package org.overture.codegen.vdm2jml.trans; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import org.overture.ast.definitions.PDefinition; import org.overture.ast.statements.ACallStm; import org.overture.ast.types.AFunctionType; import org.overture.ast.types.AOperationType; import org.overture.ast.types.PType; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.overture.codegen.traces.StoreAssistant; import org.overture.codegen.traces.TraceStmBuilder; import org.overture.codegen.traces.TracesTrans; public class JmlTraceStmBuilder extends TraceStmBuilder { private static final String ASSERTION_ERROR_TYPE = "AssertionError"; private static final String ASSERTION_ERROR_PARAM = "e"; private List<TcExpInfo> tcExpInfo; public JmlTraceStmBuilder(TracesTrans traceTrans, String traceEnclosingClass, StoreAssistant storeAssist, List<TcExpInfo> tcExpInfo) { super(traceTrans, traceEnclosingClass, storeAssist); this.tcExpInfo = tcExpInfo; } private AMetaStmIR consTypeCheckExp(SVarExpIR arg, STypeIR formalParamType, String traceEnclosingClass, StoreAssistant storeAssistant) { /** * Don't do anything with 'tc' yet. Later it will be replaced with a proper dynamic type check */ AMetaStmIR tc = new AMetaStmIR(); tcExpInfo.add(new TcExpInfo(arg.getName(), formalParamType, tc, traceEnclosingClass)); return tc; } @Override public AMethodDeclIR consTypeCheckMethod(SStmIR stm) { /** * We don't need to consider the 'ACallObjectExpStmIR' since it only appears in the IR if we code generate a PP * or RT model */ if (!(stm instanceof APlainCallStmIR)) { return null; } APlainCallStmIR call = (APlainCallStmIR) stm; if (call.getArgs().isEmpty()) { // Nothing to type check return null; } List<STypeIR> argTypes = null; SourceNode source = call.getSourceNode(); if (source != null) { org.overture.ast.node.INode vdmNode = source.getVdmNode(); if (vdmNode instanceof ACallStm) { ACallStm callStm = (ACallStm) vdmNode; PDefinition def = callStm.getRootdef(); PType type = def.getType(); List<PType> vdmArgTypes = null; if (type instanceof AOperationType) { vdmArgTypes = ((AOperationType) type).getParameters(); ; } else if (type instanceof AFunctionType) { vdmArgTypes = ((AFunctionType) type).getParameters(); } if (vdmArgTypes != null) { argTypes = new LinkedList<>(); for (PType t : vdmArgTypes) { try { argTypes.add(t.apply(traceTrans.getTransAssist().getInfo().getTypeVisitor(), traceTrans.getTransAssist().getInfo())); } catch (org.overture.ast.analysis.AnalysisException e) { argTypes = null; e.printStackTrace(); } } } } } if (argTypes == null) { log.error("Could not find argument types for call statement: " + call); return null; } if (argTypes.size() != call.getArgs().size()) { log.error("Argument types and arguments do not match"); return null; } ABlockStmIR methodBody = new ABlockStmIR(); ATryStmIR tryStm = new ATryStmIR(); methodBody.getStatements().add(tryStm); ABlockStmIR tryBody = new ABlockStmIR(); tryStm.setStm(tryBody); tryStm.getCatchClauses().add(consTcFailHandling()); // Construct a body on the form // try { // //@ azzert tc(arg1)); // ... // //@ azzert tc(argN)); // } catch(AssertionError e) { return false; } // return true; for (int i = 0; i < call.getArgs().size(); i++) { SExpIR a = call.getArgs().get(i); if (a instanceof SVarExpIR) { AMetaStmIR tc = consTypeCheckExp((SVarExpIR) a, argTypes.get(i), traceEnclosingClass, storeAssistant); tryBody.getStatements().add(tc); } else { log.error("Expected argument to be a variable expression by now. Got: " + a); } } // If we make it to end of the method it means that the arguments type checked successfully AReturnStmIR retTrue = new AReturnStmIR(); retTrue.setExp(traceTrans.getTransAssist().getInfo().getExpAssistant().consBoolLiteral(true)); methodBody.getStatements().add(retTrue); AMethodDeclIR typeCheckMethod = initPredDecl(traceTrans.getTracePrefixes().callStmIsTypeCorrectNamePrefix()); typeCheckMethod.setBody(methodBody); return typeCheckMethod; } private ACatchClauseDeclIR consTcFailHandling() { AExternalTypeIR externalType = new AExternalTypeIR(); externalType.setName(ASSERTION_ERROR_TYPE); ACatchClauseDeclIR catchClause = new ACatchClauseDeclIR(); catchClause.setType(externalType); catchClause.setName(ASSERTION_ERROR_PARAM); AReturnStmIR retFalse = new AReturnStmIR(); retFalse.setExp(traceTrans.getTransAssist().getInfo().getExpAssistant().consBoolLiteral(false)); catchClause.setStm(retFalse); return catchClause; } }