package ca.sqlpower.sql; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.text.StringCharacterIterator; public class WebResultCSVFormatter extends WebResultFormatter { public WebResultCSVFormatter() { super(); } public void formatToStream(WebResultSet wrs, PrintWriter out) throws SQLException, NoRowidException, IllegalStateException { formatHeader(wrs,out); formatBody(wrs,out); } public void formatHeader(WebResultSet wrs, PrintWriter out) throws SQLException { int numCols=wrs.getColumnCount(); StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer(256); boolean thisIsTheFirstColumn = true; for (int i = 1; i <= numCols; i++) { if (columnNotAppropriate(wrs, i)) { continue; } sb.setLength(0); try { if (!thisIsTheFirstColumn) { sb.append(","); } sb.append( makeStringSafe(beautifyHeading(wrs.getColumnLabel(i)))); out.print(sb); thisIsTheFirstColumn = false; } catch (ColumnNotDisplayableException e) { // Column didn't get printed (which is good) } } out.println(""); } public void formatBody(WebResultSet wrs, PrintWriter out) throws SQLException, NoRowidException { int numCols=wrs.getColumnCount(); StringBuffer contents=new StringBuffer(256); StringBuffer align=new StringBuffer(32); while ( { boolean thisIsTheFirstColumn = true; for (int i = 1; i <= numCols; i++) { if (columnNotAppropriate(wrs, i)) { continue; } contents.setLength(0); align.setLength(0); try { getColumnFormatted(wrs, i, contents, align); if (!thisIsTheFirstColumn) { out.print(","); } out.print(makeStringSafe(contents.toString())); thisIsTheFirstColumn = false; } catch (ColumnNotDisplayableException e) { // Column didn't get printed (which is good) } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { // Column didn't get printed, but we wanted it to out.print(makeStringSafe(wrs.getString(i))); } } out.println(""); } } /** * Makes a CSV-file-safe version of a given string. This includes * escaping CR, LF, and double-quote characters with backslashes, * and quoting strings that contain whitespace. * * @param original The original, unsafe string. * @return The original string if it contained none of the special * characters mentioned above; an empty string if the original was * null; otherwise, a quoted version of the original string with * the necessary characters backslash-escaped. */ public static String makeStringSafe(String original) { if(original==null) { return ""; } StringBuffer escaped = new StringBuffer(original.length()); StringCharacterIterator it = new StringCharacterIterator(original); boolean escapedDiffersFromOriginal=false; char ch; escaped.append("\""); do { ch=it.current(); switch(ch) { case '\n': escaped.append("\\n"); escapedDiffersFromOriginal=true; break; case '\r': escaped.append("\\r"); escapedDiffersFromOriginal=true; break; case '"': escaped.append("\\\""); escapedDiffersFromOriginal=true; break; case '\\': escaped.append("\\\\"); escapedDiffersFromOriginal=true; break; case ' ': case '\f': case '\t': case ',': // Whitespace and commas don't need to be escaped // explicitly, but the whole string will need to be // quoted. escaped.append(ch); escapedDiffersFromOriginal=true; break; default: escaped.append(ch); break; } } while( != StringCharacterIterator.DONE); escaped.append("\""); return (escapedDiffersFromOriginal ? escaped.toString() : original); } protected boolean columnNotAppropriate(WebResultSet wrs, int colNo) { /* if(wrs.getColumnHyperlinks(colNo) != null) { return true; } */ int ctype=wrs.getColumnType(colNo); switch(ctype) { case FieldTypes.RADIO: case FieldTypes.CHECKBOX: case FieldTypes.ROWID: case FieldTypes.DUMMY: case FieldTypes.MUTEX_CHECKBOX: return true; default: return false; } } /** * @see ca.sqlpower.sql.WebResultFormatter#getColumnFormatted(WebResultSet, int, StringBuffer, StringBuffer) */ protected void getColumnFormatted( WebResultSet wrs, int i, StringBuffer contents, StringBuffer align) throws SQLException, NoRowidException, ColumnNotDisplayableException, IllegalStateException { java.sql.ResultSetMetaData md = wrs.getRsmd(); switch (md.getColumnType(i)) { case java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP: java.sql.Date tsDate=wrs.getDate(i); if(tsDate==null) { // leave empty } else { contents.append( dateFormatter.format(new java.util.Date(tsDate.getTime()))); } break; default: contents.append(wrs.getString(i)); } } }