll(int colNo) { return columnHasAny[colNo-1] && columnHasAll[colNo-1]; } public void setColumnHasAny(int colNo, boolean has) { columnHasAny[colNo-1]=has; } public boolean getColumnHasAny(int colNo) { return columnHasAny[colNo-1]; } public void setColumnHasAll(int colNo, boolean has) { columnHasAll[colNo-1]=has; } public boolean getColumnHasAll(int colNo) { return columnHasAll[colNo-1]; } /** * Note that filters cannot apply to Date or Numeric column types. */ public void setColumnFilter(int colNo, ColumnFilter filter) { columnFilter[colNo-1]=filter; } public ColumnFilter getColumnFilter(int colNo) { return columnFilter[colNo-1]; } public void setColumnChoicesList(int colNo, List choicesList) { columnChoices[colNo-1]=choicesList; } public List getColumnChoicesList(int colNo) { return columnChoices[colNo-1]; } public void setColumnMutexList(int colNo, List mutexList) { columnMutexList[colNo-1]=mutexList; } public List getColumnMutexList(int colNo) { return columnMutexList[colNo-1]; } public void setColumnLabel(int colNo, String label) { columnLabel[colNo-1]=label; } public void setColumnChoicesName(int colNo, String choicesName) { columnChoicesName[colNo-1]=choicesName; } public String getColumnChoicesName(int colNo) throws ColumnNotDisplayableException { if(colNo == rowidColNo) { throw new ColumnNotDisplayableException(); } else { return columnChoicesName[colNo-1]; } } /** * Sets the default choice for the USER INPUT ELEMENT associated * with this column. */ public void setColumnDefaultChoice(int colNo, String defaultChoice) { columnDefaultChoice[colNo-1]=defaultChoice; } /** * Gets the default choice for the USER INPUT ELEMENT associated * with this column. */ public String getColumnDefaultChoice(int colNo) throws ColumnNotDisplayableException { if(colNo == rowidColNo) { throw new ColumnNotDisplayableException(); } else { return columnDefaultChoice[colNo-1]; } } /** * Sets the default value EXPECTED FROM THE DATABASE in this * column. Mismatching values will be highlighted in red. A value * of null disables this comparison. */ public void setColumnDefaultValue(int colNo, String defaultValue) { columnDefaultValue[colNo-1]=defaultValue; } /** * Gets the default value EXPECTED FROM THE DATABASE in this * column. */ public String getColumnDefaultValue(int colNo) { return columnDefaultValue[colNo-1]; } /** * don't use this. * * @deprecated Set column 1 to have a type of FieldTypes.ROWID * instead of using this function. */ public void setShowFirstColumn(boolean flag) { if(flag) { setColumnType(1, FieldTypes.ROWID); } else { setColumnType(1, FieldTypes.ALPHANUM_CODE); rowidColNo=0; } } /** * don't use this. * * @deprecated Check if column 1 has type FieldTypes.ROWID instead * of using this function. */ public boolean getShowFirstColumn() { return(getColumnType(1) != FieldTypes.ROWID); } /** * Gets the value of columnType[]. See * {@link ca.sqlpower.sql.FieldTypes} for valid types. * i is 1-based. * * @param colNo The (1-based) column number to get the type of. * @return value of the ith column's type. */ public int getColumnType(int colNo) { return columnType[colNo-1]; } /** * Sets the value of the ith column's columnType. See * {@link ca.sqlpower.sql.FieldTypes} for valid types. * i is 1-based. * * @param colNo The (1-based) column number to set the type of. * @param v Value to assign to the ith column's type. */ public void setColumnType(int colNo, int v) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Setting column "+colNo+" to type "+v); if (v==FieldTypes.ROWID) { if (rowidColNo > 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("A resultset can have only one ROWID column"); } rowidColNo=colNo; } this.columnType[colNo-1] = v; } /** * Returns the list of hyperlinks for the given column. Elements * of this list should be of type ca.sqlpower.util.Hyperlink. * * @param colNo The column number in question. * @return The hyperlink list for this column (<code>null</code> * if no text has been specified). */ public List getColumnHyperlinks(int colNo) { return this.columnHyperlinks[colNo-1]; } /** * Sets the list of hyperlinks for each entry in this column. The * entries of the list must all be of type * <code>ca.sqlpower.util.Hyperlink</code>, although no type-checking is done * here.<p> * * The WebResultFormatter will output one HTML hyperlink per list * entry for each row in the resultset. The hyperlink's * <code>text</code> and <code>href</code> values are both used as * a pattern in a <code>LongMessageFormat</code>. The escape * sequences (for example, <code>{3} {4}</code> in the strings * correspond with values in the current row of the resultset. * <code>{1}</code> corresponds with the first column in the * resultset, <code>{2}</code> with the second, and so on. * <code>{0}</code> is a placeholder, and is always * <code>null</code>. * * @param colNo The column number to which the href text applies. * @param links The list of hyperlinks to render in this column. * * @see ca.sqlpower.util.Hyperlink * @see ca.sqlpower.util.LongMessageFormat */ public void setColumnHyperlinks(int colNo, List links) { this.columnHyperlinks[colNo-1]=links; } /** * Sets the CSS style class name that should be applied to the hyperlink column. */ public void setColumnHyperlinkStyle(int colNo, String style) { this.columnHyperlinkStyle[colNo-1]=style; } /** * Gets the CSS style class name that should be applied to the hyperlink column. */ public String getColumnHyperlinkStyle(int colNo) { return this.columnHyperlinkStyle[colNo-1]; } public String getSqlQuery() { return sqlQuery; } public int getColumnCount() throws SQLException { return rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount(); } /** * Returns the label which was set for this column using {@link * #setColumnLabel(int,String)}, or the default column label from * the SQL query if no user-defined label was previously set. */ public String getColumnLabel(int colNo) throws SQLException, ColumnNotDisplayableException { if(colNo == rowidColNo) { throw new ColumnNotDisplayableException(); } else { if(columnLabel[colNo-1] != null) { return columnLabel[colNo-1]; } else { return rs.getMetaData().getColumnLabel(colNo); } } } /** * Always gives back the original column name from the SQL query, * not the user-supplied label. * * @return The column label as defined in the underlying * <code>ResultSetMetaData</code>. */ public String getColumnName(int colNo) throws SQLException { return rs.getMetaData().getColumnLabel(colNo); } /** * retrieves the current row's unique identifier (the one having * the row type of "FieldTypes.ROWID"). * * @return the current row's unique identifier * @throws NoRowidException if no column is of type * FieldTypes.ROWID * @throws SQLException if there is a database error retrieving * the current row identifier. */ public String getRowid() throws SQLException, NoRowidException { if(rowidColNo>0) { return rs.getString(rowidColNo); } else { throw new NoRowidException(); } } public String toString() { StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer(1024); int numCols=0; try { numCols=getColumnCount(); } catch(SQLException e) { sb.append("SQL Exception while getting column count!"); } for(int i=1; i<=numCols; i++) { try { sb.append("Column ") .append(i) .append(": type ") .append(getColumnType(i)) .append(", label \"") .append(getColumnLabel(i)) .append("\"\n"); } catch(SQLException e) { sb.append("SQLException processing column!"); } catch(ColumnNotDisplayableException e) { sb.append("Column not displayable!"); } } return sb.toString(); } public String getTableTitle(){ return tableTitle; } public void setTableTitle(String title){ tableTitle=title; } public String getEmptyMessage(){ return emptyMessage; } public void setEmptyMessage(String message){ emptyMessage=message; } /** * Returns the column number representing the independent variable * for graphing or charting the resultset. * * @return the column number * @throws IllegalStateException if no independant column was * previously specified. */ public int getIndependentColNo() { if (this.independentColumn == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("no independent column was specified."); } else { return this.independentColumn.intValue(); } } /** * Sets the value of independentColumn. * * @param argIndependentColumn Value to assign to this.independentColumn */ public void setIndependentColNo(int argIndependentColumn){ this.independentColumn = new Integer(argIndependentColumn); } /** * Returns the value for this row which is stored in the * independant column. * * @throws SQLException if a database error occurs. This * documentation is of no value. * @throws IllegalStateException if no independant column was * previously specified. */ public String getIndependentField() throws SQLException, IllegalStateException { return getString(getIndependentColNo()); } // **************************************** // EXPOSED RESULTSET METHODS ARE BELOW HERE // **************************************** public boolean next() throws SQLException { boolean hasMoreRows =; if(!hasMoreRows) { isAfterLast = true; } return hasMoreRows; } /** * Never use this. * * @deprecated Use the getString(int) method instead of this one, * or don't use a WebResultSet. String-based column specification * does not support the columnFilter feature. Subclasses that * supply other special behaviours such as derived columns, * security, and more will also be incompatible with this method. */ public String getString(String colName) throws SQLException { return rs.getString(colName); } public String getString(int colNo) throws SQLException { if(columnFilter[colNo-1]!=null) { return columnFilter[colNo-1].filter(rs.getString(colNo)); } return rs.getString(colNo); } /** * Returns a Java object (object type mapping is the default) * which represents the value of the current record's given * column. * * @param colNo The column number. The first column is number 1, * not 0. 0 is invalid. */ public Object getObject(int colNo) throws SQLException { return rs.getObject(colNo); } /** * Never use this. * * @deprecated Use the getObject(int) method instead of this one, * or don't use a WebResultSet. String-based column specification * does not support the columnFilter feature. Subclasses that * supply other special behaviours such as derived columns, * security, and more will also be incompatible with this method. */ public Object getObject(String colName) throws SQLException { return rs.getObject(colName); } /** * Never use this. * * @deprecated Use the getDouble(int) method instead of this one, * or don't use a WebResultSet. String-based column specification * does not support the columnFilter feature. Subclasses that * supply other special behaviours such as derived columns, * security, and more will also be incompatible with this method. */ public Double getDouble(String colName) throws SQLException { double val =rs.getDouble(colName); if (rs.wasNull()) { return null; } else { return new Double(val); } } /** * Returns a Double of the given column on the current row. */ public Double getDouble(int colNo) throws SQLException { double val = rs.getDouble(colNo); if (rs.wasNull()) { return null; } else { return new Double(val); } } /** * Gets the date out of the database by first getting it as a * string, then parsing the first 10 characters in yyyy-MM-dd * format, and returning the parsed date. I have no idea why it * doesn't use the underlying ResultSet.getDate(int) method, but * there must be a good reason... * * <p>I think it might be because of a funny timezone problem in * oracle 8i. */ public java.sql.Date getDate(int colNo) throws SQLException { String dateStr = rs.getString(colNo); if (dateStr == null) { return null; } SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); java.util.Date date = null; try { date = sdf.parse(dateStr.substring(0,10)); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new SQLException("invalid date format in column "+colNo); } return new java.sql.Date(date.getTime()); } /** * Just returns <code>rs.getTimestamp(colNo)</code>. Does not do * the funny string-date conversion stuff like {@link #getDate} * does. */ public Timestamp getTimestamp(int colNo) throws SQLException { return rs.getTimestamp(colNo); } public float getFloat(int colNo) throws SQLException { return rs.getFloat(colNo); } public int getInt(int colNo) throws SQLException { return rs.getInt(colNo); } public boolean isAfterLast() throws SQLException { return isAfterLast; } /** * Closes the JDBC ResultSet's Statement object, thereby freeing * the database cursor. Cursors are a limited resource, so it is * important to do this explicitly rather than waiting for garbage * collection. */ public void close() throws SQLException { rs.getStatement().close(); } /** * Returns the current result set's metadata. */ public ResultSetMetaData getRsmd() throws SQLException { return rs.getMetaData(); } }