package ca.sqlpower.sql; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import ca.sqlpower.util.SQLPowerUtils; /** * The DBConnectionSpec class is a simple bean whose instances * represent a database that the application user is allowed to * connect to. With an instnace of this bean, plus a database * username/password pair, you have all the information you need to * attempt to make a JDBC Connection to a target database. * * <p>Note that all setXXX methods in this class fire property change * events. * * @version $Id$ */ public class DBConnectionSpec implements Serializable, Comparable { /** * Provides compatibility with the DBConnectionSpec that had * properties singleLogin, seqNo, name, displayName, driverClass, * url, user, pass. If you are updating DBConnectionSpec to * include new non-transient member variables, you will need to * implement a custom readObject method. */ static final long serialVersionUID = 6238643669579317332L; /** * If true, this DBCS describes a single-database-user, * multi-dashboard-user connection. (This improves connection * pooling performance, and eases max named users enforcement). * Specifically, the username and password in this DBCS describe * the RDBMS username and password, and will be the same for all * users (in all likelihood, they were loaded from databases.xml). * The username and password entered by the user on the login * screen will be user separately to validate against an entry in * the PL_USER table. */ protected boolean singleLogin; /** * The sequence number used to sort in the list. */ protected int seqNo; protected String name; protected String displayName; protected String driverClass; protected String url; /** * The RDMBS user name. * * @see #singleLogin */ protected String user; /** * The RDMBS password. * * @see #singleLogin */ protected String pass; protected transient PropertyChangeSupport pcs; protected PropertyChangeSupport getPcs() { if (pcs == null) pcs = new PropertyChangeSupport(this); return pcs; } public DBConnectionSpec() { } /** * Looks up a database connection spec by name in the given collection. * * @param dbcsList a java.util.Collection of DBConnectionSpec objects. * @param dbname the name of the database connection you want to * retrieve. * @return The first DBConnectionSpec object returned by the * Collection's iterator whose name matches the dbname argument, * or null if no such connection spec exists in the list. */ public static DBConnectionSpec searchListForName(List dbcsList, String dbname) { DBConnectionSpec dbcs=null; Iterator it=dbcsList.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) { DBConnectionSpec temp=(DBConnectionSpec); if(temp.getName().equals(dbname)) { dbcs=temp; break; } } return dbcs; } /** * Looks up a database connection spec by hostname, connection * port number, and instance (database) name. The search is * case-insensitive. * * @param dbcsList a java.util.Collection of DBConnectionSpec objects. * @param dbHostName The DNS name or IP address of the database * server. Must match whatever was used in the dburl part of the * entry in the xml file. * @param dbPort The TCP port number that the database server * listens for connections on. The port number must be explicitly * given in the dburl part of the entry in the xml file for this * to work. * @param dbInstanceName The logical database name or instance * name on the specified database server. Must match whatever was * used in the dburl part of the entry in the xml file. * @return The first DBConnectionSpec object returned by the * Collection's iterator whose dbUrl contains the given dbHost, * dbPort, and dbInstanceName arguments, or null if no such * connection spec exists in the list. */ public static DBConnectionSpec searchListForServer(List dbcsList, String dbHostName, int dbPort, String dbInstanceName) { dbHostName=dbHostName.toUpperCase(); dbInstanceName=dbInstanceName.toUpperCase(); DBConnectionSpec dbcs=null; Iterator it=dbcsList.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) { DBConnectionSpec temp=(DBConnectionSpec); String url=temp.getUrl().toUpperCase(); if(url.indexOf(dbHostName) >= 0 && url.indexOf(String.valueOf(dbPort)) >= 0 && url.indexOf(dbInstanceName) >= 0) { dbcs=temp; break; } } return dbcs; } public int compareTo(Object other) { return new Integer(this.getSeqNo()).compareTo(new Integer(((DBConnectionSpec) other).getSeqNo())); } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { // identical object reference if (this == other) { return true; } // correct type if (!(other instanceof DBConnectionSpec)) { return false; } DBConnectionSpec otherDbcs = (DBConnectionSpec) other; // protect from null pointer exceptions by wrapping equality calls if (getSeqNo() == otherDbcs.getSeqNo() && SQLPowerUtils.areEqual(getDriverClass(),otherDbcs.getDriverClass()) && SQLPowerUtils.areEqual(getUrl(),otherDbcs.getUrl()) && SQLPowerUtils.areEqual(getUser(),otherDbcs.getUser()) && SQLPowerUtils.areEqual(getPass(),otherDbcs.getPass())) { return true; } else { return false; } } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = 17; result = 31 * result + seqNo; result = 31 * result + getDriverClass().hashCode(); result = 31 * result + getUrl().hashCode(); result = 31 * result + getUser().hashCode(); result = 31 * result + getPass().hashCode(); return result; } /** * Prints some info from this DBCS. For use in debugging. */ @Override public String toString() { return "DBConnectionSpec: singleLogin="+singleLogin+", "+name+", "+displayName+", "+driverClass+", "+url; } // --------------------- property change --------------------------- public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l) { getPcs().addPropertyChangeListener(l); } public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l) { getPcs().removePropertyChangeListener(l); } // ------------------- accessors and mutators ------------------------ public boolean isSingleLogin() { return singleLogin; } public void setSingleLogin(boolean v) { boolean oldValue = singleLogin; singleLogin = v; getPcs().firePropertyChange("singleLogin", oldValue, singleLogin); } /** * Gets the value of name * * @return the value of name */ public String getName() { return; } /** * Sets the value of name * * @param argName Value to assign to */ public void setName(String argName){ String oldValue = name; = argName; getPcs().firePropertyChange("name", oldValue, name); } /** * Gets the value of displayName * * @return the value of displayName */ public String getDisplayName() { return this.displayName; } /** * Sets the value of displayName * * @param argDisplayName Value to assign to this.displayName */ public void setDisplayName(String argDisplayName){ String oldValue = displayName; this.displayName = argDisplayName; getPcs().firePropertyChange("displayName", oldValue, displayName); } /** * Gets the value of url * * @return the value of url */ public String getUrl() { return this.url; } /** * Sets the value of url * * @param argUrl Value to assign to this.url */ public void setUrl(String argUrl) { String oldValue = url; this.url = argUrl; getPcs().firePropertyChange("url", oldValue, url); } /** * Gets the value of driverClass * * @return the value of driverClass */ public String getDriverClass() { return this.driverClass; } /** * Sets the value of driverClass * * @param argDriverClass Value to assign to this.driverClass */ public void setDriverClass(String argDriverClass){ String oldValue = driverClass; this.driverClass = argDriverClass; getPcs().firePropertyChange("driverClass", oldValue, driverClass); } /** * Gets the value of user * * @return the value of user */ public String getUser() { return this.user; } /** * Sets the value of user * * @param argUser Value to assign to this.user */ public void setUser(String argUser){ String oldValue = user; this.user = argUser; getPcs().firePropertyChange("user", oldValue, user); } /** * Gets the value of pass * * @return the value of pass */ public String getPass() { return this.pass; } /** * Sets the value of pass * * @param argPass Value to assign to this.pass */ public void setPass(String argPass){ String oldValue = pass; this.pass = argPass; getPcs().firePropertyChange("pass", oldValue, pass); } /** * Returns the seqNo. * @return int */ public int getSeqNo() { return seqNo; } /** * Sets the seqNo. * @param seqNo The seqNo to set */ public void setSeqNo(int argSeqNo) { int oldValue = seqNo; this.seqNo = argSeqNo; getPcs().firePropertyChange("seqNo", oldValue, seqNo); } }