package org.osmdroid.tileprovider.tilesource; import org.osmdroid.tileprovider.MapTile; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * looking for mapquest? it's moved because they stopped supporting anonymous access to tiles * @see MapQuestTileSource */ public class TileSourceFactory { /** * Get the tile source with the specified name. The tile source must be one of the registered sources * as defined in the static list mTileSources of this class. * * @param aName * the tile source name * @return the tile source * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if tile source not found */ public static ITileSource getTileSource(final String aName) throws IllegalArgumentException { for (final ITileSource tileSource : mTileSources) { if ( { return tileSource; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("No such tile source: " + aName); } public static boolean containsTileSource(final String aName) { for (final ITileSource tileSource : mTileSources) { if ( { return true; } } return false; } /** * Get the tile source at the specified position. * * @param aOrdinal * @return the tile source * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if tile source not found */ @Deprecated public static ITileSource getTileSource(final int aOrdinal) throws IllegalArgumentException { for (final ITileSource tileSource : mTileSources) { if (tileSource.ordinal() == aOrdinal) { return tileSource; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("No tile source at position: " + aOrdinal); } /** * returns all predefined tiles sources that are generally free to use. be sure to check the usage * agreements yourself. * @return */ public static List<ITileSource> getTileSources() { return mTileSources; } /** * adds a new tile source to the list * @param mTileSource */ public static void addTileSource(final ITileSource mTileSource) { mTileSources.add(mTileSource); } /** * removes any tile sources whose name matches the regular expression * @param aRegex regular expression * @return number of sources removed */ public static int removeTileSources(final String aRegex) { int n=0; for (int i=mTileSources.size()-1; i>=0; --i) { if (mTileSources.get(i).name().matches(aRegex)) { mTileSources.remove(i); ++n; } } return n; } public static final OnlineTileSourceBase MAPNIK = new XYTileSource("Mapnik", 0, 19, 256, ".png", new String[] { "", "", "" },"© OpenStreetMap contributors"); public static final OnlineTileSourceBase PUBLIC_TRANSPORT = new XYTileSource( "OSMPublicTransport", 0, 17, 256, ".png", new String[] { "" },"© OpenStreetMap contributors"); public static final OnlineTileSourceBase DEFAULT_TILE_SOURCE = MAPNIK; // CloudMade tile sources are not in mTileSource because they are not free // and therefore not provided by default. public static final OnlineTileSourceBase CLOUDMADESTANDARDTILES = new CloudmadeTileSource( "CloudMadeStandardTiles", 0, 18, 256, ".png", new String[] { "", "", "" }); // FYI - This tile source has a tileSize of "6" public static final OnlineTileSourceBase CLOUDMADESMALLTILES = new CloudmadeTileSource( "CloudMadeSmallTiles", 0, 21, 64, ".png", new String[] { "", "", "" }); // The following tile sources are overlays, not standalone map views. // They are therefore not in mTileSources. public static final OnlineTileSourceBase FIETS_OVERLAY_NL = new XYTileSource("Fiets", 3, 18, 256, ".png", new String[] { "" },"© OpenStreetMap contributors"); public static final OnlineTileSourceBase BASE_OVERLAY_NL = new XYTileSource("BaseNL", 0, 18, 256, ".png", new String[] { "" }); public static final OnlineTileSourceBase ROADS_OVERLAY_NL = new XYTileSource("RoadsNL", 0, 18, 256, ".png", new String[] { "" },"© OpenStreetMap contributors"); public static final OnlineTileSourceBase HIKEBIKEMAP = new XYTileSource("HikeBikeMap", 0, 18, 256, ".png", new String[] { "", "", "" }); /** * This is actually another tile overlay * @sunce 5.6.2 */ public static final OnlineTileSourceBase OPEN_SEAMAP = new XYTileSource("OpenSeaMap", 3,18,256,".png", new String[] { ""}, "OpenSeaMap"); public static final OnlineTileSourceBase USGS_TOPO = new OnlineTileSourceBase("USGS National Map Topo", 0, 15, 256, "", new String[] { "" },"USGS") { @Override public String getTileURLString(MapTile aTile) { return getBaseUrl() + aTile.getZoomLevel() + "/" + aTile.getY() + "/" + aTile.getX(); } }; public static final OnlineTileSourceBase USGS_SAT = new OnlineTileSourceBase("USGS National Map Sat", 0, 15, 256, "", new String[]{""},"USGS") { @Override public String getTileURLString(MapTile aTile) { return getBaseUrl() + aTile.getZoomLevel() + "/" + aTile.getY() + "/" + aTile.getX(); } }; /** * Chart Bundle US Aeronautical Charts * @since 5.6.2 */ public static final OnlineTileSourceBase ChartbundleWAC = new XYTileSource("ChartbundleWAC", 4, 12, 256, ".png?type=google", new String[]{""}, ""); /** * Chart Bundle US Aeronautical Charts Enroute High * @since 5.6.2 */ public static final OnlineTileSourceBase ChartbundleENRH = new XYTileSource("ChartbundleENRH", 4, 12, 256, ".png?type=google", new String[]{"", ""}); /** * Chart Bundle US Aeronautical Charts Enroute Low * @since 5.6.2 */ public static final OnlineTileSourceBase ChartbundleENRL = new XYTileSource("ChartbundleENRL", 4, 12, 256, ".png?type=google", new String[]{"", ""}); /** * Open Topo Maps * @since 5.6.2 */ public static final OnlineTileSourceBase OpenTopo= new XYTileSource("OpenTopoMap", 0, 19, 256, ".png", new String[]{""}, "Kartendaten: © OpenStreetMap-Mitwirkende, SRTM | Kartendarstellung: © OpenTopoMap (CC-BY-SA)"); private static List<ITileSource> mTileSources; static { mTileSources = new ArrayList<ITileSource>(); mTileSources.add(MAPNIK); mTileSources.add(PUBLIC_TRANSPORT); mTileSources.add(HIKEBIKEMAP); mTileSources.add(USGS_TOPO); mTileSources.add(USGS_SAT); mTileSources.add(ChartbundleWAC); mTileSources.add(ChartbundleENRH); mTileSources.add(ChartbundleENRL); mTileSources.add(OpenTopo); } }