package ca.sqlpower.object; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import ca.sqlpower.dao.PersistedSPOProperty; import ca.sqlpower.dao.PersistedSPObject; import ca.sqlpower.dao.PersisterUtils; import ca.sqlpower.dao.SPPersistenceException; import ca.sqlpower.dao.SPPersister; import ca.sqlpower.diff.DiffChunk; import ca.sqlpower.diff.DiffChunkTreeNode; import ca.sqlpower.diff.DiffInfo; import ca.sqlpower.diff.DiffType; import ca.sqlpower.diff.PropertyChange; import ca.sqlpower.sqlobject.SQLObjectException; import ca.sqlpower.util.MonitorableImpl; import; import; /** * XXX This is a copy of the Differ class from the enterprise library. Some methods for calculating diffs has been removed * as the classes required for them are not in this library. We should re-evaluate the classes available in the base library * and the enterprise library. * <p> * This class may be used in conjunction with a {@link RevisionPersister} to calculate diffs * between two revisions in the {@link RevisionPersister}, and persist them to another {@link SPPersister}, * or grab them as lists from field accessors. * * <p>While this class can take either any {@link RevisionPersister} and two revisions, or lists of persisted objects/properties, * it's original intention is to take revisions from the {@link JCRPersister}, and persist them to the old revision to update it. * */ public class Differ implements SPPersister { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Differ.class); private static final PersistedSPObject ROOT_PERSIST = new PersistedSPObject("0", "", "0", 0); /** * Used by the {@link calcDiff()} method that takes a persister, to temporarily * store object persist calls that will be put into the old or new object revision lists. */ private List<PersistedSPObject> spObjectListToPopulate; /** * Used by the {@link calcDiff()} method that takes a persister, to temporarily * store property persist calls that will be put into the old or new property revision lists. */ private List<PersistedSPOProperty> spoPropertyListToPopulate; /** * A map of the old objects, stored by their uuids. Kept as a field to be used * by other classes to avoid reconstructing a hash map. */ private HashMap<String, PersistedSPObject> oldObjectMap; /** * A map of the new objects, stored by their uuids. Kept as a field to be used * by other classes to avoid reconstructing a hash map. */ private HashMap<String, PersistedSPObject> newObjectMap; /** * A map of the old object properties, stored by their uuids and property names. * Kept as a field to be used by other classes to avoid reconstructing a hash map. */ private HashMap<String, PersistedSPOProperty> oldPropertyMap; /** * A map of the new object properties, stored by their uuids and property names. * Kept as a field to be used by other classes to avoid reconstructing a hash map. */ private HashMap<String, PersistedSPOProperty> newPropertyMap; /** * The persist calls generated by this differ, and subsequently stored in the static cache. */ private DifferPersistCalls persistCalls; /** * This is used to keep track of which objects were moved and all their descendants * so that the property loop knows to add the properties of those objects in the diff. * ie: If you move a column, that is a remove and add call of the column, and add calls * of all the column's descendants. All the properties of all those objects must be persisted. */ private Set<String> needToAddProperties = new HashSet<String>(); /** * This can be created if needed by getObjectTree(), but is not done so by default. * It will map object UUIDs to PersistedObjectTreeNode objects. */ private HashMap<String, PersistedObjectTreeNode> treeMap = null; /** * Tracks if this differ has already been used to calculate the difference between * two workspaces. Due to the number of lists and maps stored as class level variables * each instance of a differ object can only calculate a diff once. */ private boolean diffCalculated = false; /** * Set this parameter if all persist calls are under the same parent object * but they don't include the parent. Setting this parameter is meant to * help reduce the number of persist calls generated by the differ, * particularly if the first object in the list of children is removed as it * will cause the differ to report all of the other objects need to be * removed and added again when it is really just a single remove. */ private String parentClass; /** * A container class to store the persist calls of this differ. * Created so that it may be stored in the cache, instead of the entire Differ object. */ private class DifferPersistCalls { /** * A list of object addition persist calls will be stored here by the * {@link calcDiff()} methods to later be accessed, or persisted by {@link persistTo()}. */ protected final List<PersistedSPObject> persistedSPOsToAdd; /** * A list of object removal persist calls will be stored here by the * {@link calcDiff()} methods to later be accessed, or persisted by {@link persistTo()}. */ protected final List<PersistedSPObject> persistedSPOsToRemove; /** * A list of property persist calls will be stored here by the * {@link calcDiff()} methods to later be accessed, or persisted by {@link persistTo()}. */ protected final List<PersistedSPOProperty> propertyDiffPersists; protected DifferPersistCalls() { persistedSPOsToAdd = new ArrayList<PersistedSPObject>(); persistedSPOsToRemove = new ArrayList<PersistedSPObject>(); propertyDiffPersists = new ArrayList<PersistedSPOProperty>(); } } /** * This comparator will define an ordering for objects such that objects with less * parents in the list given upon construction (objectsToAdd) come before objects with more. * In case of ties, which there will be plenty of, the ordering is dependant on indices. * * This is to sort a list such that no child will come before its parent, and that * siblings will be in ascending index order. * * A result of 0 is not consistent with objects being equal to eachother. * Therefore, this comparator should only be used for sorting, as intended. */ private class PersistedObjectComparator implements Comparator<PersistedSPObject> { private HashSet<String> uuidsToAdd = new HashSet<String>(); /** * Map for storing results of the getDepth() method. */ private HashMap<String, Integer> depthMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); public PersistedObjectComparator(List<PersistedSPObject> objectsToAdd) { for (PersistedSPObject o : persistCalls.persistedSPOsToAdd) { uuidsToAdd.add(o.getUUID()); } } /** * Objects that have less depth/parents come before objects that have more. * In case of a tie, objects with a lower index come first. */ public int compare(PersistedSPObject o1, PersistedSPObject o2) { if (getDepth(o1) < getDepth(o2)) return -1; else if (getDepth(o1) > getDepth(o2)) return 1; else return o1.getIndex() - o2.getIndex(); } /** * This will determine how many ancestors that are in the added objects list * that the given object has, and return it. It will also store the result * of the given object, and the depths of the ancestors so that they may * be looked up for subsequent calls to this method, instead of recalculating. */ private int getDepth(PersistedSPObject o) { if (!depthMap.containsKey(o.getUUID())) { if (uuidsToAdd.contains(o.getParentUUID())) { depthMap.put(o.getUUID(), getDepth(newObjectMap.get(o.getParentUUID())) + 1); } else { depthMap.put(o.getUUID(), 0); } } return depthMap.get(o.getUUID()); } }; /** * A simple node object for constructing trees. */ private static class PersistedObjectTreeNode { final private PersistedSPObject object; final private List<PersistedObjectTreeNode> children = new LinkedList<PersistedObjectTreeNode>(); public PersistedObjectTreeNode(PersistedSPObject object) { this.object = object; } private void addNode(PersistedObjectTreeNode child) { children.add(child); } } public Differ() { this(null); } public Differ(String parentClass) { this.parentClass = parentClass; persistCalls = new DifferPersistCalls(); } /** * Calculates the lists of {@link PersistedSPObjects} that need to be added/removed * to/from the old list to make it the same as the new list. * * <p>HashMaps are used to map the both the old and new objects and properties, * and using a set of all these map keys, each object/property can be looked up * in both the old and new revision to see if they exist and/or have been changed. * This is done in private methods {@link calcObjectDiff} and {@link calcPropertyDiff}. * * <p>Diffs are stored in list-of-persist-calls fields and can be retrieved by * {@link getPersistedSPOsToAdd()}, {@link getPersistedSPOsToRemove()}, and {@link getPropertyDiffPersists()}. */ public synchronized void calcDiff(List<PersistedSPObject> oldPersistedSPOs, List<PersistedSPObject> newPersistedSPOs, List<PersistedSPOProperty> oldPersistedSPOPs, List<PersistedSPOProperty> newPersistedSPOPs) { calcDiff(oldPersistedSPOs, newPersistedSPOs, oldPersistedSPOPs, newPersistedSPOPs, null); } /** * Calculates the lists of {@link PersistedSPObjects} that need to be * added/removed to/from the old list to make it the same as the new list. * * <p> * HashMaps are used to map the both the old and new objects and properties, * and using a set of all these map keys, each object/property can be looked * up in both the old and new revision to see if they exist and/or have been * changed. This is done in private methods {@link calcObjectDiff} and * {@link calcPropertyDiff}. * * <p> * Diffs are stored in list-of-persist-calls fields and can be retrieved by * {@link getPersistedSPOsToAdd()}, {@link getPersistedSPOsToRemove()}, and * {@link getPropertyDiffPersists()}. * * @param monitor * An optional monitor to help us tell what the progress is of * the diff. Handy for large diffs. */ public synchronized void calcDiff(List<PersistedSPObject> oldPersistedSPOs, List<PersistedSPObject> newPersistedSPOs, List<PersistedSPOProperty> oldPersistedSPOPs, List<PersistedSPOProperty> newPersistedSPOPs, MonitorableImpl monitor) { if (diffCalculated) throw new IllegalStateException("This differ has already calculated its diff. " + "Calling this method again will cause the previous diff to enter an invalid state."); diffCalculated = true; oldObjectMap = makeObjectHashMap(oldPersistedSPOs); newObjectMap = makeObjectHashMap(newPersistedSPOs); oldPropertyMap = makePropertyHashMap(oldPersistedSPOPs); newPropertyMap = makePropertyHashMap(newPersistedSPOPs); HashSet<String> objectKeys = new HashSet<String>(); objectKeys.addAll(oldObjectMap.keySet()); objectKeys.addAll(newObjectMap.keySet()); HashSet<String> propertyKeys = new HashSet<String>(); propertyKeys.addAll(oldPropertyMap.keySet()); propertyKeys.addAll(newPropertyMap.keySet()); if (monitor != null) { monitor.setJobSize(objectKeys.size() + propertyKeys.size()); monitor.setProgress(0); } calcObjectDiff(oldObjectMap, newObjectMap, objectKeys, monitor); calcPropertyDiff(oldPersistedSPOPs, newPersistedSPOPs, oldPropertyMap, newPropertyMap, propertyKeys, monitor); if (monitor != null) { monitor.setJobSize(null); monitor.setProgress(0); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Differ found " + oldPersistedSPOs.size() + " objects in old revision, " + newPersistedSPOs.size() + " objects in new revision"); logger.debug("\t" + persistCalls.persistedSPOsToAdd.size() + " objects must be added, and " + persistCalls.persistedSPOsToRemove.size() + " must be removed"); } } /** * Constructs a hash map of {@link PersistedSPObject} types, using their uuids as keys. * This is used by {@link calcDiff()} to construct {@link oldObjectMap} and {@link newObjectMap}, * which are later used to calculate the diff. */ private HashMap<String, PersistedSPObject> makeObjectHashMap(List<PersistedSPObject> objects) { HashMap<String, PersistedSPObject> map = new HashMap<String, PersistedSPObject>(); for (int i = 0; i < objects.size(); i++) { PersistedSPObject object = objects.get(i); map.put(object.getUUID(), object); } return map; } /** * Constructs a hash map of {@link PersistedSPOProperty} types, using their uuids concatenated with their propertyName, as keys. * This is used by {@link calcDiff()} to construct {@link oldPropertyMap} and {@link newPropertyMap}, * which are later used to calculate the diff. */ private HashMap<String, PersistedSPOProperty> makePropertyHashMap(List<PersistedSPOProperty> properties) { HashMap<String, PersistedSPOProperty> map = new HashMap<String, PersistedSPOProperty>(); for (int i = 0; i < properties.size(); i++) { PersistedSPOProperty property = properties.get(i); map.put(property.getUUID() + property.getPropertyName(), property); } return map; } /** * Will return the PersistedObjectTreeNode with the given uuid if it exists. * If the object tree has not be made yet, it will be made. */ private PersistedObjectTreeNode getTreeNode(String uuid) { if (treeMap == null) createObjectTreeMap(); return treeMap.get(uuid); } /** * Creates the object tree, and maps each node using the treeMap field. */ private void createObjectTreeMap() { treeMap = new HashMap<String, PersistedObjectTreeNode>(); PersistedSPObject root = newObjectMap.values().iterator().next(); while (root.getParentUUID() != null && !root.getParentUUID().equals("") && newObjectMap.get(root.getParentUUID()) != null) { logger.debug(root.getParentUUID()); root = newObjectMap.get(root.getParentUUID()); } treeMap.put(root.getUUID(), new PersistedObjectTreeNode(root)); for (PersistedSPObject o : newObjectMap.values()) { addObjectToTree(o); } } /** * Adds the given object to the tree. If it can find the object's * parent in the tree, it will add it as a node under that node. * If not, it will travel up the the newObjectMap to determine ancestry, * and find an ancestor of the object in the tree. It will then add all ancestors * of the object as well as the object under the first ancestor in the tree. * If the object is already in the tree, it will simply return. */ private void addObjectToTree(PersistedSPObject object) { List<PersistedSPObject> ancestors = new LinkedList<PersistedSPObject>(); PersistedSPObject ancestor = object; while (ancestor != null && !treeMap.containsKey(ancestor.getUUID())) { ancestors.add(0, ancestor); ancestor = newObjectMap.get(ancestor.getParentUUID()); } for (PersistedSPObject o : ancestors) { PersistedObjectTreeNode node = new PersistedObjectTreeNode(o); if (treeMap.get(o.getParentUUID()) != null) { treeMap.get(o.getParentUUID()).addNode(node); } treeMap.put(o.getUUID(), node); } } /** * Creates a tree like mapping of objects where the key is the persisted * parent and the map connects different types in the parent's allowed child * type list to persisted objects. */ private Map<PersistedSPObject, Multimap<String, PersistedSPObject>> createObjectTree(Map<String, PersistedSPObject> objectMap) { //Need to consider types when creating the object tree as each object type index will start at 0. Map<PersistedSPObject, Multimap<String, PersistedSPObject>> objectTree = new HashMap<PersistedSPObject, Multimap<String,PersistedSPObject>>(); // Remember that we have to respect the allowed child types of the // parent in case the parent groups some object types together by a super type. for (Map.Entry<String, PersistedSPObject> entry : objectMap.entrySet()) { PersistedSPObject parent = objectMap.get(entry.getValue().getParentUUID()); String parentType; if (parent == null) { if (parentClass == null) { continue; } else { parentType = parentClass; parent = ROOT_PERSIST; } } else { parentType = parent.getType(); } Class<? extends SPObject> allowedType; try { allowedType = PersisterUtils.getParentAllowedChildType(entry.getValue().getType(), parentType); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } Multimap<String, PersistedSPObject> typeMap = objectTree.get(parent); if (typeMap == null) { typeMap = ArrayListMultimap.create(); objectTree.put(parent, typeMap); } typeMap.put(allowedType.getName(), entry.getValue()); } return objectTree; } /** * This method is used by the class to find the diffs between the {@link PersistedSPOBjects}. * It goes through the set of uuids that belong to the old and new revision objects, * and determines which were added and which were removed using the object maps. */ private void calcObjectDiff( HashMap<String, PersistedSPObject> oldObjectMap, HashMap<String, PersistedSPObject> newObjectMap, HashSet<String> objectKeys, MonitorableImpl monitor) { Map<PersistedSPObject, Multimap<String, PersistedSPObject>> oldObjectTree = createObjectTree(oldObjectMap); Map<PersistedSPObject, Multimap<String, PersistedSPObject>> newObjectTree = createObjectTree(newObjectMap); if (parentClass == null) { Set<String> rootKeys = new HashSet<String>(); Map<String, PersistedSPObject> oldRootMap = new HashMap<String, PersistedSPObject>(); for (Map.Entry<String, PersistedSPObject> entry : oldObjectMap.entrySet()) { PersistedSPObject parent = oldObjectMap.get(entry.getValue().getParentUUID()); if (parent == null) { oldRootMap.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); rootKeys.add(entry.getKey()); } } Map<String, PersistedSPObject> newRootMap = new HashMap<String, PersistedSPObject>(); for (Map.Entry<String, PersistedSPObject> entry : newObjectMap.entrySet()) { PersistedSPObject parent = newObjectMap.get(entry.getValue().getParentUUID()); if (parent == null) { newRootMap.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); rootKeys.add(entry.getKey()); } } Iterator<String> rootIterator = rootKeys.iterator(); while (rootIterator.hasNext()) { String uuid =; PersistedSPObject oldPSO = oldRootMap.get(uuid); PersistedSPObject newPSO = newRootMap.get(uuid); if (oldPSO == null) { addPersistsRecursively(newPSO, newObjectTree); } else if (newPSO == null) { persistCalls.persistedSPOsToRemove.add(oldPSO); } else if (!oldPSO.equals(newPSO)) { persistCalls.persistedSPOsToRemove.add(oldPSO); addPersistsRecursively(newPSO, newObjectTree); } else { calcChildDiff(oldPSO, oldObjectTree, newPSO, newObjectTree); } } } else { calcChildDiff(ROOT_PERSIST, oldObjectTree, ROOT_PERSIST, newObjectTree); } } private static class IndexComparator implements Comparator<PersistedSPObject> { @Override public int compare(PersistedSPObject o1, PersistedSPObject o2) { if (!o1.getParentUUID().equals(o2.getParentUUID())) throw new IllegalStateException("Can only compare objects under the same parent"); if (o1.getIndex() < o2.getIndex()) return -1; if (o1.getIndex() > o2.getIndex()) return 1; if (!o1.getUUID().equals(o2.getUUID())) throw new IllegalStateException("Same index but different ids"); return 0; } } /** * Calculating the difference between child objects by comparing the * children of the same type. This method walks each list of children * looking for differences and deciding if the differences are an add, * remove, or move. This is done over comparing each persist individually * because a remove or add near the start of the list causes all of the * indexes to be changed which causes all of the following objects to be * removed and added when it could instead be a single add or remove which * causes the index change. */ private void calcChildDiff(PersistedSPObject oldParent, Map<PersistedSPObject, Multimap<String, PersistedSPObject>> oldObjectTree, PersistedSPObject newParent, Map<PersistedSPObject, Multimap<String, PersistedSPObject>> newObjectTree) { Multimap<String, PersistedSPObject> oldTypeMapping = oldObjectTree.get(oldParent); Multimap<String, PersistedSPObject> newTypeMapping = newObjectTree.get(newParent); Set<String> types = new HashSet<String>(); if (oldTypeMapping != null) { types.addAll(oldTypeMapping.keySet()); } if (newTypeMapping != null) { types.addAll(newTypeMapping.keySet()); } for (String type : types) { List<PersistedSPObject> oldChildren; if (oldTypeMapping != null) { oldChildren = new ArrayList<PersistedSPObject>(oldTypeMapping.get(type)); } else { oldChildren = Collections.emptyList(); } List<PersistedSPObject> newChildren; if (newTypeMapping != null) { newChildren = new ArrayList<PersistedSPObject>(newTypeMapping.get(type)); } else { newChildren = Collections.emptyList(); } Collections.sort(oldChildren, new IndexComparator()); Collections.sort(newChildren, new IndexComparator()); int oldIdx = 0; int newIdx = 0; //We track the objects treated as already inserted or removed and skip them so we don't double persist. Set<PersistedSPObject> oldHandledPersists = new HashSet<PersistedSPObject>(); Set<PersistedSPObject> newHandledPersists = new HashSet<PersistedSPObject>(); while (oldIdx < oldChildren.size() && newIdx < newChildren.size()) { PersistedSPObject oldObj = oldChildren.get(oldIdx); while (oldHandledPersists.contains(oldObj)) { oldIdx++; oldObj = oldChildren.get(oldIdx); } PersistedSPObject newObj = newChildren.get(newIdx); while (newHandledPersists.contains(newObj)) { newIdx++; newObj = newChildren.get(newIdx); } if (oldObj.getUUID().equals(newObj.getUUID())) { calcChildDiff(oldObj, oldObjectTree, newObj, newObjectTree); oldIdx++; newIdx++; } else { //we need to figure out which side we are going to move. //The object with the shorter distance gets moved. int oldShiftIdx = 0; for (; oldShiftIdx + oldIdx < oldChildren.size(); oldShiftIdx++) { if (oldChildren.get(oldShiftIdx + oldIdx).getUUID().equals(newObj.getUUID())) break; } int newShiftIdx = 0; for (; newShiftIdx + newIdx < newChildren.size(); newShiftIdx++) { if (newChildren.get(newShiftIdx + newIdx).getUUID().equals(oldObj.getUUID())) break; } boolean incOldIdx = false; boolean incNewIdx = false; if (oldShiftIdx + oldIdx >= oldChildren.size()) { //Couldn't find new in old list. Add object and descendants addPersistsRecursively(newObj, newObjectTree); incNewIdx = true; } if (newShiftIdx + newIdx >= newChildren.size()) { //Couldn't find old in new list. remove object persistCalls.persistedSPOsToRemove.add(oldObj); incOldIdx = true; } if ((oldShiftIdx + oldIdx < oldChildren.size()) && (newShiftIdx + newIdx < newChildren.size())) { //This is a move. We only have to move the object with the lower value though. //If equal the rearrangement is a wash for performance. if (oldShiftIdx <= newShiftIdx) { persistCalls.persistedSPOsToRemove.add(oldObj); PersistedSPObject addObj = newChildren.get(newShiftIdx + newIdx); addPersistsRecursively(addObj, newObjectTree); newHandledPersists.add(addObj); incOldIdx = true; } else { PersistedSPObject remObj = oldChildren.get(oldShiftIdx + oldIdx); persistCalls.persistedSPOsToRemove.add(remObj); addPersistsRecursively(newObj, newObjectTree); oldHandledPersists.add(remObj); incNewIdx = true; } } //Increment indexes after we do comparisons. if (incOldIdx) oldIdx++; if (incNewIdx) newIdx++; } } while (oldIdx < oldChildren.size()) { PersistedSPObject oldObj = oldChildren.get(oldIdx); persistCalls.persistedSPOsToRemove.add(oldObj); oldIdx++; } while (newIdx < newChildren.size()) { PersistedSPObject newObj = newChildren.get(newIdx); addPersistsRecursively(newObj, newObjectTree); newIdx++; } } } private void addPersistsRecursively(PersistedSPObject object, Map<PersistedSPObject, Multimap<String, PersistedSPObject>> newObjectTree) { if (!persistCalls.persistedSPOsToAdd.contains(object)) { persistCalls.persistedSPOsToAdd.add(object); } Multimap<String, PersistedSPObject> typeMap = newObjectTree.get(object); if (typeMap != null) { for (PersistedSPObject pso : typeMap.values()) { addPersistsRecursively(pso, newObjectTree); } } } /** * This method determines the persist calls required to diff the old and new properties. * It goes through the set of uuids of the old and new objects, and determines what * needs to be added, removed, or changed using the property maps. The new object map * is required in the case of no corresponding new property, to determine if the old * property was either changed to null, or the object it was a property of was removed. */ private void calcPropertyDiff(List<PersistedSPOProperty> oldPersistedSPOPs, List<PersistedSPOProperty> newPersistedSPOPs, HashMap<String, PersistedSPOProperty> oldPropertyMap, HashMap<String, PersistedSPOProperty> newPropertyMap, HashSet<String> propertyKeys, MonitorableImpl monitor) { // Iterate through all the pairs of properties, and determine changes. Iterator<String> keyIterator = propertyKeys.iterator(); for (int i = 0; i < propertyKeys.size(); i++) { String key =; PersistedSPOProperty oldProperty = oldPropertyMap.get(key); PersistedSPOProperty newProperty = newPropertyMap.get(key); if (oldProperty == null) { // A new property was added, or the old one was changed to a non-null value. persistCalls.propertyDiffPersists.add(new PersistedSPOProperty( newProperty.getUUID(), newProperty.getPropertyName(), newProperty.getDataType(), null, newProperty.getNewValue(), true)); } else if (newProperty == null) { // The property was either changed to null, or the object was deleted. if (newObjectMap.containsKey(oldProperty.getUUID())) { // The corresponding object still exists, so the property was changed to null. persistCalls.propertyDiffPersists.add(new PersistedSPOProperty( oldProperty.getUUID(), oldProperty.getPropertyName(), oldProperty.getDataType(), oldProperty.getNewValue(), null, true)); } } else if (!oldProperty.equals(newProperty)) { // A normal property change persistCalls.propertyDiffPersists.add(new PersistedSPOProperty( oldProperty.getUUID(), oldProperty.getPropertyName(), oldProperty.getDataType(), oldProperty.getNewValue(), newProperty.getNewValue(), true)); } else if (needToAddProperties.contains(newProperty.getUUID())) { persistCalls.propertyDiffPersists.add(new PersistedSPOProperty( newProperty.getUUID(), newProperty.getPropertyName(), newProperty.getDataType(), newProperty.getNewValue(), newProperty.getNewValue(), true)); } if (monitor != null) { monitor.incrementProgress(); } } } public List<PersistedSPObject> getPersistedSPOsToAdd() { return persistCalls.persistedSPOsToAdd; } public List<PersistedSPObject> getPersistedSPOsToRemove() { return persistCalls.persistedSPOsToRemove; } public List<PersistedSPOProperty> getPropertyDiffPersists() { return persistCalls.propertyDiffPersists; } public void begin() { // don't need to do anything } public void commit() { // don't need to do anything } public void persistObject(String parentUUID, String type, String uuid, int index) throws SPPersistenceException { spObjectListToPopulate.add(new PersistedSPObject(parentUUID, type, uuid, index)); } public void persistProperty(String uuid, String propertyName, DataType propertyType, Object oldValue, Object newValue) throws SPPersistenceException { spoPropertyListToPopulate.add(new PersistedSPOProperty(uuid, propertyName, propertyType, newValue, newValue, false)); } public void persistProperty(String uuid, String propertyName, DataType propertyType, Object newValue) throws SPPersistenceException { spoPropertyListToPopulate.add(new PersistedSPOProperty(uuid, propertyName, propertyType, newValue, newValue, false)); } public void removeObject(String parentUUID, String uuid) throws SPPersistenceException { throw new IllegalStateException("JCR Persistor is wanting to remove objects " + "when it is creating revision."); } public void rollback() { logger.error("JCR Persistor rolled back when creating revision."); } public void persistTo(SPPersister p) throws SPPersistenceException { persistTo(p, true); } /** * Persist the calculated diffs to a {@link SPPersister}. These persist calls * assume that the {@link calcDiff()} method has been called and the * {@link persistCalls.persistedSPOsToAdd}, {@link persistCalls.persistedSPOsToRemove}, and {@link persistCalls.propertyDiffPersists} * lists have been populated as a result of that. * * <p>The persister should persist these calls to the old revision, and the calls will update it to the new one. * * @param p The {@link SPPersister} to receive the calls. * @param conditional If true, the Differ will persist only the new value of properties. * @throws SPPersistenceException */ public void persistTo(SPPersister p, boolean justNew) throws SPPersistenceException { PersistedSPObject object; p.begin(); // Remove the old objects first because if it was not deleted, // but moved somewhere else, it would be added and there would exist // two objects with the same UUID temporarily, which might confuse/break the persister. for (int i = 0; i < persistCalls.persistedSPOsToRemove.size(); i++) { object = persistCalls.persistedSPOsToRemove.get(i); p.removeObject(object.getParentUUID(), object.getUUID()); } for (int i = 0; i < persistCalls.persistedSPOsToAdd.size(); i++) { object = persistCalls.persistedSPOsToAdd.get(i); p.persistObject(object.getParentUUID(), object.getType(), object.getUUID(), object.getIndex()); } for (int i = 0; i < persistCalls.propertyDiffPersists.size(); i++) { PersistedSPOProperty property = persistCalls.propertyDiffPersists.get(i); if (justNew) { p.persistProperty(property.getUUID(), property.getPropertyName(), property.getDataType(), property.getNewValue()); } else { p.persistProperty(property.getUUID(), property.getPropertyName(), property.getDataType(), property.getOldValue(), property.getNewValue()); } } p.commit(); } public boolean hasDifferences() { return !persistCalls.persistedSPOsToRemove.isEmpty() || !persistCalls.persistedSPOsToAdd.isEmpty() || ! persistCalls.propertyDiffPersists.isEmpty(); } /** * This method will sort the Differ's persisted object list so that * no parents come after their children in the list. It will also make * sure that siblings that are being added are added in ascending * order of their indices, so as not to screw up the index property in the JCR. * * This does not need to be called when persisting to a client because * the client already sorts incoming json (more thoroughly). */ public void sortPersistedObjects() { Collections.sort(persistCalls.persistedSPOsToAdd, new PersistedObjectComparator(persistCalls.persistedSPOsToAdd)); } public HashMap<String, PersistedSPOProperty> getOldPropertyMap() { return oldPropertyMap; } /** * This will return a property from the old workspace that has been loaded into the Differ. * * @param uuid The uuid of the property's object. * @param pName The name of the property * @return The property value, or null if either the object or the property type are not found. */ public Object getOldPropertyValue(String uuid, String pName) { return oldPropertyMap.get(uuid + pName).getNewValue(); } /** * This will return a property from the new workspace that has been loaded into the Differ. * * @param uuid The uuid of the property's object. * @param pName The name of the property * @return The property value, or null if either the object or the property type are not found. */ public Object getNewPropertyValue(String uuid, String pName) { return newPropertyMap.get(uuid + pName).getNewValue(); } /** * Allows a root object to be omitted from being persisted. Currently used as a hack * in ArchitectProjectResource to avoid persisting the SQLObjectRoot of a workspace. * This method will look for the root object with the given parent workspace uuid * in the objects it plans to persist (not remove). It will also remove its properties * from the property diffs to be persisted . * * @param workspaceUUID The parent uuid of the root object * @param newRootUUID If not a null string, the children of the root object will have * their parent UUIDs changed to this value. * @return A boolean indicating whether the root object could be found or not. */ public boolean omitRootObject(String workspaceUUID, String newRootUUID) { String rootUUID = ""; for (int i = 0; i < persistCalls.persistedSPOsToAdd.size(); i++) { if (persistCalls.persistedSPOsToAdd.get(i).getParentUUID().equals(workspaceUUID)) { rootUUID = persistCalls.persistedSPOsToAdd.get(i).getUUID(); persistCalls.persistedSPOsToAdd.remove(i); break; } } if (rootUUID.equals("")) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < persistCalls.propertyDiffPersists.size(); i++) { if (persistCalls.propertyDiffPersists.get(i).getUUID().equals(rootUUID)) { persistCalls.propertyDiffPersists.remove(i); i--; } } if (!newRootUUID.equals("")) { for (int i = 0; i < persistCalls.persistedSPOsToAdd.size(); i++) { PersistedSPObject child = persistCalls.persistedSPOsToAdd.get(i); if (child.getParentUUID().equals(rootUUID)) { persistCalls.persistedSPOsToAdd.add(new PersistedSPObject( newRootUUID, child.getType(), child.getUUID(), child.getIndex())); persistCalls.persistedSPOsToAdd.remove(i); i--; } } } return true; } public HashMap<String, PersistedSPObject> getOldObjectMap() { return oldObjectMap; } public HashMap<String, PersistedSPObject> getNewObjectMap() { return newObjectMap; } /** * Returns the name of the type of the object with the given id in this Differ's old workspace. * @param uuid * @return A string representing the type of the object with the given uuid, or null if it cannot be found. * @throws SQLObjectException */ public String getObjectType(String uuid) throws SQLObjectException { if (oldObjectMap.get(uuid) != null) { return oldObjectMap.get(uuid).getSimpleType(); } else if (newObjectMap.get(uuid) != null) { return newObjectMap.get(uuid).getSimpleType(); } else { throw new SQLObjectException("Could not find object in map"); } } public String getOldObjectName(String uuid) { return (String) getOldPropertyValue(uuid, "name"); } public String getNewObjectName(String uuid) { return (String) getNewPropertyValue(uuid, "name"); } /** * Method to have the Differ take its persist calls and convert them to a list of ordered DiffChunks * that can be used by CompareDMFormatter's generateEnglishDescriptions method. * * @param sourceRoot The UUID of the object whose children you want DiffChunks for (excluding the object itself) * @throws SQLObjectException */ public List<DiffChunk<DiffInfo>> getDiffChunks(String rootUUID) throws SQLObjectException { // A map containing DiffChunk objects for every object relevant to the comparison. // This means all added/removed/changed objects, and all their ancestors. Map<String, DiffChunk<DiffInfo>> diffChunks = new HashMap<String, DiffChunk<DiffInfo>>(); // A map of containing for looking up the parent UUIDs of objects that have been added/removed/changed. Map<String, String> parentMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); // Add the removed objects to the DiffChunk map and map their ancestors. for (PersistedSPObject o : persistCalls.persistedSPOsToRemove) { String uuid = o.getUUID(); getObjectType(uuid); getOldObjectName(uuid); DiffInfo d = new DiffInfo(getObjectType(uuid), getOldObjectName(uuid)); diffChunks.put(uuid, new DiffChunk<DiffInfo>(d, DiffType.LEFTONLY)); addAncestorsToMap(uuid, rootUUID, oldObjectMap, parentMap); } // Add the added objects to the DiffChunk map and map their ancestors. for (PersistedSPObject o : persistCalls.persistedSPOsToAdd) { String uuid = o.getUUID(); DiffInfo d = new DiffInfo(getObjectType(uuid), getNewObjectName(uuid)); diffChunks.put(uuid, new DiffChunk<DiffInfo>(d, DiffType.RIGHTONLY)); addAncestorsToMap(uuid, rootUUID, newObjectMap, parentMap); } // Add property changes to the DiffChunks if they are already there. // If not, add new ones to the DiffChunk map and map the ancestors. for (PersistedSPOProperty p : persistCalls.propertyDiffPersists) { String uuid = p.getUUID(); if (!diffChunks.containsKey(uuid)) { DiffInfo d = new DiffInfo(getObjectType(uuid), getOldObjectName(uuid)); diffChunks.put(uuid, new DiffChunk<DiffInfo>(d, DiffType.MODIFIED)); addAncestorsToMap(uuid, rootUUID, oldObjectMap, parentMap); } if (diffChunks.get(uuid).getType() == DiffType.MODIFIED) { try { Set<String> interestingProperties = PersisterUtils.getInterestingPropertyNames( oldObjectMap.get(uuid).getType()); if (interestingProperties.contains(p.getPropertyName())) { String oldValue = String.valueOf(p.getOldValue()); String newValue = String.valueOf(p.getNewValue()); if (p.getDataType() == DataType.STRING) { if (p.getOldValue() != null) oldValue = "\"" + oldValue + "\""; if (p.getNewValue() != null) newValue = "\"" + newValue + "\""; } PropertyChange change = new PropertyChange(p.getPropertyName(), oldValue, newValue); diffChunks.get(p.getUUID()).addPropertyChange(change); logger.debug("Added change: " + change); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new SQLObjectException("Error looking up interesting property names", e); } } } diffChunks.remove(rootUUID); parentMap.remove(rootUUID); // Add unchanged objects that are ancestors of those changed by searching up from the changed objects. Iterator<String> i = parentMap.keySet().iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { String leafUUID =; String nextUUID = parentMap.get(leafUUID); logger.debug("Leaf " + getObjectType(leafUUID) + ": " + leafUUID); // Loop while the UUID of the object to add is not the root object, and while it has not already been added. while (!nextUUID.equals(rootUUID) && !diffChunks.containsKey(nextUUID)) { logger.debug(nextUUID); DiffInfo d = new DiffInfo(getObjectType(nextUUID), getOldObjectName(nextUUID)); diffChunks.put(nextUUID, new DiffChunk<DiffInfo>(d, DiffType.SAME)); parentMap.put(nextUUID, oldObjectMap.get(nextUUID).getParentUUID()); nextUUID = parentMap.get(nextUUID); } } DiffChunkTreeNode root = new DiffChunkTreeNode(rootUUID, null); root.constructTree(diffChunks, parentMap); return root.buildOrderedList(); } private void addAncestorsToMap(String uuid, String rootUUID, Map<String, PersistedSPObject> objectMap, Map<String, String> parentMap) { String nextUUID = uuid; while (!nextUUID.equals(rootUUID) && !parentMap.containsKey(nextUUID)) { parentMap.put(nextUUID, objectMap.get(nextUUID).getParentUUID()); nextUUID = objectMap.get(nextUUID).getParentUUID(); } } }