/* * Copyright (c) 1998-2011 Caucho Technology -- all rights reserved * * This file is part of Resin(R) Open Source * * Each copy or derived work must preserve the copyright notice and this * notice unmodified. * * Resin Open Source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Resin Open Source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, or any warranty * of NON-INFRINGEMENT. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Resin Open Source; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc. * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330 * Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * @author Scott Ferguson */ package com.caucho.amber.table; import com.caucho.amber.entity.AmberCompletion; import com.caucho.amber.entity.Entity; import com.caucho.amber.manager.AmberConnection; import com.caucho.amber.type.EntityType; import com.caucho.ejb.EJBExceptionWrapper; import com.caucho.util.CharBuffer; import com.caucho.util.L10N; import com.caucho.util.Log; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * Represents a many-to-one link from one table to another. */ public class LinkColumns { private static final L10N L = new L10N(LinkColumns.class); private static final Logger log = Log.open(LinkColumns.class); private static final int NO_CASCADE_DELETE = 0; private static final int SOURCE_CASCADE_DELETE = 1; private static final int TARGET_CASCADE_DELETE = 2; private AmberTable _sourceTable; private AmberTable _targetTable; private ArrayList<ForeignColumn> _columns; private int _cascadeDelete; private AmberCompletion _tableDeleteCompletion; private AmberCompletion _tableUpdateCompletion; /** * Creates the table link. */ public LinkColumns(AmberTable sourceTable, AmberTable targetTable, ArrayList<ForeignColumn> columns) { _sourceTable = sourceTable; _targetTable = targetTable; _columns = columns; _tableDeleteCompletion = sourceTable.getDeleteCompletion(); _tableUpdateCompletion = sourceTable.getUpdateCompletion(); _sourceTable.addOutgoingLink(this); _targetTable.addIncomingLink(this); } /** * Sets the cascade-delete of the source when the target is deleted, * i.e. a one-to-many cascaded delete like an identifying relation. */ public void setSourceCascadeDelete(boolean isCascadeDelete) { if (isCascadeDelete) { assert(_cascadeDelete != TARGET_CASCADE_DELETE); _cascadeDelete = SOURCE_CASCADE_DELETE; } else if (_cascadeDelete == SOURCE_CASCADE_DELETE) _cascadeDelete = NO_CASCADE_DELETE; } /** * Sets the cascade-delete of the target when the source is deleted. */ public void setTargetCascadeDelete(boolean isCascadeDelete) { if (isCascadeDelete) { assert(_cascadeDelete != SOURCE_CASCADE_DELETE); _cascadeDelete = TARGET_CASCADE_DELETE; } else if (_cascadeDelete == TARGET_CASCADE_DELETE) _cascadeDelete = NO_CASCADE_DELETE; } /** * Return true if the source is deleted when the target is deleted. */ public boolean isSourceCascadeDelete() { return _cascadeDelete == SOURCE_CASCADE_DELETE; } /** * Return true if the source is deleted when the target is deleted. */ public boolean isTargetCascadeDelete() { return _cascadeDelete == TARGET_CASCADE_DELETE; } /** * Returns the source table. */ public AmberTable getSourceTable() { return _sourceTable; } /** * Returns the target table. */ public AmberTable getTargetTable() { return _targetTable; } /** * Returns the component list. */ public ArrayList<ForeignColumn> getColumns() { return _columns; } /** * Returns the sql column for the source corresponding to the target key. */ /** * Generates the linking for a link */ public ForeignColumn getSourceColumn(AmberColumn targetKey) { for (int i = _columns.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ForeignColumn column = _columns.get(i); if (column.getTargetColumn() == targetKey) return column; } return null; } /** * Generates SQL select. */ public String generateSelectSQL(String table) { CharBuffer cb = new CharBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < _columns.size(); i++) { if (i != 0) cb.append(", "); if (table != null) { cb.append(table); cb.append("."); } cb.append(_columns.get(i).getName()); } return cb.toString(); } /** * Generates SQL insert. */ public void generateInsert(ArrayList<String> columns) { for (int i = 0; i < _columns.size(); i++) columns.add(_columns.get(i).getName()); } /** * Generates SQL select. */ public String generateUpdateSQL() { CharBuffer cb = new CharBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < _columns.size(); i++) { if (i != 0) cb.append(", "); cb.append(_columns.get(i).getName() + "=?"); } return cb.toString(); } /** * Generates SQL match. */ public String generateMatchArgSQL(String table) { CharBuffer cb = new CharBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < _columns.size(); i++) { if (i != 0) cb.append(" and "); if (table != null) { cb.append(table); cb.append("."); } cb.append(_columns.get(i).getName()); cb.append("=?"); } return cb.toString(); } /** * Generates the linking for a join * * @param sourceTable the SQL table name for the source * @param targetTable the SQL table name for the target */ public String generateJoin(String sourceTable, String targetTable) { return generateJoin(sourceTable, targetTable, false); } /** * Generates the linking for a join * * @param sourceTable the SQL table name for the source * @param targetTable the SQL table name for the target * @param isArg true if targetTable is an argument "?" */ public String generateJoin(String sourceTable, String targetTable, boolean isArg) { CharBuffer cb = new CharBuffer(); cb.append('('); for (int i = 0; i < _columns.size(); i++) { ForeignColumn column = _columns.get(i); if (i != 0) cb.append(" and "); cb.append(sourceTable); cb.append('.'); cb.append(column.getName()); cb.append(" = "); cb.append(targetTable); if (isArg) continue; cb.append('.'); cb.append(column.getTargetColumn().getName()); } cb.append(')'); return cb.toString(); } /** * Generates the many-to-many linking. * This join is the one-to-many join and the other * join is passed in as an argument used to link * the two source tables that are pointing to the * same target table. * * @param join the many-to-one join * @param sourceTable1 the SQL table name for the 1st source * @param sourceTable2 the SQL table name for the 2nd source */ public String generateJoin(LinkColumns manyToOneJoin, String sourceTable1, String sourceTable2) { // Implemented for jpa/10cb if (manyToOneJoin._columns.size() != _columns.size()) return ""; CharBuffer cb = new CharBuffer(); cb.append('('); for (int i = 0; i < _columns.size(); i++) { ForeignColumn column = _columns.get(i); ForeignColumn otherColumn = manyToOneJoin._columns.get(i); if (i != 0) cb.append(" and "); cb.append(sourceTable1); cb.append('.'); cb.append(column.getName()); cb.append(" = "); cb.append(sourceTable2); cb.append('.'); cb.append(otherColumn.getName()); } cb.append(')'); return cb.toString(); } /** * Generates the linking for a where clause * * @param sourceTable the SQL table name for the source * @param targetTable the SQL table name for the target */ public String generateWhere(String sourceTable, String targetTable) { CharBuffer cb = new CharBuffer(); cb.append('('); for (int i = 0; i < _columns.size(); i++) { ForeignColumn column = _columns.get(i); if (i != 0) cb.append(" and "); if (! column.isNotNull()) { if (sourceTable == null) cb.append('?'); else { cb.append(sourceTable); cb.append('.'); cb.append(column.getName()); } cb.append(" is not null "); } cb.append(" and "); // jpa/10c9 if (sourceTable == null) { cb.append('?'); } else { cb.append(sourceTable); cb.append('.'); cb.append(column.getName()); } cb.append(" = "); cb.append(targetTable); cb.append('.'); cb.append(column.getTargetColumn().getName()); } cb.append(')'); return cb.toString(); } /** * Cleans up any fields from a delete. */ public void beforeTargetDelete(AmberConnection aConn, Entity entity) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; String sql = null; try { // commented out: jpa/0h25 // aConn.flushNoChecks(); String sourceTable = _sourceTable.getName(); ArrayList<LinkColumns> outgoingLinks = _sourceTable.getOutgoingLinks(); boolean isOwner = false; // jpa/0s2d: only deletes a relationship if the owner is deleted. if (outgoingLinks != null && outgoingLinks.size() > 0) { // XXX: assume link columns are introspected and ordered // with owning side first. // XXX: also, many-to-many bidirectional either side may be // the owning side. LinkColumns linkColumns = outgoingLinks.get(0); if (linkColumns._targetTable == entity.__caucho_getEntityType().getTable()) isOwner = true; } boolean isJPA = aConn.getPersistenceUnit().isJPA(); // ejb/06c5 vs jpa/0h60 // jpa/0h60, the application should be responsible for deleting // the incoming links even when there are FK constraints. if (! (isJPA || isSourceCascadeDelete())) { CharBuffer cb = new CharBuffer(); cb.append("update " + sourceTable + " set "); ArrayList<ForeignColumn> columns = getColumns(); for (int i = 0; i < columns.size(); i++) { if (i != 0) cb.append (", "); cb.append(columns.get(i).getName() + "=null"); } cb.append(" where "); for (int i = 0; i < columns.size(); i++) { if (i != 0) cb.append (" and "); cb.append(columns.get(i).getName() + "=?"); } // See catch (Exception) below. sql = cb.toString(); pstmt = aConn.prepareStatement(sql); entity.__caucho_setKey(pstmt, 1); pstmt.executeUpdate(); aConn.addCompletion(_sourceTable.getUpdateCompletion()); } else if (_sourceTable.isCascadeDelete()) { // if the link cascades deletes to the source and the source // table also has cascade deletes, then we need to load the // target entities and delete them recursively // // in theory, this could cause a loop, but we're ignoring that // case for now EntityType entityType = (EntityType) _sourceTable.getType(); CharBuffer cb = new CharBuffer(); cb.append("select "); cb.append(entityType.getId().generateSelect("o")); cb.append(" from " + sourceTable + " o"); cb.append(" where "); ArrayList<ForeignColumn> columns = getColumns(); for (int i = 0; i < columns.size(); i++) { if (i != 0) cb.append (" and "); cb.append(columns.get(i).getName() + "=?"); } // See catch (Exception) below. sql = cb.toString(); pstmt = aConn.prepareStatement(sql); entity.__caucho_setKey(pstmt, 1); ArrayList<Object> proxyList = new ArrayList<Object>(); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); while (rs.next()) { proxyList.add(entityType.getHome().loadLazy(aConn, rs, 1)); } rs.close(); for (Object obj : proxyList) { entityType.getHome().getEntityFactory().delete(aConn, obj); } } // jpa/0i5e vs. jpa/0h25, jpa/0s2d else if ((! isJPA) || (isOwner && (_sourceTable.getType() == null))) { CharBuffer cb = new CharBuffer(); cb.append("delete from " + sourceTable + " where "); ArrayList<ForeignColumn> columns = getColumns(); for (int i = 0; i < columns.size(); i++) { if (i != 0) cb.append (" and "); cb.append(columns.get(i).getName() + "=?"); } // See catch (Exception) below. sql = cb.toString(); pstmt = aConn.prepareStatement(sql); entity.__caucho_setKey(pstmt, 1); pstmt.executeUpdate(); aConn.addCompletion(_sourceTable.getDeleteCompletion()); } aConn.expire(); } catch (Exception e) { // Close statements only on exception. // See com.caucho.amber.manager.AmberConnection for statement caching. if (pstmt != null) aConn.closeStatement(sql); if (e instanceof SQLException) throw (SQLException) e; if (e instanceof RuntimeException) throw (RuntimeException) e; throw new EJBExceptionWrapper(e); } finally { if (rs != null) rs.close(); } } /** * Cleans up any fields from a delete. */ public void afterSourceDelete(AmberConnection aConn, Entity entity) throws SQLException { // this should be handled programmatically } public String toString() { return "[" + _sourceTable + ", " + _targetTable + ", " + _columns + "]"; } }