package org.overture.vdm2jml.tests; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import org.overture.ast.analysis.AnalysisException; import; public class PreCondNoStateTests extends AnnotationTestsBase { @BeforeClass public static void init() throws AnalysisException { AnnotationTestsBase.init("PreCondNoState.vdmsl"); } @Test public void testPreCondOfFuncIsPure() { assertFuncIsPureOnly("pre_f"); } @Test public void testFuncRequiresAnnotation() { AMethodDeclIR func = getMethod(genModule.getMethods(), "f"); Assert.assertEquals("Got unexpected requires annotation for function 'f'", "//@ requires pre_f(a,b);", getAnnotation(func, 0)); } @Test public void testPreCondOfOpIsPure() { assertFuncIsPureOnly("pre_op"); } @Test public void testOpRequiresAnnotation() { AMethodDeclIR op = getMethod(genModule.getMethods(), "op"); // Note here that no state is expected to be passed // to the pre condition (the module has no state) Assert.assertEquals("Got unexpected requires annotation for operation 'op'", "//@ requires pre_op(a);", getAnnotation(op, 0)); } }