package org.overture.codegen.vdm2jml.predgen; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.overture.codegen.trans.assistants.TransAssistantIR; import org.overture.codegen.vdm2jml.JmlAnnotationHelper; import org.overture.codegen.vdm2jml.JmlGenerator; import; import; import org.overture.codegen.vdm2jml.util.IsValChecker; public class TypePredHandler { public static final String RET_VAR_NAME_PREFIX = "ret_"; public static final String MAP_SEQ_NAME_PREFIX = "col_"; private TypePredDecorator decorator; private TypePredUtil util; private Logger log = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName()); public TypePredDecorator getDecorator() { return decorator; } public TypePredHandler(TypePredDecorator decorator) { this.decorator = decorator; this.util = new TypePredUtil(this); } public void handleClass(ADefaultClassDeclIR node) throws AnalysisException { // We want only to treat fields and methods specified by the user. // This case helps us avoiding visiting invariant methods for (AFieldDeclIR f : node.getFields()) { f.apply(decorator); } for (AMethodDeclIR m : node.getMethods()) { m.apply(decorator); } } public void handleField(AFieldDeclIR node) { /** * Values and record fields will be handled by this handler (not the state component field since its type is a * record type) Example: val : char | Even = 5; */ ADefaultClassDeclIR encClass = decorator.getJmlGen().getUtil().getEnclosingClass(node); if (encClass == null) { return; } if (!decorator.getRecInfo().isRecField(node) && node.getFinal()) { /** * So at this point it must be a value defined in a module. No need to check if invariant checks are * enabled. */ AbstractTypeInfo typeInfo = util.findTypeInfo(node.getType()); /** * Since we only allow value definitions to be initialized using literals they must be different from * 'null'. However, there is a bug in OpenJML that sometimes cause the invariant check for a field to * trigger before the field is properly initialized. As a work-around for this OpenJML bug, this trick * guards against this bug, i.e. the static invariant check triggering pre-maturely. Since </br> * fieldInitialised ==> invariant</br> * =</br> * !fieldInitialized || invariant</br> * =</br> * !(field != null) || invariant</br> * =</br> * field == null || invariant</br> * </br> * .. it suffices to simply consider the type as being optional. */ typeInfo.setOptional(true); if (proceed(typeInfo)) { AIdentifierVarExpIR var = getJmlGen().getJavaGen().getInfo().getExpAssistant().consIdVar(node.getName(), node.getType().clone()); List<String> invStrings = util.consJmlCheck(encClass, JmlGenerator.JML_PUBLIC, JmlGenerator.JML_STATIC_INV_ANNOTATION, false, typeInfo, var); for (String invStr : invStrings) { getAnnotator().appendMetaData(node, getAnnotator().consMetaData(invStr)); } } else { // Since value definitions can only be initialised with literals there is no // need to guard against null (see JmlGenerator.initialIRConstructed) // if(varMayBeNull(node.getType()) && rightHandSideMayBeNull(node.getInitial())) // { // getAnnotator().appendMetaData(node, util.consValNotNullInvariant(node.getName())); // } } } /** * No need to assert type consistency of record fields since this is handled by the record setter */ } private JmlAnnotationHelper getAnnotator() { return decorator.getJmlGen().getAnnotator(); } public void handleBlock(ABlockStmIR node) throws AnalysisException { if (node.getLocalDefs().size() > 1) { LinkedList<AVarDeclIR> origDecls = new LinkedList<AVarDeclIR>(node.getLocalDefs()); for (int i = origDecls.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { AVarDeclIR nextDecl = origDecls.get(i); ABlockStmIR block = new ABlockStmIR(); block.getLocalDefs().add(nextDecl); node.getStatements().addFirst(block); } for (SStmIR stm : node.getStatements()) { stm.apply(decorator); } } else { if (!node.getLocalDefs().isEmpty()) { node.getLocalDefs().getFirst().apply(decorator); } for (SStmIR stm : node.getStatements()) { stm.apply(decorator); } } } public void handleReturn(AReturnStmIR node) throws AnalysisException { /** * The idea is to extract the return value to variable and return that variable. Then it becomes the * responsibility of the variable declaration case to assert if the named invariant type is violated. */ SExpIR exp = node.getExp(); AMethodDeclIR encMethod = decorator.getJmlGen().getUtil().getEnclosingMethod(node); if (encMethod == null) { return; } STypeIR returnType = encMethod.getMethodType().getResult(); AbstractTypeInfo typeInfo = util.findTypeInfo(returnType); if (!proceed(typeInfo)) { return; } String name = getInfo().getTempVarNameGen().nextVarName(RET_VAR_NAME_PREFIX); AIdentifierPatternIR id = getInfo().getPatternAssistant().consIdPattern(name); AIdentifierVarExpIR varExp = getInfo().getExpAssistant().consIdVar(name, returnType.clone()); getTransAssist().replaceNodeWith(exp, varExp); AVarDeclIR varDecl = getInfo().getDeclAssistant().consLocalVarDecl(returnType.clone(), id, exp.clone()); ABlockStmIR replBlock = new ABlockStmIR(); replBlock.getLocalDefs().add(varDecl); getTransAssist().replaceNodeWith(node, replBlock); replBlock.getStatements().add(node); varDecl.apply(decorator); } public void handleMethod(AMethodDeclIR node) throws AnalysisException { if (!treatMethod(node)) { return; } // Upon entering the method, assert that the parameters are valid wrt. their named invariant types. ABlockStmIR replBody = new ABlockStmIR(); for (AFormalParamLocalParamIR param : node.getFormalParams()) { AbstractTypeInfo typeInfo = util.findTypeInfo(param.getType()); if (proceed(typeInfo)) { ADefaultClassDeclIR encClass = decorator.getJmlGen().getUtil().getEnclosingClass(node); if (encClass == null) { continue; } String varNameStr = decorator.getJmlGen().getUtil().getName(param.getPattern()); if (varNameStr == null) { continue; } SVarExpIR var = getInfo().getExpAssistant().consIdVar(varNameStr, param.getType().clone()); /** * Upon entering a record setter it is necessary to check if invariants checks are enabled before * checking the parameter */ List<AMetaStmIR> as = util.consAssertStm(typeInfo, encClass, var, node, decorator.getRecInfo()); for (AMetaStmIR a : as) { replBody.getStatements().add(a); } } } SStmIR body = node.getBody(); getTransAssist().replaceNodeWith(body, replBody); replBody.getStatements().add(body); body.apply(decorator); } public List<AMetaStmIR> handleMapSeq(AMapSeqUpdateStmIR node) { // TODO: Consider this for the atomic statement SExpIR col = node.getCol(); if (!(col instanceof SVarExpIR)) { log.error("Expected collection to be a variable expression at this point. Got: " + col); return null; } SVarExpIR var = (SVarExpIR) col; if (varMayBeNull(var.getType())) { // The best we can do is to assert that the map/seq subject to modification is // not null although we eventually get the null pointer exception, e.g. // // //@ azzert m != null // Utils.mapSeqUpdate(m,1L,1L); AMetaStmIR assertNotNull = util.consVarNotNullAssert(var.getName()); ABlockStmIR replStm = new ABlockStmIR(); getTransAssist().replaceNodeWith(node, replStm); replStm.getStatements().add(assertNotNull); replStm.getStatements().add(node); } AbstractTypeInfo typeInfo = util.findTypeInfo(var.getType()); if (proceed(typeInfo)) { ADefaultClassDeclIR enclosingClass = decorator.getJmlGen().getUtil().getEnclosingClass(node); if (enclosingClass == null) { return null; } if (col instanceof SVarExpIR) { /** * Updates to fields in record setters need to check if invariants checks are enabled */ return util.consAssertStm(typeInfo, enclosingClass, var, node, decorator.getRecInfo()); } } return null; } public List<AMetaStmIR> handleVarDecl(AVarDeclIR node) { // Examples: // let x : Even = 1 in ... // (dcl y : Even | nat := 2; ...) if (getInfo().getExpAssistant().isUndefined(node.getExp())) { return null; } AbstractTypeInfo typeInfo = util.findTypeInfo(node.getType()); if (proceed(typeInfo)) { String name = decorator.getJmlGen().getUtil().getName(node.getPattern()); if (name == null) { return null; } ADefaultClassDeclIR enclosingClass = node.getAncestor(ADefaultClassDeclIR.class); if (enclosingClass == null) { return null; } AIdentifierVarExpIR var = getJmlGen().getJavaGen().getInfo().getExpAssistant().consIdVar(name, node.getType().clone()); /** * We do not really need to check if invariant checks are enabled because local variable declarations are * not expected to be found inside record accessors */ return util.consAssertStm(typeInfo, enclosingClass, var, node, decorator.getRecInfo()); } return null; } public List<AMetaStmIR> handleCallObj(ACallObjectExpStmIR node) { /** * Handling of setter calls to masked records. This will happen for cases like T = R ... ; R :: x : int; */ SExpIR recObj = node.getObj(); if (recObj instanceof ACastUnaryExpIR) { recObj = ((ACastUnaryExpIR) recObj).getExp(); } if (recObj instanceof SVarExpIR) { SVarExpIR recObjVar = (SVarExpIR) recObj; if (varMayBeNull(recObj.getType())) { // The best we can do is to assert that the record subject to modification is // not null although we eventually get the null pointer exception, e.g. // // //@ azzert rec != null // rec.set_x(5); AMetaStmIR assertNotNull = util.consVarNotNullAssert(recObjVar.getName()); ABlockStmIR replStm = new ABlockStmIR(); getTransAssist().replaceNodeWith(node, replStm); replStm.getStatements().add(assertNotNull); replStm.getStatements().add(node); return null; } AbstractTypeInfo typeInfo = util.findTypeInfo(recObj.getType()); if (proceed(typeInfo)) { ADefaultClassDeclIR encClass = decorator.getJmlGen().getUtil().getEnclosingClass(node); if (encClass == null) { return null; } /** * Since setter calls can occur inside a record in the context of an atomic statement blocks we need to * check if invariant checks are enabled */ return util.consAssertStm(typeInfo, encClass, recObjVar, node, decorator.getRecInfo()); } } else { log.error("Found unexpected record object of call expression statement inside atomic statement block. Target found: " + recObj); } return null; } public void handleAssign(AAssignToExpStmIR node) { // <target> := atomic_tmp; /* * Note that assignment to targets that are of type AFieldNumberExpIR, i.e. tuples (e.g. tup.#1 := 5) is not * allowed in VDM. */ SExpIR target = node.getTarget(); if (!(target instanceof SVarExpIR)) { log.error("By now all assignments should have simple variable expression as target. Got: " + target); return; } SVarExpIR var = (SVarExpIR) target; AbstractTypeInfo typeInfo = util.findTypeInfo(node.getTarget().getType()); if (proceed(typeInfo)) { ADefaultClassDeclIR encClass = decorator.getJmlGen().getUtil().getEnclosingClass(node); if (encClass == null) { return; } /** * Since assignments can occur inside record setters in the context of an atomic statement block we need to * check if invariant checks are enabled */ List<AMetaStmIR> asserts = util.consAssertStm(typeInfo, encClass, var, node, decorator.getRecInfo()); for (AMetaStmIR a : asserts) { addAssert(node, a); } } } public ABlockStmIR getEncBlockStm(AVarDeclIR varDecl) { INode parent = varDecl.parent(); if (parent instanceof ABlockStmIR) { ABlockStmIR parentBlock = (ABlockStmIR) varDecl.parent(); if (!parentBlock.getLocalDefs().contains(varDecl)) { log.error("Expected local variable declaration to be " + "one of the local variable declarations of " + "the parent statement block"); return null; } if (parentBlock.getLocalDefs().size() > 1) { // The block statement case method should have ensured that the size == 1 log.error("Expected only a single local declaration in " + "the parent block at this point"); return null; } return parentBlock; } else if (parent instanceof AForLoopStmIR) { // Do nothing return null; } else { log.error("Expected parent of local variable " + "declaration to be a statement block. Got: " + varDecl.parent()); return null; } } private TransAssistantIR getTransAssist() { return decorator.getJmlGen().getJavaGen().getTransAssistant(); } private IRInfo getInfo() { return decorator.getJmlGen().getJavaGen().getInfo(); } public JmlGenerator getJmlGen() { return decorator.getJmlGen(); } public List<AMetaStmIR> consAsserts(AIdentifierVarExpIR var) { AbstractTypeInfo typeInfo = util.findTypeInfo(var.getType()); if (!proceed(typeInfo)) { return null; } ADefaultClassDeclIR encClass = decorator.getStateDesInfo().getEnclosingClass(var); if (encClass == null) { return null; } /** * Normalisation of state designators will never occur inside record classes so really there is no need to check * if invariant checks are enabled */ return util.consAssertStm(typeInfo, encClass, var, var, decorator.getRecInfo()); } public boolean rightHandSideMayBeNull(SExpIR exp) { IsValChecker checker = new IsValChecker(); try { return !exp.apply(checker); } catch (AnalysisException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } private boolean varMayBeNull(STypeIR type) { return treatMethod(type) && !getInfo().getTypeAssistant().allowsNull(type); } private boolean treatMethod(INode node) { if (inModuleToStringMethod(node)) { return false; } // Some of the record methods inherited from object use native java type that can never be null if (decorator.getRecInfo().inRec(node)) { if (!(decorator.getRecInfo().inAccessor(node) || decorator.getRecInfo().inRecConstructor(node))) { return false; } } return true; } private boolean inModuleToStringMethod(INode type) { AMethodDeclIR m = type.getAncestor(AMethodDeclIR.class); if (m == null) { return false; } if (m.getTag() instanceof IRGeneratedTag && m.getName().equals("toString")) { return true; } return false; } private void addAssert(AAssignToExpStmIR node, AMetaStmIR assertStm) { ABlockStmIR replStm = new ABlockStmIR(); getJmlGen().getJavaGen().getTransAssistant().replaceNodeWith(node, replStm); replStm.getStatements().add(node); replStm.getStatements().add(assertStm); } public TypePredUtil getTypePredUtil() { return util; } private boolean proceed(AbstractTypeInfo typeInfo) { return !(typeInfo instanceof UnknownLeaf); } }