package org.overture.codegen.vdm2jml.util; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.overture.ast.analysis.AnalysisException; import org.overture.ast.node.INode; import org.overture.codegen.analysis.vdm.NameCollector; import org.overture.codegen.assistant.AssistantBase; import; /** * Convenience class for generating parameter names that do not collide with other names used in a given class. * * @author pvj */ public class NameGen { private Set<String> toAvoid; private Logger log = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName()); public NameGen() { this.toAvoid = new HashSet<String>(); } public NameGen(INode vdmNode) { this(); if (vdmNode != null) { NameCollector collector = new NameCollector(); try { vdmNode.apply(collector); this.toAvoid.addAll(collector.namesToAvoid()); } catch (AnalysisException e) { log.error("Problems encountered when trying to collect names from " + vdmNode); e.printStackTrace(); } } } public NameGen(SClassDeclIR classDecl) { this(AssistantBase.getVdmNode(classDecl)); } public void addName(String name) { toAvoid.add(name); } public String getName(String suggestion) { if (!toAvoid.contains(suggestion)) { toAvoid.add(suggestion); return suggestion; } else { int counter = 1; String prefix = suggestion + "_"; String newSuggestion = prefix + counter; while (toAvoid.contains(newSuggestion)) { counter++; newSuggestion = prefix + counter; } toAvoid.add(newSuggestion); return newSuggestion; } } }