package org.overture.codegen.tests.exec.util.testhandlers; import; import; import; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.junit.Assert; import org.overture.ast.lex.Dialect; import org.overture.codegen.runtime.traces.InMemoryTestAccumulator; import org.overture.codegen.tests.exec.util.ExecutionResult; import org.overture.config.Release; import org.overture.config.Settings; import org.overture.ct.ctruntime.TraceRunnerMain; import org.overture.ct.ctruntime.utils.CtHelper; import org.overture.ct.ctruntime.utils.Data; import org.overture.ct.ctruntime.utils.TraceReductionInfo; import org.overture.ct.ctruntime.utils.TraceResult; import org.overture.ct.ctruntime.utils.TraceResultReader; import org.overture.ct.ctruntime.utils.TraceTest; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; public class TraceHandler extends ExecutableSpecTestHandler { // The socket is used to communicate with the trace interpreter protected ServerSocket socket; protected static final int SOCKET_TIMEOUT = 0; private Logger log = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName()); public TraceHandler(Release release, Dialect dialect) { super(release, dialect); } public String getTraceName() { return "T1"; } @Override public String getVdmEntry() { return getTraceName(); } @Override public String getJavaEntry() { return "computeTests()"; } @Override public String getFullyQualifiedEntry(String rootPackage) { // The entry point is local so we can ignore the package and the enclosing class return getJavaEntry(); } public int getFreePort() { ServerSocket s = null; try { s = new ServerSocket(0); // returns the port the system selected return s.getLocalPort(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (s != null) { try { s.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } return 8999; } @Override public List<String> getMainClassMethods(String rootPackage) { String runTraceCall; if (Settings.dialect == Dialect.VDM_SL) { runTraceCall = toFullName(rootPackage, "Entry.Entry_T1_Run(acc);"); } else { runTraceCall = " new " + toFullName(rootPackage, "Entry") + "().Entry_T1_Run(acc);"; } String computeTestsMethod = " public static TestAccumulator computeTests()\n" + " {\n" + " InMemoryTestAccumulator acc = new InMemoryTestAccumulator();\n" + runTraceCall + "\n" + " return acc;\n" + " }\n"; List<String> methods = new LinkedList<String>(); methods.add(computeTestsMethod); return methods; } @Override public ExecutionResult interpretVdm(File intputFile) throws Exception { File vdmTraceResultFile = computeVdmTraceResult(intputFile); List<TraceResult> testResult = new TraceResultReader().read(vdmTraceResultFile); if (testResult.size() != 1 || !testResult.get(0).traceName.equals(getTraceName())) { log.error("Expected a single trace named: " + getTraceName() + ". Got: " + testResult); return null; } TraceResult t1 = testResult.get(0); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (TraceTest t : t1.tests) { sb.append(t).append('\n'); } return new ExecutionResult(sb.toString(), t1.tests); } @Override public ExecutionResult runJava(File folder) { ExecutionResult javaResult = super.runJava(folder); return processTraceResult(javaResult); } public ExecutionResult processTraceResult(ExecutionResult javaResult) { Object executionResult = javaResult.getExecutionResult(); if (executionResult instanceof InMemoryTestAccumulator) { InMemoryTestAccumulator acc = (InMemoryTestAccumulator) executionResult; return new ExecutionResult(javaResult.getStrRepresentation(), acc.getAllTests()); } else { return new ExecutionResult(javaResult.getStrRepresentation(), javaResult.getExecutionResult().toString()); } } public File computeVdmTraceResult(File specFile) throws IOException, XPathExpressionException, SAXException, ParserConfigurationException { // The client thread will close the socket int port = getFreePort(); socket = new ServerSocket(port); socket.setSoTimeout(SOCKET_TIMEOUT); final Data data = new Data(); File traceFolder = new File("target" + File.separatorChar + "cgtest" + File.separatorChar + "traceoutput"); traceFolder.mkdirs(); final File actualOutputFile = new File(traceFolder, "Entry-" + getVdmEntry() + ".xml"); CtHelper testHelper = new CtHelper(); Thread t = testHelper.consCtClientThread(socket, data); t.setDaemon(false); t.start(); File destFile = new File(traceFolder, specFile.getName() + ".vdmpp"); FileUtils.copyFile(specFile, destFile); TraceRunnerMain.USE_SYSTEM_EXIT = false; TraceReductionInfo info = new TraceReductionInfo(); String dialect = Settings.dialect == Dialect.VDM_SL ? "-vdmsl" : "-vdmpp"; String[] buildArgs = new String[] { "-h", "localhost", "-p", port + "", "-k", "whatever", "-e", "Entry", dialect, "-r", "vdm10", "-t", getVdmEntry(), "-tracefolder", traceFolder.toURI().toASCIIString(), destFile.toURI().toASCIIString(), "-traceReduction", "{" + info.getSubset() + "," + info.getReductionType().toString() + "," + info.getSeed() + "}" }; TraceRunnerMain.main(buildArgs); final String message = data.getMessage(); Assert.assertTrue("Test did not succeed", message.contains("status=\"completed\" progress=\"100\"")); return actualOutputFile; } }