package org.osmdroid.views.overlay.gridlines; import android.content.Context; import; import org.osmdroid.util.BoundingBox; import org.osmdroid.views.overlay.FolderOverlay; import org.osmdroid.views.overlay.Marker; import org.osmdroid.views.overlay.Polyline; import org.osmdroid.util.GeoPoint; import org.osmdroid.views.MapView; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Latitude/Longitude gridline overlay * * It's not perfect and has issues with osmdroid's global wrap around (where north pole turns into the south pole). * There's probably room for more optimizations too, pull requests are welcome. * * @since 5.2+ * Created by alex on 12/15/15. */ public class LatLonGridlineOverlay { final static DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.#####"); public static int lineColor = Color.BLACK; public static int fontColor=Color.WHITE; public static short fontSizeDp=24; public static int backgroundColor=Color.BLACK; public static float lineWidth = 1f; //extra debugging options public static boolean DEBUG = false; public static boolean DEBUG2 = false; //used to adjust the number of grid lines displayed on screen private static float multiplier = 1f; private static void applyMarkerAttributes(Marker m){ m.setTextLabelBackgroundColor(backgroundColor); m.setTextLabelFontSize(fontSizeDp); m.setTextLabelForegroundColor(fontColor); } public static FolderOverlay getLatLonGrid(Context ctx, MapView mapView) { BoundingBox box = mapView.getBoundingBox(); int zoom = mapView.getZoomLevel(); Marker.ENABLE_TEXT_LABELS_WHEN_NO_IMAGE = true; if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("######### getLatLonGrid "); } FolderOverlay gridlines = new FolderOverlay(); if (zoom < 2) { /* commented out for performance reasons the calculations due to wrap around screw things up because the bounds is more than 1 globe. for (int i = -90; i <= 90; i = i + 45) { Polyline p = new Polyline(ctx); p.setColor(lineColor); p.setWidth(lineWidth); List<GeoPoint> pts = new ArrayList<GeoPoint>(); GeoPoint x = new GeoPoint((double) i, 180); pts.add(x); x = new GeoPoint((double) i, 0); pts.add(x); x = new GeoPoint((double) i, -180); pts.add(x); p.setPoints(pts); gridlines.add(p); } //vertical lines for (int i = -180; i < 180; i = i + 45) { Polyline p = new Polyline(ctx); p.setColor(lineColor); p.setWidth(lineWidth); List<GeoPoint> pts = new ArrayList<GeoPoint>(); GeoPoint x = new GeoPoint((double) 90, (double) i); pts.add(x); x = new GeoPoint((double) -90, (double) i); pts.add(x); p.setPoints(pts); gridlines.add(p); }*/ } else { double north = box.getLatNorth(); double south = box.getLatSouth(); double east = box.getLonEast(); double west = box.getLonWest(); double north_south_delta = 0d; if (north < south) { //we're vertically wrapping, abort. return gridlines; } if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("N " + north + " S " + south + ", " + north_south_delta); } boolean dateLineVisible = false; if (east < 0 && west > 0) { //we're at the date line dateLineVisible = true; } if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("delta " + north_south_delta); } //drop a line every this many degrees double incrementor = getIncrementor(zoom); //this should be starting south at the nearest logical value, 90,45, 15, 10, 5, 1, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125, based on the incrementer, //that way doesn't look like the lines are dancing everywhere //FIXME also draw 2x as wide as the screen, to support rotation? double[] startend = getStartEndPointsNS(north, south, zoom); double sn_start_point = startend[0]; double sn_stop_point = startend[1]; for (double i = sn_start_point; i <= sn_stop_point; i = i + incrementor) { Polyline p = new Polyline(); p.setWidth(lineWidth); p.setColor(lineColor); List<GeoPoint> pts = new ArrayList<GeoPoint>(); GeoPoint gx = new GeoPoint((double) i, east); pts.add(gx); gx = new GeoPoint((double) i, west); pts.add(gx); if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("drawing NS " + (double) i + "," + east + " to " + (double) i + "," + west + ", zoom " + zoom); } p.setPoints(pts); gridlines.add(p); Marker m = new Marker(mapView); applyMarkerAttributes(m); if (i > 0) { m.setTitle(df.format(i) + "N"); } else { m.setTitle(df.format(i) + "S"); } //must set the icon last m.setIcon(null); m.setPosition(new GeoPoint(i, west + incrementor)); gridlines.add(m); } double[] ew = getStartEndPointsWE(west, east, zoom); double we_startpoint = ew[1]; double ws_stoppoint = ew[0]; for (double i = we_startpoint; i <= ws_stoppoint; i = i + incrementor) { Polyline p = new Polyline(); p.setWidth(lineWidth); p.setColor(lineColor); List<GeoPoint> pts = new ArrayList<GeoPoint>(); GeoPoint gx = new GeoPoint((double) north, i); pts.add(gx); gx = new GeoPoint((double) south, i); pts.add(gx); p.setPoints(pts); if (DEBUG) { System.err.println("drawing EW " + (double) south + "," + i + " to " + (double) north + "," + i + ", zoom " + zoom); } gridlines.add(p); Marker m = new Marker(mapView); applyMarkerAttributes(m); m.setRotation(-90f); if (i > 0) { m.setTitle(df.format(i) + "E"); } else { m.setTitle(df.format(i) + "W"); } //must set the icon last m.setIcon(null); m.setPosition(new GeoPoint(south + (incrementor), i)); gridlines.add(m); } if (dateLineVisible) { if (DEBUG) System.out.println("DATELINE zoom " + zoom + " " + we_startpoint + " " + ws_stoppoint); //special case to ensure that vertical lines are visible when the date line is visible. //in this case western point is very positive and eastern part is very negative for (double i = we_startpoint; i <= 180; i = i + incrementor) { Polyline p = new Polyline(); p.setWidth(lineWidth); p.setColor(lineColor); List<GeoPoint> pts = new ArrayList<GeoPoint>(); GeoPoint gx = new GeoPoint((double) north, i); pts.add(gx); gx = new GeoPoint((double) south, i); pts.add(gx); p.setPoints(pts); if (DEBUG2) { System.out.println("DATELINE drawing NS" + (double) south + "," + i + " to " + (double) north + "," + i + ", zoom " + zoom); } gridlines.add(p); } for (double i = -180; i <= ws_stoppoint; i = i + incrementor) { Polyline p = new Polyline(); p.setWidth(lineWidth); p.setColor(lineColor); List<GeoPoint> pts = new ArrayList<GeoPoint>(); GeoPoint gx = new GeoPoint((double) north, i); pts.add(gx); gx = new GeoPoint((double) south, i); pts.add(gx); p.setPoints(pts); if (DEBUG2) { System.out.println("DATELINE drawing EW" + (double) south + "," + i + " to " + (double) north + "," + i + ", zoom " + zoom); } gridlines.add(p); Marker m = new Marker(mapView); applyMarkerAttributes(m); m.setRotation(-90f); if (i > 0) { m.setTitle(df.format(i) + "E"); } else { m.setTitle(df.format(i) + "W"); } //must set the icon last m.setIcon(null); m.setPosition(new GeoPoint(south + (incrementor), i)); gridlines.add(m); } for (double i = we_startpoint; i < 180; i = i + incrementor) { Marker m = new Marker(mapView); applyMarkerAttributes(m); m.setRotation(-90f); if (i > 0) { m.setTitle(df.format(i) + "E"); } else { m.setTitle(df.format(i) + "W"); } //must set the icon last in order for the text label to show m.setIcon(null); m.setPosition(new GeoPoint(south + (incrementor), i)); gridlines.add(m); } } } return gridlines; } /** * gets the start and end points for a latitude line * * @param north * @param south * @param zoom * @return */ private static double[] getStartEndPointsNS(double north, double south, int zoom) { //brute force when zoom is less than 10 if (zoom < 10) { double sn_start_point = Math.floor(south); double incrementor = getIncrementor(zoom); double x = -90; while (x < sn_start_point) x = x + incrementor; sn_start_point = x; double sn_stop_point = Math.ceil(north); x = 90; while (x > sn_stop_point) x = x - incrementor; sn_stop_point = x; if (sn_stop_point > 90) { sn_stop_point = 90; } if (sn_start_point < -90) { sn_start_point = -90; } return new double[]{sn_start_point, sn_stop_point}; } else { //hmm start at origin, add inc until we go too far, then back off, go to the next zoom level double sn_start_point = -90; if (south > 0) { sn_start_point = 0; } double sn_stop_point = 90; if (north < 0) { sn_stop_point = 0; } for (int xx = 2; xx <= zoom; xx++) { double inc = getIncrementor(xx); while (sn_start_point < south - inc) { sn_start_point += inc; if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("south " + sn_start_point); } } while (sn_stop_point > north + inc) { sn_stop_point -= inc; if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("north " + sn_stop_point); } } } return new double[]{sn_start_point, sn_stop_point}; } } /** * gets the start and stop point for a longitude line * * @param west * @param east * @param zoom * @return */ private static double[] getStartEndPointsWE(double west, double east, int zoom) { double incrementor = getIncrementor(zoom); //brute force when zoom is less than 10 if (zoom < 10) { double we_startpoint = Math.floor(west); double x = 180; while (x > we_startpoint) x = x - incrementor; we_startpoint = x; //System.out.println("WS " + we_startpoint); double ws_stoppoint = Math.ceil(east); x = -180; while (x < ws_stoppoint) x = x + incrementor; if (we_startpoint < -180) { we_startpoint = -180; } if (ws_stoppoint > 180) { ws_stoppoint = 180; } return new double[]{ws_stoppoint, we_startpoint}; } else { //hmm start at origin, add inc until we go too far, then back off, go to the next zoom level double west_start_point = -180; if (west > 0) { west_start_point = 0; } double easter_stop_point = 180; if (east < 0) { easter_stop_point = 0; } for (int xx = 2; xx <= zoom; xx++) { double inc = getIncrementor(xx); while (easter_stop_point > east + inc) { easter_stop_point -= inc; //System.out.println("east " + easter_stop_point); } while (west_start_point < west - inc) { west_start_point += inc; if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("west " + west_start_point); } } } if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("return EW set as " + west_start_point + " " + easter_stop_point); } return new double[]{easter_stop_point, west_start_point}; } } /** * this gets the distance in decimal degrees in between each line on the grid based on zoom level. * i had had it at more logical increments (90, 45, 30, etc) but changing to factors of 90 helps visualization * (i.e. when you zoom in on a particular crosshair, the crosshair is still there at the next zoom level, for the most part * * @param zoom mapview's osm zoom level * @return a double indicating the distance in degrees/decimal from which to place the gridlines on screen */ private static double getIncrementor(int zoom) { switch (zoom) { case 0: case 1: return 30d * multiplier; case 2: return 15d * multiplier; case 3: return 9d * multiplier; case 4: return 6d * multiplier; case 5: return 3d * multiplier; case 6: return 2d * multiplier; case 7: return 1d * multiplier; case 8: return 0.5d * multiplier; case 9: return 0.25d * multiplier; /* default: return 0.1d * (1/(Math.pow(2, (10-zoom))));*/ case 10: return 0.1d * multiplier; case 11: return 0.05d * multiplier; case 12: return 0.025d * multiplier; case 13: return 0.0125d * multiplier; case 14: return 0.00625d * multiplier; case 15: return 0.003125d * multiplier; case 16: return 0.0015625 * multiplier; case 17: return 0.00078125 * multiplier; case 18: return 0.000390625 * multiplier; case 19: return 0.0001953125 * multiplier; case 20: return 0.00009765625 * multiplier; case 21: return 0.000048828125 * multiplier; default: return 0.0000244140625 * multiplier; } } /** * resets the settings * @since 5.6.3 */ public static void setDefaults() { lineColor = Color.BLACK; fontColor=Color.WHITE; backgroundColor=Color.BLACK; lineWidth = 1f; fontSizeDp=32; DEBUG=false; DEBUG2=false; } }