package org.osmdroid.views.overlay; import org.osmdroid.tileprovider.MapTileProviderBase; import org.osmdroid.tileprovider.MapTileProviderBasic; import org.osmdroid.tileprovider.tilesource.ITileSource; import org.osmdroid.util.TileSystem; import org.osmdroid.views.MapView; import org.osmdroid.views.Projection; import android.content.Context; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.os.Handler; import android.view.MotionEvent; /** * Draws a mini-map as an overlay layer. It currently uses its own MapTileProviderBasic or a tile * provider supplied to it. Do NOT share a tile provider amongst multiple tile drawing overlays - it * will create an under-sized cache. * * Notice, this class has some problems when the parent map view is rotation enabled. * See for a work around * * @author Marc Kurtz * */ public class MinimapOverlay extends TilesOverlay { private int mWidth = 100; private int mHeight = 100; private int mPadding = 10; private int mZoomDifference; private final Paint mPaint; // The Mercator coordinates of the map tile area we are interested in the target zoom level final private Rect mTileArea = new Rect(); // The Canvas coordinates where the minimap should be drawn final private Rect mMiniMapCanvasRect = new Rect(); // Stores the intersection of the minimap and the Canvas clipping area final private Rect mIntersectionRect = new Rect(); private Projection mProjection; // Prevent allocations during draw private Point mTopLeftMercator = new Point(); private Point mBottomRightMercator = new Point(); /** * Creates a {@link MinimapOverlay} with the supplied tile provider. The {@link Handler} passed * in is typically the same handler being used by the main map. The {@link MapTileProviderBase} * passed in cannot be the same tile provider used in the {@link TilesOverlay}, it must be a new * instance. * * @param pContext * a context * @param pTileRequestCompleteHandler * a handler for the tile request complete notifications * @param pTileProvider * a tile provider */ public MinimapOverlay(final Context pContext, final Handler pTileRequestCompleteHandler, final MapTileProviderBase pTileProvider, final int pZoomDifference) { super(pTileProvider, pContext); setZoomDifference(pZoomDifference); mTileProvider.setTileRequestCompleteHandler(pTileRequestCompleteHandler); // Don't draw loading lines in the minimap setLoadingLineColor(getLoadingBackgroundColor()); // Scale the default size final float density = pContext.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density; mWidth *= density; mHeight *= density; mPaint = new Paint(); mPaint.setColor(Color.GRAY); mPaint.setStyle(Style.FILL); mPaint.setStrokeWidth(2); } /** * Creates a {@link MinimapOverlay} with the supplied tile provider. The {@link Handler} passed * in is typically the same handler being used by the main map. The {@link MapTileProviderBase} * passed in cannot be the same tile provider used in the {@link TilesOverlay}, it must be a new * instance. * * @param pContext * a context * @param pTileRequestCompleteHandler * a handler for the tile request complete notifications * @param pTileProvider * a tile provider */ public MinimapOverlay(final Context pContext, final Handler pTileRequestCompleteHandler, final MapTileProviderBase pTileProvider) { this(pContext, pTileRequestCompleteHandler, pTileProvider, DEFAULT_ZOOMLEVEL_MINIMAP_DIFFERENCE); } /** * Creates a {@link MinimapOverlay} that uses its own {@link MapTileProviderBasic}. The * {@link Handler} passed in is typically the same handler being used by the main map. * * @param pContext * a context * @param pTileRequestCompleteHandler * a handler for tile request complete notifications */ public MinimapOverlay(final Context pContext, final Handler pTileRequestCompleteHandler) { this(pContext, pTileRequestCompleteHandler, new MapTileProviderBasic(pContext)); } public void setTileSource(final ITileSource pTileSource) { mTileProvider.setTileSource(pTileSource); } public int getZoomDifference() { return mZoomDifference; } public void setZoomDifference(final int zoomDifference) { mZoomDifference = zoomDifference; } @Override public void draw(Canvas c, MapView osmv, boolean shadow) { if (shadow) { return; } // Don't draw if we are animating if (osmv.isAnimating()) { return; } mProjection = osmv.getProjection(); final int zoomLevel = mProjection.getZoomLevel(); // Save the Mercator coordinates of what is on the screen Rect screenRect = mProjection.getScreenRect(); mProjection.toMercatorPixels(screenRect.left,, mTopLeftMercator); mProjection.toMercatorPixels(screenRect.right, screenRect.bottom, mBottomRightMercator); mTileArea.set(mTopLeftMercator.x, mTopLeftMercator.y, mBottomRightMercator.x, mBottomRightMercator.y); // Get the target zoom level difference. int miniMapZoomLevelDifference = getZoomDifference(); // Make sure the zoom level difference isn't below the minimum zoom level if (zoomLevel - getZoomDifference() < mTileProvider.getMinimumZoomLevel()) { miniMapZoomLevelDifference += zoomLevel - getZoomDifference() - mTileProvider.getMinimumZoomLevel(); } // Shift the screen coordinates into the target zoom level mTileArea.set(mTileArea.left >> miniMapZoomLevelDifference, >> miniMapZoomLevelDifference, mTileArea.right >> miniMapZoomLevelDifference, mTileArea.bottom >> miniMapZoomLevelDifference); // Limit the area we are interested in for tiles to be the MAP_WIDTH by MAP_HEIGHT and // centered on the center of the screen mTileArea.set(mTileArea.centerX() - (getWidth() / 2), mTileArea.centerY() - (getHeight() / 2), mTileArea.centerX() + (getWidth() / 2), mTileArea.centerY() + (getHeight() / 2)); // Get the area where we will draw the minimap in screen coordinates mMiniMapCanvasRect.set(screenRect.right - getPadding() - getWidth(), screenRect.bottom - getPadding() - getHeight(), screenRect.right - getPadding(), screenRect.bottom - getPadding()); // Draw a solid background where the minimap will be drawn with a 2 pixel inset c.drawRect(mMiniMapCanvasRect.left - 2, - 2, mMiniMapCanvasRect.right + 2, mMiniMapCanvasRect.bottom + 2, mPaint); super.drawTiles(c, mProjection, mProjection.getZoomLevel() - miniMapZoomLevelDifference, TileSystem.getTileSize(), mTileArea); } @Override protected void onTileReadyToDraw(final Canvas c, final Drawable currentMapTile, final Rect tileRect) { // Get the offsets for where to draw the tiles relative to where the minimap is located final int xOffset = (tileRect.left - mTileArea.left) + (mMiniMapCanvasRect.left); final int yOffset = ( - + (; // Set the drawable's location currentMapTile.setBounds(xOffset, yOffset, xOffset + tileRect.width(), yOffset + tileRect.height()); // Save the current clipping bounds; // Check to see if the drawing area intersects with the minimap area if (mIntersectionRect.setIntersect(c.getClipBounds(), mMiniMapCanvasRect)) { // If so, then clip that area c.clipRect(mIntersectionRect); // Draw the tile, which will be appropriately clipped currentMapTile.draw(c); } c.restore(); } @Override public boolean onSingleTapUp(final MotionEvent pEvent, final MapView pMapView) { // Consume event so layers underneath don't receive if (mMiniMapCanvasRect.contains((int) pEvent.getX(), (int) pEvent.getY())) { return true; } return false; } @Override public boolean onDoubleTap(final MotionEvent pEvent, final MapView pMapView) { // Consume event so layers underneath don't receive if (mMiniMapCanvasRect.contains((int) pEvent.getX(), (int) pEvent.getY())) { return true; } return false; } @Override public boolean onLongPress(final MotionEvent pEvent, final MapView pMapView) { // Consume event so layers underneath don't receive if (mMiniMapCanvasRect.contains((int) pEvent.getX(), (int) pEvent.getY())) { return true; } return false; } @Override public boolean isOptionsMenuEnabled() { // Don't provide menu items from TilesOverlay. return false; } /** * Sets the width of the mini-map in pixels * * @param width * the width to set in pixels */ public void setWidth(final int width) { mWidth = width; } /** * Gets the width of the mini-map in pixels * * @return the width in pixels */ public int getWidth() { return mWidth; } /** * Sets the height of the mini-map in pixels * * @param height * the height to set in pixels */ public void setHeight(final int height) { mHeight = height; } /** * Gets the height of the mini-map in pixels * * @return the height in pixels */ public int getHeight() { return mHeight; } /** * Sets the number of pixels from the lower-right corner to offset the mini-map * * @param padding * the padding to set in pixels */ public void setPadding(final int padding) { mPadding = padding; } /** * Gets the number of pixels from the lower-right corner to offset the mini-map * * @return the padding in pixels */ public int getPadding() { return mPadding; } }