package org.osmdroid.views.overlay; /** * * * Puts a scale bar in the top-left corner of the screen, offset by a configurable * number of pixels. The bar is scaled to 1-inch length by querying for the physical * DPI of the screen. The size of the bar is printed between the tick marks. A * vertical (longitude) scale can be enabled. Scale is printed in metric (kilometers, * meters), imperial (miles, feet) and nautical (nautical miles, feet). * * Author: Erik Burrows, Griffin Systems LLC * * * Change Log: * 2010-10-08: Inclusion to osmdroid trunk * 2015-12-17: Allow for top, bottom, left or right placement by W. Strickling * * Usage: * <code> * MapView map = new MapView(...); * ScaleBarOverlay scaleBar = new ScaleBarOverlay(map); // Thiw is an important change of calling! * * map.getOverlays().add(scaleBar); * </code> * * To Do List: * 1. Allow for top, bottom, left or right placement. // done in this changement * 2. Scale bar to precise displayed scale text after rounding. * */ import java.lang.reflect.Field; import org.osmdroid.api.IGeoPoint; import org.osmdroid.library.R; import org.osmdroid.util.GeoPoint; import org.osmdroid.util.constants.GeoConstants; import org.osmdroid.views.MapView; import org.osmdroid.views.Projection; import android.content.Context; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.util.DisplayMetrics; import android.view.WindowManager; public class ScaleBarOverlay extends Overlay implements GeoConstants { // =========================================================== // Fields // =========================================================== private static final Rect sTextBoundsRect = new Rect(); public enum UnitsOfMeasure { metric, imperial, nautical } // Defaults int xOffset = 10; int yOffset = 10; int minZoom = 0; UnitsOfMeasure unitsOfMeasure = UnitsOfMeasure.metric; boolean latitudeBar = true; boolean longitudeBar = false; protected boolean alignBottom = false; protected boolean alignRight = false; // Internal private Context context; private MapView mMapView; protected final Path barPath = new Path(); protected final Rect latitudeBarRect = new Rect(); protected final Rect longitudeBarRect = new Rect(); private int lastZoomLevel = -1; private double lastLatitude = 0.0; public float xdpi; public float ydpi; public int screenWidth; public int screenHeight; private Paint barPaint; private Paint bgPaint; private Paint textPaint; private boolean centred = false; private boolean adjustLength = false; private float maxLength; // =========================================================== // Constructors // =========================================================== public ScaleBarOverlay(final MapView mapView) { super(); this.mMapView = mapView; this.context = mapView.getContext(); final DisplayMetrics dm = context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics(); this.barPaint = new Paint(); this.barPaint.setColor(Color.BLACK); this.barPaint.setAntiAlias(true); this.barPaint.setStyle(Style.STROKE); this.barPaint.setAlpha(255); this.barPaint.setStrokeWidth(2 * dm.density); this.bgPaint = null; this.textPaint = new Paint(); this.textPaint.setColor(Color.BLACK); this.textPaint.setAntiAlias(true); this.textPaint.setStyle(Style.FILL); this.textPaint.setAlpha(255); this.textPaint.setTextSize(10 * dm.density); this.xdpi = dm.xdpi; this.ydpi = dm.ydpi; this.screenWidth = dm.widthPixels; this.screenHeight = dm.heightPixels; // DPI corrections for specific models String manufacturer = null; try { final Field field = android.os.Build.class.getField("MANUFACTURER"); manufacturer = (String) field.get(null); } catch (final Exception ignore) { } if ("motorola".equals(manufacturer) && "DROIDX".equals(android.os.Build.MODEL)) { // If the screen is rotated, flip the x and y dpi values WindowManager windowManager = (WindowManager) this.context .getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE); if (windowManager.getDefaultDisplay().getOrientation() > 0) { this.xdpi = (float) (this.screenWidth / 3.75); this.ydpi = (float) (this.screenHeight / 2.1); } else { this.xdpi = (float) (this.screenWidth / 2.1); this.ydpi = (float) (this.screenHeight / 3.75); } } else if ("motorola".equals(manufacturer) && "Droid".equals(android.os.Build.MODEL)) { // this.xdpi = 264; this.ydpi = 264; } // set default max length to 1 inch maxLength = 2.54f; } // =========================================================== // Getter & Setter // =========================================================== /** * Sets the minimum zoom level for the scale bar to be drawn. * * @param zoom * minimum zoom level */ public void setMinZoom(final int zoom) { this.minZoom = zoom; } /** * Sets the scale bar screen offset for the bar. Note: if the bar is set to be drawn centered, * this will be the middle of the bar, otherwise the top left corner. * * @param x * x screen offset * @param y * z screen offset */ public void setScaleBarOffset(final int x, final int y) { xOffset = x; yOffset = y; } /** * Sets the bar's line width. (the default is 2) * * @param width * the new line width */ public void setLineWidth(final float width) { this.barPaint.setStrokeWidth(width); } /** * Sets the text size. (the default is 12) * * @param size * the new text size */ public void setTextSize(final float size) { this.textPaint.setTextSize(size); } /** * Sets the units of measure to be shown in the scale bar */ public void setUnitsOfMeasure(UnitsOfMeasure unitsOfMeasure) { this.unitsOfMeasure = unitsOfMeasure; lastZoomLevel = -1; // Force redraw of scalebar } /** * Gets the units of measure to be shown in the scale bar */ public UnitsOfMeasure getUnitsOfMeasure() { return unitsOfMeasure; } /** * Latitudinal / horizontal scale bar flag * * @param latitude */ public void drawLatitudeScale(final boolean latitude) { this.latitudeBar = latitude; lastZoomLevel = -1; // Force redraw of scalebar } /** * Longitudinal / vertical scale bar flag * * @param longitude */ public void drawLongitudeScale(final boolean longitude) { this.longitudeBar = longitude; lastZoomLevel = -1; // Force redraw of scalebar } /** * Flag to draw the bar centered around the set offset coordinates or to the right/bottom of the * coordinates (default) * * @param centred * set true to centre the bar around the given screen coordinates */ public void setCentred(final boolean centred) { this.centred = centred; alignBottom = !centred; alignRight = !centred; lastZoomLevel = -1; // Force redraw of scalebar } public void setAlignBottom(final boolean alignBottom) { this.centred = false; this.alignBottom = alignBottom; lastZoomLevel = -1; // Force redraw of scalebar } public void setAlignRight(final boolean alignRight) { this.centred = false; this.alignRight = alignRight; lastZoomLevel = -1; // Force redraw of scalebar } /** * Return's the paint used to draw the bar * * @return the paint used to draw the bar */ public Paint getBarPaint() { return barPaint; } /** * Sets the paint for drawing the bar * * @param pBarPaint * bar drawing paint */ public void setBarPaint(final Paint pBarPaint) { if (pBarPaint == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("pBarPaint argument cannot be null"); } barPaint = pBarPaint; lastZoomLevel = -1; // Force redraw of scalebar } /** * Returns the paint used to draw the text * * @return the paint used to draw the text */ public Paint getTextPaint() { return textPaint; } /** * Sets the paint for drawing the text * * @param pTextPaint * text drawing paint */ public void setTextPaint(final Paint pTextPaint) { if (pTextPaint == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("pTextPaint argument cannot be null"); } textPaint = pTextPaint; lastZoomLevel = -1; // Force redraw of scalebar } /** * Sets the background paint. Set to null to disable drawing of background (default) * * @param pBgPaint * the paint for colouring the bar background */ public void setBackgroundPaint(final Paint pBgPaint) { bgPaint = pBgPaint; lastZoomLevel = -1; // Force redraw of scalebar } /** * If enabled, the bar will automatically adjust the length to reflect a round number (starting * with 1, 2 or 5). If disabled, the bar will always be drawn in full length representing a * fractional distance. */ public void setEnableAdjustLength(boolean adjustLength) { this.adjustLength = adjustLength; lastZoomLevel = -1; // Force redraw of scalebar } /** * Sets the maximum bar length. If adjustLength is disabled this will match exactly the length * of the bar. If adjustLength is enabled, the bar will be shortened to reflect a round number * in length. * * @param pMaxLengthInCm * maximum length of the bar in the screen in cm. Default is 2.54 (=1 inch) */ public void setMaxLength(final float pMaxLengthInCm) { this.maxLength = pMaxLengthInCm; lastZoomLevel = -1; // Force redraw of scalebar } // =========================================================== // Methods from SuperClass/Interfaces // =========================================================== @Override public void draw(Canvas c, MapView mapView, boolean shadow) { if (shadow) { return; } // If map view is animating, don't update, scale will be wrong. if (mapView.isAnimating()) { return; } final int zoomLevel = mapView.getZoomLevel(); if (zoomLevel >= minZoom) { final Projection projection = mapView.getProjection(); if (projection == null) { return; } screenWidth = mapView.getWidth(); screenHeight = mapView.getHeight(); final IGeoPoint center = projection.fromPixels(screenWidth / 2, screenHeight / 2, null); if (zoomLevel != lastZoomLevel || (int) center.getLatitude() != (int) lastLatitude) { lastZoomLevel = zoomLevel; lastLatitude = center.getLatitude(); rebuildBarPath(projection); } int offsetX = (int) xOffset; int offsetY = (int) yOffset; if (alignBottom) offsetY *=-1; if (alignRight ) offsetX *=-1; if (centred && latitudeBar) offsetX += -latitudeBarRect.width() / 2; if (centred && longitudeBar) offsetY += -longitudeBarRect.height() / 2;; c.concat(projection.getInvertedScaleRotateCanvasMatrix()); c.translate(offsetX, offsetY); if (latitudeBar && bgPaint != null) c.drawRect(latitudeBarRect, bgPaint); if (longitudeBar && bgPaint != null) { // Don't draw on top of latitude background... int offsetTop = latitudeBar ? latitudeBarRect.height() : 0; c.drawRect(longitudeBarRect.left, + offsetTop, longitudeBarRect.right, longitudeBarRect.bottom, bgPaint); } c.drawPath(barPath, barPaint); if (latitudeBar) { drawLatitudeText(c, projection); } if (longitudeBar) { drawLongitudeText(c, projection); } c.restore(); } } // =========================================================== // Methods // =========================================================== public void disableScaleBar() { setEnabled(false); } public void enableScaleBar() { setEnabled(true); } private void drawLatitudeText(final Canvas canvas, final Projection projection) { // calculate dots per centimeter int xdpcm = (int) ((float) xdpi / 2.54); // get length in pixel int xLen = (int) (maxLength * xdpcm); // Two points, xLen apart, at scale bar screen location IGeoPoint p1 = projection.fromPixels((screenWidth / 2) - (xLen / 2), yOffset, null); IGeoPoint p2 = projection.fromPixels((screenWidth / 2) + (xLen / 2), yOffset, null); // get distance in meters between points final int xMeters = ((GeoPoint) p1).distanceTo(p2); // get adjusted distance, shortened to the next lower number starting with 1, 2 or 5 final double xMetersAdjusted = this.adjustLength ? adjustScaleBarLength(xMeters) : xMeters; // get adjusted length in pixels final int xBarLengthPixels = (int) (xLen * xMetersAdjusted / xMeters); // create text final String xMsg = scaleBarLengthText((int) xMetersAdjusted); textPaint.getTextBounds(xMsg, 0, xMsg.length(), sTextBoundsRect); final int xTextSpacing = (int) (sTextBoundsRect.height() / 5.0); float x = xBarLengthPixels / 2 - sTextBoundsRect.width() / 2; if (alignRight) x+= screenWidth -xBarLengthPixels; float y; if (alignBottom) { y = screenHeight -xTextSpacing*2; } else y = sTextBoundsRect.height() + xTextSpacing; canvas.drawText(xMsg, x, y, textPaint); } private void drawLongitudeText(final Canvas canvas, final Projection projection) { // calculate dots per centimeter int ydpcm = (int) ((float) ydpi / 2.54); // get length in pixel int yLen = (int) (maxLength * ydpcm); // Two points, yLen apart, at scale bar screen location IGeoPoint p1 = projection .fromPixels(screenWidth / 2, (screenHeight / 2) - (yLen / 2), null); IGeoPoint p2 = projection .fromPixels(screenWidth / 2, (screenHeight / 2) + (yLen / 2), null); // get distance in meters between points final int yMeters = ((GeoPoint) p1).distanceTo(p2); // get adjusted distance, shortened to the next lower number starting with 1, 2 or 5 final double yMetersAdjusted = this.adjustLength ? adjustScaleBarLength(yMeters) : yMeters; // get adjusted length in pixels final int yBarLengthPixels = (int) (yLen * yMetersAdjusted / yMeters); // create text final String yMsg = scaleBarLengthText((int) yMetersAdjusted); textPaint.getTextBounds(yMsg, 0, yMsg.length(), sTextBoundsRect); final int yTextSpacing = (int) (sTextBoundsRect.height() / 5.0); float x; if (alignRight) {x = screenWidth -yTextSpacing*2;} else x = sTextBoundsRect.height() + yTextSpacing; float y = yBarLengthPixels / 2 + sTextBoundsRect.width() / 2; if (alignBottom) y+= screenHeight -yBarLengthPixels;; canvas.rotate(-90, x, y); canvas.drawText(yMsg, x, y, textPaint); canvas.restore(); } protected void rebuildBarPath(final Projection projection) { //** modified to protected // We want the scale bar to be as long as the closest round-number miles/kilometers // to 1-inch at the latitude at the current center of the screen. // calculate dots per centimeter int xdpcm = (int) ((float) xdpi / 2.54); int ydpcm = (int) ((float) ydpi / 2.54); // get length in pixel int xLen = (int) (maxLength * xdpcm); int yLen = (int) (maxLength * ydpcm); // Two points, xLen apart, at scale bar screen location IGeoPoint p1 = projection.fromPixels((screenWidth / 2) - (xLen / 2), yOffset, null); IGeoPoint p2 = projection.fromPixels((screenWidth / 2) + (xLen / 2), yOffset, null); // get distance in meters between points final int xMeters = ((GeoPoint) p1).distanceTo(p2); // get adjusted distance, shortened to the next lower number starting with 1, 2 or 5 final double xMetersAdjusted = this.adjustLength ? adjustScaleBarLength(xMeters) : xMeters; // get adjusted length in pixels final int xBarLengthPixels = (int) (xLen * xMetersAdjusted / xMeters); // Two points, yLen apart, at scale bar screen location p1 = projection.fromPixels(screenWidth / 2, (screenHeight / 2) - (yLen / 2), null); p2 = projection.fromPixels(screenWidth / 2, (screenHeight / 2) + (yLen / 2), null); // get distance in meters between points final int yMeters = ((GeoPoint) p1).distanceTo(p2); // get adjusted distance, shortened to the next lower number starting with 1, 2 or 5 final double yMetersAdjusted = this.adjustLength ? adjustScaleBarLength(yMeters) : yMeters; // get adjusted length in pixels final int yBarLengthPixels = (int) (yLen * yMetersAdjusted / yMeters); // create text final String xMsg = scaleBarLengthText((int) xMetersAdjusted); final Rect xTextRect = new Rect(); textPaint.getTextBounds(xMsg, 0, xMsg.length(), xTextRect); int xTextSpacing = (int) (xTextRect.height() / 5.0); // create text final String yMsg = scaleBarLengthText((int) yMetersAdjusted); final Rect yTextRect = new Rect(); textPaint.getTextBounds(yMsg, 0, yMsg.length(), yTextRect); int yTextSpacing = (int) (yTextRect.height() / 5.0); int xTextHeight = xTextRect.height(); int yTextHeight = yTextRect.height(); barPath.rewind(); //** alignBottom ad-ons int barOriginX = 0; int barOriginY = 0; int barToX = xBarLengthPixels; int barToY = yBarLengthPixels; if (alignBottom) { xTextSpacing *= -1; xTextHeight *= -1; barOriginY = mMapView.getHeight(); barToY = barOriginY -yBarLengthPixels; } if (alignRight) { yTextSpacing *= -1; yTextHeight *= -1; barOriginX = mMapView.getWidth(); barToX = barOriginX -xBarLengthPixels; } if (latitudeBar) { // draw latitude bar barPath.moveTo(barToX, barOriginY +xTextHeight + xTextSpacing * 2); barPath.lineTo(barToX, barOriginY); barPath.lineTo(barOriginX, barOriginY); if (!longitudeBar) { barPath.lineTo(barOriginX, barOriginY +xTextHeight + xTextSpacing * 2); } latitudeBarRect.set(barOriginX, barOriginY, barToX, barOriginY +xTextHeight + xTextSpacing * 2); } if (longitudeBar) { // draw longitude bar if (!latitudeBar) { barPath.moveTo(barOriginX +yTextHeight + yTextSpacing * 2, barOriginY); barPath.lineTo(barOriginX, barOriginY); } barPath.lineTo(barOriginX, barToY); barPath.lineTo(barOriginX +yTextHeight + yTextSpacing * 2, barToY); longitudeBarRect.set(barOriginX, barOriginY, barOriginX +yTextHeight + yTextSpacing * 2, barToY); } } /** * Returns a reduced length that starts with 1, 2 or 5 and trailing zeros. If set to nautical or * imperial the input will be transformed before and after the reduction so that the result * holds in that respective unit. * * @param length * length to round * @return reduced, rounded (in m, nm or mi depending on setting) result */ private double adjustScaleBarLength(double length) { long pow = 0; boolean feet = false; if (unitsOfMeasure == UnitsOfMeasure.imperial) { if (length >= GeoConstants.METERS_PER_STATUTE_MILE / 5) length = length / GeoConstants.METERS_PER_STATUTE_MILE; else { length = length * GeoConstants.FEET_PER_METER; feet = true; } } else if (unitsOfMeasure == UnitsOfMeasure.nautical) { if (length >= GeoConstants.METERS_PER_NAUTICAL_MILE / 5) length = length / GeoConstants.METERS_PER_NAUTICAL_MILE; else { length = length * GeoConstants.FEET_PER_METER; feet = true; } } while (length >= 10) { pow++; length /= 10; } while (length < 1 && length > 0) { pow--; length *= 10; } if (length < 2) { length = 1; } else if (length < 5) { length = 2; } else { length = 5; } if (feet) length = length / GeoConstants.FEET_PER_METER; else if (unitsOfMeasure == UnitsOfMeasure.imperial) length = length * GeoConstants.METERS_PER_STATUTE_MILE; else if (unitsOfMeasure == UnitsOfMeasure.nautical) length = length * GeoConstants.METERS_PER_NAUTICAL_MILE; length *= Math.pow(10, pow); return length; } protected String scaleBarLengthText(final int meters) { switch (unitsOfMeasure) { default: case metric: if (meters >= 1000 * 5) { return context.getResources().getString(R.string.format_distance_kilometers,(meters / 1000)); } else if (meters >= 1000 / 5) { return context.getResources().getString(R.string.format_distance_kilometers, (int) (meters / 100.0) / 10.0); } else { return context.getResources().getString(R.string.format_distance_meters, meters); } case imperial: if (meters >= METERS_PER_STATUTE_MILE * 5) { return context.getResources().getString(R.string.format_distance_miles, (int) (meters / METERS_PER_STATUTE_MILE)); } else if (meters >= METERS_PER_STATUTE_MILE / 5) { return context.getResources().getString(R.string.format_distance_miles, ((int) (meters / (METERS_PER_STATUTE_MILE / 10.0))) / 10.0); } else { return context.getResources().getString(R.string.format_distance_feet, (int) (meters * FEET_PER_METER)); } case nautical: if (meters >= METERS_PER_NAUTICAL_MILE * 5) { return context.getResources().getString(R.string.format_distance_nautical_miles, ((int) (meters / METERS_PER_NAUTICAL_MILE))); } else if (meters >= METERS_PER_NAUTICAL_MILE / 5) { return context.getResources().getString(R.string.format_distance_nautical_miles, (((int) (meters / (METERS_PER_NAUTICAL_MILE / 10.0))) / 10.0)); } else { return context.getResources().getString(R.string.format_distance_feet, ((int) (meters * FEET_PER_METER))); } } } @Override public void onDetach(MapView mapView){ this.context=null; this.mMapView=null; barPaint=null; bgPaint=null; textPaint=null; } }