package org.osmdroid.tileprovider.tilesource; import org.osmdroid.tileprovider.modules.OfflineTileProvider; /** * this is an extremely simple tile source that should only be used for offline sources. assumes that the file name matches the source name * @see OfflineTileProvider * @author alex */ public class FileBasedTileSource extends XYTileSource { public FileBasedTileSource(String aName, int aZoomMinLevel, int aZoomMaxLevel, int aTileSizePixels, String aImageFilenameEnding, String[] aBaseUrl) { super(aName, aZoomMinLevel, aZoomMaxLevel, aTileSizePixels, aImageFilenameEnding, aBaseUrl); } public static ITileSource getSource(String name) { if (name.contains(".")) { name = name.substring(0, name.indexOf(".")); } return new FileBasedTileSource(name, 0, 18, 256, ".png", new String[]{ "http://localhost"}); } }