/* * Copyright (c) 1998-2011 Caucho Technology -- all rights reserved * * This file is part of Resin(R) Open Source * * Each copy or derived work must preserve the copyright notice and this * notice unmodified. * * Resin Open Source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Resin Open Source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, or any warranty * of NON-INFRINGEMENT. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Resin Open Source; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc. * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330 * Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * @author Scott Ferguson */ package com.caucho.quercus.lib; import com.caucho.quercus.QuercusModuleException; import com.caucho.quercus.annotation.NotNull; import com.caucho.quercus.annotation.Optional; import com.caucho.quercus.annotation.Reference; import com.caucho.quercus.annotation.ReturnNullAsFalse; import com.caucho.quercus.env.*; import com.caucho.quercus.lib.file.SocketInputOutput; import com.caucho.quercus.lib.file.TcpInputOutput; import com.caucho.quercus.lib.file.UdpInputOutput; import com.caucho.quercus.lib.file.SocketInputOutput.Domain; import com.caucho.quercus.module.AbstractQuercusModule; import com.caucho.util.L10N; import javax.naming.NameNotFoundException; import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration; import javax.naming.NamingException; import javax.naming.directory.Attribute; import javax.naming.directory.Attributes; import javax.naming.directory.DirContext; import javax.naming.directory.InitialDirContext; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Information about PHP network */ public class NetworkModule extends AbstractQuercusModule { private static final L10N L = new L10N(NetworkModule.class); private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(NetworkModule.class.getName()); private static final LinkedHashMap<String, LongValue> _protoToNum = new LinkedHashMap<String, LongValue>(); private static final LinkedHashMap<String, ServiceNode> _servToNum = new LinkedHashMap<String, ServiceNode>(); public static final int LOG_EMERG = 0; public static final int LOG_ALERT = 1; public static final int LOG_CRIT = 2; public static final int LOG_ERR = 3; public static final int LOG_WARNING = 4; public static final int LOG_NOTICE = 5; public static final int LOG_INFO = 6; public static final int LOG_DEBUG = 7; public static final int LOG_PID = 1; public static final int LOG_CONS = 2; public static final int LOG_NDELAY = 8; public static final int LOG_NOWAIT = 16; public static final int LOG_ODELAY = 4; public static final int LOG_PERROR = 32; public static final int LOG_AUTH = 32; public static final int LOG_AUTHPRIV = 80; public static final int LOG_CRON = 72; public static final int LOG_DAEMON = 24; public static final int LOG_KERN = 0; public static final int LOG_LOCAL0 = 128; public static final int LOG_LOCAL1 = 136; public static final int LOG_LOCAL2 = 144; public static final int LOG_LOCAL3 = 152; public static final int LOG_LOCAL4 = 160; public static final int LOG_LOCAL5 = 168; public static final int LOG_LOCAL6 = 176; public static final int LOG_LOCAL7 = 184; public static final int LOG_LPR = 48; public static final int LOG_MAIL = 16; public static final int LOG_NEWS = 56; public static final int LOG_SYSLOG = 40; public static final int LOG_USER = 8; public static final int LOG_UUCP = 64; public static final int DNS_A = 1; public static final int DNS_CNAME = 16; public static final int DNS_HINFO = 4096; public static final int DNS_MX = 16384; public static final int DNS_NS = 2; public static final int DNS_PTR = 2048; public static final int DNS_SOA = 32; public static final int DNS_TXT = 32768; public static final int DNS_AAAA = 134217728; public static final int DNS_SRV = 33554432; public static final int DNS_NAPTR = 67108864; public static final int DNS_A6 = 16777216; public static final int DNS_ALL = 251713587; public static final int DNS_ANY = 268435456; /** * Opens a socket */ public static SocketInputOutput fsockopen(Env env, String host, @Optional int port, @Optional @Reference Value errno, @Optional @Reference Value errstr, @Optional double timeout) { try { if (host == null) return null; String protocol = null; int p = host.indexOf("://"); if (p > 0) { protocol = host.substring(0, p); host = host.substring(p + 3); } p = host.lastIndexOf(':'); int q = host.lastIndexOf(']'); if (p > 0 && q < p) { String portStr = host.substring(p + 1); host = host.substring(0, p); if (port == 0) port = Integer.parseInt(portStr); } if (port == 0) port = 80; SocketInputOutput stream; if ("udp".equals(protocol)) stream = new UdpInputOutput(env, host, port, Domain.AF_INET); else { boolean isSecure = "ssl".equals(protocol); stream = new TcpInputOutput(env, host, port, isSecure, Domain.AF_INET); } if (timeout > 0) stream.setTimeout((int) (timeout * 1000)); else stream.setTimeout(120000); stream.init(); return stream; } catch (IOException e) { log.log(Level.FINER, e.toString(), e); if (errstr != null) errstr.set(env.createString(e.toString())); return null; } } /** * Converts string to long */ public static Value ip2long(String ip) { // php/1m00 if (ip == null) return LongValue.MINUS_ONE; long v = 0; int p = 0; int len = ip.length(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { int digit = 0; char ch = 0; for (; p < len && '0' <= (ch = ip.charAt(p)) && ch <= '9'; p++) { digit = 10 * digit + ch - '0'; } if (p < len && ch != '.') return BooleanValue.FALSE; else if (p == len && i < 3) return BooleanValue.FALSE; p++; v = 256 * v + digit; } return new LongValue(v); } /* * Converts internet address in integer format to dotted format. */ public static StringValue long2ip(Env env, long address) { if (address < 0L || address >= 0xFFFFFFFFL) return env.createString(""); StringValue sb = env.createStringBuilder(); sb.append((address & 0xFF000000L) >> 24); sb.append('.'); sb.append((address & 0xFF0000L) >> 16); sb.append('.'); sb.append((address & 0xFF00L) >> 8); sb.append('.'); sb.append(address & 0xFFL); return sb; } /** * Returns the IP address of the given host name. If the IP address cannot * be obtained, then the provided host name is returned instead. * * @param hostname the host name who's IP to search for * * @return the IP for the given host name or, if the IP cannot be obtained, * the provided host name */ public static String gethostbyname(String hostname) { // php/1m01 if (hostname == null) return ""; InetAddress ip = null; try { ip = InetAddress.getByName(hostname); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, e.toString(), e); return hostname; } return ip.getHostAddress(); } /** * Returns the IP addresses of the given host name. If the IP addresses * cannot be obtained, then the provided host name is returned instead. * * @param hostname the host name who's IP to search for * * @return the IPs for the given host name or, if the IPs cannot be obtained, * the provided host name */ public static Value gethostbynamel(Env env, String hostname) { // php/1m02 InetAddress []ip = null; try { ip = InetAddress.getAllByName(hostname); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, e.toString(), e); return BooleanValue.FALSE; } ArrayValue ipArray = new ArrayValueImpl(); for (int k = 0; k < ip.length; k++) { String currentIPString = ip[k].getHostAddress(); StringValue currentIP = env.createString((currentIPString)); ipArray.append(currentIP); } return ipArray; } /** * Returns the IP address of the given host name. If the IP address cannot * be obtained, then the provided host name is returned instead. * * @return the IP for the given host name or, if the IP cannot be obtained, * the provided host name */ @ReturnNullAsFalse public static String gethostbyaddr(Env env, String ip) { // php/1m03 if (ip == null) { env.warning("Address must not be null."); return null; } String formIPv4 = "(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\." + "(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\." + "(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\." + "(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)"; CharSequence ipToCS = ip.subSequence(0, ip.length()); if (! (Pattern.matches(formIPv4, ipToCS))) { env.warning("Address is not in a.b.c.d form"); return null; } String []splitIP = null; try { splitIP = ip.split("\\."); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, e.toString(), e); env.warning("Regex expression invalid"); return ip; } byte []addr = new byte[splitIP.length]; for (int k = 0; k < splitIP.length; k++) { Integer intForm = new Integer(splitIP[k]); addr[k] = intForm.byteValue(); } InetAddress host = null; try { host = InetAddress.getByAddress(addr); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, e.toString(), e); return ip; } return host.getHostName(); } /** * Returns the protocol number associated with the given protocol name. * * @param protoName the name of the protocol * * @return the number associated with the given protocol name */ public static Value getprotobyname(String protoName) { // php/1m04 if (! (_protoToNum.containsKey(protoName))) return BooleanValue.FALSE; return LongValue.create((_protoToNum.get(protoName).toLong())); } /** * Returns the protocol name associated with the given protocol number. */ @ReturnNullAsFalse public static String getprotobynumber(int protoNumber) { // php/1m05 for (Map.Entry<String, LongValue> entry : _protoToNum.entrySet()) if (entry.getValue().toLong() == protoNumber) return entry.getKey(); return null; } /** * Returns the port number associated with the given protocol and service * name. * * @param service the service name * @param protocol the protocol, either udp or tcp * * @return the number associated with the given protocol and service name */ public static Value getservbyname(String service, String protocol) { // php/1m06 if (! (_servToNum.containsKey(service))) return BooleanValue.FALSE; ServiceNode node = _servToNum.get(service); if (! (node.protocolCheck(protocol))) return BooleanValue.FALSE; return node.getPort(); } /** * Returns the service name associated it the given protocol name and * service port. * * @param port the service port number * @param protocol the protocol, either udp or tcp * * @return the service name */ @ReturnNullAsFalse public static String getservbyport(int port, String protocol) { // php/1m07 for (Map.Entry<String, ServiceNode> entry : _servToNum.entrySet()) { ServiceNode node = entry.getValue(); if (node.getPort().toLong() == port && node.protocolCheck(protocol)) return entry.getKey(); } return null; } public static boolean getmxrr(Env env, @NotNull String hostname, @Reference Value mxhosts, @Optional @Reference Value weight) { return dns_get(env, hostname, "MX", mxhosts, weight); } private static boolean dns_get(Env env, String hostname, String type, Value hostsRef, Value weightRef) { try { // php/1m08 if (hostname == null || type == null) return false; DirContext ictx = new InitialDirContext(); Attributes attributes; if (type.equals("ANY") || type.equals("ALL")) attributes = ictx.getAttributes("dns:/" + hostname); else attributes = ictx.getAttributes( "dns:/" + hostname, new String[] { type }); ArrayValue hosts = new ArrayValueImpl(); ArrayValue weights = new ArrayValueImpl(); NamingEnumeration list = attributes.getAll(); if (! (list.hasMore())) return false; while (list.hasMore()) { Attribute record = (Attribute) list.next(); String id = record.getID(); NamingEnumeration attrList = record.getAll(); while (attrList.hasMore()) { String target = String.valueOf(attrList.next()); if (target.endsWith(".")) target = target.substring(0, target.length() - 1); int weight = 0; if ("MX".equals(id)) { int space = target.indexOf(" "); if (space > -1) { String priorityPart = target.substring(0, space); String hostPart = target.substring(space + 1); target = hostPart; try { weight = Integer.valueOf(priorityPart); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { log.log(Level.FINE, ex.toString(), ex); } } } weights.append(LongValue.create(weight)); hosts.append(StringValue.create(target)); } } ArrayModule.array_multisort(env, new Value[] { weights, hosts }); if (hostsRef != null) hostsRef.set(hosts); if (weightRef != null) weightRef.set(weights); return true; } catch (NameNotFoundException e) { return false; } catch (NamingException e) { throw new QuercusModuleException(e); } } /** * Finds the mx hosts for the given hostname, placing them in mxhosts and * their corresponding weights in weight, if provided. Returns true if any * hosts were found. False otherwise. * * @param hostname the hostname to find records for * @param mxhosts an array to add the mx hosts to * @param weight an array to add the weights to * * @return true if records are found, false otherwise */ public static boolean dns_get_mx(Env env, @NotNull String hostname, @Reference Value mxhosts, @Optional @Reference Value weight) { return dns_get(env, hostname, "MX", mxhosts, weight); } public static boolean checkdnsrr(Env env, @NotNull String hostname, @Optional("MX") String type) { return dns_get(env, hostname, type, null, null); } /** * Finds the mx hosts for the given hostname, placing them in mxhosts and * their corresponding weights in weight, if provided. Returns true if any * hosts were found. False otherwise. * * @param hostname the hostname to find records for * * @return true if records are found, false otherwise */ public static boolean dns_check_record(Env env, @NotNull String hostname, @Optional("MX") String type) { return dns_get(env, hostname, type, null, null); } public ArrayValue dns_get_record(Env env, @NotNull String hostname, @Optional("-1") int type, @Optional @Reference Value authnsRef, @Optional @Reference Value addtlRef) { ArrayValue result = new ArrayValueImpl(); ArrayValueImpl authns = null; if (authnsRef != null && !authnsRef.isNull()) { authns = new ArrayValueImpl(); authnsRef.set(authns); env.stub("authns unimplemented"); } ArrayValueImpl addtl = null; if (addtlRef != null && !addtlRef.isNull()) { addtl = new ArrayValueImpl(); addtlRef.set(addtl); env.stub("addtl unimplemented"); } if (hostname == null) return result; if (type == -1) type = DNS_ANY; String typeName; switch (type) { case DNS_A: typeName = "A"; break; case DNS_CNAME: typeName = "CNAME"; break; case DNS_HINFO: typeName = "HINFO"; break; case DNS_MX: typeName = "MX"; break; case DNS_NS: typeName = "NS"; break; case DNS_PTR: typeName = "PTR"; break; case DNS_SOA: typeName = "SOA"; break; case DNS_TXT: typeName = "TXT"; break; case DNS_AAAA: typeName = "AAAA"; break; case DNS_SRV: typeName = "SRV"; break; case DNS_NAPTR: typeName = "NAPTR"; break; case DNS_A6: typeName = "A6"; break; default: typeName = null; } try { DirContext ictx = new InitialDirContext(); Attributes attributes; if (typeName == null) attributes = ictx.getAttributes("dns:/" + hostname); else attributes = ictx.getAttributes( "dns:/" + hostname, new String[] { typeName }); NamingEnumeration list = attributes.getAll(); while (list.hasMore()) { Attribute record = (Attribute) list.next(); String id = record.getID(); NamingEnumeration attrList = record.getAll(); while (attrList.hasMore()) { String attr = String.valueOf(attrList.next()); String target = attr; if (target.endsWith(".")) target = target.substring(0, target.length() - 1); ArrayValueImpl recordValue = new ArrayValueImpl(); recordValue.put("host", hostname); recordValue.put("type", id); if ("MX".equals(id)) { int space = target.indexOf(" "); if (space > -1) { String priorityPart = target.substring(0, space); String hostPart = target.substring(space + 1); try { recordValue.put("pri", Integer.valueOf(priorityPart)); target = hostPart; } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { log.log(Level.FINE, ex.toString(), ex); } } } else if ("A".equals(id)) { try { recordValue.put("ip", target); target = null; } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.FINE, e.toString(), e); } } if (target != null) recordValue.put("target", target); result.put(recordValue); } } } catch (NameNotFoundException ex) { log.log(Level.FINER, ex.toString(), ex); } catch (NamingException ex) { throw new QuercusModuleException(ex); } return result; } /** * Initialization of syslog. */ public static Value define_syslog_variables(Env env) { env.stub("unimplemented"); return NullValue.NULL; } /** * Opens syslog. * * XXX: stubbed for now */ public static boolean openlog(Env env, String ident, int option, int facility) { env.stub("unimplemented"); return true; } /** * Closes syslog. */ public static boolean closelog() { return true; } /** * syslog */ public static boolean syslog(Env env, int priority, String message) { Level level = Level.OFF; switch (priority) { case LOG_EMERG: case LOG_ALERT: case LOG_CRIT: level = Level.SEVERE; break; case LOG_ERR: case LOG_WARNING: level = Level.WARNING; break; case LOG_NOTICE: level = Level.CONFIG; break; case LOG_INFO: level = Level.INFO; break; case LOG_DEBUG: level = Level.FINE; break; } env.getLogger().log(level, message); return true; } private static class ServiceNode { private LongValue _port; private boolean _isTCP; private boolean _isUDP; ServiceNode(int port, boolean tcp, boolean udp) { _port = LongValue.create(port); _isTCP = tcp; _isUDP = udp; } public LongValue getPort() { return _port; } public boolean protocolCheck(String protocol) { if (protocol.equals("tcp")) return _isTCP; else if (protocol.equals("udp")) return _isUDP; else return false; } public boolean isTCP() { return _isTCP; } public boolean isUDP() { return _isUDP; } } static { _protoToNum.put("ip", LongValue.create(0)); _protoToNum.put("icmp", LongValue.create(1)); _protoToNum.put("ggp", LongValue.create(3)); _protoToNum.put("tcp", LongValue.create(6)); _protoToNum.put("egp", LongValue.create(8)); _protoToNum.put("pup", LongValue.create(12)); _protoToNum.put("udp", LongValue.create(17)); _protoToNum.put("hmp", LongValue.create(12)); _protoToNum.put("xns-idp", LongValue.create(22)); _protoToNum.put("rdp", LongValue.create(27)); _protoToNum.put("rvd", LongValue.create(66)); _servToNum.put("echo", new ServiceNode(7, true, true)); _servToNum.put("discard", new ServiceNode(9, true, true)); _servToNum.put("systat", new ServiceNode(11, true, true)); _servToNum.put("daytime", new ServiceNode(13, true, true)); _servToNum.put("qotd", new ServiceNode(17, true, true)); _servToNum.put("chargen", new ServiceNode(19, true, true)); _servToNum.put("ftp-data", new ServiceNode(20, true, false)); _servToNum.put("ftp", new ServiceNode(21, true, false)); _servToNum.put("telnet", new ServiceNode(23, true, false)); _servToNum.put("smtp", new ServiceNode(25, true, false)); _servToNum.put("time", new ServiceNode(37, true, true)); _servToNum.put("rlp", new ServiceNode(39, false, true)); _servToNum.put("nameserver", new ServiceNode(42, true, true)); _servToNum.put("nicname", new ServiceNode(43, true, false)); _servToNum.put("domain", new ServiceNode(53, true, true)); _servToNum.put("bootps", new ServiceNode(67, false, true)); _servToNum.put("bootpc", new ServiceNode(68, false, true)); _servToNum.put("tftp", new ServiceNode(69, false, true)); _servToNum.put("gopher", new ServiceNode(70, true, false)); _servToNum.put("finger", new ServiceNode(79, true, false)); _servToNum.put("http", new ServiceNode(80, true, false)); _servToNum.put("kerberos", new ServiceNode(88, true, true)); _servToNum.put("hostname", new ServiceNode(101, true, false)); _servToNum.put("iso-tsap", new ServiceNode(102, true, false)); _servToNum.put("rtelnet", new ServiceNode(107, true, false)); _servToNum.put("pop2", new ServiceNode(109, true, false)); _servToNum.put("pop3", new ServiceNode(110, true, false)); _servToNum.put("sunrpc", new ServiceNode(111, true, true)); _servToNum.put("auth", new ServiceNode(113, true, false)); _servToNum.put("uucp-path", new ServiceNode(117, true, false)); _servToNum.put("nntp", new ServiceNode(119, true, false)); _servToNum.put("ntp", new ServiceNode(123, false, true)); _servToNum.put("epmap", new ServiceNode(135, true, true)); _servToNum.put("netbios-ns", new ServiceNode(137, true, true)); _servToNum.put("netbios-dgm", new ServiceNode(138, false, true)); _servToNum.put("netbios-ssn", new ServiceNode(139, true, false)); _servToNum.put("imap", new ServiceNode(143, true, false)); _servToNum.put("pcmail-srv", new ServiceNode(158, true, false)); _servToNum.put("snmp", new ServiceNode(161, false, true)); _servToNum.put("snmptrap", new ServiceNode(162, false, true)); _servToNum.put("print-srv", new ServiceNode(170, true, false)); _servToNum.put("bgp", new ServiceNode(179, true, false)); _servToNum.put("irc", new ServiceNode(194, true, false)); _servToNum.put("ipx", new ServiceNode(213, false, true)); _servToNum.put("ldap", new ServiceNode(389, true, false)); _servToNum.put("https", new ServiceNode(443, true, true)); _servToNum.put("microsoft-ds", new ServiceNode(445, true, true)); _servToNum.put("kpasswd", new ServiceNode(464, true, true)); _servToNum.put("isakmp", new ServiceNode(500, false, true)); _servToNum.put("exec", new ServiceNode(512, true, false)); _servToNum.put("biff", new ServiceNode(512, false, true)); _servToNum.put("login", new ServiceNode(513, true, false)); _servToNum.put("who", new ServiceNode(513, false, true)); _servToNum.put("cmd", new ServiceNode(514, true, false)); _servToNum.put("syslog", new ServiceNode(514, false, true)); _servToNum.put("printer", new ServiceNode(515, true, false)); _servToNum.put("talk", new ServiceNode(517, false, true)); _servToNum.put("ntalk", new ServiceNode(518, false, true)); _servToNum.put("efs", new ServiceNode(520, true, false)); _servToNum.put("router", new ServiceNode(520, false, true)); _servToNum.put("timed", new ServiceNode(525, false, true)); _servToNum.put("tempo", new ServiceNode(526, true, false)); _servToNum.put("courier", new ServiceNode(530, true, false)); _servToNum.put("conference", new ServiceNode(531, true, false)); _servToNum.put("netnews", new ServiceNode(532, true, false)); _servToNum.put("netwall", new ServiceNode(533, false, true)); _servToNum.put("uucp", new ServiceNode(540, true, false)); _servToNum.put("klogin", new ServiceNode(543, true, false)); _servToNum.put("kshell", new ServiceNode(544, true, false)); _servToNum.put("new-rwho", new ServiceNode(550, false, true)); _servToNum.put("remotefs", new ServiceNode(556, true, false)); _servToNum.put("rmonitor", new ServiceNode(560, false, true)); _servToNum.put("monitor", new ServiceNode(561, false, true)); _servToNum.put("ldaps", new ServiceNode(636, true, false)); _servToNum.put("doom", new ServiceNode(666, true, true)); _servToNum.put("kerberos-adm", new ServiceNode(749, true, true)); _servToNum.put("kerberos-iv", new ServiceNode(750, false, true)); _servToNum.put("kpop", new ServiceNode(1109, true, false)); _servToNum.put("phone", new ServiceNode(1167, false, true)); _servToNum.put("ms-sql-s", new ServiceNode(1433, true, true)); _servToNum.put("ms-sql-m", new ServiceNode(1434, true, true)); _servToNum.put("wins", new ServiceNode(1512, true, true)); _servToNum.put("ingreslock", new ServiceNode(1524, true, false)); _servToNum.put("12tp", new ServiceNode(1701, false, true)); _servToNum.put("pptp", new ServiceNode(1723, true, false)); _servToNum.put("radius", new ServiceNode(1812, false, true)); _servToNum.put("radacct", new ServiceNode(1813, false, true)); _servToNum.put("nfsd", new ServiceNode(2049, false, true)); _servToNum.put("knetd", new ServiceNode(2053, true, false)); _servToNum.put("man", new ServiceNode(9535, true, false)); } }