package org.osmdroid.config; /** * Singleton class to get/set a configuration provider for osmdroid * <a href="">Issue 481</a> * Created on 11/29/2016. * @author Alex O'Ree * @see org.osmdroid.tileprovider.constants.OpenStreetMapTileProviderConstants */ public class Configuration { private static IConfigurationProvider ref; /** * gets the current reference to the config provider. * if one hasn't been set yet, the default provider and default configuration will be used * * @return */ public static synchronized IConfigurationProvider getInstance() { if (ref==null) ref = new DefaultConfigurationProvider(); return ref; } /** * Note, this should be called before any instances of MapView are created (either programmatically * or via android's inflater * * @see android.view.LayoutInflater * @param instance */ public static void setConfigurationProvider(IConfigurationProvider instance){ ref = instance; } }