package ca.sqlpower.sql; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.Types; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import ca.sqlpower.util.Cache; import ca.sqlpower.util.LabelValueBean; import ca.sqlpower.util.LeastRecentlyUsedCache; public class SQL { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SQL.class); /** * A cache of the last 20 column types we looked up in the * database. See {@link #columnType(Connection,String,String,String)}. */ private static Cache colTypeCache = new LeastRecentlyUsedCache(20); /** * This class cannot be instantiated */ private SQL() { // no-op } /** * Returns the java.sql.Types type of the given owner+table+column * combination. Caches the N most recently used answers, so * calling this method on repeated requests shouldn't be a * significant slowdown. */ public static synchronized int columnType(Connection con, String owner, String table, String column) throws SQLException { String cacheKey = con.getMetaData().getURL()+owner+"."+table+"."+column; Integer colType = (Integer) colTypeCache.get(cacheKey); if(colType == null) { Statement stmt=null; try { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); sql.append("SELECT ").append(column); sql.append(" FROM "); if(owner != null) { sql.append(owner).append("."); } sql.append(table); sql.append(" WHERE 0=1"); stmt = con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql.toString()); ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData(); colType = new Integer(rsmd.getColumnType(1)); } finally { if(stmt != null) { stmt.close(); } } colTypeCache.put(cacheKey, colType); } return colType.intValue(); } /** * A convenient way of using escapeStatement. This method does the * same thing as escapeStatement, but also encloses the returned * string in single-quotes. If the argument is null, the unquoted * string "NULL" is returned. * * @param string The string that you want escaped and quoted. (or * "NULL") * @return The same as escapeStatement would, but enclosed in quotes. */ public static String quote(String string) { if(string==null) { return "NULL"; } else { return "'"+escapeStatement(string)+"'"; } } public static String quote(char myChar) { String string=String.valueOf(myChar); return "'"+escapeStatement(string)+"'"; } /** * Alias for {@link #quoteCollection()}. */ public static String quoteList(List strings) { return quoteCollection(strings); } /** * Creates a String of comma-separated, quoted SQL strings. Null * values in the collection appear in the list as the unquoted * string <i>null</i>. */ public static String quoteCollection(Collection strings) { StringBuffer outputString = new StringBuffer(100); boolean firstItem = true; Iterator it = strings.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { if (!firstItem) outputString.append(", "); Object item =; outputString.append(item==null?"NULL":quote(item.toString())); firstItem = false; } return outputString.toString(); } /** * Creates a SQL "IN" expression. Each item in the collection * <code>values</code> is individually quoted. If one or more of * the values is null, the returned expression will be in * parentheses and contain OR colName IS NULL. In the special * case where all the values are null, the expression is just * "colName IS NULL". In the degenerate case where values is an * empty collection, the expression "1=1" is returned so that the * calling code doesn't need special checks. * * @return a String of the form "(colName IN (s1, s2, s3, ...) * OR colName IS NULL)" or "colName IS NULL" or "1=1". * @throws NullPointerException if colName is null. */ public static String in(String colName, Collection values) { if (colName == null) { throw new NullPointerException("colName argument must be non-null"); } boolean foundNull = false; StringBuffer outputString = new StringBuffer(100); boolean firstItem = true; Iterator it = values.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Object item =; if (item == null) { foundNull = true; continue; } if (!firstItem) outputString.append(", "); outputString.append(quote(item.toString())); firstItem = false; } if (firstItem) { // nothing made it into outputString if (foundNull) { return colName+" IS NULL"; } else { return "1=1"; } } else { if (foundNull) { return "("+colName+" IN("+outputString+") OR "+colName+" IS NULL)"; } else { return colName+" IN("+outputString+")"; } } } /** * Returns the string <code>"NULL"</code> if the argument is * either null or the empty string. Otherwise returns the * argument unchanged. * * <p>This method was presumably designed for use only with * strings which represent numeric values. It has no value when * used with strings you want to store in a VARCHAR database * column, because it doesn't quote non-null strings. Use * <code>SQL.quote()</code> for that. * * <p>Having said that, you should also keep in mind that this * method does not ensure the argument can be converted to a * number. You'll still get an SQLException if the string is an * invalid number and you use it in a query after filtering it * through this method. * * @param string The string that you want to translate. */ public static String nvl(String string) { if(string==null || string.equals("")) { return "NULL"; } else { return string; } } /** * Returns the appropriate ifnull/nvl syntax for the database * system that <code>con</code> points to. * * <p>For databases that fully support JDBC, this is <code>{fn * ifnull(<i>sqlExpr</i>, <i>valueWhenNull</i>)}</code>, but * Oracle and PostgreSQL need special treatment. * * @param con The connection is used to determing database syntax. * @param sqlExpr The expression that should be tested for * nullness (by the database). Quote this if you want to use a * constant value! Unquoted sqlExpr will be evaluated as column * names or functions. * @param valueWhenNull The value that the database should use * when sqlExpr is null. Quote this if you want to use a constant * value! */ public static String ifnull(Connection con, String sqlExpr, String valueWhenNull) { if (DBConnection.isOracle(con)) { return "NVL("+sqlExpr+","+valueWhenNull+")"; } else if (DBConnection.isPostgres(con)) { return "COALESCE("+sqlExpr+","+valueWhenNull+")"; } else { // no special case; assume JDBC compliance for fn ifnull return "{fn IFNULL("+sqlExpr+","+valueWhenNull+")}"; } } /** * Returns a string with the first letter capitalized, and the rest lower case * * @param string The string you want to change the case of */ public static String initcap(String string){ String newString = ""; if(string==null || string.equals("")) { return ""; } else { newString=string.substring(0,1).toUpperCase(); newString=newString.concat(string.substring(1).toLowerCase()); return newString; } } // end initcap /** * Makes the input string safe to enclose in single-quotes in an * Oracle SQL expression. Currently, this only means turning all * "'" characters into the "''" escape sequence. * * @param old The original string * @return The awk/perl substitution on <code>old</code> of * <code>s/'/''/g</code> */ public static String escapeStatement(String old) { if(old==null) { return "null"; } // a premature optimisation if(old.lastIndexOf('\'') == -1) { return old; } int i=0; StringBuffer escaped=new StringBuffer(old); while(i < escaped.length()) { if(escaped.charAt(i)=='\'') { escaped.insert(i, '\''); i++; // skip over the added quote } i++; } return(escaped.toString()); } /** * Supplies a SQL expression that should evaluate to the given * date. Only accurate to the day (drops time-of-day information). */ public static String escapeDate(Connection con, java.util.Date date) throws SQLException { if (date == null) { return "null"; } else { SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); if (DBConnection.isOracle(con)) { return "TO_DATE('"+df.format(date)+"','YYYY-MM-DD')"; } else { // most JDBC drivers support {d 'yyyy-MM-dd'} style escape return "{d '"+df.format(date)+"'}"; } } } /** * Supplies a SQL expression that evaulates to a date with time to the nearest * second. */ public static String escapeDateTime(Connection con, java.util.Date date) throws SQLException { if (date == null) { return "null"; } else { SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); if (DBConnection.isOracle(con)) { return "TO_DATE('"+df.format(date)+"','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')"; } else { // most JDBC drivers support {ts 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss'} style escape return "{ts '"+df.format(date)+"'}"; } } } /** * Converts the character representation of a YES/NO value into * boolean. * * @param indicator A string that says YES or NO or Y or N, or * <code>null</code>, which is interpred as no. * @return true iff <code>indicator.charAt(0)=='Y'</code>. */ public static boolean decodeInd(String indicator) { if(indicator != null && indicator.charAt(0) == 'Y') { return true; } return false; } /** * Returns a list of ca.sqlpower.util.LabelValueBean's [sic] * representing all the 1st (label) and 2nd (value) columns in the * given result set. * * @param rs The result set you want listified. * @throws SQLException if a database error occurs. */ public static List makeListFromRS(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { List list=new LinkedList(); while( { //System.err.println(rs.getString(1)+","+rs.getString(2)); list.add(new LabelValueBean(rs.getString(1),rs.getString(2))); } return list; } /** * Identical to <code>findPrimaryKey(con, "", tableName)</code>. */ public static List findPrimaryKey(Connection con, String tableName) throws SQLException { return findPrimaryKey(con, "", tableName); } /** * Looks up the primary key of the given table using JDBC * DatabaseMetaData. * * @param con A connection to an Oracle database. * @param schemaName The name of the schema that the desired table * belongs to, or "" to ignore schemas. CASE SENSITIVE! * @param tableName The name of the table for which you want to * know the primary key. CASE SENSITIVE! * @return A List of the column names that make up the primary key * of the table. All elements in the list are guaranteed to be of * type String. * @throws SQLException if a database error occurs. */ public static List findPrimaryKey(Connection con, String schemaName, String tableName) throws SQLException { ResultSet rs = null; try { rs = con.getMetaData().getPrimaryKeys("", schemaName, tableName); List prikey=new LinkedList(); while( { prikey.add(rs.getString("COLUMN_NAME")); } return prikey; } finally { if(rs != null) { rs.close(); } } } public static List getDatabaseOwners(Connection con) throws SQLException { Statement stmt=null; List list=new LinkedList(); try { stmt=con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs=stmt.executeQuery("SELECT DISTINCT owner FROM pl_tables ORDER BY owner"); while( { list.add(rs.getString("OWNER")); } } finally { if(stmt!=null) { stmt.close(); } } return list; } public static List getDatabaseTables(Connection con, String owner) throws SQLException { Statement stmt=null; List list=new LinkedList(); try { StringBuffer sql=new StringBuffer(); stmt=con.createStatement(); sql.append("SELECT DISTINCT table_name"); sql.append(" FROM pl_tables"); if(owner != null && owner.length()>0) { sql.append(" WHERE owner=").append(quote(owner)); } sql.append(" ORDER BY table_name"); ResultSet rs=stmt.executeQuery(sql.toString()); while( { list.add(rs.getString("TABLE_NAME")); } } finally { if(stmt!=null) { stmt.close(); } } return list; } /** * Returns the columns for a given owner.table in the database. * Uses the special pl_tab_columns view from SQLPower. * * @param con The database connection. * @param owner The desired table's owner. * @param table The desired table's name. * @param notLike a <code>List</code> of patterns which the column * name should not match. '%' is a wildcard; '_' matches any * single character. * @param like a <code>List</code> of patterns which the column * name should match. '%' is a wildcard; '_' matches any single * character. * @return The column names as a List of strings. * @exception SQLException if a database error occurs */ public static List getDatabaseColumns(Connection con, String owner, String table, List notLike, List like) throws SQLException { Statement stmt=null; List list=new LinkedList(); if(owner==null) { throw new NullPointerException("owner must be non-null"); } if(table==null) { throw new NullPointerException("table must be non-null"); } try { StringBuffer sql=new StringBuffer(); stmt=con.createStatement(); sql.append("SELECT DISTINCT column_name"); sql.append(" FROM pl_tab_columns"); sql.append(" WHERE owner=").append(quote(owner)); sql.append(" AND table_name=").append(quote(table)); Iterator it=notLike.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) { sql.append(" AND column_name NOT LIKE ").append(quote((String); } it=like.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) { sql.append(" AND column_name LIKE ").append(quote((String); } sql.append(" ORDER BY column_name"); ResultSet rs=stmt.executeQuery(sql.toString()); while( { list.add(rs.getString("COLUMN_NAME").toUpperCase()); } } finally { if(stmt!=null) { stmt.close(); } } return list; } /** * Searches the given Result Set for a column of the given name (case * insensitive). Returns true if the given result set has the named column. * This method is similar to {@link ResultSet#findColumn(String)}, but it * returns -1 instead of throwing an exception when the requested column * does not exist. * * @param rs * The Result Set to consult. Must not be null. * @param colName * The name of the column to look for. Must not be null. * @return The column number of the column having the given name, or -1 if * there is no such column. This number is in the JDBC 1-based * numbering system (the first column number is 1), so the value 0 * will never be returned. * @throws SQLException * if a database error occurs. */ public static int findColumnIndex(ResultSet rs, String colName) throws SQLException { ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData(); for (int i = 1, n = rsmd.getColumnCount(); i <= n; i++) { String columnName = rsmd.getColumnName(i); logger.debug("Column " + i + ": " + columnName); if (colName.equalsIgnoreCase(columnName)) { return i; } } return -1; } /** * Returns true if the JDBC type given is a numeric value, returns false otherwise. */ public static boolean isNumeric(int jdbcType) { return new ArrayList<Integer>(Arrays.asList(new Integer[]{Types.BIGINT, Types.BINARY, Types.BIT, Types.DECIMAL, Types.DOUBLE, Types.FLOAT, Types.INTEGER, Types.NUMERIC, Types.SMALLINT, Types.TINYINT})).contains(jdbcType); } /** * Returns true if the JDBC type given is a date value, returns false otherwise. * @param jdbcType * @return */ public static boolean isDate(int jdbcType) { return new ArrayList<Integer>(Arrays.asList(new Integer[]{Types.DATE, Types.TIMESTAMP})).contains(jdbcType); } /** * Returns true if the JDBC type give is a boolean value, returns false otherwise. */ public static boolean isBoolean(int jdbcType) { return new ArrayList<Integer>(Arrays.asList(new Integer[]{Types.BOOLEAN})).contains(jdbcType); } }