package org.osmdroid.tileprovider.tilesource; import android.content.Context; import org.osmdroid.tileprovider.MapTile; import org.osmdroid.tileprovider.util.ManifestUtil; /** * HERE We Go * @since 5.3 * Created by alex on 8/11/16. */ public class HEREWeGoTileSource extends OnlineTileSourceBase { /** the meta data key in the manifest */ //<meta-data android:name="HEREWEGO_MAPID" android:value="YOUR KEY" /> private static final String HEREWEGO_MAPID = "HEREWEGO_MAPID"; //<meta-data android:name="HEREWEGO_ACCESS_TOKEN" android:value="YOUR TOKEN" /> private static final String HEREWEGO_APPID = "HEREWEGO_APPID"; //<meta-data android:name="HEREWEGO_APPCODE" android:value="YOUR TOKEN" /> private static final String APPCODE = "HEREWEGO_APPCODE"; //<meta-data android:name="HEREWEGO_DOMAIN_OVERRIDE" android:value="" /> private static final String HEREWEGO_DOMAIN_OVERRIDE = "HEREWEGO_OVERRIDE"; private static final String[] mapBoxBaseUrl = new String[]{ "http://1.{domain}/maptile/2.1/maptile/newest/", "http://2.{domain}/maptile/2.1/maptile/newest/", "http://3.{domain}/maptile/2.1/maptile/newest/", "http://4.{domain}/maptile/2.1/maptile/newest/"}; private String herewegoMapId = ""; private String appId =""; private String appCode=""; private String domainOverride = ""; /** * Creates a MapBox TileSource. You won't be able to use it until you set the access token and map id. * */ public HEREWeGoTileSource() { super("herewego", 1, 20, 256, ".png", mapBoxBaseUrl, "© 1987 - 2017 HERE. All rights reserved."); } /** * creates a new mapbox tile source, loading the access token and mapid from the manifest * @param ctx * @since 5.1 */ public HEREWeGoTileSource(final Context ctx) { super("herewego", 1, 20, 256, ".png", mapBoxBaseUrl,"© 1987 - 2017 HERE. All rights reserved."); retrieveAppId(ctx); retrieveMapBoxMapId(ctx); retrieveAppCode(ctx); retrieveDomainOverride(ctx); //this line will ensure uniqueness in the tile cache mName="herewego"+ herewegoMapId; } private void retrieveDomainOverride(final Context aContext) { String temp = ManifestUtil.retrieveKey(aContext, HEREWEGO_DOMAIN_OVERRIDE); if (temp!=null && temp.length()>0) domainOverride=temp; } public void setDomainOverride(String hostname){ domainOverride = hostname; } /** * creates a new mapbox tile source, using the specified access token and mapbox id * @param mapboxid * @param accesstoken * @since 5.1 */ public HEREWeGoTileSource(final String herewegoMapId, final String accesstoken, final String appCode) { super("herewego"+herewegoMapId, 1, 20, 256, ".png", mapBoxBaseUrl,"© 1987 - 2017 HERE. All rights reserved."); this.appId =accesstoken; this.herewegoMapId =herewegoMapId; this.appCode = appCode; } /** * TileSource allowing majority of options (sans url) to be user selected. * <br> <b>Warning, the static method {@link #retrieveMapBoxMapId(android.content.Context)} should have been invoked once before constructor invocation</b> * @param name Name * @param zoomMinLevel Minimum Zoom Level * @param zoomMaxLevel Maximum Zoom Level * @param tileSizePixels Size of Tile Pixels * @param imageFilenameEnding Image File Extension */ public HEREWeGoTileSource(String name, int zoomMinLevel, int zoomMaxLevel, int tileSizePixels, String imageFilenameEnding) { super(name, zoomMinLevel, zoomMaxLevel, tileSizePixels, imageFilenameEnding, mapBoxBaseUrl,"© 1987 - 2017 HERE. All rights reserved."); } /** * TileSource allowing all options to be user selected. * <br> <b>Warning, the static method {@link #retrieveMapBoxMapId(android.content.Context)} should have been invoked once before constructor invocation</b> * @param name Name * @param zoomMinLevel Minimum Zoom Level * @param zoomMaxLevel Maximum Zoom Level * @param tileSizePixels Size of Tile Pixels * @param imageFilenameEnding Image File Extension * @param mapBoxVersionBaseUrl MapBox Version Base Url @see */ public HEREWeGoTileSource(String name, int zoomMinLevel, int zoomMaxLevel, int tileSizePixels, String imageFilenameEnding, String mapBoxMapId, String mapBoxVersionBaseUrl) { super(name, zoomMinLevel, zoomMaxLevel, tileSizePixels, imageFilenameEnding, new String[] { mapBoxVersionBaseUrl },"© 1987 - 2017 HERE. All rights reserved."); } public final void retrieveAppCode(final Context aContext){ // Retrieve the MapId from the Manifest appCode = ManifestUtil.retrieveKey(aContext, APPCODE); } /** * Reads the mapbox map id from the manifest.<br> */ public final void retrieveMapBoxMapId(final Context aContext) { // Retrieve the MapId from the Manifest herewegoMapId = ManifestUtil.retrieveKey(aContext, HEREWEGO_MAPID); } /** * Reads the access token from the manifest. */ public final void retrieveAppId(final Context aContext) { // Retrieve the MapId from the Manifest appId = ManifestUtil.retrieveKey(aContext, HEREWEGO_APPID); } public void setHereWeGoMapid(String key){ herewegoMapId =key; mName="herewego"+ herewegoMapId; } public String getHerewegoMapId() { return herewegoMapId; } @Override public String getTileURLString(final MapTile aMapTile) { StringBuilder url = new StringBuilder(getBaseUrl().replace("{domain}",domainOverride)); url.append(getHerewegoMapId()); url.append("/"); url.append(aMapTile.getZoomLevel()); url.append("/"); url.append(aMapTile.getX()); url.append("/"); url.append(aMapTile.getY()); url.append("/").append(getTileSizePixels()).append("/png8?"); url.append("app_id=").append(getAppId()); url.append("&app_code=").append(getAppCode()); url.append("&lg=pt-BR"); String res = url.toString(); //System.out.println(res); return res; } public String getAppId() { return appId; } public void setAppId(String accessTokeninput) { appId = accessTokeninput; } public String getAppCode() { return appCode; } public void setAppCode(String appCode) { this.appCode = appCode; } }