package org.overture.pog.tests; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.overture.ast.analysis.AnalysisException; import org.overture.ast.expressions.AIntLiteralExp; import org.overture.ast.expressions.PExp; import org.overture.ast.lex.Dialect; import org.overture.ast.lex.LexIntegerToken; import org.overture.ast.lex.LexNameToken; import org.overture.config.Release; import org.overture.config.Settings; import org.overture.parser.util.ParserUtil; import org.overture.parser.util.ParserUtil.ParserResult; import org.overture.pog.utility.Substitution; import org.overture.pog.visitors.VariableSubVisitor; /** * Test {@link VariableSubVisitor} case-by-case. Before test runs, a substituion [a/1] is loaded into the visitor * * @author ldc */ public class VariableSubTest { VariableSubVisitor es; Substitution sub; public void aux(String input, String expected) throws AnalysisException, IOException { ParserResult<PExp> expInput = ParserUtil.parseExpression(input); String cleaned_actual = expInput.result.apply(es, sub).toString().replaceAll("[\\(\\)]", ""); String cleaned_expected = expected.replaceAll("[\\(\\)]", ""); assertEquals(cleaned_expected, cleaned_actual); } @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { Settings.release = Release.DEFAULT; Settings.dialect = Dialect.VDM_SL; es = new VariableSubVisitor(); AIntLiteralExp lit = new AIntLiteralExp(); lit.setValue(new LexIntegerToken(1, null)); sub = new Substitution(new LexNameToken("", "a", null), lit); } @Test public void testCaseAAbsoluteUnaryExp_Sub() throws AnalysisException, IOException { aux("abs a", "(abs 1)"); } @Test public void testCaseAAbsoluteUnaryExp_NoSub() throws AnalysisException, IOException { aux("abs 1", "(abs 1)"); } @Test public void testCaseAAndBooleanBinaryExp_sub() throws AnalysisException, IOException { aux("a and b", "1 and b)"); } @Test public void testCaseAAndBooleanBinaryExp_NoSub() throws AnalysisException, IOException { aux("b and c", "(b and c)"); } @Test public void testCaseAFieldExp_Sub() throws AnalysisException, IOException { aux("a.x", "1.x"); } @Test public void testCaseAFieldExp_NoSub() throws AnalysisException, IOException { aux("b.x", "b.x"); } @Test public void testCaseAMapDomainUnaryExp_01() throws AnalysisException, IOException { aux("dom a", "dom 1"); } }