package org.overture.vdm2jml.tests; import; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.overture.ast.analysis.AnalysisException; import org.overture.ast.definitions.SFunctionDefinition; import org.overture.ast.definitions.SOperationDefinition; import org.overture.ast.lex.Dialect; import org.overture.ast.modules.AModuleModules; import org.overture.ast.util.ClonableString; import; import; import; import; import org.overture.codegen.utils.GeneralCodeGenUtils; import org.overture.codegen.utils.GeneratedData; import org.overture.codegen.utils.GeneratedModule; import org.overture.codegen.vdm2java.JavaFormat; import org.overture.codegen.vdm2java.JavaSettings; import org.overture.codegen.vdm2jml.JmlGenerator; import org.overture.config.Release; import org.overture.config.Settings; import org.overture.typechecker.util.TypeCheckerUtil; import org.overture.typechecker.util.TypeCheckerUtil.TypeCheckResult; abstract public class AnnotationTestsBase { private static final String MODULE_STATE_NAME = "St"; private static final String MODULE_NAME = "M"; public static final String TEST_RESOURCES_ROOT = "src" + File.separatorChar + "test" + File.separatorChar + "resources" + File.separatorChar; public static final String TEST_RES_STATIC_ANALYSIS_ROOT = TEST_RESOURCES_ROOT + "static_analysis" + File.separatorChar; public static final String SPEC_PUBLIC_ANNOTATION = "/*@ spec_public @*/"; public static final String PURE_ANNOTATION = "/*@ pure @*/"; public static final String HELPER_ANNOTATION = "/*@ helper @*/"; private static final boolean VERBOSE = false; // The IR class that the input module generates to protected static ADefaultClassDeclIR genModule; // The IR class that is used to represent the type of the module state protected static ADefaultClassDeclIR genStateType; private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(AnnotationTestsBase.class.getName()); @BeforeClass public static void prepareVdmTypeChecker() { Settings.dialect = Dialect.VDM_SL; Settings.release = Release.VDM_10; } public static void init(String fileName) throws AnalysisException { List<ADefaultClassDeclIR> classes = getClasses(fileName); for (ADefaultClassDeclIR clazz : classes) { if (clazz.getName().equals(MODULE_NAME)) { genModule = clazz; } else if (clazz.getName().equals(MODULE_STATE_NAME)) { genStateType = clazz; } } } protected static void validGeneratedModule() { Assert.assertTrue("No module was generated", genModule != null); Assert.assertEquals("Expected generated module to be in different package", JmlGenerator.DEFAULT_JAVA_ROOT_PACKAGE, genModule.getPackage()); } public static void validateGenModuleAndStateType() { validGeneratedModule(); Assert.assertTrue("State type was not generated", genStateType != null); String stateClassPackage = JmlGenerator.DEFAULT_JAVA_ROOT_PACKAGE + "." + genModule.getName() + JavaFormat.TYPE_DECL_PACKAGE_SUFFIX; Assert.assertEquals("Generated state type is located in a wrong package", stateClassPackage, genStateType.getPackage()); } public static void initJmlGen(JmlGenerator jmlGen) { IRSettings irSettings = jmlGen.getIrSettings(); irSettings.setCharSeqAsString(true); irSettings.setGeneratePreConds(true); irSettings.setGeneratePreCondChecks(false); irSettings.setGeneratePostConds(true); irSettings.setGeneratePostCondChecks(false); JavaSettings javaSettings = jmlGen.getJavaSettings(); javaSettings.setDisableCloning(false); javaSettings.setJavaRootPackage(null); // Default package javaSettings.setGenRecsAsInnerClasses(false); } public static List<ADefaultClassDeclIR> getClasses(GeneratedData data) { List<ADefaultClassDeclIR> classes = new LinkedList<ADefaultClassDeclIR>(); for (GeneratedModule node : data.getClasses()) { if (VERBOSE) {;"*******************"); } if (node.getIrNode() instanceof ADefaultClassDeclIR) { classes.add((ADefaultClassDeclIR) node.getIrNode()); } } return classes; } public static List<AMethodDeclIR> getGenFunctions( List<AMethodDeclIR> methods) { List<AMethodDeclIR> genFuncs = new LinkedList<AMethodDeclIR>(); for (AMethodDeclIR m : methods) { if (m.getSourceNode() != null && m.getSourceNode().getVdmNode() instanceof SFunctionDefinition) { genFuncs.add(m); } } return genFuncs; } public static AMethodDeclIR getMethod(List<AMethodDeclIR> methods, String name) { for (AMethodDeclIR m : methods) { if (m.getName().equals(name)) { return m; } } return null; } public static List<AMethodDeclIR> getGenMethods(List<AMethodDeclIR> methods) { List<AMethodDeclIR> genOps = new LinkedList<AMethodDeclIR>(); for (AMethodDeclIR m : methods) { if (m.getSourceNode() != null && m.getSourceNode().getVdmNode() instanceof SOperationDefinition) { genOps.add(m); } } return genOps; } public static List<ADefaultClassDeclIR> getClasses(String fileName) throws AnalysisException { List<File> files = new LinkedList<File>(); files.add(new File(TEST_RES_STATIC_ANALYSIS_ROOT + fileName)); TypeCheckResult<List<AModuleModules>> tcResult = TypeCheckerUtil.typeCheckSl(files); if (GeneralCodeGenUtils.hasErrors(tcResult)) {"Could not parse/type check VDM model:\n" + GeneralCodeGenUtils.errorStr(tcResult)); } JmlGenerator jmlGen = new JmlGenerator(); initJmlGen(jmlGen); GeneratedData data = jmlGen.generateJml(tcResult.result); return getClasses(data); } public static String getLastAnnotation(PIR node) { if (node.getMetaData() != null) { return getAnnotation(node, node.getMetaData().size() - 1); } else { return null; } } public static String getAnnotation(PIR node, int idx) { List<? extends ClonableString> metaData = node.getMetaData(); if (metaData != null && idx >= 0 && idx < metaData.size()) { return metaData.get(idx).value; } return null; } public void assertFuncIsPureOnly(String funcName) { AMethodDeclIR preCondFunc = getMethod(genModule.getMethods(), funcName); Assert.assertTrue("Expected only a @pure annotaton for the pre condition function", preCondFunc.getMetaData().size() == 1); Assert.assertEquals("Expected pre condition function to be pure", PURE_ANNOTATION, getLastAnnotation(preCondFunc)); } public static void assertHelper(PIR node, String msg) { for (ClonableString m : node.getMetaData()) { if (m.value.equals(HELPER_ANNOTATION)) { return; } } Assert.assertTrue(msg, false); } public static void assertPure(List<AMethodDeclIR> methods) { Assert.assertTrue("Expected functions to be defined", methods != null && !methods.isEmpty()); for (AMethodDeclIR func : methods) { if (!func.getIsConstructor()) { assertPureMethod(func); } } } public static void assertPureMethod(AMethodDeclIR method) { String failureMsg = "Expected method " + method.getName() + " to be pure"; List<? extends ClonableString> metaData = method.getMetaData(); Assert.assertTrue(failureMsg, metaData != null && !metaData.isEmpty()); for (ClonableString m : method.getMetaData()) { if (m.value.equals(PURE_ANNOTATION)) { return; } } Assert.assertTrue(failureMsg, false); } public static void assertNotPureMethod(AMethodDeclIR method) { String failureMsg = "Expected method " + method.getName() + " not to be pure"; for (ClonableString m : method.getMetaData()) { if (m.value.equals(PURE_ANNOTATION)) {; } } } public static void assertRecMethodsPurity(List<AMethodDeclIR> stateMethods) { for (AMethodDeclIR m : stateMethods) { if (m.getName().equals("hashCode") || m.getName().equals("equals") || m.getName().equals("toString") || m.getName().equals("copy") || m.getName().startsWith("get_") || m.getName().equals("valid")) { assertPureMethod(m); } else { assertNotPureMethod(m); } } } }