package org.overture.vdm2jml.tests; import java.util.List; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import org.overture.ast.analysis.AnalysisException; import org.overture.ast.util.ClonableString; import; public class PurityTests extends AnnotationTestsBase { @BeforeClass public static void init() throws AnalysisException { AnnotationTestsBase.init("FuncsOpsOnly.vdmsl"); } @Before public void prepareTest() { validGeneratedModule(); } @Test public void testNoModuleStateAnnotations() { Assert.assertTrue("Expected no module state annotations", genModule.getFields().isEmpty()); } @Test public void testGenModuleFuncsArePure() { assertPure(getGenFunctions(genModule.getMethods())); } @Test public void operationsNotAnnotated() { List<AMethodDeclIR> genOps = getGenMethods(genModule.getMethods()); Assert.assertTrue("Expected the generated module to have operations", !genOps.isEmpty()); for (AMethodDeclIR op : genOps) { Assert.assertTrue("Expected operations for this generated module to have no annotations", op.getMetaData().isEmpty()); } } @Test public void testNoStateInvInGenModule() { for (ClonableString m : genModule.getMetaData()) { // A bit naive way to check that no instance or static invariant is declared Assert.assertTrue("Expected no state annotations", !m.value.contains("invariant")); } } }