/* * Copyright (c) 1998-2011 Caucho Technology -- all rights reserved * * This file is part of Resin(R) Open Source * * Each copy or derived work must preserve the copyright notice and this * notice unmodified. * * Resin Open Source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * Resin Open Source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, or any warranty * of NON-INFRINGEMENT. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Resin Open Source; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc. * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330 * Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * @author Scott Ferguson */ package com.caucho.jsf.html; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import java.net.URLEncoder; import javax.faces.component.*; import javax.faces.component.html.*; import javax.faces.context.*; import javax.faces.event.*; import javax.faces.render.*; /** * The HTML command/link renderer */ class HtmlCommandLinkRenderer extends BaseRenderer { public static final Renderer RENDERER = new HtmlCommandLinkRenderer(); /** * True if the renderer is responsible for rendering the children. */ @Override public boolean getRendersChildren() { return true; } /** * Decodes the data from the form. */ @Override public void decode(FacesContext context, UIComponent component) { String formId = getFormId(context, component); String clientId = component.getClientId(context); String hiddenId = clientId + ":link"; ExternalContext ext = context.getExternalContext(); Map<String,String> paramMap = ext.getRequestParameterMap(); String value = paramMap.get(hiddenId); if (value != null && ! "".equals(value)) { ActionEvent event = new ActionEvent(component); component.queueEvent(event); } else { String valueX = clientId + ".x"; String valueY = clientId + ".y"; } } /** * Renders the open tag for the text. */ @Override public void encodeBegin(FacesContext context, UIComponent component) throws IOException { ResponseWriter out = context.getResponseWriter(); String id = component.getId(); String accesskey; String charset; String coords; String dir; boolean disabled; String hreflang; String lang; String onblur; String onclick; String ondblclick; String onfocus; String onkeydown; String onkeypress; String onkeyup; String onmousedown; String onmousemove; String onmouseout; String onmouseover; String onmouseup; String rel; String rev; String shape; String style; String styleClass; String tabindex; String target; String title; String type; Object value; if (component instanceof HtmlCommandLink) { HtmlCommandLink htmlCommandLink = (HtmlCommandLink) component; accesskey = htmlCommandLink.getAccesskey(); charset = htmlCommandLink.getCharset(); coords = htmlCommandLink.getCoords(); dir = htmlCommandLink.getDir(); disabled = htmlCommandLink.isDisabled(); hreflang = htmlCommandLink.getHreflang(); lang = htmlCommandLink.getLang(); onblur = htmlCommandLink.getOnblur(); onclick = htmlCommandLink.getOnclick(); ondblclick = htmlCommandLink.getOndblclick(); onfocus = htmlCommandLink.getOnfocus(); onkeydown = htmlCommandLink.getOnkeydown(); onkeypress = htmlCommandLink.getOnkeypress(); onkeyup = htmlCommandLink.getOnkeyup(); onmousedown = htmlCommandLink.getOnmousedown(); onmousemove = htmlCommandLink.getOnmousemove(); onmouseout = htmlCommandLink.getOnmouseout(); onmouseover = htmlCommandLink.getOnmouseover(); onmouseup = htmlCommandLink.getOnmouseup(); rel = htmlCommandLink.getRel(); rev = htmlCommandLink.getRev(); shape = htmlCommandLink.getShape(); style = htmlCommandLink.getStyle(); styleClass = htmlCommandLink.getStyleClass(); tabindex = htmlCommandLink.getTabindex(); title = htmlCommandLink.getTitle(); type = htmlCommandLink.getType(); target = htmlCommandLink.getTarget(); value = htmlCommandLink.getValue(); } else { Map<String,Object> attrMap = component.getAttributes(); accesskey = (String) attrMap.get("accesskey"); charset = (String) attrMap.get("charset"); coords = (String) attrMap.get("coords"); dir = (String) attrMap.get("dir"); disabled = Boolean.TRUE.equals(attrMap.get("disabled")); hreflang = (String) attrMap.get("hreflang"); lang = (String) attrMap.get("lang"); onblur = (String) attrMap.get("onblur"); onclick = (String) attrMap.get("onclick"); ondblclick = (String) attrMap.get("ondblclick"); onfocus = (String) attrMap.get("onfocus"); onkeydown = (String) attrMap.get("onkeydown"); onkeypress = (String) attrMap.get("onkeypress"); onkeyup = (String) attrMap.get("onkeyup"); onmousedown = (String) attrMap.get("onmousedown"); onmousemove = (String) attrMap.get("onmousemove"); onmouseout = (String) attrMap.get("onmouseout"); onmouseover = (String) attrMap.get("onmouseover"); onmouseup = (String) attrMap.get("onmouseup"); rel = (String) attrMap.get("rel"); rev = (String) attrMap.get("rev"); shape = (String) attrMap.get("shape"); style = (String) attrMap.get("style"); styleClass = (String) attrMap.get("styleClass"); tabindex = (String) attrMap.get("tabindex"); title = (String) attrMap.get("title"); type = (String) attrMap.get("type"); target = (String)attrMap.get("target"); value = attrMap.get("value"); } String clientId = component.getClientId(context); String formClientId = getFormId(context, component); String hiddenFieldName = clientId + ":link"; if (disabled) { out.startElement("span", component); if (target != null) out.writeAttribute("target", target, "target"); } else { out.startElement("a", component); out.writeAttribute("href", "#", "href"); } if (id != null && ! id.startsWith(UIViewRoot.UNIQUE_ID_PREFIX)) out.writeAttribute("id", component.getClientId(context), "id"); if (accesskey != null) out.writeAttribute("accesskey", accesskey, "accesskey"); if (charset != null) out.writeAttribute("charset", charset, "charset"); if (coords != null) out.writeAttribute("coords", coords, "coords"); if (dir != null) out.writeAttribute("dir", dir, "dir"); if (hreflang != null) out.writeAttribute("hreflang", hreflang, "hreflang"); if (lang != null) out.writeAttribute("lang", lang, "lang"); if (onblur != null) out.writeAttribute("onblur", onblur, "onblur"); if (disabled) { } else { HtmlFormRenderer.addCommandLinkHiddenField(context, formClientId, hiddenFieldName); StringBuilder clickJs = new StringBuilder(); clickJs.append("document.forms['"); clickJs.append(formClientId); clickJs.append("']['"); clickJs.append(hiddenFieldName); clickJs.append("'].value='"); clickJs.append(clientId); clickJs.append("';"); final int childCount = component.getChildCount(); if (childCount > 0 && !disabled) { List<UIComponent> children = component.getChildren(); for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { UIComponent child = children.get(i); if (child instanceof UIParameter) { UIParameter param = (UIParameter) child; clickJs.append("document.forms['"); clickJs.append(formClientId); clickJs.append("']['"); String name = param.getName(); HtmlFormRenderer.addCommandLinkParam(context, formClientId, name); clickJs.append(name); clickJs.append("'].value='"); String val = toString(context, param, param.getValue()); char []paramValue = val.toCharArray(); clickJs.ensureCapacity(clickJs.length() + paramValue.length); for (int j = 0; j < paramValue.length; j++) { char c = paramValue[j]; switch (c) { case '\'': { clickJs.append("\\'"); break; } default: clickJs.append(c); } } clickJs.append("';"); } } } if (target != null) { clickJs.append("document.forms['"); clickJs.append(formClientId); clickJs.append("'].target='"); clickJs.append(target); clickJs.append("';"); } clickJs.append("document.forms['"); clickJs.append(formClientId); clickJs.append("'].submit();"); clickJs.append("return false;"); if (onclick != null) { String code = ("var a = function(){" + onclick + "};" + "var b = function() {" + clickJs + "};" + "return a() && b();"); out.writeAttribute("onclick", code, "onclick"); } else out.writeAttribute("onclick", clickJs.toString(), "onclick"); } if (ondblclick != null) out.writeAttribute("ondblclick", ondblclick, "ondblclick"); if (onfocus != null) out.writeAttribute("onfocus", onfocus, "onfocus"); if (onkeydown != null) out.writeAttribute("onkeydown", onkeydown, "onkeydown"); if (onkeypress != null) out.writeAttribute("onkeypress", onkeypress, "onkeypress"); if (onkeyup != null) out.writeAttribute("onkeyup", onkeyup, "onkeyup"); if (onmousedown != null) out.writeAttribute("onmousedown", onmousedown, "onmousedown"); if (onmousemove != null) out.writeAttribute("onmousemove", onmousemove, "onmousemove"); if (onmouseout != null) out.writeAttribute("onmouseout", onmouseout, "onmouseout"); if (onmouseover != null) out.writeAttribute("onmouseover", onmouseover, "onmouseover"); if (onmouseup != null) out.writeAttribute("onmouseup", onmouseup, "onmouseup"); if (rel != null) out.writeAttribute("rel", rel, "rel"); if (rev != null) out.writeAttribute("rev", rev, "rev"); if (shape != null) out.writeAttribute("shape", shape, "shape"); if (style != null) out.writeAttribute("style", style, "style"); if (styleClass != null) out.writeAttribute("class", styleClass, "class"); if (tabindex != null) out.writeAttribute("tabindex", tabindex, "tabindex"); if (title != null) out.writeAttribute("title", title, "title"); if (type != null) out.writeAttribute("type", type, "type"); if (value != null) out.writeText(toString(context, component, value), "value"); final int childCount = component.getChildCount(); if (childCount > 0) { List<UIComponent> children = component.getChildren(); for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { UIComponent child = children.get(i); if (child instanceof UIParameter) { } else if (child.isRendered()) { child.encodeBegin(context); child.encodeChildren(context); child.encodeEnd(context); } } } if (disabled) out.endElement("span"); else out.endElement("a"); } private String getFormId(FacesContext context, UIComponent component) { for (UIComponent ptr = component.getParent(); ptr != null; ptr = ptr.getParent()) { if (ptr instanceof UIForm) { return ptr.getClientId(context); } } return ""; } /** * Renders the content for the component. */ @Override public void encodeChildren(FacesContext context, UIComponent component) throws IOException { } /** * Renders the closing tag for the component. */ @Override public void encodeEnd(FacesContext context, UIComponent component) throws IOException { } public String toString() { return "HtmlInputTextRenderer[]"; } }