package; import com.caucho.jmx.Description; import com.caucho.jmx.Units; /** * Interface for a rewrite rule. * * <pre> * resin:type=RewriteImport,name=... * </pre> */ @Description("A rewrite rule that imports rules from an xml file") public interface RewriteImportMXBean extends ManagedObjectMXBean { @Description("The configured millisecond interval between checks for the need to redeploy") @Units("milliseconds") public long getDependencyCheckInterval(); @Description("The error that ocurred during the last redeploy, if any") public String getRedeployError(); @Description("The current lifecycle state") public String getState(); @Description("Enables the imported rules") public void start(); @Description("Disables the imported rules") public void stop(); @Description("Updates the imported rules if the file has changed") public void update(); }