/* * Copyright (c) 1998-2011 Caucho Technology -- all rights reserved * * This file is part of Resin(R) Open Source * * Each copy or derived work must preserve the copyright notice and this * notice unmodified. * * Resin Open Source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Resin Open Source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, or any warranty * of NON-INFRINGEMENT. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Resin Open Source; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc. * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330 * Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * @author Emil Ong */ package com.caucho.maven.aws; import com.caucho.resin.*; import java.io.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.*; import org.apache.maven.plugin.*; import com.xerox.amazonws.ec2.EC2Exception; import com.xerox.amazonws.ec2.Jec2; import com.xerox.amazonws.ec2.ReservationDescription; import com.xerox.amazonws.ec2.ReservationDescription.Instance; /** * The MavenEc2AssociateTriadIps * @goal ec2-start-triad */ public class MavenEc2AssociateTriadIps extends AbstractMojo { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(MavenEc2StartTriad.class.getName()); private String _amiId; private String _accessKeyId; private String _secretAccessKey; private String[] _triadIps; private String _frontendIp; private String _password; private String _keyPair; private List<String> _securityGroups; /** * Sets the triad member elastic ips * @parameter * @required */ public void setTriadIps(String[] triadIps) { _triadIps = triadIps; } /** * Sets the frontend elastic ips * @parameter */ public void setFrontendIp(String frontendIp) { _frontendIp = frontendIp; } /** * Sets the administration password for the Resin admin console and * inter-server communication * @parameter expression="{resin.admin.password}" * @required */ public void setAdminPassword(String password) { _password = password; } /** * Sets the AWS access key id * @parameter * @required */ public void setAccessKeyId(String accessKeyId) { _accessKeyId = accessKeyId; } /** * Sets the AWS secret access key * @parameter * @required */ public void setSecretAccessKey(String secretAccessKey) { _secretAccessKey = secretAccessKey; } /** * Sets the ID of the Resin AMI * @parameter * @required */ public void setAmi(String amiId) { _amiId = amiId; } /** * Sets the ssh key pair used to log in to AMI * @parameter * @required */ public void setKeyPair(String keyPair) { _keyPair = keyPair; } /** * Sets the security groups for the triad * @parameter */ public void setSecurityGroups(List<String> groups) { _securityGroups = groups; } protected String buildUserDataScript(int index) { StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder(); script.append("#!/bin/bash\n"); script.append("\n"); // configuration script, sourced by /etc/init.d/resin script.append("EC2_CONFIG=/var/ec2/resin-ec2-config.sh\n"); script.append("\n"); script.append("mkdir -p /var/ec2\n"); script.append("cat > $EC2_CONFIG <<EOF\n"); script.append("#!/bin/bash\n"); script.append("\n"); script.append("# Lookup the internal IP of the various instances \n"); script.append("# using trick from this page: \n"); script.append("# http://alestic.com/2009/06/ec2-elastic-ip-internal\n"); script.append("# Essentially, do a lookup of the external hostname on\n"); script.append("# the instance, which returns the internal IP. A \n"); script.append("# strange, but useful behavior on EC2.\n"); script.append("\n"); script.append("lookup_internal_ip()\n"); script.append("{\n"); script.append(" dig +short -x \\$1 | xargs dig +short\n"); script.append("}\n"); script.append("\n"); if (_triadIps != null) { if (_triadIps.length >= 1) { script.append("_EXTERNAL_TRIAD_A="); script.append(_triadIps[0]); script.append('\n'); script.append("export TRIAD_A=\\`lookup_internal_ip \\$_EXTERNAL_TRIAD_A\\`\n"); } if (_triadIps.length >= 2) { script.append("_EXTERNAL_TRIAD_B="); script.append(_triadIps[1]); script.append('\n'); script.append("export TRIAD_B=\\`lookup_internal_ip \\$_EXTERNAL_TRIAD_B\\`\n"); } if (_triadIps.length >= 3) { script.append("_EXTERNAL_TRIAD_C="); script.append(_triadIps[2]); script.append('\n'); script.append("export TRIAD_C=\\`lookup_internal_ip \\$_EXTERNAL_TRIAD_C\\`\n"); } } script.append("\n"); if (_frontendIp != null) { script.append("_EXTERNAL_FRONTEND="); script.append(_frontendIp); script.append('\n'); script.append("export FRONTEND=\\`lookup_internal_ip \\$_EXTERNAL_FRONTEND\\`\n"); script.append(_frontendIp); script.append('\n'); } script.append("\n"); if (_password != null) { script.append("export RESIN_ADMIN_PASSWORD="); script.append(_password); script.append('\n'); } script.append("\n"); switch (index) { case -1: script.append("export MY_SERVER_ID=frontend\n"); break; case 0: script.append("export MY_SERVER_ID=triad-a\n"); break; case 1: script.append("export MY_SERVER_ID=triad-b\n"); break; case 2: script.append("export MY_SERVER_ID=triad-c\n"); break; } script.append("\n"); script.append("EOF\n"); script.append("\n"); script.append("chmod +x $EC2_CONFIG\n"); // elastic ip daemon script.append("\n"); script.append("EIP_DAEMON=/var/ec2/resin-elastic-ip-daemon.sh\n"); script.append("\n"); script.append("cat > $EIP_DAEMON <<EOF\n"); script.append("#!/bin/bash\n"); script.append("\n"); script.append("_PID_FILE=/var/run/resin-elastic-ip-daemon.pid\n"); script.append("\n"); script.append("if [ -f \\$_PID_FILE ]; then\n"); script.append(" exit 0\n"); script.append("fi\n"); script.append("\n"); script.append("echo \\$$ > \\$_PID_FILE\n"); script.append("\n"); script.append("if ( /usr/bin/jps | /bin/grep -q Resin ); then\n"); script.append(" exit 0\n"); script.append("fi\n"); script.append("\n"); script.append("source $EC2_CONFIG\n"); script.append("\n"); script.append("# Spin until the elastic ip is associated\n"); script.append("while [ -z \"\\$TRIAD_A\" "); if (_triadIps.length >= 2) script.append("-a -z \"\\$TRIAD_B\" "); if (_triadIps.length == 3) script.append("-a -z \"\\$TRIAD_C\" "); if (_frontendIp != null) script.append("-a -z \"\\$FRONTEND\" "); script.append(" ]; do \n"); script.append("sleep 5\n"); script.append("source $EC2_CONFIG\n"); script.append("\n"); script.append("done\n"); script.append("\n"); script.append("/etc/init.d/resin start\n"); script.append("\n"); script.append("rm -f \\$_PID_FILE\n"); script.append("\n"); script.append("exit 0\n"); script.append("\n"); script.append("EOF\n"); script.append("\n"); script.append("chmod +x $EIP_DAEMON\n"); return script.toString(); } /** * Runs a new instance on EC2 using the generated user data. * * @return instance descriptor of the created instance */ protected ReservationDescription.Instance launchServer(Jec2 ec2, int i) throws MojoExecutionException { String userData = buildUserDataScript(i); try { // XXX instance type, public ip_p ReservationDescription description = ec2.runInstances(_amiId, 1, 1, _securityGroups, userData, _keyPair); List<ReservationDescription.Instance> instances = description.getInstances(); if (instances.size() != 1) throw new MojoExecutionException("Incorrect number of instances launched: " + instances.size()); ReservationDescription.Instance instance = instances.get(0); switch (i) { case -1: getLog().info("New instance [frontend]: " + instance.getInstanceId()); break; case 0: getLog().info("New instance [triad-a]: " + instance.getInstanceId()); break; case 1: getLog().info("New instance [triad-b]: " + instance.getInstanceId()); break; case 2: getLog().info("New instance [triad-c]: " + instance.getInstanceId()); break; } return instance; } catch (EC2Exception e) { throw new MojoExecutionException("Exception while launching instance", e); } } protected void associateElasticIp(Jec2 ec2, int i, ReservationDescription.Instance instance) throws MojoExecutionException { try { String[] instanceIds = new String[] { instance.getInstanceId() }; while (! instance.isRunning()) { getLog().info("Instance " + instance.getInstanceId() + " not yet running (" + instance.getState() + "). " + "Sleeping..."); try { Thread.sleep(10000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { getLog().debug("Sleep interrupted", e); } List<ReservationDescription> descriptions = ec2.describeInstances(instanceIds); if (descriptions.size() != 1) throw new MojoExecutionException("Unknown status for instance " + instance.getInstanceId() + ": " + descriptions); List<ReservationDescription.Instance> instances = descriptions.get(0).getInstances(); if (instances.size() != 1) throw new MojoExecutionException("Unknown status for instance " + instance.getInstanceId() + ": " + instances); instance = instances.get(0); if (instance.isShuttingDown() || instance.isTerminated()) throw new MojoExecutionException("Instance shutting down or terminated before associating address: " + instance.getInstanceId()); } getLog().info("Instance " + instance.getInstanceId() + " is now running."); String elasticIp = null; if (i < 0) elasticIp = _frontendIp; else elasticIp = _triadIps[i]; ec2.associateAddress(instance.getInstanceId(), elasticIp); getLog().info("Instance " + instance.getInstanceId() + " now associated with Elastic IP " + elasticIp); } catch (EC2Exception e) { throw new MojoExecutionException("Exception while associating Elastic IP", e); } } /** * Executes the maven resin:ec2-start-triad task */ public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException { Jec2 ec2 = new Jec2(_accessKeyId, _secretAccessKey, false, "localhost"); if (_triadIps == null || _triadIps.length < 1 || _triadIps.length > 3) throw new MojoExecutionException("Please specify between 1 and 3 triad server elastic IPs"); ReservationDescription.Instance frontend = null; List<ReservationDescription.Instance> triads = new ArrayList<ReservationDescription.Instance>(); if (_frontendIp != null) frontend = launchServer(ec2, -1); for (int i = 0; i < _triadIps.length; i++) triads.add(launchServer(ec2, i)); if (frontend != null) associateElasticIp(ec2, -1, frontend); for (int i = 0; i < _triadIps.length; i++) { ReservationDescription.Instance triad = triads.get(i); associateElasticIp(ec2, i, triad); } } }