package org.overture.interpreter.utilities.pattern; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Vector; import org.overture.ast.analysis.AnalysisException; import org.overture.ast.analysis.QuestionAnswerAdaptor; import org.overture.ast.node.INode; import org.overture.ast.patterns.ABooleanPattern; import org.overture.ast.patterns.ACharacterPattern; import org.overture.ast.patterns.AConcatenationPattern; import org.overture.ast.patterns.AExpressionPattern; import org.overture.ast.patterns.AIdentifierPattern; import org.overture.ast.patterns.AIgnorePattern; import org.overture.ast.patterns.AIntegerPattern; import org.overture.ast.patterns.AMapPattern; import org.overture.ast.patterns.AMapUnionPattern; import org.overture.ast.patterns.AMapletPatternMaplet; import org.overture.ast.patterns.ANamePatternPair; import org.overture.ast.patterns.ANilPattern; import org.overture.ast.patterns.AObjectPattern; import org.overture.ast.patterns.AQuotePattern; import org.overture.ast.patterns.ARealPattern; import org.overture.ast.patterns.ARecordPattern; import org.overture.ast.patterns.ASeqPattern; import org.overture.ast.patterns.ASetPattern; import org.overture.ast.patterns.AStringPattern; import org.overture.ast.patterns.ATuplePattern; import org.overture.ast.patterns.AUnionPattern; import org.overture.ast.patterns.PPattern; import org.overture.interpreter.assistant.IInterpreterAssistantFactory; import org.overture.interpreter.assistant.pattern.PPatternAssistantInterpreter; import org.overture.interpreter.runtime.Context; import org.overture.interpreter.runtime.PatternMatchException; import org.overture.interpreter.runtime.ValueException; import org.overture.interpreter.runtime.VdmRuntime; import org.overture.interpreter.runtime.VdmRuntimeError; import org.overture.interpreter.traces.Permutor; import org.overture.interpreter.values.FieldMap; import org.overture.interpreter.values.FieldValue; import org.overture.interpreter.values.MapValue; import org.overture.interpreter.values.NameValuePair; import org.overture.interpreter.values.NameValuePairList; import org.overture.interpreter.values.NameValuePairMap; import org.overture.interpreter.values.NilValue; import org.overture.interpreter.values.ObjectValue; import org.overture.interpreter.values.RecordValue; import org.overture.interpreter.values.SeqValue; import org.overture.interpreter.values.SetValue; import org.overture.interpreter.values.Value; import org.overture.interpreter.values.ValueList; import org.overture.interpreter.values.ValueMap; import org.overture.interpreter.values.ValueSet; public class AllNamedValuesLocator extends QuestionAnswerAdaptor<AllNamedValuesLocator.Newquestion, List<NameValuePairList>> { public static class Newquestion { Value expval; Context ctxt; public Newquestion(Value expval, Context ctxt) { this.expval = expval; this.ctxt = ctxt; } } protected IInterpreterAssistantFactory af; public AllNamedValuesLocator(IInterpreterAssistantFactory af) { = af; } @Override public List<NameValuePairList> caseABooleanPattern(ABooleanPattern pattern, Newquestion question) throws AnalysisException { List<NameValuePairList> result = new Vector<NameValuePairList>(); try { if (question.expval.boolValue(question.ctxt) != pattern.getValue().getValue()) { VdmRuntimeError.patternFail(4106, "Boolean pattern match failed", pattern.getLocation()); } } catch (ValueException e) { VdmRuntimeError.patternFail(e, pattern.getLocation()); } result.add(new NameValuePairList()); return result; } @Override public List<NameValuePairList> caseACharacterPattern( ACharacterPattern pattern, Newquestion question) throws AnalysisException { List<NameValuePairList> result = new Vector<NameValuePairList>(); try { if (question.expval.charValue(question.ctxt) != pattern.getValue().getValue()) { VdmRuntimeError.patternFail(4107, "Character pattern match failed", pattern.getLocation()); } } catch (ValueException e) { VdmRuntimeError.patternFail(e, pattern.getLocation()); } result.add(new NameValuePairList()); return result; } @Override public List<NameValuePairList> caseAConcatenationPattern( AConcatenationPattern pattern, Newquestion question) throws AnalysisException { ValueList values = null; try { values = question.expval.seqValue(question.ctxt); } catch (ValueException e) { VdmRuntimeError.patternFail(e, pattern.getLocation()); } int llen = af.createPPatternAssistant().getLength(pattern.getLeft()); int rlen = af.createPPatternAssistant().getLength(pattern.getRight()); int size = values.size(); if (llen == PPatternAssistantInterpreter.ANY && rlen > size || rlen == PPatternAssistantInterpreter.ANY && llen > size || rlen != PPatternAssistantInterpreter.ANY && llen != PPatternAssistantInterpreter.ANY && size != llen + rlen) { VdmRuntimeError.patternFail(4108, "Sequence concatenation pattern does not match expression", pattern.getLocation()); } // If the left and right sizes are ANY (ie. flexible) then we have to // generate a set of splits of the values, and offer these to sub-matches // to see whether they fit. Otherwise, there is just one split at this level. List<Integer> leftSizes = new Vector<Integer>(); if (llen == PPatternAssistantInterpreter.ANY) { if (rlen == PPatternAssistantInterpreter.ANY) { if (size == 0) { // Can't match a ^ b with [] } else if (size % 2 == 1) { // Odd => add the middle, then those either side int half = size / 2 + 1; if (half > 0) { leftSizes.add(half); } for (int delta = 1; half - delta > 0; delta++) { leftSizes.add(half + delta); leftSizes.add(half - delta); } leftSizes.add(0); } else { // Even => add those either side of the middle int half = size / 2; if (half > 0) { leftSizes.add(half); } for (int delta = 1; half - delta > 0; delta++) { leftSizes.add(half + delta); leftSizes.add(half - delta); } leftSizes.add(size); leftSizes.add(0); } } else { leftSizes.add(size - rlen); } } else { leftSizes.add(llen); } // Now loop through the various splits and attempt to match the l/r // sub-patterns to the split sequence value. List<NameValuePairList> finalResults = new Vector<NameValuePairList>(); for (Integer lsize : leftSizes) { Iterator<Value> iter = values.iterator(); ValueList head = new ValueList(); for (int i = 0; i < lsize; i++) { head.add(; } ValueList tail = new ValueList(); while (iter.hasNext()) // Everything else in second { tail.add(; } List<List<NameValuePairList>> nvplists = new Vector<List<NameValuePairList>>(); int psize = 2; int[] counts = new int[psize]; try { List<NameValuePairList> lnvps = af.createPPatternAssistant().getAllNamedValues(pattern.getLeft(), new SeqValue(head), question.ctxt); nvplists.add(lnvps); counts[0] = lnvps.size(); List<NameValuePairList> rnvps = af.createPPatternAssistant().getAllNamedValues(pattern.getRight(), new SeqValue(tail), question.ctxt); nvplists.add(rnvps); counts[1] = rnvps.size(); } catch (PatternMatchException e) { continue; } Permutor permutor = new Permutor(counts); while (permutor.hasNext()) { try { NameValuePairMap results = new NameValuePairMap(); int[] selection =; for (int p = 0; p < psize; p++) { for (NameValuePair nvp : nvplists.get(p).get(selection[p])) { Value v = results.get(; if (v == null) { results.put(nvp); } else // Names match, so values must also { if (!v.equals(nvp.value)) { VdmRuntimeError.patternFail(4109, "Values do not match concatenation pattern", pattern.getLocation()); } } } } finalResults.add(results.asList()); // Consistent set of nvps } catch (PatternMatchException pme) { // try next perm } } } if (finalResults.isEmpty()) { VdmRuntimeError.patternFail(4109, "Values do not match concatenation pattern", pattern.getLocation()); } return finalResults; } @Override public List<NameValuePairList> caseAExpressionPattern( AExpressionPattern pattern, Newquestion question) throws AnalysisException { List<NameValuePairList> result = new Vector<NameValuePairList>(); try { if (!question.expval.equals(pattern.getExp().apply(VdmRuntime.getExpressionEvaluator(), question.ctxt))) { VdmRuntimeError.patternFail(4110, "Expression pattern match failed", pattern.getLocation()); } } catch (AnalysisException e) { if (e instanceof PatternMatchException) { throw (PatternMatchException) e; } e.printStackTrace(); } result.add(new NameValuePairList()); return result; // NB no values for a match, as there's no definition } @Override public List<NameValuePairList> caseAIdentifierPattern( AIdentifierPattern pattern, Newquestion question) throws AnalysisException { List<NameValuePairList> result = new Vector<NameValuePairList>(); NameValuePairList list = new NameValuePairList(); list.add(new NameValuePair(pattern.getName(), question.expval)); result.add(list); return result; } @Override public List<NameValuePairList> caseAIgnorePattern(AIgnorePattern pattern, Newquestion question) throws AnalysisException { List<NameValuePairList> result = new Vector<NameValuePairList>(); result.add(new NameValuePairList()); return result; } @Override public List<NameValuePairList> caseAIntegerPattern(AIntegerPattern pattern, Newquestion question) throws AnalysisException { List<NameValuePairList> result = new Vector<NameValuePairList>(); try { if (question.expval.intValue(question.ctxt) != pattern.getValue().getValue()) { VdmRuntimeError.patternFail(4111, "Integer pattern match failed", pattern.getLocation()); } } catch (ValueException e) { VdmRuntimeError.patternFail(e, pattern.getLocation()); } result.add(new NameValuePairList()); return result; } @Override public List<NameValuePairList> caseAMapPattern(AMapPattern pattern, Newquestion question) throws AnalysisException { ValueMap values = null; try { values = question.expval.mapValue(question.ctxt); } catch (ValueException e) { VdmRuntimeError.patternFail(e, pattern.getLocation()); } if (values.size() != pattern.getMaplets().size()) { VdmRuntimeError.patternFail(4152, "Wrong number of elements for map pattern", pattern.getLocation()); } // Since the member patterns may indicate specific map members, we // have to permute through the various map orderings to see // whether there are any which match both sides. If the members // are not constrained however, the initial ordering will be // fine. List<ValueMap> allMaps; if (pattern.apply(af.getConstrainedPatternChecker())) { allMaps = values.permutedMaps(); } else { allMaps = new Vector<ValueMap>(); allMaps.add(values); } List<NameValuePairList> finalResults = new Vector<NameValuePairList>(); int psize = pattern.getMaplets().size(); if (pattern.getMaplets().isEmpty()) { finalResults.add(new NameValuePairList()); return finalResults; } for (ValueMap mapPerm : allMaps) { Iterator<Entry<Value, Value>> iter = mapPerm.entrySet().iterator(); List<List<NameValuePairList>> nvplists = new Vector<List<NameValuePairList>>(); int[] counts = new int[psize]; int i = 0; try { for (AMapletPatternMaplet p : pattern.getMaplets()) { List<NameValuePairList> pnvps = af.createAMapPatternMapletAssistant().getAllNamedValues(p,, question.ctxt); nvplists.add(pnvps); counts[i++] = pnvps.size(); } } catch (Exception e) { continue; } Permutor permutor = new Permutor(counts); while (permutor.hasNext()) { try { NameValuePairMap results = new NameValuePairMap(); int[] selection =; for (int p = 0; p < psize; p++) { for (NameValuePair nvp : nvplists.get(p).get(selection[p])) { Value v = results.get(; if (v == null) { results.put(nvp); } else // Names match, so values must also { if (!v.equals(nvp.value)) { VdmRuntimeError.patternFail(4153, "Values do not match map pattern", pattern.getLocation()); } } } } finalResults.add(results.asList()); } catch (PatternMatchException pme) { // Try next perm then... } } } if (finalResults.isEmpty()) { VdmRuntimeError.patternFail(4154, "Cannot match map pattern", pattern.getLocation()); } return finalResults; } @Override public List<NameValuePairList> caseAMapUnionPattern( AMapUnionPattern pattern, Newquestion question) throws AnalysisException { ValueMap values = null; try { values = question.expval.mapValue(question.ctxt); } catch (ValueException e) { VdmRuntimeError.patternFail(e, pattern.getLocation()); } int llen = af.createPPatternAssistant().getLength(pattern.getLeft()); int rlen = af.createPPatternAssistant().getLength(pattern.getRight()); int size = values.size(); if (llen == PPatternAssistantInterpreter.ANY && rlen > size || rlen == PPatternAssistantInterpreter.ANY && llen > size || rlen != PPatternAssistantInterpreter.ANY && llen != PPatternAssistantInterpreter.ANY && size != llen + rlen) { VdmRuntimeError.patternFail(4155, "Map union pattern does not match expression", pattern.getLocation()); } // If the left and right sizes are zero (ie. flexible) then we have to // generate a set of splits of the values, and offer these to sub-matches // to see whether they fit. Otherwise, there is just one split at this level. List<Integer> leftSizes = new Vector<Integer>(); if (llen == PPatternAssistantInterpreter.ANY) { if (rlen == PPatternAssistantInterpreter.ANY) { if (size == 0) { // Can't match a munion b with {|->} } else if (size % 2 == 1) { // Odd => add the middle, then those either side int half = size / 2 + 1; if (half > 0) { leftSizes.add(half); } for (int delta = 1; half - delta > 0; delta++) { leftSizes.add(half + delta); leftSizes.add(half - delta); } leftSizes.add(0); } else { // Even => add those either side of the middle int half = size / 2; if (half > 0) { leftSizes.add(half); } for (int delta = 1; half - delta > 0; delta++) { leftSizes.add(half + delta); leftSizes.add(half - delta); } leftSizes.add(size); leftSizes.add(0); } } else { leftSizes.add(size - rlen); } } else { leftSizes.add(llen); } // Since the left and right may have specific element members, we // have to permute through the various map orderings to see // whether there are any which match both sides. If the patterns // are not constrained however, the initial ordering will be // fine. List<ValueMap> allMaps; if (pattern.apply(af.getConstrainedPatternChecker())) { allMaps = values.permutedMaps(); } else { allMaps = new Vector<ValueMap>(); allMaps.add(values); } // Now loop through the various splits and attempt to match the l/r // sub-patterns to the split map value. List<NameValuePairList> finalResults = new Vector<NameValuePairList>(); for (Integer lsize : leftSizes) { for (ValueMap setPerm : allMaps) { Iterator<Entry<Value, Value>> iter = setPerm.entrySet().iterator(); ValueMap first = new ValueMap(); for (int i = 0; i < lsize; i++) { Entry<Value, Value> e =; first.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); } ValueMap second = new ValueMap(); while (iter.hasNext()) // Everything else in second { Entry<Value, Value> e =; second.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); } List<List<NameValuePairList>> nvplists = new Vector<List<NameValuePairList>>(); int psize = 2; int[] counts = new int[psize]; try { List<NameValuePairList> lnvps = af.createPPatternAssistant().getAllNamedValues(pattern.getLeft(), new MapValue(first), question.ctxt); nvplists.add(lnvps); counts[0] = lnvps.size(); List<NameValuePairList> rnvps = af.createPPatternAssistant().getAllNamedValues(pattern.getRight(), new MapValue(second), question.ctxt); nvplists.add(rnvps); counts[1] = rnvps.size(); } catch (Exception e) { continue; } Permutor permutor = new Permutor(counts); while (permutor.hasNext()) { try { NameValuePairMap results = new NameValuePairMap(); int[] selection =; for (int p = 0; p < psize; p++) { for (NameValuePair nvp : nvplists.get(p).get(selection[p])) { Value v = results.get(; if (v == null) { results.put(nvp); } else // Names match, so values must also { if (!v.equals(nvp.value)) { VdmRuntimeError.patternFail(4126, "Values do not match union pattern", pattern.getLocation()); } } } } finalResults.add(results.asList()); } catch (PatternMatchException pme) { // Try next perm then... } } } } if (finalResults.isEmpty()) { VdmRuntimeError.patternFail(4156, "Cannot match map pattern", pattern.getLocation()); } return finalResults; } @Override public List<NameValuePairList> caseANilPattern(ANilPattern pattern, Newquestion question) throws AnalysisException { // return ANilPatternAssistantInterpreter.getAllNamedValues(pattern, question.expval, question.ctxt); List<NameValuePairList> result = new Vector<NameValuePairList>(); if (!(question.expval.deref() instanceof NilValue)) { VdmRuntimeError.patternFail(4106, "Nil pattern match failed", pattern.getLocation()); } result.add(new NameValuePairList()); return result; } @Override public List<NameValuePairList> caseAQuotePattern(AQuotePattern pattern, Newquestion question) throws AnalysisException { List<NameValuePairList> result = new Vector<NameValuePairList>(); try { if (!question.expval.quoteValue(question.ctxt).equals(pattern.getValue().getValue())) { VdmRuntimeError.patternFail(4112, "Quote pattern match failed", pattern.getLocation()); } } catch (ValueException e) { VdmRuntimeError.patternFail(e, pattern.getLocation()); } result.add(new NameValuePairList()); return result; } @Override public List<NameValuePairList> caseARealPattern(ARealPattern pattern, Newquestion question) throws AnalysisException { List<NameValuePairList> result = new Vector<NameValuePairList>(); try { if (question.expval.realValue(question.ctxt) != pattern.getValue().getValue()) { VdmRuntimeError.patternFail(4113, "Real pattern match failed", pattern.getLocation()); } } catch (ValueException e) { VdmRuntimeError.patternFail(e, pattern.getLocation()); } result.add(new NameValuePairList()); return result; } @Override public List<NameValuePairList> caseARecordPattern(ARecordPattern pattern, Newquestion question) throws AnalysisException { FieldMap fields = null; RecordValue exprec = null; try { exprec = question.expval.recordValue(question.ctxt); fields = exprec.fieldmap; } catch (ValueException e) { VdmRuntimeError.patternFail(e, pattern.getLocation()); } // if (!type.equals(exprec.type)) if (!question.ctxt.assistantFactory.getTypeComparator().compatible(pattern.getType(), exprec.type)) { VdmRuntimeError.patternFail(4114, "Record type does not match pattern", pattern.getLocation()); } if (fields.size() != pattern.getPlist().size()) { VdmRuntimeError.patternFail(4115, "Record expression does not match pattern", pattern.getLocation()); } Iterator<FieldValue> iter = fields.iterator(); List<List<NameValuePairList>> nvplists = new Vector<List<NameValuePairList>>(); int psize = pattern.getPlist().size(); int[] counts = new int[psize]; int i = 0; for (PPattern p : pattern.getPlist()) { List<NameValuePairList> pnvps = af.createPPatternAssistant().getAllNamedValues(p,, question.ctxt); nvplists.add(pnvps); counts[i++] = pnvps.size(); } Permutor permutor = new Permutor(counts); List<NameValuePairList> finalResults = new Vector<NameValuePairList>(); if (pattern.getPlist().isEmpty()) { finalResults.add(new NameValuePairList()); return finalResults; } while (permutor.hasNext()) { try { NameValuePairMap results = new NameValuePairMap(); int[] selection =; for (int p = 0; p < psize; p++) { for (NameValuePair nvp : nvplists.get(p).get(selection[p])) { Value v = results.get(; if (v == null) { results.put(nvp); } else // Names match, so values must also { if (!v.equals(nvp.value)) { VdmRuntimeError.patternFail(4116, "Values do not match record pattern", pattern.getLocation()); } } } } finalResults.add(results.asList()); // Consistent set of nvps } catch (PatternMatchException pme) { // try next perm } } if (finalResults.isEmpty()) { VdmRuntimeError.patternFail(4116, "Values do not match record pattern", pattern.getLocation()); } return finalResults; } @Override public List<NameValuePairList> caseASeqPattern(ASeqPattern pattern, Newquestion question) throws AnalysisException { ValueList values = null; try { values = question.expval.seqValue(question.ctxt); } catch (ValueException e) { VdmRuntimeError.patternFail(e, pattern.getLocation()); } if (values.size() != pattern.getPlist().size()) { VdmRuntimeError.patternFail(4117, "Wrong number of elements for sequence pattern", pattern.getLocation()); } ListIterator<Value> iter = values.listIterator(); List<List<NameValuePairList>> nvplists = new Vector<List<NameValuePairList>>(); int psize = pattern.getPlist().size(); int[] counts = new int[psize]; int i = 0; for (PPattern p : pattern.getPlist()) { List<NameValuePairList> pnvps = af.createPPatternAssistant().getAllNamedValues(p,, question.ctxt); nvplists.add(pnvps); counts[i++] = pnvps.size(); } Permutor permutor = new Permutor(counts); List<NameValuePairList> finalResults = new Vector<NameValuePairList>(); if (pattern.getPlist().isEmpty()) { finalResults.add(new NameValuePairList()); return finalResults; } while (permutor.hasNext()) { try { NameValuePairMap results = new NameValuePairMap(); int[] selection =; for (int p = 0; p < psize; p++) { for (NameValuePair nvp : nvplists.get(p).get(selection[p])) { Value v = results.get(; if (v == null) { results.put(nvp); } else // Names match, so values must also { if (!v.equals(nvp.value)) { VdmRuntimeError.patternFail(4118, "Values do not match sequence pattern", pattern.getLocation()); } } } } finalResults.add(results.asList()); // Consistent set of nvps } catch (PatternMatchException pme) { // try next perm } } if (finalResults.isEmpty()) { VdmRuntimeError.patternFail(4118, "Values do not match sequence pattern", pattern.getLocation()); } return finalResults; } @Override public List<NameValuePairList> caseASetPattern(ASetPattern pattern, Newquestion question) throws AnalysisException { // return ASetPatternAssistantInterpreter.getAllNamedValues(pattern, question.expval, question.ctxt); ValueSet values = null; try { values = question.expval.setValue(question.ctxt); } catch (ValueException e) { VdmRuntimeError.patternFail(e, pattern.getLocation()); } if (values.size() != pattern.getPlist().size()) { VdmRuntimeError.patternFail(4119, "Wrong number of elements for set pattern", pattern.getLocation()); } // Since the member patterns may indicate specific set members, we // have to permute through the various set orderings to see // whether there are any which match both sides. If the members // are not constrained however, the initial ordering will be // fine. List<ValueSet> allSets; if (pattern.apply(af.getConstrainedPatternChecker())) { allSets = values.permutedSets(); } else { allSets = new Vector<ValueSet>(); allSets.add(values); } List<NameValuePairList> finalResults = new Vector<NameValuePairList>(); int psize = pattern.getPlist().size(); if (pattern.getPlist().isEmpty()) { finalResults.add(new NameValuePairList()); return finalResults; } for (ValueSet setPerm : allSets) { Iterator<Value> iter = setPerm.iterator(); List<List<NameValuePairList>> nvplists = new Vector<List<NameValuePairList>>(); int[] counts = new int[psize]; int i = 0; try { for (PPattern p : pattern.getPlist()) { List<NameValuePairList> pnvps = af.createPPatternAssistant().getAllNamedValues(p,, question.ctxt); nvplists.add(pnvps); counts[i++] = pnvps.size(); } } catch (Exception e) { continue; } Permutor permutor = new Permutor(counts); while (permutor.hasNext()) { try { NameValuePairMap results = new NameValuePairMap(); int[] selection =; for (int p = 0; p < psize; p++) { for (NameValuePair nvp : nvplists.get(p).get(selection[p])) { Value v = results.get(; if (v == null) { results.put(nvp); } else // Names match, so values must also { if (!v.equals(nvp.value)) { VdmRuntimeError.patternFail(4120, "Values do not match set pattern", pattern.getLocation()); } } } } finalResults.add(results.asList()); } catch (PatternMatchException pme) { // Try next perm then... } } } if (finalResults.isEmpty()) { VdmRuntimeError.patternFail(4121, "Cannot match set pattern", pattern.getLocation()); } return finalResults; } @Override public List<NameValuePairList> caseAStringPattern(AStringPattern pattern, Newquestion question) throws AnalysisException { List<NameValuePairList> result = new Vector<NameValuePairList>(); try { if (!question.expval.stringValue(question.ctxt).equals(pattern.getValue().getValue())) { VdmRuntimeError.patternFail(4122, "String pattern match failed", pattern.getLocation()); } } catch (ValueException e) { VdmRuntimeError.patternFail(e, pattern.getLocation()); } result.add(new NameValuePairList()); return result; } @Override public List<NameValuePairList> caseATuplePattern(ATuplePattern pattern, Newquestion question) throws AnalysisException { ValueList values = null; try { values = question.expval.tupleValue(question.ctxt); } catch (ValueException e) { VdmRuntimeError.patternFail(e, pattern.getLocation()); } if (values.size() != pattern.getPlist().size()) { VdmRuntimeError.patternFail(4123, "Tuple expression does not match pattern", pattern.getLocation()); } ListIterator<Value> iter = values.listIterator(); List<List<NameValuePairList>> nvplists = new Vector<List<NameValuePairList>>(); int psize = pattern.getPlist().size(); int[] counts = new int[psize]; int i = 0; for (PPattern p : pattern.getPlist()) { List<NameValuePairList> pnvps = af.createPPatternAssistant().getAllNamedValues(p,, question.ctxt); nvplists.add(pnvps); counts[i++] = pnvps.size(); } Permutor permutor = new Permutor(counts); List<NameValuePairList> finalResults = new Vector<NameValuePairList>(); while (permutor.hasNext()) { try { NameValuePairMap results = new NameValuePairMap(); int[] selection =; for (int p = 0; p < psize; p++) { for (NameValuePair nvp : nvplists.get(p).get(selection[p])) { Value v = results.get(; if (v == null) { results.put(nvp); } else // Names match, so values must also { if (!v.equals(nvp.value)) { VdmRuntimeError.patternFail(4124, "Values do not match tuple pattern", pattern.getLocation()); } } } } finalResults.add(results.asList()); // Consistent set of nvps } catch (PatternMatchException pme) { // try next perm } } if (finalResults.isEmpty()) { VdmRuntimeError.patternFail(4124, "Values do not match tuple pattern", pattern.getLocation()); } return finalResults; } @Override public List<NameValuePairList> caseAUnionPattern(AUnionPattern pattern, Newquestion question) throws AnalysisException { ValueSet values = null; try { values = question.expval.setValue(question.ctxt); } catch (ValueException e) { VdmRuntimeError.patternFail(e, pattern.getLocation()); } int llen = af.createPPatternAssistant().getLength(pattern.getLeft()); int rlen = af.createPPatternAssistant().getLength(pattern.getRight()); int size = values.size(); if (llen == PPatternAssistantInterpreter.ANY && rlen > size || rlen == PPatternAssistantInterpreter.ANY && llen > size || rlen != PPatternAssistantInterpreter.ANY && llen != PPatternAssistantInterpreter.ANY && size != llen + rlen) { VdmRuntimeError.patternFail(4125, "Set union pattern does not match expression", pattern.getLocation()); } // If the left and right sizes are zero (ie. flexible) then we have to // generate a set of splits of the values, and offer these to sub-matches // to see whether they fit. Otherwise, there is just one split at this level. List<Integer> leftSizes = new Vector<Integer>(); if (llen == PPatternAssistantInterpreter.ANY) { if (rlen == PPatternAssistantInterpreter.ANY) { if (size == 0) { // Can't match a union b with {} } else if (size % 2 == 1) { // Odd => add the middle, then those either side int half = size / 2 + 1; if (half > 0) { leftSizes.add(half); } for (int delta = 1; half - delta > 0; delta++) { leftSizes.add(half + delta); leftSizes.add(half - delta); } leftSizes.add(0); } else { // Even => add those either side of the middle int half = size / 2; if (half > 0) { leftSizes.add(half); } for (int delta = 1; half - delta > 0; delta++) { leftSizes.add(half + delta); leftSizes.add(half - delta); } leftSizes.add(size); leftSizes.add(0); } } else { leftSizes.add(size - rlen); } } else { leftSizes.add(llen); } // Since the left and right may have specific set members, we // have to permute through the various set orderings to see // whether there are any which match both sides. If the patterns // are not constrained however, the initial ordering will be // fine. List<ValueSet> allSets; if (pattern.apply(af.getConstrainedPatternChecker())) { allSets = values.permutedSets(); } else { allSets = new Vector<ValueSet>(); allSets.add(values); } // Now loop through the various splits and attempt to match the l/r // sub-patterns to the split set value. List<NameValuePairList> finalResults = new Vector<NameValuePairList>(); for (Integer lsize : leftSizes) { for (ValueSet setPerm : allSets) { Iterator<Value> iter = setPerm.iterator(); ValueSet first = new ValueSet(); for (int i = 0; i < lsize; i++) { first.add(; } ValueSet second = new ValueSet(); while (iter.hasNext()) // Everything else in second { second.add(; } List<List<NameValuePairList>> nvplists = new Vector<List<NameValuePairList>>(); int psize = 2; int[] counts = new int[psize]; try { List<NameValuePairList> lnvps = af.createPPatternAssistant().getAllNamedValues(pattern.getLeft(), new SetValue(first), question.ctxt); nvplists.add(lnvps); counts[0] = lnvps.size(); List<NameValuePairList> rnvps = af.createPPatternAssistant().getAllNamedValues(pattern.getRight(), new SetValue(second), question.ctxt); nvplists.add(rnvps); counts[1] = rnvps.size(); } catch (Exception e) { continue; } Permutor permutor = new Permutor(counts); while (permutor.hasNext()) { try { NameValuePairMap results = new NameValuePairMap(); int[] selection =; for (int p = 0; p < psize; p++) { for (NameValuePair nvp : nvplists.get(p).get(selection[p])) { Value v = results.get(; if (v == null) { results.put(nvp); } else // Names match, so values must also { if (!v.equals(nvp.value)) { VdmRuntimeError.patternFail(4126, "Values do not match union pattern", pattern.getLocation()); } } } } finalResults.add(results.asList()); } catch (PatternMatchException pme) { // Try next perm then... } } } } if (finalResults.isEmpty()) { VdmRuntimeError.patternFail(4127, "Cannot match set pattern", pattern.getLocation()); } return finalResults; } @Override public List<NameValuePairList> caseAObjectPattern(AObjectPattern pattern, Newquestion question) throws AnalysisException { ObjectValue objval = null; try { objval = question.expval.objectValue(question.ctxt); } catch (ValueException e) { VdmRuntimeError.patternFail(e, pattern.getLocation()); } if (!question.ctxt.assistantFactory.getTypeComparator().isSubType(objval.getType(), pattern.getType())) { VdmRuntimeError.patternFail(4114, "Object type does not match pattern", pattern.getLocation()); } List<List<NameValuePairList>> nvplists = new Vector<List<NameValuePairList>>(); int psize = pattern.getFields().size(); int[] counts = new int[psize]; int i = 0; for (ANamePatternPair npp : pattern.getFields()) { Value fval = objval.get(npp.getName(), false); if (fval == null) // Field does not exist in this object { VdmRuntimeError.patternFail(4114, "Object type does not match pattern", pattern.getLocation()); } List<NameValuePairList> pnvps = af.createPPatternAssistant().getAllNamedValues(npp.getPattern(), fval, question.ctxt); nvplists.add(pnvps); counts[i++] = pnvps.size(); } Permutor permutor = new Permutor(counts); List<NameValuePairList> finalResults = new Vector<NameValuePairList>(); if (pattern.getFields().isEmpty()) { finalResults.add(new NameValuePairList()); return finalResults; } while (permutor.hasNext()) { try { NameValuePairMap results = new NameValuePairMap(); int[] selection =; for (int p = 0; p < psize; p++) { for (NameValuePair nvp : nvplists.get(p).get(selection[p])) { Value v = results.get(; if (v == null) { results.put(nvp); } else { if (!v.equals(nvp.value)) { VdmRuntimeError.patternFail(4116, "Values do not match record pattern", pattern.getLocation()); } } } } finalResults.add(results.asList()); // Consistent set of nvps } catch (PatternMatchException pme) { // try next perm } } if (finalResults.isEmpty()) { VdmRuntimeError.patternFail(4116, "Values do not match record pattern", pattern.getLocation()); } return finalResults; } @Override public List<NameValuePairList> defaultPPattern(PPattern pattern, Newquestion question) throws AnalysisException { assert false : "Should not happen!"; return null; } @Override public List<NameValuePairList> createNewReturnValue(INode node, Newquestion question) throws AnalysisException { assert false : "Should not happen!"; return null; } @Override public List<NameValuePairList> createNewReturnValue(Object node, Newquestion question) throws AnalysisException { assert false : "Should not happen!"; return null; } }