package org.overture.ide.ui.templates; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class VdmCompletionContext { private StringBuffer rawScan; private StringBuffer processedScan; /** * Index where replacement must start. For example, if the * rawScan is '<q' then the offset is -2 since the complete text '<q' should be replaced */ private SearchType type = SearchType.Types; private String proposalPrefix = ""; private List<String> root = new Vector<String>(); public VdmCompletionContext(StringBuffer rawScan) { this.rawScan = rawScan; init(); } private void init() { String[] sepList = {"\n", "\r", "\t", "."}; proposalPrefix = regexStringCleaner(rawScan.toString(),sepList); List<CharacterOrder> specialCharMatches = specialCharacterOrderExtractor(rawScan.toString()); if (checkLastSpecialCharacter(specialCharMatches, "<")) { // Completion of quote, e.g. <Green> consQuoteContext(specialCharMatches.get(specialCharMatches.size()-1).start); return; } if (proposalPrefix.contains("new")) { // Completion of constructors consConstructorCallContext(); return; } if(proposalPrefix.contains("mk_") && checkLastSpecialCharacter(specialCharMatches, "_")) { consMkContext(); return; } // Completion for This covers things such as instance variables, // values, a record, a tuple, operations and functions if (checkLastSpecialCharacter(specialCharMatches, ".")) { // only works for one . atm String[] split = rawScan.toString().split("\\."); consDotContext(split); return; } String[] typeSepList = { " ", "\n", "\r", "\t", "."}; proposalPrefix = regexStringCleaner(proposalPrefix,typeSepList); } private String regexStringCleaner(String proposalPrefix,String[] sepList){ //Default if( proposalPrefix == null || proposalPrefix.isEmpty()){ return ""; } char charMatch = proposalPrefix.charAt(proposalPrefix.length() - 1); //checks the end of the string if(charMatch == '\r' || charMatch == '\n' || charMatch == '\t' ) { proposalPrefix = ""; } else{ StringBuffer regexp = new StringBuffer(""); regexp.append("["); for(String s : sepList) { regexp.append("["); regexp.append(Pattern.quote(s)); regexp.append("]"); } regexp.append("]"); String[] bits = proposalPrefix.trim().split(regexp.toString()); proposalPrefix = bits[bits.length-1]; proposalPrefix = proposalPrefix.trim(); } return proposalPrefix; } private void consDotContext(String[] split) { this.type = SearchType.Dot; if(split.length >= 2 ){ this.proposalPrefix = split[1]; } else{ this.proposalPrefix = split[0]; } this.root = new Vector<>(); root.add(split[0]); } /** * Constructs the completion context for a constructor call * * @param index */ private void consConstructorCallContext() { // This gives us everything after new, e.g. ' MyClass' if you type 'new MyClass' proposalPrefix = rawScan.subSequence(rawScan.indexOf("new"),rawScan.length()).toString(); processedScan = rawScan; //new StringBuffer(subSeq); type = SearchType.New; } /** * Constructs the completion context for a 'mk_' call * */ private void consMkContext() { final int MK_LENGTH = "mk_".length(); CharSequence subSeq = rawScan.subSequence(MK_LENGTH, rawScan.length()); processedScan = new StringBuffer(subSeq); proposalPrefix = processedScan.toString().trim(); type = SearchType.Mk; } /** * Contrusts the completion context for the 'mk_token' call */ // private void consMK_tokenContext() { // final int MK_LENGTH = "mk_t".length(); // // CharSequence subSeq = rawScan.subSequence(MK_LENGTH, rawScan.length()); // processedScan = new StringBuffer(subSeq); // proposalPrefix = processedScan.toString().trim(); // // type = SearchType.Mk; // // } /** * Constructs the completion context for quotes * * @param index The index of the '<' character */ private void consQuoteContext(int index) { processedScan = new StringBuffer(proposalPrefix.subSequence(index, proposalPrefix.length())); proposalPrefix = processedScan.substring(processedScan.lastIndexOf("<")); type = SearchType.Quote; } private String getQualifiedSource() { String res = ""; if (root != null && !root.isEmpty()) { for (Iterator<String> itr = root.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) { res +=; if (itr.hasNext()) res += "."; } } return res; } public int getReplacementOffset() { return -proposalPrefix.length(); } public SearchType getType() { return type; } public String getProposalPrefix() { return proposalPrefix; } public List<String> getRoot() { return root; } @Override public String toString() { return type + " - Root: '" + getQualifiedSource() + "' Proposal: '" + proposalPrefix + "'" + " offset: "; } public List<CharacterOrder> specialCharacterOrderExtractor(String inputString){ List<CharacterOrder> matches = new ArrayList<CharacterOrder>(); //pattern to compare Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("[^a-zA-Z0-9\\( ]"); String cleanInputString = inputString.replaceAll("[[a-zA-Z0-9]*$]", ""); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(cleanInputString); while (matcher.find()) { matches.add(new CharacterOrder(matcherCleanUp(,matcher.start(),matcher.end())); } return matches; } public String matcherCleanUp(String match){ String[] typeSepList = {"\n", "\r", "\t"}; return regexStringCleaner(match,typeSepList); } public Boolean checkLastSpecialCharacter(List<CharacterOrder> specialCharMatches, String inputString){ if (specialCharMatches != null && !specialCharMatches.isEmpty() && inputString.equals(specialCharMatches.get(specialCharMatches.size()-1).content) ) { return true; } return false; } class CharacterOrder { public CharacterOrder(String c, int s, int e){ content = c; end = e; start = s; } public String content; public int start; public int end; }; }