/** * An {@link org.osmdroid.views.overlay.Overlay} is something shown on top of a * {@link org.osmdroid.views.MapView}. * */ package org.osmdroid.views.overlay; /* # PlantUML sourcecode for the generated uml images @startuml marker-classes.png title Marker, Polygon, Icon, ... in a map MapView *-- Overlay abstract Overlay <|-- OverlayWithIW abstract OverlayWithIW <|-- Marker OverlayWithIW <|-- Polygon OverlayWithIW <|-- Polyline Overlay <|- IconOverlay IconOverlay <|-- ClickableIconOverlay abstract ClickableIconOverlay abstract InfoWindow <|-- MarkerInfoWindow OverlayWithIW *-> InfoWindow FolderOverlay -|> Overlay FolderOverlay *-- Overlay @enduml @startuml marker-infowindow-classes.png title popup-InfoWindow (bubble) to be shown from Marker,... MapView *-- OverlayWithIW abstract OverlayWithIW <|-- Marker OverlayWithIW <|-- Polygon OverlayWithIW <|-- Polyline abstract InfoWindow <|-- BasicInfoWindow MapView *--* InfoWindow BasicInfoWindow <|-- MarkerInfoWindow OverlayWithIW *-> InfoWindow : open @enduml */