package org.osmdroid.views.overlay.mylocation; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.location.Location; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Looper; import android.util.Log; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.MotionEvent; import org.osmdroid.api.IMapController; import org.osmdroid.api.IMapView; import org.osmdroid.config.Configuration; import org.osmdroid.library.R; import org.osmdroid.util.GeoPoint; import org.osmdroid.util.TileSystem; import org.osmdroid.views.MapView; import org.osmdroid.views.Projection; import org.osmdroid.views.overlay.IOverlayMenuProvider; import org.osmdroid.views.overlay.Overlay; import org.osmdroid.views.overlay.Overlay.Snappable; import java.util.LinkedList; /** * * @author Marc Kurtz * @author Manuel Stahl * */ public class MyLocationNewOverlay extends Overlay implements IMyLocationConsumer, IOverlayMenuProvider, Snappable { // =========================================================== // Constants // =========================================================== // =========================================================== // Fields // =========================================================== protected Paint mPaint = new Paint(); protected Paint mCirclePaint = new Paint(); protected final float mScale; protected Bitmap mPersonBitmap; protected Bitmap mDirectionArrowBitmap; protected MapView mMapView; private IMapController mMapController; public IMyLocationProvider mMyLocationProvider; private final LinkedList<Runnable> mRunOnFirstFix = new LinkedList<Runnable>(); private final Point mMapCoordsProjected = new Point(); private final Point mMapCoordsTranslated = new Point(); private Handler mHandler; private Object mHandlerToken = new Object(); /** * if true, when the user pans the map, follow my location will automatically disable * if false, when the user pans the map, the map will continue to follow current location */ protected boolean enableAutoStop=true; private Location mLocation; private final GeoPoint mGeoPoint = new GeoPoint(0, 0); // for reuse private boolean mIsLocationEnabled = false; protected boolean mIsFollowing = false; // follow location updates protected boolean mDrawAccuracyEnabled = true; /** Coordinates the feet of the person are located scaled for display density. */ protected final PointF mPersonHotspot; protected float mDirectionArrowCenterX; protected float mDirectionArrowCenterY; public static final int MENU_MY_LOCATION = getSafeMenuId(); private boolean mOptionsMenuEnabled = true; // to avoid allocations during onDraw private final float[] mMatrixValues = new float[9]; private Matrix mMatrix = new Matrix(); private Rect mMyLocationRect = new Rect(); private Rect mMyLocationPreviousRect = new Rect(); // =========================================================== // Constructors // =========================================================== public MyLocationNewOverlay(MapView mapView) { this(new GpsMyLocationProvider(mapView.getContext()), mapView); } public MyLocationNewOverlay(IMyLocationProvider myLocationProvider, MapView mapView) { super(); mScale = mapView.getContext().getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density; mMapView = mapView; mMapController = mapView.getController(); mCirclePaint.setARGB(0, 100, 100, 255); mCirclePaint.setAntiAlias(true); mPaint.setFilterBitmap(true); setDirectionArrow(((BitmapDrawable)mapView.getContext().getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.person)).getBitmap(), ((BitmapDrawable)mapView.getContext().getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.direction_arrow)).getBitmap()); // Calculate position of person icon's feet, scaled to screen density mPersonHotspot = new PointF(24.0f * mScale + 0.5f, 39.0f * mScale + 0.5f); mHandler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()); setMyLocationProvider(myLocationProvider); } /** * fix for * @param personBitmap * @param directionArrowBitmap */ public void setDirectionArrow(final Bitmap personBitmap, final Bitmap directionArrowBitmap){ this.mPersonBitmap = personBitmap; this.mDirectionArrowBitmap=directionArrowBitmap; mDirectionArrowCenterX = mDirectionArrowBitmap.getWidth() / 2.0f - 0.5f; mDirectionArrowCenterY = mDirectionArrowBitmap.getHeight() / 2.0f - 0.5f; } @Override public void onDetach(MapView mapView) { this.disableMyLocation(); /*if (mPersonBitmap != null) { mPersonBitmap.recycle(); } if (mDirectionArrowBitmap != null) { mDirectionArrowBitmap.recycle(); }*/ this.mMapView = null; this.mMapController = null; mHandler = null; mMatrix = null; mCirclePaint = null; //mPersonBitmap = null; //mDirectionArrowBitmap = null; mHandlerToken = null; mLocation = null; mMapController = null; mMyLocationPreviousRect = null; if (mMyLocationProvider!=null) mMyLocationProvider.destroy(); mMyLocationProvider = null; super.onDetach(mapView); } // =========================================================== // Getter & Setter // =========================================================== /** * If enabled, an accuracy circle will be drawn around your current position. * * @param drawAccuracyEnabled * whether the accuracy circle will be enabled */ public void setDrawAccuracyEnabled(final boolean drawAccuracyEnabled) { mDrawAccuracyEnabled = drawAccuracyEnabled; } /** * If enabled, an accuracy circle will be drawn around your current position. * * @return true if enabled, false otherwise */ public boolean isDrawAccuracyEnabled() { return mDrawAccuracyEnabled; } public IMyLocationProvider getMyLocationProvider() { return mMyLocationProvider; } protected void setMyLocationProvider(IMyLocationProvider myLocationProvider) { if (myLocationProvider == null) throw new RuntimeException( "You must pass an IMyLocationProvider to setMyLocationProvider()"); if (isMyLocationEnabled()) stopLocationProvider(); mMyLocationProvider = myLocationProvider; } public void setPersonHotspot(float x, float y) { mPersonHotspot.set(x, y); } protected void drawMyLocation(final Canvas canvas, final MapView mapView, final Location lastFix) { final Projection pj = mapView.getProjection(); pj.toPixelsFromProjected(mMapCoordsProjected, mMapCoordsTranslated); if (mDrawAccuracyEnabled) { final float radius = lastFix.getAccuracy() / (float) TileSystem.GroundResolution(lastFix.getLatitude(), mapView.getZoomLevel()); mCirclePaint.setAlpha(50); mCirclePaint.setStyle(Style.FILL); canvas.drawCircle(mMapCoordsTranslated.x, mMapCoordsTranslated.y, radius, mCirclePaint); mCirclePaint.setAlpha(150); mCirclePaint.setStyle(Style.STROKE); canvas.drawCircle(mMapCoordsTranslated.x, mMapCoordsTranslated.y, radius, mCirclePaint); } canvas.getMatrix(mMatrix); mMatrix.getValues(mMatrixValues); if (Configuration.getInstance().isDebugMode()) { final float tx = (-mMatrixValues[Matrix.MTRANS_X] + 20) / mMatrixValues[Matrix.MSCALE_X]; final float ty = (-mMatrixValues[Matrix.MTRANS_Y] + 90) / mMatrixValues[Matrix.MSCALE_Y]; canvas.drawText("Lat: " + lastFix.getLatitude(), tx, ty + 5, mPaint); canvas.drawText("Lon: " + lastFix.getLongitude(), tx, ty + 20, mPaint); canvas.drawText("Alt: " + lastFix.getAltitude(), tx, ty + 35, mPaint); canvas.drawText("Acc: " + lastFix.getAccuracy(), tx, ty + 50, mPaint); } // Calculate real scale including accounting for rotation float scaleX = (float) Math.sqrt(mMatrixValues[Matrix.MSCALE_X] * mMatrixValues[Matrix.MSCALE_X] + mMatrixValues[Matrix.MSKEW_Y] * mMatrixValues[Matrix.MSKEW_Y]); float scaleY = (float) Math.sqrt(mMatrixValues[Matrix.MSCALE_Y] * mMatrixValues[Matrix.MSCALE_Y] + mMatrixValues[Matrix.MSKEW_X] * mMatrixValues[Matrix.MSKEW_X]); if (lastFix.hasBearing()) {; // Rotate the icon if we have a GPS fix, take into account if the map is already rotated float mapRotation=mapView.getMapOrientation(); mapRotation=lastFix.getBearing(); if (mapRotation >=360.0f) mapRotation=mapRotation-360f; canvas.rotate(mapRotation, mMapCoordsTranslated.x, mMapCoordsTranslated.y); // Counteract any scaling that may be happening so the icon stays the same size canvas.scale(1 / scaleX, 1 / scaleY, mMapCoordsTranslated.x, mMapCoordsTranslated.y); // Draw the bitmap canvas.drawBitmap(mDirectionArrowBitmap, mMapCoordsTranslated.x - mDirectionArrowCenterX, mMapCoordsTranslated.y - mDirectionArrowCenterY, mPaint); canvas.restore(); } else {; // Unrotate the icon if the maps are rotated so the little man stays upright canvas.rotate(-mMapView.getMapOrientation(), mMapCoordsTranslated.x, mMapCoordsTranslated.y); // Counteract any scaling that may be happening so the icon stays the same size canvas.scale(1 / scaleX, 1 / scaleY, mMapCoordsTranslated.x, mMapCoordsTranslated.y); // Draw the bitmap canvas.drawBitmap(mPersonBitmap, mMapCoordsTranslated.x - mPersonHotspot.x, mMapCoordsTranslated.y - mPersonHotspot.y, mPaint); canvas.restore(); } } protected Rect getMyLocationDrawingBounds(int zoomLevel, Location lastFix, Rect reuse) { if (reuse == null) reuse = new Rect(); final Projection pj = mMapView.getProjection(); pj.toPixelsFromProjected(mMapCoordsProjected, mMapCoordsTranslated); // Start with the bitmap bounds if (lastFix.hasBearing()) { // Get a square bounding box around the object, and expand by the length of the diagonal // so as to allow for extra space for rotating int widestEdge = (int) Math.ceil(Math.max(mDirectionArrowBitmap.getWidth(), mDirectionArrowBitmap.getHeight()) * Math.sqrt(2)); reuse.set(mMapCoordsTranslated.x, mMapCoordsTranslated.y, mMapCoordsTranslated.x + widestEdge, mMapCoordsTranslated.y + widestEdge); reuse.offset(-widestEdge / 2, -widestEdge / 2); } else { reuse.set(mMapCoordsTranslated.x, mMapCoordsTranslated.y, mMapCoordsTranslated.x + mPersonBitmap.getWidth(), mMapCoordsTranslated.y + mPersonBitmap.getHeight()); reuse.offset((int) (-mPersonHotspot.x + 0.5f), (int) (-mPersonHotspot.y + 0.5f)); } // Add in the accuracy circle if enabled if (mDrawAccuracyEnabled) { final int radius = (int) Math.ceil(lastFix.getAccuracy() / (float) TileSystem.GroundResolution(lastFix.getLatitude(), zoomLevel)); reuse.union(mMapCoordsTranslated.x - radius, mMapCoordsTranslated.y - radius, mMapCoordsTranslated.x + radius, mMapCoordsTranslated.y + radius); final int strokeWidth = (int) Math.ceil(mCirclePaint.getStrokeWidth() == 0 ? 1 : mCirclePaint.getStrokeWidth()); reuse.inset(-strokeWidth, -strokeWidth); } return reuse; } // =========================================================== // Methods from SuperClass/Interfaces // =========================================================== @Override public void draw(Canvas c, MapView mapView, boolean shadow) { if (shadow) return; if (mLocation != null && isMyLocationEnabled()) { drawMyLocation(c, mapView, mLocation); } } @Override public boolean onSnapToItem(final int x, final int y, final Point snapPoint, final IMapView mapView) { if (this.mLocation != null) { Projection pj = mMapView.getProjection(); pj.toPixelsFromProjected(mMapCoordsProjected, mMapCoordsTranslated); snapPoint.x = mMapCoordsTranslated.x; snapPoint.y = mMapCoordsTranslated.y; final double xDiff = x - mMapCoordsTranslated.x; final double yDiff = y - mMapCoordsTranslated.y; boolean snap = xDiff * xDiff + yDiff * yDiff < 64; if (Configuration.getInstance().isDebugMode()) { Log.d(IMapView.LOGTAG, "snap=" + snap); } return snap; } else { return false; } } public void setEnableAutoStop(boolean value){ this.enableAutoStop=value; } public boolean getEnableAutoStop(){ return this.enableAutoStop; } @Override public boolean onTouchEvent(final MotionEvent event, final MapView mapView) { if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) { if (enableAutoStop) this.disableFollowLocation(); else return true;//prevent the pan } return super.onTouchEvent(event, mapView); } // =========================================================== // Menu handling methods // =========================================================== @Override public void setOptionsMenuEnabled(final boolean pOptionsMenuEnabled) { this.mOptionsMenuEnabled = pOptionsMenuEnabled; } @Override public boolean isOptionsMenuEnabled() { return this.mOptionsMenuEnabled; } @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(final Menu pMenu, final int pMenuIdOffset, final MapView pMapView) { pMenu.add(0, MENU_MY_LOCATION + pMenuIdOffset, Menu.NONE, pMapView.getContext().getResources().getString(R.string.my_location) ) .setIcon( pMapView.getContext().getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.ic_menu_mylocation) ) .setCheckable(true); return true; } @Override public boolean onPrepareOptionsMenu(final Menu pMenu, final int pMenuIdOffset, final MapView pMapView) { pMenu.findItem(MENU_MY_LOCATION + pMenuIdOffset).setChecked(this.isMyLocationEnabled()); return false; } @Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(final MenuItem pItem, final int pMenuIdOffset, final MapView pMapView) { final int menuId = pItem.getItemId() - pMenuIdOffset; if (menuId == MENU_MY_LOCATION) { if (this.isMyLocationEnabled()) { this.disableFollowLocation(); this.disableMyLocation(); } else { this.enableFollowLocation(); this.enableMyLocation(); } return true; } else { return false; } } // =========================================================== // Methods // =========================================================== /** * Return a GeoPoint of the last known location, or null if not known. */ public GeoPoint getMyLocation() { if (mLocation == null) { return null; } else { return new GeoPoint(mLocation); } } public Location getLastFix() { return mLocation; } /** * Enables "follow" functionality. The map will center on your current location and * automatically scroll as you move. Scrolling the map in the UI will disable. */ public void enableFollowLocation() { mIsFollowing = true; // set initial location when enabled if (isMyLocationEnabled()) { Location location = mMyLocationProvider.getLastKnownLocation(); if (location != null) { setLocation(location); } } // Update the screen to see changes take effect if (mMapView != null) { mMapView.postInvalidate(); } } /** * Disables "follow" functionality. */ public void disableFollowLocation() { mIsFollowing = false; } /** * If enabled, the map will center on your current location and automatically scroll as you * move. Scrolling the map in the UI will disable. * * @return true if enabled, false otherwise */ public boolean isFollowLocationEnabled() { return mIsFollowing; } @Override public void onLocationChanged(final Location location, IMyLocationProvider source) { if (location != null && mHandler!=null) { // These location updates can come in from different threads mHandler.postAtTime(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { setLocation(location); for (final Runnable runnable : mRunOnFirstFix) { new Thread(runnable).start(); } mRunOnFirstFix.clear(); } }, mHandlerToken, 0); } } protected void setLocation(Location location) { // If we had a previous location, let's get those bounds Location oldLocation = mLocation; if (oldLocation != null) { this.getMyLocationDrawingBounds(mMapView.getZoomLevel(), oldLocation, mMyLocationPreviousRect); } mLocation = location; // Cache location point mMapView.getProjection().toProjectedPixels(mLocation.getLatitude(), mLocation.getLongitude(), mMapCoordsProjected); if (mIsFollowing) { mGeoPoint.setLatitude(mLocation.getLatitude()); mGeoPoint.setLongitude(mLocation.getLongitude()); mMapController.animateTo(mGeoPoint); } else { // Get new drawing bounds this.getMyLocationDrawingBounds(mMapView.getZoomLevel(), mLocation, mMyLocationRect); // If we had a previous location, merge in those bounds too if (oldLocation != null) { mMyLocationRect.union(mMyLocationPreviousRect); } final int left = mMyLocationRect.left; final int top =; final int right = mMyLocationRect.right; final int bottom = mMyLocationRect.bottom; // Invalidate the bounds mMapView.invalidateMapCoordinates(left, top, right, bottom); } } public boolean enableMyLocation(IMyLocationProvider myLocationProvider) { // Set the location provider. This will call stopLocationProvider(). setMyLocationProvider(myLocationProvider); boolean success = mMyLocationProvider.startLocationProvider(this); mIsLocationEnabled = success; // set initial location when enabled if (success) { Location location = mMyLocationProvider.getLastKnownLocation(); if (location != null) { setLocation(location); } } // Update the screen to see changes take effect if (mMapView != null) { mMapView.postInvalidate(); } return success; } /** * Enable receiving location updates from the provided IMyLocationProvider and show your * location on the maps. You will likely want to call enableMyLocation() from your Activity's * Activity.onResume() method, to enable the features of this overlay. Remember to call the * corresponding disableMyLocation() in your Activity's Activity.onPause() method to turn off * updates when in the background. */ public boolean enableMyLocation() { return enableMyLocation(mMyLocationProvider); } /** * Disable location updates */ public void disableMyLocation() { mIsLocationEnabled = false; stopLocationProvider(); // Update the screen to see changes take effect if (mMapView != null) { mMapView.postInvalidate(); } } protected void stopLocationProvider() { if (mMyLocationProvider != null) { mMyLocationProvider.stopLocationProvider(); } if (mHandler!=null && mHandlerToken!=null) mHandler.removeCallbacksAndMessages(mHandlerToken); } /** * If enabled, the map is receiving location updates and drawing your location on the map. * * @return true if enabled, false otherwise */ public boolean isMyLocationEnabled() { return mIsLocationEnabled; } /** * Queues a runnable to be executed as soon as we have a location fix. If we already have a fix, * we'll execute the runnable immediately and return true. If not, we'll hang on to the runnable * and return false; as soon as we get a location fix, we'll run it in in a new thread. */ public boolean runOnFirstFix(final Runnable runnable) { if (mMyLocationProvider != null && mLocation != null) { new Thread(runnable).start(); return true; } else { mRunOnFirstFix.addLast(runnable); return false; } } /** * enabls you to change the my location 'person' icon at runtime. note that the * hotspot is not updated with this method. see * {@link #setPersonHotspot} * @param icon */ public void setPersonIcon(Bitmap icon){ mPersonBitmap = icon; } }